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Old 08-08-2010, 05:28 PM   #31  
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Yesterday, we went out to the country to visit friends and had a BBQ dinner as well. We took our dear Fido out so that their grandson could play with him as he is up for a summer holiday; they got along so well -- just like old pals. Kiddies and dogs; dogs and kiddies -- they just adore each other!!!

And, what a lovely day we had today -- we packed a small lunch and went out fishing for the afternoon ... and I was the only one who caught a fish! It was a young one about 18" long, so I set him free (catch & release) so that he can continue to grow for the future ... A perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon; now DH is conked from the and he is having a nap before dinner ...

We have had a mix of and for the last few days and RAINBOWS every day and yesterday, we had 4 or 5 in one day; never seen that before (I even got some pictures).

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend; and a pleasant week coming up -- take good care now ... Rosebud
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Old 08-11-2010, 06:35 PM   #32  
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HI LADIES ~ This has been another week for us; but at least it's not in the 90's, just the 80's, which is much more bearable. I don't mind this near as much. It starts off nice and cool in the night and in the AM, but gets hotter as the afternoon wears on, so by dinnertime, the kitchen is very (and that's even before I even think of starting to cook something) ...

I have been trying to think of things that I can cook quickly that won't heat up the kitchen that much; and have been switching lunch and dinner a few days. I have also been eating a bit lighter and later, and that has helped a lot. I am just trying to make up my mind about dinner right now, as it is getting close to time to make dinner. I think it may be fish of some type with some salad for me and something else for DH.

We have been busy over the last while, but the rest of the week should slow down a bit for me. I have to put my legs up to rest tonight as they are holding water again. I had a visit from TOM two months in row (shocker of shockers for me; ), but it didn't last near as long as last month.

The only thing that I can think of that I am doing differently is that I am taking 2 x 1000 gms of fish oil each week on top of my other supplements. Maybe there is some truth to that there is natural estrogen in the fish and/or fish oil; I think I read that somewhere quite a while ago now.

Think I better keep an eye on my salt intake too; I am keeping to my plan pretty good, but we did have a take-out dinner one night on the weekend, but I still stuck to my limit for the day, as I had eaten lighter earlier on and had some salad with it too, plus I shared half of it with my dear FIDO too!!!

Since then, I brain-stormed on how I can make a better choice next time as well. Planning really is important isn't it? From now on, I have a plan in mind way ahead of time; so hope it works out. I made up a bunch of salad yesterday as well; that way I can just grab it. I also have some premade slaws and I picked up a basket of tomatoes this week for a quick tomato & cuke salad as well.

Gotta go make dinner now. Hope you are all well and having a wonderful week out there; do take good care of yourselves now ... Rosebud
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Old 08-14-2010, 07:34 AM   #33  
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Hello All,

Rosebud - Temps in the 80's do sound so nice, especially after a run of temps in the 90's. I am envious. Here in West TN we are in an EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING that began on Tuesday morning & is in effect til Sunday at 8PM. Thankfully, I'm retired & can get my work around the house done in early AM & then vegetate in the hottest part of the day. I've been living on sandwiches, salads, SF ice cream & things that can be quickly heated in the lots & lots of ice water. A drop into the high 80's is predicted for the middle of next week. I sure hope they are right. Thank God for A/C & fans.
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Old 08-14-2010, 10:20 PM   #34  
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JOYFUL ~ we had another scorcher today; well, it started off with some but by the afternoon Mr. had come out full force and it was so and humid in here that our de-humidifier almost overflowed on us. DH went to empty it and it was so full, he spilled some; and it had only been on for the afternoon. He just emptied it again (half-full already) so I'll get him to empty it again before bed ... it is supposed to turn itself off if it gets full but I'm not taking any chances; we don't want a flood in our bedroom where it is ...

Yes, we are very blessed to have the A/C and fans ...

Just stayed home this weekend and relaxed; did a bit of weeding and then I started to water the garden this AM but then it started to so I didn't need to do it all. So I got some extra exercise in today at least. I heated up leftover bbq chicken in the microwave.

