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Old 01-31-2009, 09:10 PM   #1  
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Thumbs up PHYSICAL CHALLENGES ~ February's Thread

WELCOME EVERYONE ~ Please join us in our thread: to give support and encouragement; to share ideas, and/or just chat with one another about everyday issues ...

This special thread is for anyone with any kind of physical obstacle and/or challenge like SB, CP, MS, MD, PK, Lupus, Osteo, Arthritis, Rheumatism, or any other condition (s), whether genetic or acquired (like injuries), that causes some physical limitations and/or difficulties.



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Old 02-01-2009, 06:50 AM   #2  
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Good morning fellow chicks

It is a cloudy morning here but I visited another website this a.m and was reading someone there about 160 miles from me has snow lets hope they do not send it northbound

Made a batch of muffins yesterday then realised afterwards I had forgot to add some olive oil into them he said they tasted a little bland. Looks like I will have to be inventive when it comes to serving them. I was thinking I might do a low calorie chocolate sauce that I have adapted to be even lower by using a little water in place of the milk. That would go nice with the muffin hot or cold for that matter. So I have got to get my thinking cap on to ways to serve them that make them tasty. Another thought was to make a jelly ( jello) break the muffin up and pour the jello over then serve with yogurt once it has set.

ROSEBUD :- My tummy has come out in sympathy with yours I have had to have two greasier type meals whilst out and about and I think my tummy is rebelling. I think as well with having a healthier type menu for so long your tummy is more susceptible to the effects of spicy fatty foods. So if we indulge we pay for it big time now. Not that is a bad thing in away it makes you think next time you want something a bit naughty do I want the pain that goes with it.

I hope your tummy soon settles down and is back to normal. Mine is responding quite well to a heat wheat pad so I am lucky. Not doing anything fancy today for Sunday dinner just beans on toast for DH and spaghetti on toast for me. With not feeling so well it means I am not stood there for ages. I have a portion of crumble to eat as well. It has a lot of fruit in it so should be good for you. Will have another portion of homemade soup today for tea. Then I will freeze the remainder but I do not think there will be a huge amount left to be honest.

Yes we have a long growing period here in the UK to be honest there is hardly anytime that there is not anything planted in the land. So we are fortunate when I was growing up I lived in a county which is extremely flat and fertile so lots of growing of vegetables. Not so much fruits apart from maybe apple, pears, plums, strawberries and raspberries. The more exotic type of fruit need a hotter climate than we have. My granddad worked on a farm for 40 years but that was mainly a cattle one though some wheat and corn was grown.

My parents go to a market every Saturday which is in their home town and roads are closed to hold this market as it is of a substantial size. They can get lots of locally grown vegetables, though there are other stalls there selling many other things. It is ages since I have been I used to love it but it is a bit far away to go every week with the cost of fuel.

With an aneurysm people can live for years but it is often thought of as a ticking time bomb which no one knows how long the fuse is. So if surgery is an option (in rare cases some are not operable either because of the health of the person or the position of the aneurysm) it is advise able to have it. There are risks involved like with anything to do with surgery but if I was in that position I would take the surgery as it give you a chance of a long life of which you can still be productive. Though that choice of surgery can only be chosen by person themselves and I would respect the wishes if someone did not want to take it. I can understand how frighten your sister must be when you go to the doctors the diagnosis is a big shock and then they tell you the risks. By this stage your mind is all over the shop and you hear the words "die". You then quite rightly start to think that your beloved husband is dying which might not be strictly true. We all do it when receiving bad news.

My sister recently has been to hospital regarding her back and they told her. It is likely surgery is need with rods and plates. Firstly a discogram needs to be done to see if that is the case. Fortunately when we have news like that often your own doctor will call you in a week or so later after this consultation. This is so that you can ask question, have things explained that you probably did not take on board at the time. The exact same thing was done to me when I was given the diagnosis of MS. My doctor had given me a half hour appointment which is very uncommon but they done for talking to patients like me dealing with bad news. Though for me it was relief more than anything as one doctor was making me feel it was all in my head or my weight! Even though in my heart of hearts I knew it was neither but I was upset at the time as I felt in my own mind that I knew what was wrong with me (training can be a good thing and a bad in the medical field).

