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Old 08-01-2015, 05:34 PM   #1  
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Default Diabetes/Prediabetes Chat and Support for August

Come and chat with us! Share your ups and down of dealing with diabetes!
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Old 08-01-2015, 09:59 PM   #2  
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DH got my computer working for the most part. Still can't do somethings yet, but minor things.

I'm not going to be doing CALP. I've been reading more on IF/LCHF and some of the veggies that CALP only lets you eat at RM is acceptable on low carb. So I'm not sure why they didn't allow them except for RM. Zucchini and squash for example are low carb veggies so I don't understand why you can't have it on CM. I don't want to add gobs of fat either. So I'm going back to IF/Low Carb. Back on Januvia too for pretty much the same reasons as before.

I am reading an IF thread on another lowcarb site and finding loads of info on there for low carbing and IF. I'm learning that some If-ers are strict LCHF and others aren't. The main thing I want to do is get in the habit of eating healthy, lose weight and lower FBS.

Ended the month with a 1 lb loss and FBS was unusually high this morning of 159. I read on the IF on FB that some diabetics who are doing IF/LCHF are having FBS readings between 135 - 160s and then all their other readings during the day are between 99 to 110s. I read somewhere that diabetics cannot handle large servings of protein. Thus I believe low carbing with IF is probably the best way for me. Keep my carbs around 40 to 50 grams. May go back to using MFP to keep up with things again.

I've been doing pretty good with my eating so I'm not going to go backwards here. Still have about 2 mos before docs appt. and I there is time to get things looking good before I go in for bloodwork.

Catch y'all tomorrow.
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Old 08-01-2015, 10:43 PM   #3  
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Evening everyone
Just back from a family pig roast,,,,first time for that, for me. It was good. I think I did well eating wise. I did have a bit more meat and salad as a second helping but skipped cupcakes for dessert. I also fasted till noon this morning. Bg is right on tonite.

Laurie, thanks for the I didn't re-test I just assumed it was the peanut butter,,,and no it wasn't a lot.
I know most of you are in the states,,,,how come we use different numbers to test bg? I'm glad you all mention if your number is high or low ,,,, cuz I don't know how to compare them to mine.
My dd and I stopped at a farm and bought fresh veggies and fruit...tomorrow may be a no meat day and maybe another fasting half day.

Trish I wish I could get my carbs that low....even though my numbers have been great I get in about 100 carbs per day....for me I seem to need a crunch factor...and not from veggies all the time. I tend to look for 'cracker's for lunch. Baby steps will get me there.
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Old 08-01-2015, 11:47 PM   #4  
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P.A. Maybe it is similar to using metric in CA but not in the US!
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Old 08-02-2015, 08:07 AM   #5  
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p.a. Here are two charts you might want to bookmark. The first one shows the comparison between the blood glucose levels.

The second one tells you what your average blood glucose was based on your A1c.

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Old 08-02-2015, 08:20 AM   #6  
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Trish, I agree with you about the squash. It is actually listed on Atkins as an allowed vegetable for Induction, at small quantities. This is why I tend not to like to follow a specific plan. Each plan has it's peculiarities. My version of CALP is to eat low carb at B and L and if I'm going to add some carb, do it at dinner. To me, a non-starchy vegetables is a vegetable and I include them in my CM. I cannot be so rigid. My first diet was before I had read any diet book, and I just ate smaller portions of everything and exercised and I lost weight. Right now I am following Carol's plan. It's somewhere between Atkins and CALP. I am actually on day 3 of sticking to my plan, and I'm starting to see the scale move. Finally. It seems to have more to do with the amount of food I'm eating rather than the type or when I eat. So I am with you on doing what suits you best. If you lose weight, than it's working and who cares what "plan" it is.
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Old 08-02-2015, 09:04 AM   #7  
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Carol Sue I agree. I think my plan is pretty much the same way. I may go days when I only do low carb and then throw a carb in one day at one meal and then sometime I'll have a few days in a row I will have a carb each day. I think Trish's Plan works best for Trish too. It goes back to personalizing the plan. I remember people arguing that CAD/CALP was not low carb, but it really is except that they do allow a dessert at a RM occasionally.

Besides, I read on the FB IF group. Some do 14/10, 16/8, 5:2 etc. They have many different ways they do it as it works for the individual. Some eat what they want during their eating window but watch calories, some do different versions of low carb and some do that new micro thingy.

You and I do a lot of reading and we learn a lot, but I need to just stick with my basic plan. Saying that, Dr. Fung has some knew info articles on IF. I got the link from the other IF group on another website. I'll get it and put it here when I get back from church.


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Old 08-03-2015, 07:07 AM   #8  
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Yes, I think low carb is just eat carbs, but in lower amounts than the SAD. Right now so many people are eating a keto diet, which is zero carbs, so they say that's low carb, but low is a relative word and low can be 20 carbs for some, but more like 50-75 for some others.