Plus I cooked the other half of my spagetti squash in there too; and it only took 10 minutes, so from now on, I will be doing it in there. No need to heat up the oven for nothing; and amazingly, DH loves it. I just tossed it with a tiny bit of butter and a pinch of salt & pepper -- boy, that stuff is very low in calories, but does it every make you feel full. I'm a convert for sure; now to find a steady supply ...

Time for tea ... so have a lovely, restful Sunday tomorrow everyone ... Rosebud

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Old 08-17-2010, 08:33 PM   #35  
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HI LADIES ~ It has cooled off quite a bit this week so far -- we have had and on and off for the last two days, but my green beans and gladiolas are sure lovin' that; took some pics of them as well.

It is supposed to warm up as the week goes along and will be back up into the mid-80's by the weekend, if they are correct ...

Made a roast chicken with piles of veggies yesterday; and we had some leftovers for dinner tonight ... we love roasted veggies now -- they are sooo filling. Still have lots of veggies leftover for a few more meals and/or soup this week too.

Since it was so wet today, we decided to stay home and did a big cleaning of the house this AM; relaxed and did some reading for awhile this afternoon.

We still hope to get up to our lot this week and maybe try to pick some blueberries too, if we can. Plus, I realized today that I'd better start getting our suitcases ready for our holiday in September too; don't want to leave everything to the last minute as that would be way too nerve-wracking.

Hope you all are having a great week ... Rosebud

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Old 08-20-2010, 10:51 PM   #36  
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WELL, LADIES ~ we are getting to the latter stages of our summer now; and the temps are cooling off nicely for us today (in the 70's most of the day today). Overall, I think it was a very good year really; not as many really hot days as last year (maybe a dozen or so). Nice to have it closer to the way it used to be.

Our garden has done well; my daylilies are all spent now but the gladiolas and brown-eyed Susans and Dianthus are still going strong as is the yellow Cinquefoil Bush. My beans are trying really hard to give us some beans; hope the weather holds out for them.

My Dad & SM are up for a very very short time; moving on to Manitoba to see my youngest sister, then to SM's brother in Calgary, Alberta. Hope they don't run into the smoke out there as BC has lots of fires. Mostly praying for Dad to fight off a bad flu he caught when he was here in June; he has lost some weight but wasn't trying to; not good at his age of 77 yy. We hope & pray they have a wonderful trip; we will be joining them on the way back south later on.

Finally, got our car fixed today ... again; turns out all this time it was a broken exhaust connection; the clamp fell off. This has made us so sick over the last year or so; but so glad it is all fixed for our upcoming holidays. This was the 3rd garage we took it to for the same thing; but DH helped them find the cause so it only cost us $10.61 for the clamp & 10 minutes of labor. Yahoo ...

Hope everyone out there has a wonderful weekend ... Rosebud

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Old 08-24-2010, 07:38 PM   #37  
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HI LADIES ~ Well, it's been a good news; sad news; and odd news day ... The sad news is we found out the reason our old neighbour died (he was only 61 y/o) -- he died of food poisoning. He had bought some Keilbasa sausage meat at our local department store that was bad. He ate it that day and got very sick and died on the way to the hospital. We have been praying for his wife and family ever since. His daughter was so lost; wandering the street crying her heart out -- so very sad; but at least now they know what happened and they have decided to move back to his wife's home town where family and friends and community will help them pick up the pieces of their lives once again.

The odd news is that my Dad & SM came by and informed us that they are not sure my sister NUMPSTER is expecting us as we thought; they think she has the place booked up into September now. I did try to contact her and never got a reply, so was a bit surprised by that. I am going to try and call her in person again to see what is going on as we are starting to feel like a yo-yo here. Gotta get this all sorted out OR we may just go somewhere else for a short holiday instead.

The good news is that we had a lovely day; the was shining with lots of nice breeze all day. Our neighbor out at our lot cut our grass for us as he knew we had to get our car fixed. We were going to go out tomorrow to do that, but my Dad said that we don't need to now.

