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Old 08-03-2014, 08:38 AM   #16  
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Good morning girls. There's one more Klondike bar in the freezer and I'm going to have to get DH to eat it. LOL I have to get back to low carb. I support any of you who can fit carbs into your diet and still lose weight and manage BS, but I can't. I have been taking my glimiperide every day and that was not my plan. It was supposed to be my support if I screw up, but I have convinced myself that I can eat that carbs because the glimiperide will bring my sugar down. Glimiperide is known to cause weight gain, and that's the last thing I need with all my medical problems. I need to get down to business and get rid of this belly!

Billie, if you can get your blood sugar down without Metformin, go for it. The 500 mg is meant to be taken twice a day, 12 hours apart, to keep your level of meds steady throughout the 24 hr period. But if it works better for you to take the 1000mg at one time then do it. I did talk to someone who was on Metformin but took all of hers at bedtime because her blood sugar was steady throughout the day but spiked in the morning. The Metformin at bedtime lowered her FBG. My DR had be taking 850mg 3X a day, but when I took it at bedtime I got up in the middle of the night nauseated and throwing up, so he cut me back to 2 X day. It never entered my mind to take 2 of them with dinner instead of waiting until bedtime. That might have worked better. Might try that. My rx is still for 3 X day.

Liliann, it seems that your blood sugars have been running pretty steady, so it's really not necessary to test so much. It isn't going to change anything, just tell you if you're doing well, and you are. That's why insurance doesn't usually approve many strips for non-insulin diabetics. A person on insulin needs to test regularly to know how much insulin to inject. And it's the same with weighing. For some people, weighing make them accountable, but for those who just get stressed out by the numbers on the scale, it's more of a hindrance than a help. Do what works best for you.

Trish, maybe you can just get the Atkins chili since you liked it so much and keep it on hand for when you don't have time to prepare a meal for yourself. I have never been one to eat frozen entrees. They are convenient and are good for portion control, but it is usually healthier and cheaper to prepare your own food. Some people make their own frozen entrees with leftovers. Sometimes I cook extra so I have leftovers for later meals, like chicken, meatloaf and roast. DH won't eat leftovers unless it's lasagne or stuffed cabbage rolls. And usually he will eat them for lunch the next day, but not for dinner. He wants all his food cooked fresh. I forgot to put that on my list of requirements when I was looking for a husband. LOL

Donna, good job on your weight loss! Keeping busy and active is the key, and it sounds like your family does a good job of that! Hope the singing at the festival went well. Keeping the kids busy with activities keeps them from being bored and out of trouble. You're a good mom!

Shannon, what are we hearing about the house?

How's it going Dgramie?

Waving to Bonnie, Ruthie, Mad, Rennie and all others who are MIA.
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Old 08-03-2014, 08:40 AM   #17  
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Dgramie... of your FBS !! Keep it up...Great job!!
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Old 08-03-2014, 08:46 AM   #18  
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Carol Sue..Thank you for the kind words..

Thank you all on sharing your struggles and allowing me to vent on somedays..I am new to the pre-diabetes thing and what is a learning journey..again..Thanks ladies..

Have a good one..
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Old 08-03-2014, 05:45 PM   #19  
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Finally heard from sellers, they agreed to the repairs we requested. They are using folks from their church to do the work....hope it is done well. So, now I can breathe. First time since this started that I feel like the path is now clear and I am not waiting to hear "we aren't moving".

I have no idea why All You is running the story instead of HEALTH. Maybe the writer who interviewed me is freelance and HEALTH didn't want the story but All You did? No idea! I will let you know when I have more details on it.

Today is day 2 of being back on plan. Hoping the headaches stop soon. I was really carbing it up I guess. I was sort of thinking of just putting diet on hold til after the move but I was feeling awful. My change in eating must have been helping my heartburn/reflux more than I realized because I was having horrible issues with it the last week and had started adding tums to my prilosec regimen again. My stomach was bloated again and I have been feeling more angry and depressed than I had been. So, forget waiting til after moving, getting back on plan now and hoping for the best through the next two crazy weeks.

