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Old 09-25-2004, 07:07 AM   #1  
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Wink Weekend Chat - Sept 25, 26

Good Morning,

Sorry I didn't get a chance to read all the posts from yesterday, thats where I'm headed right now. It was a CRAZY busy day at work, so I barely had time to pop in.

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Old 09-25-2004, 09:22 AM   #2  
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good morning ladies

just a quick hi... daughter and i are on our way into the city (2.5 hours each way) for her judo practice with provincial team. she got a phonecall last weekend inviting her back on team for the season.

have a wonderful day everyone!
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Old 09-25-2004, 09:23 AM   #3  
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Good Morning Gang!

Leenie - we gonna have to change your name to BUSY LEENIE! hehe hope you have a nice quiet weekend!

I just got back from walking 2 miles. September Miles = 20 I'm way behind in my walking goal, but oh well, I'm doing what I can.

Now I need to get cleaned up and be at church at 10 this morning for a "simulcast". We are starting the 40 Days of Purpose.

My youngest ds is on his way to see his girlfriend. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive there and then that far back later this evening. I am one nervous momma today! LOL He got a gazillion instructions before he left and then I prayed with him before he pulled out of the driveway. Of course, he thinks I am being silly, but I don't care. A lot can happen on the road and with our vehicles you never know how far they are gonna make it down the road. He has his cell phone with him and I will have mine on me all day too so we will be in touch. So like what did our moms do before cell phones? It sure is nice to be able to stay in contact with them.

Anywho....hope everybody has a great great day!

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Old 09-25-2004, 09:24 AM   #4  
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hey judomom - we were posting at the same time.
stay safe on the road and have a good time!
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Old 09-25-2004, 11:02 AM   #5  
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Judo & Cathy

I just finished cleaning the kitchen and now for the living room, then upstairs. After that its a shower and then off outside to play with DD.

Nothing much is happening, sosdd.

Cathy don't worry, he will be okay, but I understand your worry

Lynnie, how is G'ma? did you enjoy your b/day cake, was it worth cooking

Joanne, I sent you a PM. Hugs !!!!!

Clarrie, Zannie, Lizzy, Cin, Tippy, Cheryn, Babycakes, April, TMK (Tiffanie), Kem, Flower, LindaT, Sweetpea, Alteaon, Stephanie, Beth Anne, Arenee, hope to see you all this weekend.

Hugs !!!
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Old 09-25-2004, 01:17 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone

I had a bit of a binge again yesterday morning but have been doing OK since then We have a long standing arrangement to eat out tonight, going for a curry to say bye to a friend who is emigrating. I love curry but it is very calorific. At least I have been exercising (walked yesterday and today plus some bike riding). Like I said, I will try to do it right more often than not, and accept things will not go right all the time.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend
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Old 09-25-2004, 03:56 PM   #7  
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Hi everyone.....don't know if I should even type really sad today....have been for the last few days.......on & off for the last 3 weeks......don't know if it's from withdrawal symptoms from coming off the Celexa or the depression.

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Old 09-25-2004, 05:10 PM   #8  
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Clarrie, thats exactly it, just try to do your best. Really try. Beating yourself up does nothing but make us screw up even more. So just say DARN IT!! and do better next meal, not day, meal !! I'm an all or nothing person, I usually screw up and then say next day but lately, I've been trying to just think for the moment, one meal at a time. Cheer up

April, of course you should be posting, whats happening lady, this doesn't sound good. Please call your doctor and tell him you can't be like this anymore. Maybe there's something else he can give you or maybe if your not happy with him, see another one. Sorry your going thru this. Hugs, and ALWAYS post ! it can never ever hurt, you know.

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Old 09-25-2004, 05:17 PM   #9  
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Hey Clarrie - I think that's a good plan - "try to do right more than not"!

Hey April - ya know I'm not a doctor and I really don't know diddly squat, except that I have deal with meds for the past 4 years with my son's chemical imbalance, but it just doesn't seem right to make you go thru the withdrawals of the Celexa and then have to deal with the depression too, when you could simply just stay on the med? am I missing something girlie? I am only asking because I care about you - I just don't see where doing it this way is in your best interest and I'm concerned. You should not have to struggle so with all of this. I will be praying for you

Youngest ds called once while he was driving and then at 9:30 when he got there. Made it fine. And then just called to check in a few minutes ago. They are at the mall and going to eat. He will call me at 7 when he heads home. I think I'm gonna make it thru the day. ;-)

A sweet and pretty young lady from church just called oldest ds to meet her at a Jaci Velazques (sp?) Christian concert at our civic center, so off he went, but a few friends have called since them and are gonna meet them there. They will end up with a big group, like always, and have a great time. Last week she called him to come over swimming and before the night was over they had 25 college students there. LOL they seem to travel in packs!

Well the 40 Days of Purpose simulcast was AWESOME this morning! I was apparently too busy to get fired up ahead of time, but now I'm fired up! LOL It's gonna be good! Anybody have the book? read it? If so, just so you will know, Chapter 25 and 35 were written for me! ;-) They are titled "Transformed by Trouble" and "God's Power in Your Weakness". I had read the book right after Christmas, but now we will go thru it as a church and I'm sure it will only be better the 2nd time around.

am I rambling yet?

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Old 09-25-2004, 05:19 PM   #10  
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ok - leenie and I are posting at the same time - and we have the same thought about April and her meds - so maybe I do know a little "diddly squat" afterall.
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Old 09-25-2004, 07:04 PM   #11  
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Feeling a bit down in the dumps....can't snap out of it......this too shall pass!

Have a good one everyone

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Old 09-25-2004, 08:31 PM   #12  
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awwwwww liz - I wish I could make you feel better!

how about a great big hug from me to you - I know it won't change anything - but at least it's a hug!

did something bring on your down mood or is it just one of those days?

I'm sorry girlie - you deserve sunshine and roses and happiness every minute of every day!

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Old 09-25-2004, 08:58 PM   #13  
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I consider myself hugged cathy......thank you

I have had a headache all day...and just finding it a bit tough to rebound back from the night shifts.....

I have so much homework to do but can't physically do it I will ride it out...tomorrow will be a better day

Thanks for all your support!

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Old 09-25-2004, 09:31 PM   #14  
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Hello all!
Everyone sounds so busy. I am scared to become a mom - how do you guys handle the constant worry? Everyone tells me it is worth it, but it still sounds very scary to me.
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I just started my second part time job (so that my husband doesn't have to be my sugar daddy while I finish my masters).
Also, my wonderful doctor is on vacation again. Not to be mean but she took a two and half month vacation this summer and now she is on a two week vacation. I am on a special program, so in order to get my depression medicine refilled I have to see her and have her call it in. Basically, I am ultra cranky cause I am now experiences the wonderful flu like symptoms that come when you have to quit Paxil cold turkey. Hey but I have been a little less tired which makes exercising easier.
Sorry to complain so much!!!! Thanks for listening!
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
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Old 09-25-2004, 09:49 PM   #15  
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Hi Ladies,

Liz, I'll say it again, I don't know how you do it. When I went back to school, I remember crying b/c the home work was just to overwhelming to me. Thats why I never finished anything for a degree. Hugs to you !!!!

Tiffinie, gee your doc takes alot of time, must be nice huh. What degree are you studying for if you don't mind me asking. Kids are alot of work but you know, don't let anyone rush you, have them when YOU are ready, it makes them that much more enjoyable.

I think I'm gonna head on off to bed now. DH is watching a gross movie and even though I keep typing, I keep looking at the TV. Its skeeving me out.. so tata for now.

Hugs !!
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