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Old 12-01-2002, 09:05 AM   #1  
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Default Sunday 12-01-02

24 days till Christmas!!!

Yesterday went dressing turned out supurb and dinner went off without a hitch. I forgot to make macaroni and cheese and was called on it. Heather expects me to make it when she is here. I had the ingredients sitting on the bar and still forgot. Old age I guess. The baby had grown so much. We really enjoyed him. He got to sit in the highchair that I sat in 45 years ago. Mother always took care of it so it's in ideal shape. ish I could say the say about me. It's so hard to say bye knowing it will be another 6 months before we see them again.

I did not overeat. I had some creamcheese pie but made it a small piece. Today we will eat leftovers which I think are always better the second day. Maybe it's because I am not having to cook??

Linda how did dinner go with your friends?

Think I will go back to bed for a whlle. Catch you all later.
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Old 12-01-2002, 12:40 PM   #2  
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Happy Sunday !

24 days until Christmas - Yahoo !

Nothing much to report here except over eating as usual (enuf said).

I decorated the outside of the house with lights, not as much as we usually do but enuf to make me happy. Took out my wreath and hung it in the living room, and next I need to find our stockings. The tree this year is a tiny fiber optic one... due to we'll hold off on putting up the biggie tree. Another words, I really like my ornaments the way they are

Denise, sounds like a yummy meal. I still haven't gotten that recipie for you (potato stuffing) but as soon as I do I will send it to your PM. Promise !

I'm waiting for Grace to fall asleep, she is an absoulte crank w/out her nap. Then we will go visit my MIL in the hospital..not fun with a 15 month old. But my MIL seems to be holding her own.

Linny binnie bo minnie, how was your dinner ? what did she cook?

I must be getting dressed I'm not naykiddddd I'm still in my jamies (12:38 pm lololol)... what can I say, I love my jamies.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow.

Love, Leens
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Old 12-01-2002, 12:59 PM   #3  
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Talking Oh Hush up Sweet

No no no.. I don't WANNA know how many days til Christmas. Sweet, glad to hear your dinner turned out fine. Always tougher when YOU are the hostess.. you want everyne to be happy and things to go well. Heck, I always shoot for Norman Rockwell and somehow end up with the Roseanne show

My dinner was fine.. a few catastrophes, but that is just more teasing fodder My friend Diane had baked a pumpkin pie and had it on the counter cooling. She had this sitting on a lacey table runner with a hot pad on top. Well, her kittycat decides he is going to go surfing.. runs and jumps on the counter, snags the lace table runner as he is sliding across and drops EVERYTHING on the floor. Yes, that means the pie too! When I came over, the turkey was already out and setting on the counter resting. When they went to cut into it, it wasn't cooked. The goober girl didn't have a meat thermometer, didn't know about turning the leg or any tricks, so she just took it out when the label on the bird said so. Back it went into the oven for another 45 minutes.. no sick people wanted. We had dinner a little late, but it was just fine. My roasted vegetable dish went over very well.. the 2 males ate bread turkey and taters.. and thats it. The women ate the veggies.. and they all liked it. I had a nice time meeting her parents, brother and her new beau came over for dessert. I did a little Christmas shopping yesterday.. NOT FRIDAY!!! Got a few gifts, got new slippers for me and had an iced mocha lunch. This has been a nice little vacation

My new aerobics tapes showed up yesterday and boy am I glad, I was getting into a serious rut and even missed days this week because I was soo bored. These new tapes should do the trick. I'll let you know how I like them ( 2 Kathy Smith tapes) after I try em both.

How was everyone else's Thanksgiving? Hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends.

Hey Leens, you snuck in on my as I was previewing my post! you BOTH need to hush about this Christmas countdown!! For dinner there was ( and no I didn't eat a ton.. just a 1/4 ton) Turkey, dressing, cranberries, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, zucchini, my veggie dish, rolls.. appetizers were my sausage cheese balls, 3 kinds of cheese, olives garlic triscuits. Dessert was homemade peach pie, apple pie, homemade italian cookies and homemade pistachio biscotti ( YUM).

I need to go start aerobics in about 30 minutes.. so here's to sweating!!
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Old 12-01-2002, 03:50 PM   #4  
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Pumpkin pie on the floor...think I'd have just grabbed a fork and laid on my belly and dove in.

Homemade peach pie sounds good. Never had biscotti. Make me some Linda!! Sounds like you had a good day all in all Linda. So glad you got to be with friends...hate when you stay home alone.

