Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 07-28-2008, 06:23 PM   #16  
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Hey, Charleigh, Ravengirl, and welcome Ufi...
I think we should definetly start a thread to help support each other. How are you guys doing? Charleigh I am a crisis counsellor, I work with abused women and their children. Don't be hard on yourself because you are a psychologist with emotional baggage, we all have baggage. I think there is so much stigma in the helping profession that "we" have to always have it together, and considering the stories we hear its no wonder we get messed up and eating becomes a coping mechanism. My self care has always been a big bowl of potato chips, lol. This is my third time joining weight watchers, I am trying to lose the same 45 pounds that I have lost the last two times, my goal this time is to do it and become a life member. I went to my first meeting on Saturday and boy was I depressed when I got on the scale, weighing in at 235 pounds, hopefully with everyone's support we can make some healthy changes. Anyway ladies have a great day and talk to you later.
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Old 07-28-2008, 09:12 PM   #17  
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Thanks for the reply, Recommitted. Sorry to hear about your depressing weigh in. I can't even get on the scale! I guess we need to think about it as our soft "rock bottom" and think that we can only go up (not in weight!) from here. You sound just like me....losing 40 pounds...gaining 40 pounds....losing 40 pounds...gaining 40... Something differently needs to change to make us life members, although the "life" part is a little intimidating. I guess I want to feel like I can achieve something in "smaller increments." I think once I get going, though, I can see and adapt it more as a life change. So how much does Weight Watchers cost? Do you count points, correct? Easy or difficult to follow? I may research it again on line, but I guess I am weary of investing any more money in programs. I did it in Jenny Craig for the second time last year, with very little results. Just was not motivated, even though I spent the cash.

I think if we want to give more direct support, we ought to break it down in small weight and small individual goals (like exercise). Then we can just check in with each other once a week. Maybe have a goal day or something like that. Not too structured, but accountable and supportive. What do you think?
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Old 07-28-2008, 10:58 PM   #18  
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Sorry Guys!

I didn't have time to get on here this morning schedule is kinda packed...I get up between 5 and food plan requires I eat within an hour of getting up so I have to get quickly dressed, contacts, blah blah blah...and have to make DH's lunch and get ready to drive him to his stop...then I usually call my parents on the way back since I live so far away and don't get to see them often. Then I do some housework while I am talking to them...and get ready to go to the was was a substitutel Ashtanga teacher today...she is a little easier than our usual one...but still managed to run off one of the students in the middle of class... It was good though...I got fully into my down dog today for the first time! My heels were totally down!! Yay me!!!
Sure! I am willing to check in with you guys for problem..lately the scale hasn't really been cooperating with me but at least I have stopped the gaining trend.. I am going to be tapering of the meds soon so I expect to be able to lose a little easier after they are out of my system! I am up for the challenge!! I will definitely be following any thread you want to put out there...I kinda like you guys...
I exercise most days of the week, I have Yoga on Mon & Wed, Pilates on Tue and Thurs and Tai Chi/Yoga flow on Fri but the classes are probably going to be changing soon so I'm not sure what they will be next month...and I get on the elliptical and treadmill when my ankle is up to it... So, yeah, exercise isn't my eating isn't really my problem now either...I am getting my recovery program under control now so that when I can get off the meds I believe the weight will come off much easier!
Oh, and just so you know...I think counselors and people who spend their lives helping other people are true angels...the world needs more of you in the worst possible way... I am so sorry that doing your incredibly difficult jobs takes such a toll on you but you have to know that some of us are so grateful that you are doing it...really...

