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Old 08-12-2008, 10:52 AM   #16  
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Heather... keep posting sweetie...we love you and darling, its ok to cry, it really is.

Last edited by Leenie; 08-12-2008 at 10:52 AM.
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Old 08-12-2008, 11:00 AM   #17  
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Heather, I might not be much - but I believe in you and so does everybody else here. We're all thinking of you, it will get better
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Old 08-12-2008, 01:30 PM   #18  
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Heather with out you and you running your endless miles i would have never started that program...Things will fall apart once in a while but we have to put ourselves back together and get back up...Doesn't mean your going to jump up and take off...ok i love ya girl!!
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Old 08-12-2008, 10:55 PM   #19  
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Hi all,

I went to visit a girlfriend of mine with a new baby today. Very cute. After I went to the grocery store and made some beef stroganoff for dinner. I keep feeling like I have to work tomorrow but I'm off. I need to take care of a few things like my health insurance that will lapse at the end of the month.

Everytime I start to post I feel like I have nothing to say b/c it seems like all I do is work and come home. Anybody else feel like that?

Goodnight ladies and Heather: still thinking about you.
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Old 08-13-2008, 12:27 AM   #20  
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Originally Posted by hope4me View Post
Hi all,

I went to visit a girlfriend of mine with a new baby today. Very cute. After I went to the grocery store and made some beef stroganoff for dinner. I keep feeling like I have to work tomorrow but I'm off. I need to take care of a few things like my health insurance that will lapse at the end of the month.

Everytime I start to post I feel like I have nothing to say b/c it seems like all I do is work and come home. Anybody else feel like that?

Goodnight ladies and Heather: still thinking about you.

I do too or I post about things that I think nobody cares about. Just thoughts that pass through my head. lol. I basically work and go home, work and go home, not a big exciting life...........

Tonight driving into work, I began crying I just felt like DH & I are starting all over again. I know our situation is not that bad, people lose their jobs all the time and DH has had a lot of callbacks and interviews (all have went well). But it seems like for many years now we have been doing pretty good. I dunno just upset me a bit, but I got over it. I figure we need a rock or two in our life paths to appreciate the smooth paved paths when we have them.

Anyways, Big to all those who need it.

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Old 08-13-2008, 08:55 AM   #21  
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Hi Ladies,

Hope, darling I feel the same way... work... ... home sosdd.. hang in there sweetie.

Sassy, sorry about the job I'll pray something comes for you guys quick.

to everyone...have a great day ladies, your all loved, remember that.

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Old 08-13-2008, 12:10 PM   #22  
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I have just felt weird lately...We need to find another house and need to soon....This one is way too small...I cleaned the house up!!! So everything looks pretty decent. Dishes are done. The only thing left is laundry...GO FIGURE!!! Kaci comes home finally on Friday....she is discharged from the group home. We have to go get a bed. I just hope that this goes better than it did before because some of the weekends have been rough. I think she lied to me last weekend over something that wouldnt have been worth lying about. She told me one thing and my mom told me a different thing So i have to ask the person that got the stuff knocked out of their hands on who did it. She gave me the thing when I asked her to do dishes on last friday "They arent my dishes" I was like DONT even start...she says "I wasnt even here though" I said you know I did the dishes you DID use last week so we are not even going to start this game I said do the dishes DO THEM. She still walked away and piddle around I was like KACI do the dishes...I wanted to smack her...then she wondered why i was being so quiet...I was just irritated...cause I am standing there folding HER clothes that I WASHED AND DRIED...and she has that nerve to start its not mine....I dont know she has to learn at some point!! ok well i gotta go make lunch for the munchkins!!! Talk to you all lata....
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:34 PM   #23  
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Just popping in to say Hi!
Still around and trying to keep up.
Take care everyone,
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Old 08-13-2008, 06:53 PM   #24  
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I just realized I'm going to totally have to dissapear again next week - I won't have inet access from Mon through maybe Thursday while I move...
to everyone! Have a goosd night!
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Old 08-13-2008, 11:21 PM   #25  
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Amarie, wow, it's finally here. Hope it all goes smoothly for you. I need to follow your lead and check on some classes soon. It's career changing time.