My Dad looks and sounds better; and they decided to stay here instead of going out west. He said that they may just tour around the north for awhile but that they may stay here another week or so yet. So there's no rush for me to pack after all ...

I felt really hungry yesterday and really kept wanting to munch for some reason; managed to keep my evening snack to proteins and went to bed earlier than usual. I was able to stay under my calorie cap and I'm glad for that at least.

Supposed to be good weather this week, so we may go do something just for the heck of it anyways. Time to make some plans. Take good care now ... Rosebud
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Old 08-27-2010, 04:20 PM   #38  
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I have found this thread kinda late. I am glad to have found it. There are days that I feel really discouraged. I have adult onset myotonic muscular dystrophy. I was diagnosed right before my 30th birthday. It has been 8 years and now more symptoms are appearing every year. I do try and do everything I can by myself. It is hard for me to slow down. I have always been athletic and outdoorsy but having this does limit what I can do anymore.

I do Zumba every week. I do have to modify it a little. I also enjoy working in my garden and I will miss that when it cools down. We have a small herb garden and a good size vegetable garden. We usually can tomatoes and green beans but didn't get to that this year. I will miss those things this winter. We were able to freeze some sweet corn this year.

Sorry if I sound like I am pitying myself. I try not to and just do what I can do.
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Old 08-27-2010, 06:08 PM   #39  
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RED AUTUMN ~ it's never too late to join this thread; I am glad you found it. Your name reminded me that Autumn must be here now or very shortly. Not sure if it officially starts around the 21st or what; guess I could start a new fall thread soon.

Good for you for focusing on the positive -- what you can do; not the limitations. That is really why I started this thread in the first place ~ so that those of us who have some challenges can focus on our successes. We do not perceive ourselves as victims, but as victors or overcomers really.

I am also into gardening; I am picking my green beans right now. So far, I have one large bag, but I will get some more yet. I found that green beans grow well along our west-side beds so will be growing those again for sure. I didn't try tomatoes this year as we can get them for a pretty good price these days. I think that's becuz there are so many more year-round sources than in the past.

We had some earlier today, but the is shining on us full force at this moment. Time to go get dinner ready right now; it is our Friday Fun Night so we are having hamburglers (I am having salad with mine which I prepared yesterday). We had fish last night.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ... Rosebud
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Old 08-30-2010, 03:55 PM   #40  
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Justwant2behealthy~Thanks for the welcome!

It is so dry here. We had planned to plant more green beans. It is a good thing we didn't because they wouldn't have been any good because of the dryness here. Our yard is turning brown. I hate it when it gets like that. We need rain so badly here. I have had to start watering my flowers every night for the last couple weeks.

I did go shopping Saturday so it was good to walk around the mall. I just wish my husband would not keep pointing out when I am limping. I don't notice when I do it and it doesn't bother me, so just let it go. I know he is concerned but the limping really doesn't bother me.

I had a good night last night and a good morning this morning with my kindergartener. I hope she can keep it up this afternoon. She thinks school is boring (they are reveiwing), and doesn't like it. I am hoping in another couple weeks she will like it better. They will start learning more and not reveiwing so much. I am hoping this week will be better than previously. We have had some rough mornings. I thought she was a morning person but after these weeks maybe not.
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Old 08-30-2010, 09:54 PM   #41  
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HI AUTUMN ~ we have been having some terribly days recently ... up into the mid-90's yesterday and high 80's today ... I even felt sick today for a short while; had to start drinking lots of water. I had gone out and picked a basket of beans; and watered the beds just enuff to keep the beans growing and the flowers from dying. I had planted 3 apple trees from some seeds I have and had to separate them into new pots today. Don't know if they can stand our cold winters, but they were free, so why not give them a whirl ...

We had a busy weekend; had friends visit on Saturday night. Then we went out to our lot on Sunday afternoon to visit my Dad & SM. WE stayed for dinner and had a nice bonfire after dark. Sure missed them; we used to have them all the time when we lived in the country, so we are gonna make a nice pit like my Dad did at our place too. Glad they are both starting to feel a bit better too; they have had a good rest and they both needed that too.