Hello to NUMPSTER, VALDINE & MEOWEE :- I hope your all having a lovely weekend and taking things easy. Crickey since starting this post the snow is starting to fall but very fine at the minute and does not appear to be settling on the ground.

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Old 02-01-2009, 09:53 AM   #3  
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Good Morning . . .

Hard to believe it's the first of February already.

We had some snow again overnight and the sun was pretty late getting up, but it is here now. Of course, it's going to be sunny again tomorrow too -- the one day of the year (Groundhog Day) that I'd really prefer cloud cover. Oh well, no matter what the little rodent has to say, I'm betting on another six weeks of winter anyway.

BTW . . . I know in Ontario, Wiarton Willy is the groundhog of choice and here in the Maritimes, we listen to Shubenacadie Sam, and the US favours Punxatawney Phil . . . how about the rest of you?????
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Old 02-01-2009, 03:46 PM   #4  
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HI LADIES ~ it's a white, winter wonderland out there today; got a big dump last night, and it snowed in this morning too. They got the lanes cleaned out by noon though, but we are staying cozy indoors just the same. DH is monitoring the snow levels as we speak: it's one of his hobbies.

HI MEOWEE ~ we had a huge, windy snowstorm all night long and it's continuing on today as well. Apparently, it missed us before, and decided to come back from the south and get us now. So we have cloud-cover here today and that is expected for tomorrow as well. Yes, we hear about Wiarton Willie, but I think there is another one somewhere here in the north (around New Liskeard), I'll keep my eyes and ears open to see if I can find out his/her name!

HEY PURPLE ~ wow, you are getting snow over there too, eh? Yes, I totally agree with your assessment about our SIL and the aneurism diagnosis. It will take some time for it all to sink in, I think. I did google this condition, and found out pretty much what I already knew and what you said. Hopefully, he will be well enuff to get that procedure that goes in through the veins in the groin region: the research says that it has been quite successful.

I made some banana-bran muffins this morning: I cut the oil to 2 tbl and the brown sugar to 1/4 cup and they turned out well. I used half A/P flour and 1/2 whole meal flour along with the natural bran, some oat flour, and 2 tbl flax meal, and they turned out really nice.

I haven't really decided what to have today becuz we had a pretty big meal last night. Like you, it will be something simple too. I'm toying with the idea of Cheese Perogies with a bit of tomato sauce; sounds easy to me. Just boil the perogies while the sauce heats up in a small pan. Could have a small salad on the side with these to round the meal out, I think.

HI VALDINE ~ I saw you posting around the forum ealier today; good advice and thoughts from both you and PURPLE . I had a time adjusting to all the pain that my Spina Bifida and injuries gave me longterm. There is such a thing as JUSTIFIABLE ANGER, but not letting it consume us and ruin our lives is important as you say. We must move on. I realized that I didn't have to think about the next 10 years or the rest of my life; just the next second, then the next minute, of the next hour, of this day. That was a huge turning point for me in my life. Now I focus on today, just today; and let tomorrow take care of itself, so-to-speak. Nice to see you pop by ...

HI NUMPSTER ~ hope you and your family are having a lovely Sunday!

Take good care, ladies -- your friend ROSEBUD

Last edited by Justwant2Bhealthy; 02-01-2009 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:03 AM   #5  
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Our resident rodent definitely saw his shadow this morning. Personally, I imagine we will hve at least 8 to 10 more weeks of Winter since we almost always get at least one significant snowfall in early April.
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Old 02-02-2009, 10:30 AM   #6  
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Hi fellow Chickie's

Well we have had snow by the bucket loads, I know that it is still light by other peoples snow fall. It is the heaviest snow fall we have had in 18 years and needless to say it is causing a bit of havoc. It has stopped all of London's buses due to the amount of snow. Plus one of London's airports Heathrow as also closed runways. More snow is forecast to fall over the UK.