This coming week I have Olivia in a half day camp so I can get more packing done and some dr appts. My blood draw was Friday and I will get the results this coming Friday. Also having a dentist appt which might lead to some work. I've been having some sensitivity and one of my root canals might need a new crown due to some issue with the margins. Hubby is also gone for work two days this week so I need to get the rest of my sewing stuff in his office area packed. Busy, busy. Someday I will be back to personals, I promise!
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Old 08-03-2014, 07:14 PM   #20  
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Hello ALL ...

I was doing well saw some double digit FBS reading and then forgot my evening dose of Met after eating cake, ice cream and other junk and woke up to 147 this morning, smh. When will I learn

Sorry I haven't read the July thread or this one to catch up so I hope you are all doing well
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Old 08-03-2014, 08:14 PM   #21  
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Just a quick flyby to let y'all know I'm having problems trying to keep my battery charged on my pc. Just wanted to let you know in case I'm not here for a few days. Not sure why my connection isn't working. It won't stay connected.

Shannon I'm so thrilled that things are starting to work out for you.

Y'all have a great evening and I'll try to get back to y'all tomorrow.
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Old 08-04-2014, 07:19 AM   #22  
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Fbs was 103 this morning. I ate a bit more yesterday. Back at it hard today.
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Old 08-04-2014, 08:38 AM   #23  
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Good morning girls. I think I figured out what's wrong with my hands. I think it's tendonitis from the way I hold my paperback books when I read. I am always in the middle of reading a book. One right after the other. I noticed this morning as soon as I picked up my book and started reading, the pain started to shoot, and if I changed position it stopped. I am prone to tendonitis, in my shoulder from my previous job, the way I had my desk set up, and when I did data entry it was in my thumb...what I called "space-bar thumb." I may need to go back to reading on my e-reader for a while. My friend gave me a box and 2 shopping bags full of paperback books and I figured I should read them instead of going with the e-books, but it might be necessary.

My blood sugar is slowly coming back down from my big screw up. 130 this morning. I wish that was my weight! LOL Haven't checked that lately.

Hi Rennie, good to see you. How is the job going? I wouldn't worry about 1 slip up as long as you don't let it turn into a habit, like I did. It will go back down. You're doing great!

, 103 is still good in my book after all the really bad readings I've had.

Trish, hope you get your computer working. That's really annoying.

Shannon, I'm glad things are working out with the house. Soon it will all be over. When my BIL and SIL sold their house, they had already moved out of state and the sale etc was all being done without them here. It was a 100+ year old house. The inspection showed that they needed to put a bannister on the rickety steps going down to the dungeon of a basement, and also going down the front steps leading to the street. It's a busy street and the front entrance is never used. They had told the realtor to have the repairs made and bill them. We went over afterward and all they did was attach a 2X4 and call it a bannister. I can just imagine what they were charged for that. Now, the new owner has let the front steps become completely can't even see the house or steps from the street. It's a mess. My BIL and SIL never used the front steps, but they kept the front hill trimmed and the steps cleared. I can just imagine how many critters they have living in that mess. I'm surprised the boro hasn't cited them for it.

I will be waiting to hear the results of your blood draw. Hope it's good news!
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Old 08-04-2014, 09:56 AM   #24  
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Well, the battery is fully charged and working so not sure what was going on with it. I just prayed for it to start working because I can't buy a new computer right now. So I'm just thankful it is working.

I'm just counting calories trying to eat as healthy as possible. Going to try to put more fiber foods into my diet. I read once in a Prevention book on diabetes years ago that you could eat just about anything you wanted to as long as you had fiber with it. The theory was that the right amount of fiber slows things down and the sugar works more efficiently. Of course, that doesn't mean go wild/crazy, I'm sure. This morning I got up and decided to eat my oatmeal with blueberries and 1/2 banana and yogurt. I didn't realize that I had the quick oats as I've always bought the old fashioned. Any way, I actually enjoyed it.

