Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 09-18-2009, 04:32 PM   #46  
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Hey Girls TGIF !!!

1/2 hr to go and I'm freeeeee. I love my job but I'm freeee till monday that is. Tonight I won't be home until 9 PM, dd has swimming and pioneer girls... talk about tired haa !

Salsa you are smart and you don't need me to tell you..ya hear

TY Marbear

Have a great Friday Chickies

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Old 09-19-2009, 12:18 AM   #47  
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Hi ladies,

Dh's surgery is this coming wednesday, just found out for sure today. I'll have to let work know and switch my schedule around a bit. He'll probably be in the hospital for at least 3 days. It's just a waiting game now.

We've decided tonight to try and get a new home for one of our dogs. They got into another fight tonight and I can't take the stress of it anymore. Being gone most of this next week in hospital won't help. I just can't leave them alone together that long. I called a friend tonight and she is going to try to find somebody, which she is usually good at. I have to do this quickly before I change my mind again. It's like giving away one of your kids. It completely SUCKS!

I've got class tomorrow so I'll check in after that. Have a great weekend y'all.
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Old 09-19-2009, 08:23 AM   #48  
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Old 09-19-2009, 08:35 AM   #49  
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Hi everyone, here's to Saturday

Hope: big hugs for you, and more prayers.

Yesterday's appointment was a bit weird. First of all the psych asked if a student could sit in, which threw me completely. I managed to not just go with the flow - normally I would have said "Oh, sure" and then felt horribly uncomfortable - and say "No," and so there wasn't a student hanging around.

That might sound unfair but I was nervous enough meeting more new doctors and I wanted to minimise that as much as possible.

Then this psych...I don't think we really clicked. She was quite clinical and sterile in her manner. And the set-up of the room, ugh - we were sitting at her desk. I felt like I was at a job interview.

At the end another psych came in to talk for a bit (as "my" psych is in the last stages of her training). I guess I'm now Officially In Therapy. I'm to continue with my anti-d meds and use the sleeping meds only when necessary. Then they arranged for some blood tests to be done - anaemia, thyroid, etc.

In the evening - I can't believe I did this, this is why I'm typing it up! - I went to a party A friend of mine celebrated his birthday (he knows about my issues though, he has similar ones) and I was invited. So I dressed up a bit, even put make-up on and went along (I put a photo up in the progess pics thread in the 100lb club if anyone wants to drop an encouraging comment ). It was all right, I felt a bit shy and uncomfortable at points, but managed to relax a bit. I actually felt good and somewhat attractive! And I got wolf-whistled whilst cycling to my friend's house - and I managed to respond with a smile rather than ignoring it or getting paranoid.

Today a friend is coming round for dinner, so I need to do some serious tidying up round here.

How are you all doing today?
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Old 09-20-2009, 10:11 AM   #50  
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Hi Ladies.

Jumping back in again.

Have a wonderful Sunday.
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Old 09-20-2009, 11:11 AM   #51  
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This is a great thread!!! Happy to be here!
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Old 09-20-2009, 03:34 PM   #52  
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HI everyone, hope you are having a good weekend.

Hope thoughts and prayers are with you.

Welcome Noellem, this is a great little corner and I look forward to getting to know you better.

Salsa hope you and your psych start to mesh.

Not much new around here. With kids going back to school most of us are sick with a stupid head cold. So things are moving in slow motion for me. Its kind of nice to have a routine again though, actually managing to get regular walks in. Usually a 25 min walk after getting DdC on the bus in the mornings and another 45 min walk 3 times a week while she is in judo. Definitely helps my mental state.

Should go and do something.

Take care everyone,
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Old 09-20-2009, 09:00 PM   #53  
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Back for another has everyone been?
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:43 AM   #54  
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Morning everyone!! I fell off the wagon and ive been running after it trying to catch up!! So I finally got back here....I got so down I had gained 6-8 lbs just depending on what day it was. I want control of my life but every time I am close to it its like I trip and fall and roll down the hill.... I am thinking about going on a short juice fast to detox and break some crappy eating habits.

Still Extremely busy...Just started homeschooling my 5 + 6 year old and having a hard time keepin on track cause I feel blah...I was getting up early and doing it and had all my stuff done before the girls got up (2 + 3) but then I couldnt get myself outta bed so I have been doing their school when I do nap time but i dont feel as motivated about it.

My foster teenager has been giving me a really crappy time for about a month and a half....she has ranaway, cut, stole food and money, lied, smoked in the house, and she thinks we are going to do legal gaurdianship with her?? Is she crazy ...feb will be 3 years we have had her and this is the worst time everUGHH...

We have been busy with the youth. We took them to six flags sat. and i am wayy sore from it i feel like I cant move!! When we took over the youth last may (08) we started with 7 kids now we have 25-28 kids. Right now we are working on purchasing a building for teen ministry right down from the school. We are going to do an after school program.

Also,I just recently took over the church drama team (WHICH i absolutely love!!! that is my heart). I am making them work hard for a drama this sat for our youth night!!

Then I teach Kids church once a month and considering doing it more cause the kids ask all the time if im teaching them (even my own kids want me to teach it...weird!!) I do it like a mini youth service with music and not just sit around a table with papers and lessons!!

