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Old 10-15-2008, 07:29 AM   #16  
I was born this way hey!
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I know I've been MIA lately..and sorry for that. I guess I was in denial or whatever and went off my meds. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!! Basically everyone thought I was still taking them..but nope. I dunno..I thought I was doing better, so thats why I went off them.

Fortunately, I'm back on them. I'm also on Xanax again. I ended up in the ER not too long ago with a massive panic attack that lasted hours. They gave me the meds..and I've had like a 3 attacks since. Thankfully, its helped. It's also knocked me out for hours..LOL!!!

Ugh..I'm just a giant mess of problems at the moment too. I have nobody to talk to about it either. So I've been holding it inside.

So my lil mellow drama, lol. Again sorry for being MIA.
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:48 AM   #17  
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Good Morning

Shop welcome back sweetie, I'm glad your here and you know you can talk to us... we love you !!!

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Old 10-15-2008, 09:15 PM   #18  
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Hi all,

Man, my feet are killing me tonight after working all day then making dinner and cleaning up. Could it be the extra 80 lbs I'm carrying around? Tough call, huh?

I've gotta get off here and read for class. I'm so excited. Just wanted to stop in and say hi.

Welcome back Shop. This is the place to spill your problems, so let's have 'em!
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Old 10-15-2008, 10:17 PM   #19  
Just keep moving ...
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HI everyone

I'm doing OK, other than I've been sick as a dog for a week now. Oops, there I think I just coughed up a lung.

Take care everyone. Big hugs to all who can use them.
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Old 10-15-2008, 10:22 PM   #20  
Just keep moving ...
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Holy Heck - Francie is that you? Nice to see you again. How are the new digs? Love the hair!
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Old 10-15-2008, 10:25 PM   #21  
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Hey Chickies! I am sorry about being MIA as well! DH & DD had like FIVE days off so it has been crazy! I am returning with fabulous news though! DH has been declared in remission!! Yay! No more Chemo! The MRI & the Petscan both came up clean! I have been doing the happy dance all over the place! And! Our neighbors are letting me walk their golden on a regular basis now! So I am getting over a 3 mile walk 5 days a still going to the Y for classes! Whew! I have been chasing my tail all week that is for sure! But I may have figured out what I need to do for my weight to start heading in the right direction...really too early to tell but I will let you know when I know... I have been doing realllly well with the meditation and everything.. I am just going to pat myself on the back right

Good to see ya Shop!!! Yay! I am sorry you are having problems...take the meds if you need them and don't worry about what you have to do to feel better...whatever that is!

Luv luv Everybody!!!

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Old 10-15-2008, 10:41 PM   #22  
I was born this way hey!
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OKay..I wrote something here..but really..its sooooooooooo lame. I'm just gonna talk it over with dh. He should know whats going on in my weird mind, lol.

But here's something else thats been bringing me down..

I've been having nightmares where I have this beautiful baby daughter named Isabella..and the dream is always the same. I give birth to her..we take pics of her..I annouce to all of my friends that I've given birth..then after I've put her down for a nap..I go and check up on her..and she's missing. The photos are gone..all the baby stuff is gone. I'm freaking out cuz I cant find her. Everyone is starting to think I'm lying about even being pregnant since all the proof is gone. All thats left is the birth certificate. The only one who believes me is Fonzo, and thats cuz he was there. I've had this dream 4 nights in a row..and each time I wake up sobbing. What does this mean????????????? Does it mean, I'll never have a baby??

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Old 10-15-2008, 11:59 PM   #23  
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still flipping under a big black cloud. i'm very disgusted with myself.
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:17 AM   #24  
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Wink For Francie: Dream

Originally Posted by Shopaholic1204 View Post
OKay..I wrote something here..but really..its sooooooooooo lame. I'm just gonna talk it over with dh. He should know whats going on in my weird mind, lol.

But here's something else thats been bringing me down..

I've been having nightmares where I have this beautiful baby daughter named Isabella..and the dream is always the same. I give birth to her..we take pics of her..I annouce to all of my friends that I've given birth..then after I've put her down for a nap..I go and check up on her..and she's missing. The photos are gone..all the baby stuff is gone. I'm freaking out cuz I cant find her. Everyone is starting to think I'm lying about even being pregnant since all the proof is gone. All thats left is the birth certificate. The only one who believes me is Fonzo, and thats cuz he was there. I've had this dream 4 nights in a row..and each time I wake up sobbing. What does this mean????????????? Does it mean, I'll never have a baby??
Hi Francie -- I went to a Dream Interpretation Site and found this on dreaming about babies:


To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted. Babies may represent an aspect of yourself that is vulnerable and helpless. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses.

If you dream that you are on your way to the hospital to have a baby, then it signifies your issues of dependency and your desire to be completely care for. Perhaps you are trying to get out of some responsibility. If you are pregnant, then a more direct interpretation may simply mean that you are experiencing some anxieties of making it to the hospital when the time comes.

To dream of a crying baby, is indicative of a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs some nurturing. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life.

To dream about a starving baby, represents your dependence on others. You are experiencing some deficiency in your life that needs immediate attention and gratification.

To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.

To see a dead baby in your dream, symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you.