I planned to make dates wrapped in bacon but never got it done. I always made some on Christmas eve so may wait til then and do up a platter. Still contemplating decorating and putting up the tree. Think I will stay with my plan and not. I think next year is soon enough to dig out more stuff. I am just now finding my rooms w/o adding more clutter.

I got the crapolla scared out of me today. I was in the house fixing Dad a plate for lunch when the phone rang. Usually I let Chris get it but after 3 rings I know to pick it up. I was LifeLine. Chris was in trouble. I came out to his apartment and found him having fishtails and he was scared he was dying. His temp was up, blood pressure 325/198, pulse 125 and he was nauseated, horrible headache. I gave him a couple valium and called his caregiver to come help me. We finally got him cooled off and his vitals to norm. He doesn't do this often...last time was 2 years ago. He was not able to dial the phone but thankfully had his LifeLine necklace on and pushed the button. He is okay now and just ate lunch. Don't know why these happen but so thankful they are few and far between.

Leenie I think Linda just told you and me to shut up in a nice way!! Doesn't she know that that ain't possible??? No more for you Linda!!

Well, it's nap time....later
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Old 12-01-2002, 05:09 PM   #5  
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Talking Better late than never????

Hi Guys!

Been working nights all weekend.....hate that but the money is good and it gives me the time off during the week to do the things I need to do....I am working days mon and Tues and then I am off until Dec 11 long as I don't pick up any shifts....I am going to try really hard not to!

Sounds like you all ate a lot better this weekend then we did...I haven't cooked a meal for days.

Sweetpea I have never heard of a BP that high....that is bizarre...surprised poor chris's head didn't burst!

Well enjoy the rest of the weekend and I will be in touch when I can.

Bye for now!

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Old 12-01-2002, 05:13 PM   #6  
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sorry liz...that was 225/198...sheesh, my typing sucks. But now you know why he had such a headache.
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Old 12-01-2002, 05:14 PM   #7  
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Hello everyone! We are back home safely I am glad to say after over 400 miles. (This was all in Ohio going from one relative's house to another.) There were many, many accidents this week and several fatalities -- due to rushing and going through red lights, switching lanes, etc. We drove home in a heavy snowstorm. Now I need to pop on top of the soapbox and point out that if you are speeding but not going very far you aren't saving much time. 45 mph instead of 35 when you are traveling to Target down the street is going to save us only a few seconds and is it worth risking your life and property for that? Everyone please drive safely this holiday season and don't make it a sad one for your relatives!

Well enough of that. We had T'giving at my MIL's and she is an awful cook. One of my favorite stories is when DH was looking puzzled into the serving bowl in his hands. "Are these croutons? Where's the salad?" he asked. They frostily replied "THAT is the STUFFING!" It cracks me up every time. They have given up and just order the meal from a grocery store now. So I don't overindulge at T'giving! Anyhow it is about Family and Togetherness and being Happy With What You Have (and now that I've learned to bring a French Silk Pie I am happier with what I have ) and all that. But I swam at the hotel and did my sister's excercise bike so I am not feeling too bad about pie or gravy. Sis had made anise biscotti cookies which I had never seen before. Linda, is your biscottie like a cookie or done in a loaf and sliced? Pistachio sounds lovely.

I took the kids to Target today and I found the funniest T-shirt. It had Ralphie from A Christmas Story on it and it said "I TRIPLE DOG DARE YA!" on it. LOL

We are really tight on the budget this year so I am pretty much done Christmas shopping because we just can't spend anymore. So much for that. I asked DH for a portrait of the kids for my present. I want an 11 x 14 and have a special frame all picked out already. That would be the best thing of all!

Sweetpea, I hope you and Chris are all right. Don't know anything about your situation but that sounds scary all right!
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Old 12-02-2002, 07:54 AM   #8  
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Default Welcome Home Marleah

I am glad to hear you are home in one piece...thanks for sharing your stories...gave me a smile!

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Old 12-02-2002, 12:57 PM   #9  
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Marleah, where's the salad haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would have died ! thanks, thats a good one.

My MIL is an okay cook but very bland. Well I NEVER put salt on my food and the one time I did was at one of her dinners...So guess what my husband says at the table, out loud, so even the freakin neighbors could hear him..."HEY YOU NEVER SALT YOUR FOOD" I turned red. I said "oh yes I do, you just never notice." Yikes ! Men can be so smart but so STUPID ! Boy did I give him a talking to when we got in the car I have a few of those stories but you get the picture.

Huggs !!
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