I had a lot of plans for today and I got maybe half of them done. I signed up for my new benefits that will go into effect in late Sept, but I didn't get my gap health policy submitted b/c my software didn't work. I'm selling the policy to myself so I have to wait till my new anthem cd comes in the mail to get my quotes and application.

We saw 'Tropic Thunder' at the movies today. It was actually pretty funny. It was df's idea to go of course. Tomorrow is monday for me but I don't have to go in till 9am.

Startingnew: Still feeling ok since the accident?

Sassy: for you and your hubby. I know it's tuff not working and tougher finding a job. Sounds like he's got a lot of good prospects however.

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Old 08-13-2008, 11:23 PM   #26  
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Hiya. I'm a total newbie. Reading here and there. Really liking what I'm reading and hope it helps me along. I hope to become a regular member
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Old 08-14-2008, 09:57 AM   #27  
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Hi Dillybar - I look forward to getting to know you.

Well chicas, I got 12 hours of sleep last night!!! I dunno if that counts as sleep or a coma, but its been a long time since I felt so rested. I also noticed this am that I only had a half dose of my prozac in my little daily pill organizer - not sure if I packed them all wrong, or just these last couple days... Ah, oh well.

Hope - what is Tropical thunder? I've never heard of it. Career change is in the air right now, let me tell you. A bunch of people at this conference are new, or working for diff companies, etc. Huh.

everyone - I gotta go run to a seminar.

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Old 08-14-2008, 10:48 AM   #28  
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Good morning everyone!

Dillybar! This is a great little corner and I look forward to getting to know you better.

amarie good to see you. 12 hours of sleep, wow! how nice. I don't feel like I slept at all last night. My mind wouldn't shut down.

Hope getting some things done off of a todo list is always a good thing.

momof4 good luck on the house hunting, hope you find something soon.

I managed to get four big garbage bags of stuff out of here yesterday and to the dump. I still have the electronic stuff to go to the recycling and the donatable stuff is still sitting here, but I am making some progress. Not that it looks it yet. We had a major downpour over the weekend and it looks like our roofing job on the addition is holding up. Thats a huge relief. A & W phoned yesterday and starting Sept 1 I get to work 3 five hour shifts a week for awhile. Its just the 11 - 4 shift to help thru lunch. My mom is on medical leave and all the kids are going back to school so they found themselves short handed. I'm taking the van in for a tune up and oil change today, hence the mind not stopping and not letting me sleep thing. It goes in tomorrow morning to get the A/C fixed. Hopefully with this maintenance I can relax on our holidays and not make myself sick thinking we will break down. And the plan is that when we get home it can go in to get the timing belt changed and a pump of some sort.

Well I should go and get ready. I'm taking DdB with me to keep me company while we wait for the van. So we are going to go and have breakfast together. Its a 10 - 15 min walk up a hill to get to the mall from the garage so that will help offset all those extra carb calories from a bagel!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Take care,
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Old 08-14-2008, 11:25 AM   #29  
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Good thing you said about the oil change cause mine is over due!!! NOT GOOD!!!

I did not get a lot of sleep because my baby was sick and i was up until after 3 am with her. She had a fever of 103.2 and i managed to get it down I gave her yogurt then she took a bottle of koolaid and water....and then the tylenol. So the cold stuff help to lower it quickly too but then we were laying together on the floor in the living room and she was dozing in and out then the fever broke and she was jumping on me going around and around and around the coffee finally i put her to bed cause I was falling asleep and was afraid of her going on the steps and falling or i put her to bed finally and she actually did go to sleep even though she slept most of the day yesterday!! OK
Yep I got Laundry to do still...go figure...
ok well talk to you all lata!!
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Old 08-14-2008, 01:15 PM   #30  
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Sassy - What a brilliant outlook. Glad you could see some positivity even though life is difficult now.

Amarie- 12 hours?! Glad you feel rested, I think I've had about 3 hours this week.. I'm exhausted.

Mom- sorry bout your babe being unwell, Hoping she feels much better.

Buddly - Enjoy your walk

I'm feeling a little low, so tired from lack of sleep and energy. Weight loss is going slowly too which is adding to my frustration & I managed to overdose on meds yesterday morning by accident which has also left me feeling groggy. Heres to tomorrow being a better day..

Hugs to those who need 'em
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