I collect cookbooks, and I have a couple from Rachel Ray who does 30 Minute Meals on TV. I buy them for $1 at Goodwill. Recently I saw one of hers on the half-price pile so I got it for 50 cents. I was looking through it yesterday and was surprised to see that it's a low-carb cookbook. It's called 30 Minute Get Real Meals. In the beginning she discusses that she feels better when she cuts back on carbs although she doesn't go really low. In the back of the book she has a section for Pasta. She said those recipes have a small amount of pasta that is spread out through 6 servings so each serving just has a small portion. So, not everyone has to or wants to cut their carbs as low as 20 gm. Just cutting back some is also good for you.

By reading, I get tips to incorporate into my plan, without actually changing the plan altogether. I would be interested in reading those liks, Trish.

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Old 08-03-2015, 10:06 AM   #9  
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Morning everyone
It's a holiday here today.
Thank you for that link Carol Sue,,,i bookmarked it.
I feel like I'm bouncing around a bit weight wise this week. I have to get back into my WOE. I've hit a few high calorie days. Yesterday I had an all veggie and fruit day, to get back feeling more energetic. I notice if I eat too many bread/crackers etc I feel sluggish. Once in awhile is fine, it dosnt affect my bg it affects how I feel.
I'm going to look up that cookbook Carol Sue...I need more go to recipes and I like the way RR cooks.
Trish I would be interested in the new articles..Thx

Off to shower have a good day
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Old 08-03-2015, 11:41 AM   #10  
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Here are the links I mentioned that I found lots of info from and think y'all would be interested in.

Dr. Fung's new article 12. I saw where you could go back to read article 1 and wanted to read up thru this article but haven't really found the others yet, but then I haven't had time.


This is a Low carb 101 for beginners. I think this is where I found the list of low carb veggies which made me question the
zucchini, squash issue with CALP.

I also found this helpful when I learned what happens when you go through what I was with such a low carb diet. Thought
I would share it with y'all too. I'm not really sure it is good to mess with our Electrolytes by going so low. I think with
the IF of 16/8 or even 14/10 windows and eating less carbs with lower calories would give me the same benefits without all
that discomfort. I want to feel better, not worse.
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Old 08-03-2015, 12:13 PM   #11  
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Those 3 links I read sure has helped me decide how to make Trish's Diet Plan so that it is healthy. I had read before reading Dr. Eades book that women can eat too much protein and it isn't good for us. I probably have it cut too low, but I think with the protein that is in dairy, nuts and some veggies that it will work out ok.

Well, I joined MFP again today and reset my goals. Made my carb limit 100 g (will try to keep them between 50 - 75), my protein limit 90g and whatever was left of my percentage they go by is fat. Set my calories at 1600.

I felt pretty good this morning when I checked the last time I had weighed and measured on July 17th because I had lost 2.2 lbs and 3 and 3/4 inches according to it. Then when I went to check in and put my weight and measurements on MFP and found it had been so long since I had been there that I had actually gained 5.2 lbs and gained 2 inches. So I'll change my ticker when I'm finished here so it is the same as MFP because I'm considering today a start over and I will track calories and carbs etc on MFP. I do so much better when I use it because I become more disciplined to follow the plan and to exercise. Keeps me up doing things like housework which they also count as exercise. I call it "moving". I don't use my exercise calories but I like seeing them. And I'm better at planning ahead when tracking on MFP.

One thing about using MFP and letting it take care of counting calories and eating a few more carbs... I can have my fruit and dairy and still be legal.

Carol Sue I always liked watching Rachel Ray cook. I knew she had lost weight on low carb, but being conditioned to having to eat 20 to 30 g a day, I never checked into her plan. I will have to look into finding her book. You know we have a really nice Goodwill here in town but I never go there. I actually forget about it being there. I need to go. Even DH used to like to browse around there. We don't eat pasta a lot but I'm sure DGS would love some pasta dishes once in a while since he Mom cooks with it a lot.

p.a. I'm glad Carol Sue could answer your question. I know that Canada reads their bs different than US, not sure how. You having a fruit and veggie day made me think of one of the things I did read about Intermittent Fasting and I'm not sure but I think it was Dr. Fung who wrote it. Any way, fasting can be just cutting out one type of food for a day like you did with eating just fruit and veggies. I do like my fruit. I had an apple today. MFP calorie count is for a 3.7 oz apple so I cut the apple and measured 3.6 oz (as close to 3.7 as I could get it) and ditched the rest. It tasted so good. I read that if a woman eats up to 3 apples a day her waist goes down. I'm not a big apple eater, so I do well to eat one. LOL

Guess I better get busy around here. Starting a new class Wednesday night and have to study the lesson and answer questions at the end of the chapter.