Now, I have to get dinner going or I am going to be late with that too! And I have to check in on the other thread or they are going to forget about me!!!
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Old 07-30-2008, 09:42 PM   #19  
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WEll, just realized I forgot to press send, and got out of the website. That was good. Anyway, thank you for the nice reply and words of appreciation for the helping professions, Ravengirl. I just need to prioritize myself better. Sounds like you are extremely busy and that you are still able to take care of yourself. Way ahead of me, but hopefully inspiring, if I think about it in the right way, instead of feeling like I don't know where to begin. I just need to do it! I bet the lack of weight you are seeing is because you are gaining more muscle. That is great! Maybe that needs to be one of my goals...just getting off of my butt! I visited your blog - great idea with the weight days. I think I neeed to pick a day for weighing in. What do you suggest...Friday or Monday? I am trying to get away from the "I will start eating better on Monday" mentality, but Friday, if I did well that week, I may find myself allowing splurging. So you girls opinion will help me decide. In fact, I have set a date to start weighing myself. The week of Aug 12th. I am going on vacation ( i think) next week. Depends. Our hotel got demolished in South Padre Island by Hurricane Dolly. We are pretty disappointed, but are looking around. Gotta go...hubby is home! Talk more later! Charleigh
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Old 08-01-2008, 12:25 AM   #20  
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Hey Ladies,
I didn't have time to check in earlier as I worked a double shift today, just got home and wanted to say a quick hello before bed. Thanks for your kind words Ravengirl for those of us in the helping profession, would you suggest yoga or pilates to a beginner? They both interest me, I tried Yoga a long time ago back then it made me dizzy. I used to practice Reiki however I haven't done it in awhile. Charleigh, I weigh in every Saturday morning, I find it the best time for me. I too can fall into I'll start Monday mentality, I find by being accountable on Saturday it only gives me one day to really go off plan before Monday comes around. One of my biggest challenges is to prepare food to take to work, I am so busy I often leave the house without anything and we all know what happens from there. I bet you are looking forward to your holidays, it certainly is nice to get away. Ok gals, time for bed.
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Old 08-01-2008, 11:32 PM   #21  
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Thanks, Recommitted, for taking the time to write. Okay, I think Saturday, when I get back, I will weigh myself. How scary is that! A week of vacation and then weigh myself. Hope I am not setting myself up for failure, but no time like the present. I have been walking more with my family at nights, and I feel better...just need to capitalize on that. I think that is a great question to Ravengirl....Yoga or Pilates. I would like to know also. I thought Yoga was a beginner to Pilates in some ways, but if not, let me in on it. Recommitted, if you start a new program of exercise, so will I. maybe we neeed to commit to at least one time per week that we do Yoga, Pilates or some other weird name that will help us on our weight loss. Would love to know more about you as well. Thanks for the reply.
Well, ladies. I am off to vacation on the beach. yes, I will be wearing shorts, but I will be shooting for a bikini this time next year! Talk to you around the 9th! Thanks again for all of your support! Charleigh
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Old 08-03-2008, 08:08 AM   #22  
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Have a great time on vacation, I am also shooting for a bikini next year, I keep telling myself no situation is to great to overcome, I think Charleigh that is a great goal to keep us motivated. I started walking as well with my kids, I am one of these people that hate structured exercise nor do I have time for it. I guess I will have no choice but to incorporate it into my life when I start to lose some weight, lol. Have lots of fun and we'll see you when you get back.
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Old 08-03-2008, 12:31 PM   #23  
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Hellooo Ladies!

I have been seriously chasing my tail this week! Lots of running around, DD went back to school...the bus didn't pick her up on the first day...I had to take her...find out what the **** the problem was and get into a "debate" with the bus people!!! Yeah, it has been interesting! Yesterday we went to see Hancock and I needed to get DH a new pillow so he will stay off mine! Seriously! I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I come back and he is on my pillow!!! (He says he was looking for me...)
Okay! On to one of my favorite topics! Yoga and Pilates are similar and totally different... Whether or not one is harder than the other is pretty much impossible to all depends on you...where your skills and weaknesses are. And, different styles of Yoga are different levels of challenging as well...and then there is the different instructors... You pretty much have to go and try and see if they are a good fit for your personality. When I started practicing Yoga I was doing it at home with some books and magazines...I read everything I can get my hands on about it is a passion... I was doing Vinyasa Flow classes at the other Y because that was what they offered in the time frame I could get to... Now that I have switched Ys I am taking an Ashtanga class (Yoga) and it is TOUGH!!! But I love it! And it is doing things for my upper body that I haven't managed with weights! Yoga is all about connecting your breath to your movement...bringing your mind into focus on that is work and relaxation and peace all at the same time...but you have to really listen to your body and respect your limits or it is like any sport and you can get hurt... Pilates has a lot of similar poses but just slightly different... I find Pilates mainly to be a core and leg workout...and it is different because you do all the poses on your mat... I find Yoga and Pilates to complement each other very well. That being said...if you get dizzy doing balance moves Pilates is most likely your best bet for will work you... Pilates connects your breath and body as well but mainly as a way to work your core to the max by exhaling all the air out of your stomach as you are pumping your arms...etc etc. all depends on your instructor as well...I have two different pilates instructors and one is exceedingly tougher than the other!
I weigh in on Saturday...I just find it works better for me... And now that I am doing this new food plan I haven't had a binge since I began and that is what is different...and I feel wonderful...
Have an AWESOME vacation!!! Try not to worry too much about your food...just try to keep the damage to a minimum and get as much activity as you can...worry about any damage when you get home and it is easier to control! Dang! What a book! I guess I have missed you guys!

I better get busy with a few things...
luv luv Everybody!!
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