ROSEBUD Perogies now you had me going to the search engine to see what an earth this food was as I had never heard of this. I see that it is a dumpling filled with various fillings which are either boiled or fried. Well I have certainly learnt something today.

I think anyone whom has a disability weather that be acquired or born with. We all seem to have this adjustment period of going from anger to acceptance. Yes it is no good worrying in what might be tomorrow as it may not ever happen. For me being bitter for a long period of time was just not a nice place to be. That is not my nature to be like that being bitter and angry but no one was to blame it was just one of those things. There was still so many things I could do rather than focuses on what I couldn't do.

MEOWEE Your resident rodent is that a rat or a mouse or something I have not even thought of?

Wow another eight to ten weeks left yet of your winter That sounds that you have a very little time of the year that you are not under the threat of snow or have snow on the ground.

Bye ladies cuppa making time.

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Old 02-02-2009, 06:29 PM   #7  
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HI LADIES ~ Well, our snow finally stopped falling, and we woke up to bright sunshine this morning. So indeed, you know what that means ... lots more winter left yet.

WOWIE ~ PURPLE ... that sounds like you had lots of snow if they had to close the airport runways and stop running the buses. Do you have any idea how many inches fell? The rodents that MEOWEE is referring to are GROUNDHOGS. They kinda look like beavers, but cuter; they don't have that big flat tail or buck teeth either. They live in burrows they dig in the ground, and they hybernate most of the winter in these dens.

ABOUT GROUNDHOG DAY ~ There is this weather joke that North Americans tell: they say that if a groundhog comes out of his hole on February 2 and sees his shadow, then we will have at least 6 or more weeks of winter. If it's cloudy and he doesn't see it, then we are supposed to have an early spring. But the real joke is that in Canada, we almost ALWAYS have 6-8 or even 10 more weeks of winter, regardless of what the weather is on that day. I think it is all just for fun; it's not really scientific or anything like that: just a big tall tale to while the winter away ...

ABOUT PEROGIES ~ Yes, this was the first time DH and I ever had these: we wanted to try them to see if we liked them. We got a big bag of them for only $1.20 (enough for two meals for both of us). I would really like to try the meat ones or the cheese ones; the ones we have had potato mixed with cheese and another bag we have has a bit of bacon in them too. They don't take long to cook; just about 5 minutes in boiling water then you remove them with a ladel with holes in them to drain. I just put a light, plain tomato sauce on them (about 1/4 cup each), but some people like them with l/f sour cream, salsa, or spices. Some people actually fry them, but I didn't want that extra fat. DH really liked them and said they were quite filling. For about 350 calories, you can have 7 of these kind of perogies + the sauce.

Tonight, we are having a baked dinner with baked veggies and a mushroom sauce over it all. This is one of our favorites and we haven't had this in a while. You can use lean beef, pork, or chicken breasts (I'm using skinless ones tonight); it smells really good and should be ready as soon as I'm finished this post.

HI MEOWEE ~ yes, we did get sunshine here too, so winter's here for a while for sure. I didn't hear about that local groundhog this year; as we don't have local TV here right now. At least, the snow stopped, but it's quite cold here again at about -25C this morning, and I can actually feel it dropping right now and even heard the building crack a few minutes ago. It does that whenever the temps go down low.

Well, I guess I'd better go check that dinner, as I'm getting really hungry; take good care ladies and do keep warm tonight ... ROSEBUD

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Old 02-03-2009, 10:46 AM   #8  
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Stupid Groundhog . . . it's snowing and it's supposed to keep on snowing until it has given us at least a foot of the stuff.
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:16 AM   #9  
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Good afternoon Ladies

There was no more snow over night though a sharp frost did come. So everywhere like a skating rink early this morning. Though with the days sun shine on it a lot of snow has melted. More snow has been forecast for later in this week. I bet it will be on Thursday when we have a delivery to Bognor Regis. This is right on the south coast of the UK and is about 4 hours away without a stop but of course you have to stop.

ROSEBUD I fell right into that one about the resident rodent. Like you said it is a tale used which has perpetuated over the years to wile away those long winter nights. Especially when you had no television or radio to help entertain you.