Y'all have a good day.
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Old 08-03-2015, 01:13 PM   #12  
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I just talked to my DR today and my liver ultrasound shows that I have small deposits of fat in my liver and she has diagnosed me with Non-Alchoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Her treatment for me is to eat a more vegetarian diet and exercise more. Cut out high cholesterol foods, no red meat, no cheese, low fat dairy in moderation, and more veg. She also wants me to get below 225 by the end of the year.
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Old 08-03-2015, 10:52 PM   #13  
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Laifierr Sorry about the liver test results but glad that it can be corrected with diet and weight loss. Good luck on your journey.
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Old 08-04-2015, 10:18 AM   #14  
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Laifierr, sorry to hear of the fatty liver diagnosis, but remember, there are a lot worse things that could have been wrong. This can be corrected. I have had my liver function checked, but never had an ultrasound.

Trish, this book from Rachel Ray is just a cookbook with recipes. There is no diet plan involved. In the introduction to the book she just explained how much better she feels when she eats lower carb.

I am signed up for MFP but I don't understand how to navigate the site. I guess I just haven't spent enough time on it. I have Fitbit loaded on my computer and I sometimes use that, but not all the time.

I did not take my Metformin over the weekend because I had some places to go and didn't want to have bowel problems. I took one on Sunday night and another Monday morning and the problems came back. I have a new RX that I can take back to Target, but I don't know if they can fill it because I recently had it filled at another pharmacy. You have to wait a certain time before you can get an RX filled again. I will explain the situation. I never had a problem with the Metformin they dispense at Target in the 7 years I've been taking it. I don't know what's in the ones they gave me at the other pharmacy. I checked the code online to make sure it's the correct med and it is, just has terrible side effects for me.

I also don't know what's going on with my blood sugar, unless it's because I haven't been taking the Metformin like I should. For 4 days I ate 40 gm of carb or lower, but my fasting blood sugar has been over 200. I'm still taking the glimiperide. It might be due to inflammation because I've been having a lot of joint pain lately. I can't figure this out. I might as well go back to eating the bread that I love so much.
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Old 08-04-2015, 11:48 AM   #15  
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This article was posted on I thought y'all might want to check it out. I am surprised at some of the things research is beginning to learn about how some of the foods we eat affect our bodies. This research shows that soybean oil which is used by restaurants (they thought it was healthy) and they say is in just about every processed food may be causing our weight problems and contributes to insulin resistance. They found from a test they did with mice that it may be worse than fructose. You can read it for yourself. I'm not sure but I think my mayonnaise is made with with soybean or has it in it. All this may not be our problem at all. Laifierr I thought of you when I read this because it also mentioned fatty liver. I stopped eating soybean (I love edamme) because I heard so much bad stuff about it recently. Just don't want to take the chance since some of the things they thought it prevented like breast cancer, they now believe it contributes to it. When in doubt, I just don't use it.

Carol Sue Thanks, but I knew the book wasn't a diet per se, but I would like to see if there are any recipes that my DH might like. I get so tired of cooking the same old thing over and over. It gets so boring. And when I'm not really hungry for anything in particular, it is really hard to decide. I might start hitting some places here in town where I might could find it cheap. It is a $16+ paperback book at Amazon. That is just too much for a paperback book. I hope Ollie's will have it.

Sorry to hear about your problems with Metformin. I never thought about they might have changed brands at Walmart. You may have just come to the place like I have that you just can't use it without the side effects. I keep trying to go back to it because it is cheaper than the Januvia, but with the side effects, it isn't worth it.

I don't know what is going on either with FBS. The 1st time I took mine this morning it was 165 and then before I ate it was 135. I'm just using the Januvia. I think maybe IF isn't working for me. Maybe IE with Calorie Counting will work better. I say that because I try to eat within 8 hrs which usually ends up being more like 9 hrs mainly because last night I was supposed to not eat anything after 6:30. I got busy and forgot. I didn't realize until about 7:30 I needed to take my Januvia pill and it was past my 8 hr window. So I run in and grab a snack. Stayed within my calories, but not my carbs. Ever since I saw other diabetics getting higher readings with IF, I'm wondering about that.

One good thing is that my weight inched down .6 lbs this morning so that part is good just not the fbs reading. I'm going to just try eating when hungry and count the calories on MFP. MFP also has a thing now where you can keep up with Micronutrients which I have no concept of and don't want to even know about it at this point. I just want to eat healthy and move on.

We are going to Charlotte in a bit to take a friend to sell some of her jewelry so she can get her car fixed. Will be eating out. Eating out is kind of questionable after reading that article. DH said we might go to Sonny's BBQ for lunch and it is easy to stay away from fried foods there. So it may be okay.

If that article is right, that may be why DH who has no diabetes history in his family. He never could understand how he could ever have that problem but he eats a lot of processed foods beside the fact that he loves to eat out especially loves hamburger and fries when he can taste them.

Y'all have a good day.
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