I just bought a really really good organization book and it teachs about making box holders with dividers from like shoe boxes and cake mix boxes...then a pencil and misc holder with caprisun box and yogurt containers..really really good book. I am sooo tired of looking for stuff and not finding it or trying to clean up and stuff not having a place....

When you have 5 kids wait 6 including my dh then you have to be organized because its very frustrating tryin to leave and not being able to find shoes or socks or a brush...then my husband and kids can NEVER find anything I will walk right where they were looking and pick it up from right under their nose...UGHHH WHY CANT THEY SEE?????

Ok well I guess I have rambled on long enough to catch all of you up on my life for the last month.... I probably need to go since my children have the cushions off the couch and are using them as slids?!? I mean REALLY!?!
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:06 PM   #55  
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G'day girlies. Welcome to the new. Not too much here. I'm feeling good... for now. I get to go to the docs today for my physical (frickin' joy...) and get reamed out for being fat. hooray! I'm probably not going to be feeling as good this afternoon! I do need to talk to her about my meds and such so we shall see.

Salsa - I'm glad you said no to the student. You def need a therapist you are comfortable with. If you don't "do" white and steril ask her for an environment change.

Hope - hope everything is ok with you and yours! :Hug:

Mom - Welcome back!

Pure - you came back! For a couple seconds at least Looking forward to a laonger post.

Everyone else - have a good day!
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:45 PM   #56  
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marbear-I get to go to the drs for physical too and probably get yelled at for the weight gain...but I told them because I want my thyroid checked cause I have symptoms of thyroid problems....suddne weight gain, losing hair, constantly tired and sluggish.... so I am with ya on that one!!
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Old 09-21-2009, 06:47 PM   #57  
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so Yeah dr. pretty much said I am having energy problems and issues because of my weight...he is such a sweet dr. He is older and we have seen him for several years. I asked him after he was done if it wasnt the lab work what could the prob. be he said the easiest thing but the hardest thing to fix...weight. He asked what I weighed in high school and in my 20's I said well I weighed 121ish out of school. He said well carrying around 100 extra lbs is probably a lot of the lack of energy and sluggishness...its a good point my body has to carry around all this extra weight of course its gonna run out of energy...BUT TO FIX IT SEEMS LIKE IMPOSSIBLE even though I know its not...ughhhh
I need a total life makeover...for reall....
1. work on what I am eating and eating healthy things
2. excercise and move every day
3. get my house organized
4. get my kids and my life on some what of a basic schedule
5. get a better consistant way of correcting my kids
6. Learn how to and be on time (reading a mags about how we say we have to leave at this time or we have to be there at this time but we never give a "load" true for me we may walk out the door at the time we had to leave but loading is a chore in its self)
7. have more patience(even though everyone asks me how I am so patient I dont feel I am esp at home I tend to go off or lose it more than I would like...)
8. keep a checkbook balanced better at handling money
10.learn how to save money

I am just a mess and complete and total mess...even though I look like I have it together to everyone else I am really falling apart and just making it look good...UGH Why

why cant I do what I know I have to like answering to myself is no motivation. If I had a job I would get up and go to it but I cant make myself get up earlier or even at the same time every day...ok ok im shutting up just venting and writing stuff out seems to help me sort it in my head...but things better get fixed soon!!
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Old 09-21-2009, 06:51 PM   #58  
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@ Beautiful Chickies

Noel !!!

LIZ !!!!!!!!!! hey purdy mama, whats shakin with you? I'm so glad your back.. do tell, do tell

Hope... many prayers for DH and you girlie I know you both must be anxious about Wednesday.

Purefire, Mom, Buddly, Marbear, Salsa and the rest of the Ladies

Gotta run... toodles and have a great night.


Last edited by Leenie; 09-21-2009 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 10:39 AM   #59  
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My phsyical wasn't bad - for what it was. Most awkward and horrible 5 minutes of the year! My doctor wasn't mean about my weight - though I think that's because she thinks I'm doing "good things" to lose weight. We shall see... My blood pressure was really good too - which is odd, as I normally have a bit of blood in my caffeine system . 120/72. Weird. Maybe it's all of the exercise. Funny thing was I had a slight fever, which the nurse let me brush off as being warm from my workout earlier in the day. Then the doc came in - apparently I have a sore throat too. Good thing I can no longer tell the difference betwee stress and being sick! Ha! Perhaps I need a vacation...

Mom - I can jump on the "being more organized with my finances boat". I work for a bank, you'd think I'd like - balance my checkbook or something along those lines once in a while, huh? I think that getting a schedule down will make everything else a bunch easier

Hope - big I hope you get the hugs before tomorrow, as I'm sure you could use them.

Everyone else... do a its one day closer to the weekend!
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Old 09-22-2009, 11:51 AM   #60  
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well I actually got up and did the boys school and worked on some things. I wrote out therules and consequences. My mother in law was a case worker that tried to help families fix problems before the kids were taken away and I was telling her bout somethings with my foster daughter. So she gave me some ideas that worked with my boys and my fostd. So I worked on it. I would put the kids in the corner but not track how long or anything so now I set the timer and start it over if they are going to be bad while standing there. Just some other things.
I just have to stay focused. I gotta find the time to do the work out...ate pretty crappy already today!! Ok well gotta get kids lunch!!

Have a good day

Mar-thats awesome your appt went well!!
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