I looked for pictures of these rodents called groundhogs and they really do look like beavers to me like you said but they are cuter than our rodents

The perogies sound nice to me and I would have had them boiled also to reduce the fat content. It is what I would call a cheap filler. Dishes were invented to fill tummies when you had big families but not much money coming in and things like these filled you up but didn't cost the earth. Like putting dumplings in casseroles made it go further and fill you up. Same with Yorkshire puddings to go with a roast to eek out the meat. They are all filling and cheap. Dad said on a Sunday it was always a plate of Yorkshire puddings and gravy. Then you got your dinner after that. Any Yorkshire left over was served with jam and custard if you were lucky. Dad came from a family of 4 sisters and himself With his parents that was 7 mouths to feed.

Unfortunately on my way to the MS centre had a painful attack in my face so cancelled the 10:15am dive and ended up taking 2 lots of medication to get it under some sort of control. I went in the 11:45am dive with two gentlemen. It is still painful but no where near as bad as I was. Not that was any problem as I DH works there voluntary on a Tuesday. I just sat with a lady whom is a stable hand at a professional owners stables. She gets to ride the horses as well but not professionally but just to exercise the horse.

Hello to MEOWEE, VALDINE and NUMPSTER I hope your all OK and the weather is not too bad where ever you are.


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Old 02-03-2009, 08:28 PM   #10  
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Did somebody say PEROGIES?!?!?!

I used to be able to eat them like they were going out of fashion.. now when I try to eat more than one at a special dinner with my family my stomach gets upset Maybe if I find a way to make a fibre rich perogie they wont just sit like lumps in my tummy and make it angry. My parents are very much into refined carb dishes. my Dad makes this mennonite dish that is simply white flour/cake batter and farmer sausge... that and my mom's perogies and it just equals trouble.

So! I tried to join a biggest loser club at my work last month - but I couldnt handle the stress of thinking about my weight AT WORK and I'm up a few pounds. I dropped out of 'weighing in' and am focusing on myself for now.

rosebud your supper yesterday sounds good! what did you make today? You and Purple always have good meals - I'd like to try some ideas I havent been doing. right now i'm on a broccoli and spinach dip kick. I eat broccoli with nearly every meal the last couple weeks which is fine for now but I know I'll get sick of it

Purple I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you had the other day. I hope it's more manageable now.

meowee did i just catch a canadian complaining about winter :P kidding.. we've had our fill of it up here too. now if only the snow would melt BEFORE april.

just popping by. im still around. life has definitly picked up since the new job. which im completly enjoying... it's a very social job. which is right up my alley

take care all!
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:05 PM   #11  
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HI LADIES ~ I'm just a bit late coming in to post; we had dinner later and I decided to put my legs up before I came in here. So, I just had my tea and a small snack for the evening as well.

HI VAL ~ nice to hear from you; and we are really happy about how much you love your new job: makes taking the risk all worthwhile, doesn't it? Don't feel bad about the biggest loser thing; that's exactly why I have never joined one. I realize that some people thrive on competition, but I just don't; I do much better on my own, and at my own pace. I actually would get stressed out and eat more, then feel horrible about it afterwards. I'm not even a fan of the scale; I prefer to go by sizes and inches; and let my doctor weigh me every once in a while. Everyone is different and we need to do what is best for us.

Yes, you can make PEROGIES in a healthier manner; since you love broccoli and spinach, you could fill them with that: maybe mixed with a l/f cream cheese or a small piece of skim mozzarella or something like that. I would like them with a meat mixed in too for a change; I have seen many different versions, but these were the first ones we tried. I think it's key to have something else with them though; say some veggies in a light sauce, or meat if you eat any meat. How about a light cream of salmon or tuna sauce over them. And you are right that you must count them; a small serving is about 4, or a big serving is 7-8, as they are about 50 calories each.

As long as it fits in your daily allotment, that should be OK. Apparently, you can find some with fillings like spinach in the deli or specialty sections of some stores. I just think they would be a nice quick meal for a change now & then. We usually only have a pasta-based dinner once a week (leftovers for one lunch, if any). We like to vary our meals a lot; as I get bored easily. Tonight, we actually had leftovers from last night, but I added rice to the leftover meat, veggies and mushroom sauce, and baked it (covered) like a casserole in the oven for about an hour. I do this often when I have leftovers like that.