So that is what I'm going to eat this way counting the calories so that I don't go wild and see how that goes.

FBS was 139 this morning and weight was up .4 but that isn't unusual for me to bounce. So the bs is slowly coming down. And today, I get back to my exercising too. Which I better go do before I talk myself out of it.

Have a good day.
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Old 08-04-2014, 09:57 AM   #25  
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Good morning ladies! I'm getting ready to put on my super cape and morph into my alter ego 'Super Packer' but thought I'd say hello! Next week we will be sleeping in our current house but spending alot of time at the new house (me and Olivia) cleaning, moving boxes from the storage unit to the garage, etc. so I feel like it's my last week here in this house. Very excited!!

Today is day 3 of getting back on plan and I think the headaches have stopped. For the entire month of July I really didn't lose anything since I was gaining towards the end, hoping to meet my July goal of 173 in August now. I'm at 179.2 today. I have not checked my FBS lately. I think I last checked a week ago and it was ok. Sometime this week I will recheck. I was on a playdate last week and a friend passed her refined coconut oil to me. She likes the unrefined better and I had mentioned my bulletproof coffee to her and said I needed to try the refined oil in it. So, today I added a tsp of it to my coffee and I couldn't even taste it so if you don't like coconut flavor the refined is the way to go. Some folks say when they add the coconut oil to their coffee they get mental clarity so we'll see. I'm going to try it this week and see if it's any different from my regular coffee with the grassfed butter. I've been drinking that for a couple months now I think so I should be able to tell if I feel any different. I'm still having some heartburn from being off plan for the last couple weeks but I can tell it is getting better already just after 48 hrs.

Ok, off to change our sheets and get to packing!
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Old 08-04-2014, 10:51 AM   #26  
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Shannon, it's not the taste of the coconut oil but the greasiness that bothers me. I think I would like it better if it tasted like coconut! LOL I don't feel that it actually has a taste. I just checked mine and it is refined. Today I finished up with my bottle of coffee creamer and am supposed to be cutting way back on coffee, but I will try it with coconut oil one time, because I don't believe in saying I don't like something without trying it. I'm just not enthused about this!! LOL

Keep on packing!

My son and his family are vacationing in Virginia Beach right now and they're having nothing but storms. Hope they get some sunshine before the week is over. That's such a bummer. They have nothing else to do but stay in the house and heat and drink! LOL

Trish, glad your computer is working. Mine was doing something weird last week but it seems ok today. I figured it was something I picked up.
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Old 08-04-2014, 11:04 AM   #27  
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Didn't mean to fly out of here without doing indies, but I was getting that mood where you want to talk yourself out of exercising etc. So I did one circiut of the kettlebell dvd. I can't believe what one week of not doing it has made me bad. I was huffing and puffing, but I made it. I decided to do 25 minutes on my recumbent bike today as well. That added to my 10 exercises for my back before I get out of bed makes a total of 55 minut I've got done today. I still have lots of house work to do today. Not sure how many days a week I will do this. I'm just going to take it One Day at a Time. It really helps to see the exercise calories earned on the MFP. I've lost weight before just counting calories and exercising so I'll see if it will work that way for me this time too.

Shannon Funny thing is that I've been playing with putting the CO in morning foods and coffee meaning I alternate it... one day in coffee and one day in food. I never thought about it, but this morning I had it in my coffee because I forgot to put it in the oatmeal like I would have normally done. I was amazed at how alert I felt afterwards. I thought it was the oatmeal because I haven't had it since winter, but perhaps it was the coffee or even the combination. I will have watch that more.

