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Old 08-14-2008, 05:06 PM   #31  
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had a nap getting ready for VBS!! I feel blah like my body doesnt want to do anything and I am dragging it behind me!!!! catch ya all lata
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Old 08-14-2008, 10:14 PM   #32  
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Tropic Thunder is the new Ben Stiller movie that has Robert Downey Jr, Tom Cruise, Jack Black, and some others in it. They play movie stars that are filming a war film overseas and it becomes real. Silly stuff but some of it was funny.

I'm a little tired tonight. I think it is mostly from cramps.

Welcome Dillybar! Looking forward to getting to know you.

Buddly: Can you tuck any of that extra $$ away for Xmas, not that I'm trying to help you spend it. Maybe it will just help with the AC repair. I hate auto repairs.

Amarie: 12hrs sounds like heaven.

Mom: you must be tired after being up so late. I hope you can turn in early tonight.

Spoz: why so little sleep?

Leenie: It's almost Friday! Got any good weekend plans?

Sassy: You working tonight? Howz the job hunt?

Raven: Doing ok?

Cathy: miss you!

Heather: miss you too!

Ok, gotta get to bed... Hi and hugs to anybody I missed!

Last edited by hope4me; 08-14-2008 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 08-14-2008, 11:18 PM   #33  
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ok well i think i am going to crash soon I am tired and have dentist appt in the morning. My dh and i tried to play a game of cards and he was grumpy or tired or something and says he wasnt and then it just keep being testy so I stopped playing. I wanted to sit and enjoy some time together but there was no enjoying there so yeah i gave up. So now I am kinda grumpy and just ready to go to bed...sorry i havent done any personals lately i guess i havent been up to it...ok lata
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Old 08-15-2008, 06:21 AM   #34  
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Hey all,

Nope this was my short week, so I have been off since I left work on Wed @ 9:30 am.

DH got another co. interested in him, its a very very very good co. too. They are holding testing, so he'll have to go to that first..........

Other than that not much to say. We did get caught up on some bills, finally..........figured better get caught up now cuz this was DH's last paycheck.

So anywho, that is about it from my end...........
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Old 08-15-2008, 11:08 AM   #35  
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Good Morning Gang

How's everybody doing today? I'm so glad it's Friday.

I walked 2 miles every morning this week. That's 5 days straight whoooohooo The hardest part is just getting up at 5 am every morning and I usually end up missing a morning bec of being up too late or being too tired, but I did it this week and boy am I glad about that!

Anybody else exercising?

I hope everybody has an awesome weekend!

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Old 08-15-2008, 03:43 PM   #36  
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Hiya girls!

Well, 12 hours may have been too much, cause yesterday I was a bit too edgy and drama-prone. Oh well, then last night I only got 3 hours sleep (early plane) so it kinda evens out anyway.

Cathy!!! Good to see you - wtg on you walks. And thanks for popping in, I really needed that dose of extra-special motivation you provide! I have to fess up that I have NOT been exercising, and to make matters worse I've been vacation-eating and have not even seen a scale in 2 weeks.. Danger!

Mof4 - wow that was a REALLY high fever! You and dh must have been more than a little freaked out. No wonder tempers were grouchy after that! Ah well, I'm just glad your little one is ok.

Hope - yah, I just saw a preview in the airport. Not my kind of movie I don't think. Then again, it has Robert Downey Jr...hmmm... He looks better cuter than he used to! Isn't it funny how some actors really grow into their looks and some don't?

Spoz - whaz up with the no sleep? You doin ok?

Buddly - step away from the curly fries!! Lol, I swear aw curly fries started my unhealthy obsession with fried fast food! I think its great that they can use the help over lunch - not too much not to little... But what's with school starting again soon, um hello what happened to my summer?

Ok, I hope I didn't miss anyone (although I prob did). Its hard to scroll through on my blackberry - which btw I will be turning in in 3 days!!! Yeehaw! Anyway if I missed you its not on purpose, its just because I'm a spaz!

Well, I gotta go find something to do for an hour and a half til my last flight. Ahhhh, to be home!
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Old 08-15-2008, 09:55 PM   #37  
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Can I just say: wow, I'm fat! I'm still eating out of control and have been for as long as I can remember now. And Cathy, I haven't been exercising either. I've said it before but I just can't seem to get a grip. I need to work out for the endorphins if nothing else.

Oh well, it's an early morning for me so I better get in the shower and get to bed.
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Old 08-15-2008, 11:23 PM   #38  
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Oh dear... I just had a HUGE blow-up with my dad. We've not been getting on well these last several years, but he just really went too far today, and I was sooo tired from all my flights that I just laid into him on the phone. Its odd, I'm not sorry 'cause it needed saying, but the timing sucks. Ah well. Something to talk about with the counselor this week I guess.