I can relate to your child; I found school boring too. I thought what a waste of time, when I could be outside playing in those leaves and enjoying the beautiful fall. They wanted to move me up one grade when I was in grade 3 but since I was already one grade ahead, my Dad was worried about me being with much older kids too soon. So what did they do? They made me the teacher's helper and brought in some new books for me and others to read since we were already finished the year's work by October ...

I use canes to help my legs; I have two matching ones that I use like trekking poles when I want to try and go for longer walk or when the ground is a bit uneven like at our lot. I got the tip from our neighbour who uses two canes too; mine are quite funky modern ones though. Boy, they are sure helping my right knee get better; it's not perfect by any means, but the improvement is amazing. I noticed today that the skin on my right calf is turning back to normal color; just a small area left.

Then, I hope after that the left calf will heal up better too; still lots of healing to go on that leg yet, but "WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!" I am still losing inches; and I am trying to lose weight slower this time as I don't want to gain any back. I noticed today that my toning exercises are doing their job; I can carry a full jug of water for my garden now.

Hope you have a wonderful week coming up; and take good care too ... Rosebud
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:18 PM   #42  
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Well, I think it's time to start a new FALL thread for our group. We had lots of new visitors over the summer -- just wish some of them could have stayed a while longer, but I have a feeling we will have lots more visitors come winter, as that often happens.

The kiddies are back in school this week; and the leaves on some of the trees in our neighborhood are now turning yellow, so that is probably a sign that fall has arrived here in the north.

I will post a link to the new thread -- see you over there ...

Here's a link to our new fall chat thread ...

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Old 01-24-2015, 02:55 PM   #43  
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Hello there, I've been looking for a thread like this, would LOVE to chat and get some advice. I broke my leg back in March, and am partial weight baring now. Starting aquatic therapy tomorrow but only twice a week. I had to spend some $$$ on a stationary recumbant bike this week since the PT wasn't too thrilled at wher I'm at. I was JUST starting to use the elliptical for an hour right before I fell. I know being lighter will be better for my knee to recover. I have put on Comcast On Demand and try to do some of the upper work outs while in my wheelchair but get frustrated and don't know if it's enough, kwim?
Thanks for reading!
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Old 03-27-2023, 09:14 PM   #44  
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Default Insulin therapy is not that scary

I am a patient with diabetes. Like many people, I can't believe that I really got diabetes at a young age. I don't have the so-called symptoms of diabetes, but there is no denying that I am a fat man of more than 200 kg. I went to many hospitals and had numerous examinations. Finally, I could only admit that I did have diabetes. Unable to accept the fact, they had to go to the hospital for treatment. Originally, I thought I could only take some medicine to treat it, but my doctor told me that I needed insulin treatment. a bolt from the blue! I simply can't imagine my future life being accompanied by insulin. The doctor's repeated explanations made me understand that insulin is not a monster in a flood, nor will it accompany me for life. I started my first hospitalization with a skeptical attitude. After admission, I reluctantly accepted insulin pump hypoglycemic treatment under the strong persuasion of the doctor. To my surprise, insulin pump therapy did not bring any special inconvenience to my life, and even allowed me to bathe normally. As blood sugar continues to decline, another worry gradually replaces joy. Am I going to receive insulin treatment for life? After four days, my blood sugar basically returned to normal levels, and I couldn't wait to ask the doctor if I could stop insulin therapy. However, the doctor still asked me to continue insulin and hypoglycemic treatment, which made me feel somewhat depressed. In the following days, I also experienced several episodes of hypoglycemia, and my insulin consumption gradually decreased. A week later, I actually did not need to inject insulin before eating. Ten days later, I was discharged from the hospital without continuing to take insulin. The doctor didn't even let me take an oral pill. My mood can be described more than pleasure. Now that I have been discharged from hospital for more than three months, I have been instructed by the doctor to adjust my diet, exercise more, and keep my blood sugar under good control. I hope I can continue to feel better. I also hope that patients who previously had a bias towards insulin therapy, like me, can receive treatment with peace of mind.

How to Inject Insulin
How insulin works
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