To dream that you are dipping a baby in and out of water, signifies regression. You are regressing to a time where you had no worries and responsibilities. Alternatively, it is reminisce of when the baby is in the fetus and in its comfort zone. In fact, some expectant mothers even give birth in a pool, because the environment in the water mimics the environment in the uterus. It is less traumatic for the baby as it emerges into the world. So perhaps, the dream your search for your own comfort zone.

Also found this:


To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurtured.

To dream that your own grown children are still very young, indicates that you still see them as young and dependent. You want to feel needed and significant.

To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.

To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed.

Hope that helps!

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Old 10-16-2008, 06:19 AM   #25  
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Mornin' All.

Well I still feel like crappola. I'm going to call the dr this morning to see when he can get me in, my DH said he will get off at 3:30 pm today and tomorrow, so should be enough time to get to the dr, if they can get me in.......

I hope you all are doing well!

Update: I called the Drs office, all they have open is tomorrow at 3:30 pm. So I went ahead and told them to mark me down and I could always call and reschedule if I had too. Figure maybe we can figure something out. Maybe my DH could borrow his mom and dads van or maybe my fil could come and take me if he isn't working. I wish I had a bicycle, I could ride a bike there easy. UGH I hate having one car. I mean I know my husband has his motorcycle and the worse case, I guess he can ride to work but still............we have to get ourselves another car! lol. Its just beginning to get way too cold for him to ride that far. If it were closer, that would be different, he could deal with it for 10-15 min, but he goes all the way downtown, so that is quite a hall from our place. (one reason we want to move)

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Old 10-16-2008, 08:56 AM   #26  
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Originally Posted by Ravengirl View Post

Hey Chickies! I am sorry about being MIA as well! DH & DD had like FIVE days off so it has been crazy! I am returning with fabulous news though! DH has been declared in remission!! Yay! No more Chemo! The MRI & the Petscan both came up clean!
So glad to hear this Raven... my hub finished chemo in March... had a bone marrow transplant. His will return - the type of cancer he has is incurable. He's been in remission and goes to the cancer clinic today (goes every 2 months) to find out if he still is in remission or not. I've always gone with him; this is the first foray on his own. I'm nervous and so is he because it's always in the backs of our minds. He's been feeling more fatigued than usual (which was one of the symptoms) so we're doubly nervous. His appt is at 10:30 and is usually an hour. He's going to phone me as soon as he gets out. If it's not good news, I'll leave the meeting I'm at and drive into the city (cancer clinic is a 2 hour trip).

Best wishes for you and your hub! Prayers are with you!!

Everyone... if you have a few free minutes today, please keep DH and me in your thoughts, but especially my DH
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Old 10-16-2008, 10:37 AM   #27  
I was born this way hey!
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Originally Posted by Sassy_Chick View Post
Hi Francie -- I went to a Dream Interpretation Site and found this on dreaming about babies:


To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted. Babies may represent an aspect of yourself that is vulnerable and helpless. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses.

If you dream that you are on your way to the hospital to have a baby, then it signifies your issues of dependency and your desire to be completely care for. Perhaps you are trying to get out of some responsibility. If you are pregnant, then a more direct interpretation may simply mean that you are experiencing some anxieties of making it to the hospital when the time comes.

To dream of a crying baby, is indicative of a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs some nurturing. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life.

To dream about a starving baby, represents your dependence on others. You are experiencing some deficiency in your life that needs immediate attention and gratification.

To dream of an extremely small baby, symbolizes your helplessness and your fears of letting others become aware of your vulnerabilities and incompetence. You may be afraid to ask for help and as a result tend to take matters into your own hands.

To see a dead baby in your dream, symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you.

To dream that you are dipping a baby in and out of water, signifies regression. You are regressing to a time where you had no worries and responsibilities. Alternatively, it is reminisce of when the baby is in the fetus and in its comfort zone. In fact, some expectant mothers even give birth in a pool, because the environment in the water mimics the environment in the uterus. It is less traumatic for the baby as it emerges into the world. So perhaps, the dream your search for your own comfort zone.

Also found this:


To see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurtured.

To dream that your own grown children are still very young, indicates that you still see them as young and dependent. You want to feel needed and significant.

To dream that you are watching children but they do not know you are there, is a metaphor for some hidden knowledge or some latent talent which you have failed to recognize.

To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed.

Hope that helps!

hmmm...what about missing babies?? Maybe it means something is missing from my life?? AKA A BABY!! LoL!!

I dunno though. I had the dream again last night. Fonzo had to wake me up cuz I was screaming her name in my sleep..
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Old 10-16-2008, 10:57 AM   #28  
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I've had a truly awful week but today seems a little brighter. I had a diabetes appointment today at my clinic and it appears my control is getting better and they said considering how things have been for me lately, thats really awesome. They also told me I've basically put back on every single pound I've lost in the last year - but I'm not phased, I've given up on calorie counting and dieting now. Anyway, my parents are taking me away for the weekend to clear my head so that should be nice.

Judo my thoughts are with you & DH.

Iris, you're doing great just hang in there
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Old 10-16-2008, 04:10 PM   #29  
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we didn't get good news.. the cancer is back
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Old 10-16-2008, 06:45 PM   #30  
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My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

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