Anywho, nighty-night.
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Old 08-16-2008, 12:27 AM   #39  
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MeA-That really would have been good if you coulda said it at the right time rather than being pushed over the edge. I find esp with my dad I have to learn to say whats bothering me at the right time cause if i let it build up and just blow up then it doesnt accomplish much. My dad is very hard to deal with and I want to scream at him and flip on him but it does no good so yeah...UGHH...anyways i hope things work out for you!!! I love ya my dear friend and so miss our everyday exchanges on here...maybe winter we will get more time!!! LOL

VBS is over with the baby is doing better still hanging onto a low fever...but a full weekend and so glad i live in a state that has seasons!!! cause I am ready for fall i soooo LOVE FALL.....ok well i am to you chics lata
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Old 08-16-2008, 07:10 AM   #40  
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Good Morning,

What a great day, its so nice out and I have NO plans finally no plans, it seems every weekend I'm running like a nut

I just wanted to pop in and say to everyone.

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Old 08-16-2008, 02:15 PM   #41  
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I'm so glad I'm not the only one with difficulty motiving myself exercise! But I've got to the point where the weight just wont come off without some hard work so tomorrow after many reluctant months, I'm going to go join the gym. Its usually money that I've used as my excuse, but now I'm working being fit is worth the money.

Amarie, Hope - dont know, I just find it difficult to sleep and then difficult to stay asleep. And its good that you said what needed to be said to your father amarie - dont fee bad !

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Old 08-16-2008, 09:49 PM   #42  
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It's been a long day, then again I've been up since 4:30am. Work was a little slow today but I'm not gonna argue. We had Outback tonight: lamb, tilapia with creole sauce, and crab cakes.

Amarie:How are you feelin today about the fight with your dad? It's better to get things out than hold them back, but it's hard to have words with a parent.

Momof4: I love fall too. I can't wait.

Spoz: It is worth the $$, good for you.

Leenie: No plans sounds great! Enjoy it, you are always sooo busy.

Cathy: Good to see you.


Gotta run... Later
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Old 08-17-2008, 07:56 AM   #43  
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Hi Girls and Good Morning

Amarie sorry about your arguement with Dad but I can understand how family can push your buttons, boy do I know sorry hon.

Mom, glad the baby is feeling amazes me how long they can hang on to a fever. Is she teething?

Hope... eating out of control is my middle name your not alone. It just seems like I don't/can't count calories or anything anymore. Where's my brain? anyway... hang in there hon.

Dilly, glad you found us.

Buddly how are things? good for you for cleaning house WOWEE.... its amazing school has started already in some states, our kids here in NJ start after labor day.

Spoz, I can't remember the last time I exercised.... and i used to love it ... what in the world can we do?

Sassy I haven't spoken to you in FOREVER!!!! how ya doing girlie.

Raven girl, its so good to see you. How's everything?

Cathy busy girl, good for you for exercising, WTG.

Heather, sweetie, how are you

I'm sorry if I miss you but you know I love you

Have a great Sunday chickies, SMILE !!!!! your one of a kind and beautiful.

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Old 08-17-2008, 11:13 AM   #44  
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I'm trying, girls, I'm trying. No more to say than that, right now. Sorry.
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Old 08-17-2008, 11:00 PM   #45  
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awww heather you poor thing....I wish I could just come visit you and go out and let you have a good day!!!!

I all the sudden have like this overwhelming feeling of being disorganized, non prepared.....I have to get organized for school starting, get on a earlier bedtime so I can get up before the kids to do devotions and excercise, get the rules & consequencces all typed up and posted that way i can be consistant on them, youth activities to plan, **** house to plan (dramatic presentation during halloween!)....Just feel so overwhelmed cause theres soo much stuff i gotta do but like I just dont know where to start cause there is sooo much...I was never a like schedule person usually like spur of the moment...but with kids there has got to be some type of schedule.
I am so stink happy that i have not put back on the first 5 lbs i lost (usually i just go like a yo yo and lose gain lose gain) But now I have even lost 2 more lbs...but i am gonna have to get water pills or something and watch my sodium intake cause when i drink water my weight goes up i just noticed it and like i have been the same weight for a while and even after i lost these 7 lbs my ring just got tight on my way weird...

Dh and i got to go out and watch the 3d journey to the center of the earth...IT WAS GREAT...some people probably thought not but theres not many movies we can watch with out swearing or sex didnt swear at all....awesome I know!! My parents have annoyed me my mom told me she couldnt watch the kids today then my dad said oh you guys can come down we're doing nothing..yeah that makes sense...they were like you dont need to go out we never had date nights...well there was one of me and NOT FOUR UNDER 5 plus a 15yr they really dont get it. I am not throwing myself a pity party but seriously they have a 9 yr old 12 yr old and 14 yr old foster girl and they say i dont have anymore work than them...EWWW like first thats 2 less than me second theyre kids are not needy like little ones, they can dress themselves get their own drink etc....EWW so anyways i am gonna get off that subject before my blood pressure goes up...
Still stressing over money...I have money for bills but like gotta get money for everyone to get shoes cause they grow like weeds and winter clothes.... Like i can go clean for the next two weeks but have no one to watch my yeah...

alright thats enough outta me tonight...lata ladies
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