I've heard of that Mennonite dish: I think it's a cornbread pudding with sausages in it; but it is meant to be eaten with a salad and/or veggies too. The Ukranians were/are big on Perogies becuz many of them were hard-working farmers like the Mennonites; and as PURPLE says, they had big families to feed and these were inexpensive to make and easy to prepare.

PURPLE ~ we are very sorry that you had another bad pain attack in your face; sending up prayers for you and hope that you are feeling better soon. I'm glad that you were able to get your treatment in anyway, as you benefit from them so much. Yes, we Canadians do like to pull people's legs now and then; they say we have a good sense of humor, but I do think it's becuz we have to do something to amuse ourselves over these long, cold winters.

HI MEOWEE ~ we have cold temps here right now; but no snow today: they're saving that for the weekend, I guess. Someone on another thread asked me how we Canadians stand all this snow and such long winters, and still manage to stay so upbeat. I think we balk about it alot, but we are so used to it really; and what choice do we have, eh? Gotta go with the flow, er the snow, as it goes!

Well, I managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done with my other daily chores; it was a good day. I felt better today; so maybe that Vitamin C is helping a lot too. DH had it worse than me; and if he doesn't get over this soon, I may have to send him to the docs for some meds.

Well, that's all for tonight; HI NUMPSTER!!! Take good care ROSEBUD

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Old 02-04-2009, 08:10 PM   #12  
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HI LADIES ~ seems like everyone is busy today; so just me popping in here. We had a busy day too ... sorting out about 5 or 6 boxes of stuff. We have one to donate; some put away; and I managed to rearrange two into one; and a few things I tossed.

Sometimes men are perplexing to me. DH had nothing to do, so he asked me if I had anything he could do, so I suggested we tackle a few more boxes, but before you know it, he was losing his patience which was very frustrating for me. He finally cooled down by dinner time, but I think next time I will do things by myself. Men just don't have the patience to sort through dishes and stuff: he always just wants to toss my stuff out on me, but not the stuff he bought me. I'm gonna get him to bring me one box at a time, and I'll sort through it and he can go watch a movie instead. Sorry for the rant, but it helps me to see things more clearly.

We also have or had a water leak somewhere; I had to repack a big Christmas box today. We had put some Christmas decos in the spare bedroom closet, but when we started pulling boxes out today, we noticed that two or three were wet on the bottom. Dh ended up pulling out the washer & dryer, but no water and the floor was dry as a bone (I had done two loads yesterday). So we are still not any further ahead figuring out where the water came from. At first, we thought a pop can had burst, but couldn't find one. Now I think about this, maybe this why he was upset; we start unpacking boxes and end up discovering a big leak and can't find the source.

ANYWAYS, we're letting everything dry for now; and next time, I do a wash, we are gonna keep an eye on the drain out-take pipe to make sure the water isn't backing up onto the floor and running under the floor boards into the closet behind it. That happened to my mom once and I immediately recalled her telling me about that a long time ago.

We had spagetti and meatballs for supper: DH loved that, as it was very yummy. They were mini-meatballs and I measured 1 cup each cooked spagettini. I also had a small serving of coleslaw with mine, and I was totally full. I put one serving away for lunch tomorrow; and gave NIKO some too, as he just loves pasta or rice of any kind.

Hope everyone is having a great week; take good care, your friend ROSEBUD

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Old 02-05-2009, 05:12 AM   #13  
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Hello and good morning

We have had snow again over night and thicker than the other night. Though some of the previous layer had melted the other new snow has covered that. Most of the schools are closed so parents are having to find alternative child care. Today we were suppose to go to Bognor Regis but it was called off yesterday after the weather forecast. So now resheduled for Monday lets hope things are better by then.

VALDINE Hello nice to hear from you. I think I would have not been able to do a work biggest loser challenge. For me it would have been pressure to lose at a certain rate and I can't do that even if the pressure is from no one but myself.