Lilliann You are doing so well. If I could get my FBS to get below 120s and stay there, I would be very happy and so would my doctor. So just keep doing what you are doing. The exercise you are doing is probably helping it loads. It dawned on me this morning that when I got my fbs back down to normal and kept my weight down for a period of time although weight was not at goal, I was not only dieting (I was using Richard Simmons Deal a Meal diet) but I was exercising 45 minutes a day besides all the other activities I had going on carpooling daughter and her kids around. So I really think you are on track. Sad thing is that I lost the RS Deal a Meal cards in a move and have never been able to get back on his diet since then. I think the fiber is helping you as well. KOKO

Carol Sue Sorry about the tendonitis. Hope it gets better soon. I don't think I want to eat tv dinners too much as they do have loads of salt. I think all of this has just been a process for me to get settled back into my way of eating. I am going to do this Intuitively however, I am also going to do it with calorie counting. I know many on IE would disagree that I am doing IE if I count calories, but obviously they aren't 70 almost 71 dealing with diabetes. I have no other health problems but the weight and the diabetes and I have to do this the way it works for me. Knowing your health situation, I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.

DH is suddenly tired of his snacks and really missing his sweets so I've got to start finding healthy foods that I could make for him so he can have them. I told him yesterday that we are going to have to start adding beans to our plan as it will help with the bs. He won't always go along with me on some food choices, but if it will help lower our bs, he is more likely to listen. So I'm thankful for that and will take what co-operation from him that I can get.

Rennie Good to see you here. I know you are busy with the new job and how it is to adjust to everything. So just keep in touch when you can to let us know how you are doing.

dgramie You are doing great. Happy for you.

Donna, Moonkissed and others

Last edited by pattygirl63; 08-04-2014 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Edited to say more about my exercising today.
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Old 08-04-2014, 01:02 PM   #28  
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Carol Sue we may have already discussed this but did you blend it well? I honestly felt it was no different with the oil than with just the better. It isn't greasy at all to me. It froths up in the blender and has a frothy feel but not oily. But, that being said, each person is unique so it may feel completely different to you.
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Old 08-04-2014, 07:19 PM   #29  
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Shannon, I have never tried the coconut oil in my coffee. I just don't like it when I use it for sauteing. That's when it seems too greasy for me, and that's what makes me feel that it would be too greasy in coffee. I do need to try it one of these days. I can always dump it out if I don't like it. No one is going to force me to drink it, are they? LOL

Trish, I finally got back to exercising today. It was a snap decision. It was almost time for my soaps to start and that's when I always used to exercise. At the last minute I grabbed my water bottle and went downstairs. I did 15 min on the treadmill, 15 min on the elliptical, then went back to the treadmill for a 5 min cool down. I really had to push myself to get that 15 min on the elliptical. I just didn't want to do it, and I just watched that timer as every minute went by. I used to exercise every day while watching my soaps. I made a rule for myself that I could not watch them unless I was exercising. That rule went by the wayside when I had my surgery and I never got back to it. I would like to get back to that rule again. I rarely just sit and watch them. Usually I am cooking or cleaning and going in and out of the room while watching.

My son and all his in-laws went to Virginia Beach for the week and I just looked at the weather forecast and it says storms all week. It will get sunny on Sat, but that's when they are coming home. I feel bad for the kids. The adults are there to eat and drink so they don't care, but the kids want to play on the beach. We bought my grandson a bunch of beach toys and he isn't going to get to enjoy them. I feel bad.
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Old 08-04-2014, 10:27 PM   #30  
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Originally Posted by Shannonsnail View Post
Carol Sue we may have already discussed this but did you blend it well? I honestly felt it was no different with the oil than with just the better. It isn't greasy at all to me. It froths up in the blender and has a frothy feel but not oily. But, that being said, each person is unique so it may feel completely different to you.
Are you blending coconut oil in hot coffee or cold? I drink my coffee with a scoop of hot cocoa and a spoonful of caramel creamer. I've tried stirring in coconut oil in the past but I didn't care for the greasy feeling either. And speaking of cold coffee makes me want a caramel frappe from McD's. I should experiment and make my own.

I didn't check my sugar at all today. Spent half the morning with the kids going over the new chore charts for back to school. Then a few hours shopping for back to school clothes and supplies with my boy. They don't go back until Sept. 2nd but I'm gonna start transitioning them now. I don't like to cold turkey their bedtimes from 10:30-11pm that they are now to before 8pm that they will need for school.
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