That is the reason that I have lost weight the way I have it has been under my terms and at my speed. If I had done it under the doctor or gone to a slimming type club I would have felt so pressured. Yes I would have lost weight as I hate to be seen to fail publically. Though the main thing to me I wouldn't have been happy were this way I have been happy throughout and gone at the pace the suits me not everyone else.

I am sure there is a way to make perogies more fibre rich. I may be barking up the wrong tree as I have never ate or seen them. I wondered whether bran or oat bran would work. Here you can buy these and they are very fine not as fine as flour admittedly but I think they might work. Filling them with vegetable as well would help. I am sure another source of information on perogies is the internet and you might come across the perfect recipe. Where you "can have your cake and eat it" without feeling dreadful afterwards as it is too carb rich for you.

ROSEBUD Thanks for holding the fort yesterday I was busy with some household chore that have piled up. I have still a few to get really squared up but I am getting there. I have done the washing and cleaned the bathroom out. Just bed to strip and bed linen to wash. Mop kitchen floor and hoover throughout. Then of course the dreaded ironing Nice now though to have made in roads into the chores and I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

I was tired last night though come near bed time I was falling asleep watching television with DH. I have a few television programme for me to catch up on but I just watch them not DH. I am sure I will make a start on those programmes today so I get some rest in between my jobs.

See you and your DH are playing detective at the minute hunting the mysterious leak. It is annoying that you know it comes from somewhere but it is baffling. I hope you find it soon for your peace of mind.

Your DH sound like mine when it comes to patience with boxes etc. I find his tolerance level is very low so much nicer to do it alone like you said. Certain things he has the patience of a saint like with pc when they are going wrong. I put my hands up I get frustrated here so just walk away for a while and do something else. I suppose our tolerance levels for different things are different from person to person that makes the variety of life.

I love meatballs and spaghetti (or pasta) in sauce it is a lovely dish. I may have it tomorrow now you have made me think about it Today we are having some lamb that my DH boned for us. Buying it with the bone in is cheaper and then you can take it out. You can make a soup from the bone if you like and toss vegetables in it to make it healthy it. This soup here is called peasant soup (lamb soup) It is good to make the stock first then let it cool to take any fat off. Then make the soup as you normally do. If you have any pieces of lamb from the meal toss them in and well near the end of cooking. Cheap and filling soup. Our Rizzie as been lucky with this one he has got the bones. I am cooking them at the minute and he will have them later. He loves them but he does make a mess of the kitchen floor. Remind me not to clean it until later He loves bones but I only give them once in a while as they tend to constipate him

Time to go and wash up the breakfast pots. So catch up with you soon ladies

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Old 02-05-2009, 09:06 AM   #14  
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Hi gang . . .

If anybody needs some fresh snow, I'd be willing to sell you some. Gee whiz, I don't think it's ever going to stop snowing.

Have to take one of my cats and one of my friend's dogs in for booster shots at noon -- hope we can find the vet's.
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Old 02-05-2009, 10:46 AM   #15  
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Hi, I hope you don't mind if I join in? Wanted to say hi to Rosebud (been missing you!) and meet some of you who have some challenges too. I'll have to admit I've been lurking a couple days to try to get to know you in advance

Purpleorc-Our news was showing video of your snow the other day and it was so beautiful! They were saying the southern UK only gets snow about once a decade or so, so it really messes things up. I got to go to London 30 years ago when I was in high school (and doesn't that make me feel older!) and it rained all week, so everything was pretty, but very gray. Those snowy pictures on tv made everything look almost magical & I even recognized some of the places we had visited!

meowee-please don't send any more snow! What we have may not melt till July as it is

Rosebud-I know exactly where you're coming from on the DH and helping issue It really does make you wonder if males and females came from different planets Hope you find the cause of that water leak-our washer discharge used to splash out of the drain tube and make a huge mess, so I think DH put a larger pipe on it and clamped the washer drain hose to it, so it wouldn't move.

Hi to everyone else too. Hope to get to know you all better! Have a great day!
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