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Old 01-24-2008, 10:16 AM   #31  
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Morning all

My day has started out horribly, and as such I am in an uncharacteristically FOUL mood. On that note - love you all, and I'll be back when I feel friendlier!

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Old 01-24-2008, 03:36 PM   #32  
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Hi girls,

I got 2 job leads today! The first is from the co. I've been trying to get a job with for a while. They posted a job that I already have the license for so I'm hoping they'll call. The second is from a co. a friend heard needed somebody. I called and they said they would have an opening soon (sounded like somebody was quitting) and to send my resume over now.

I'm praying for the first choice. I think the pay will be better and also I can place my license with them b/c it expires on March 3rd if it's not with a securities co. I do NOT want to retake that exam to get it back!

Heather Sorry for your horrible morning. If we need to come up there and 'have a little talk' with somebody, you just let us know!

Other than job news, all I've done is pick up a few things for a biker club party this weekend. No, it's not my thing, but I'm being supportive.
Somebody save me!
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Old 01-24-2008, 04:28 PM   #33  
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Hope - its official, you are now a biker-chick, pool-shark, hampster goddess in my eyes! Congrats on the job leads and I hope they pan out for you

Heather - Thanks for stopping by to say hi, especially since you aren't in a great mood. I'll think happy thoughts for you!

Hi Cathy!

OK, going away again.
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Old 01-25-2008, 09:26 AM   #34  
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Morning! Feeling quite a bit more like my usual, more cheery self today, so this is good news! No time to play, though - have a great day all!!! IT'S FRIDAY!

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Old 01-25-2008, 09:42 AM   #35  
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Good Morning,

Good to see everyone and chipper at that.

Boss is out today but that doesn't mean its all fun and games TGIF is right whooot...its my favorite day of the week...I think b/c it feels like the weight of the work week is off my shoulders...something to look forward to (saturday that is).

Nothing much is happening here, still sick...but dealing with it the best I can waiting for DD to come down with it, she's been not herself the past few days.

Anyway.......thats it from this peanut gallery.

Have a wonderful Friday and SMILE You are LOVELY.

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Old 01-25-2008, 11:18 AM   #36  
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Heather, I'm glad you are having a better day today - yes! Fridays rock Any plans for runs this weekend?

Leenie - Hope you feel better soon! Boss away, but you can't play? bummer.

I managed to (gulp) not get any exercise in yesterday Pretty dissapointing. I guess I really wasn't prepared from the change in my schedule that school has brought. I spent about 3 hours last night vainly trying to find a pattern in the sequence sin(nx). I think my professor may be messing with us.

I also had a VERY stressful work day yesterday - I had to put my foot down, kick butt and take names. I really don't like having to confront people - it makes me want to hide under my desk and eat cheetos. Unfortunately, I work with some manipulative back-stabbers and I can't let my guard down. They almost got me fired last year, because I didn't stand up to them. Oh well, live and learn.

Today is a new, shiny, day. As Heather pointed out, its FRIDAY!! I'll ride my bike to class again today and that will get some activity in early. Yay!
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Old 01-26-2008, 03:34 AM   #37  
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Hi Girls.

All I gotta say is Advil Liquigels Rock!!! My back went out again and I have been in so much pain I could not even walk straight, I was all hunched over like an old lady!!! lol. So anyways, got up today, it felt better, but still hurt, took some of the Advil Liquigels and now I feel amazing! I can walk straight and bend!!! Yippeee! Its the small things in life. lol.

I talked to my mom well I guess technically it was lastnight and she is currently checking out some places to get a job up here for when she moves up here in May. Well, helping her with her search, I found a job that I wanted to apply for, as most of you know I have complained about my current job and never have done a single thing about it until lastnight. I applied for a job -- outside of my company!!! I am proud of myself. Because before I was too afraid, I want out, but I was afraid to even apply somewhere different!! Stupid I know......

So I am not getting my hopes up, even if I don't even get an interview with the place, I am still proud of myself for at least trying.

I hope you all are doing well.

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Old 01-26-2008, 10:16 AM   #38  
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good morning gang

This morning I did 3 miles.

Now I've got to hit the shower and then hit the road. I sure could use a day of doing nothing but that ain't happening today.

Sassy - congrats on applying for a different job!

Me Amarie - there are times I would love to hide under my desk and eat cheetos too I'm glad you were able to put your foot down. that can be hard for us to do.

Leenie - I sure hope you are feeling better! do y'all have a birthday party to go to today? or do you get a day off?

hope everybody has a great weekend!
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Old 01-26-2008, 09:00 PM   #39  
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I can't believe the nerve of some people!!! Making fun of others because they have injuries that they cannot control. I have never been so upset and mad in all my life! People have called me all types of names before due to my size and nothing compares to being made fun of because you have an injury that you have no control over what-so-ever. I am so very disappointed in this site right now. Yes it happened on this site and I may never ever come back ever again. That is sad because there are truly a lot of decent people on here. I am disgusted.
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Old 01-27-2008, 07:47 AM   #40  
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Good Morning,

Okay.... I posted SOMEWHERE on this board yesterday and its not here, thats for sure. I am losing my marbles folks, losing my marbles

Sassy, I PM'd you....... don't let one inconsiderate person chase you away from us. .... Let me know.

Cathy...I was here yesterday I sware LOL, I just don't know where I posted haaaaaaaaaa brain fart. No birthday party yesterday, just karate lol. 3 go girl.

Heather...glad your feeling better..whatcha do this weekend? anything exciting?

Amarie...I am the quiet type too, and some people mistaken meekness for weakness which you and I know isn't so. No matter where you work, people are people and they will back least in all my jobs its been the same. I just try to stay out of the nonsense which is very hard since you are there 40 hours a week.... and every once in a while, folks like us need to remind those nincowpoops that "courage doesn't always ROAR at the end of the day." Hang in there.

Hope you go girl, I'll be praying you'll get the 1st job too. Is it full time? when do they want you to start? Biker club? you mean motorcycles? or mopeds scooter ..... what does a bike club do?

I already have a chicken in the oven and later I might go to the craft store...
Today is my 18th Wedding Anniversary....not doing anything, just the usual Let me see if I can find a picture of us on our wedding day.... bbl.

Well girlies.... I'm in search of a lost post... I know its here somewhere LOL... I'm such a doooofus.

Have a great weekend.
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Old 01-27-2008, 10:36 AM   #41  
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Happy Anniversary, Leenie Have a wonderful day

Cathy - you rock!
Hope - Let us know about the job - fingers crossed for you!
Sassy - not sure what's happened, but stay - we love you here!!
Amarie - awesome will power girl!! :willpower:

No news here folks - it's that time of year again for auditions, and I've been caught up in that, sorting out the work for the next months! We did buy the car we looked at, so that's something to look forward to collecting on Wednesday

Have a great day all - I'll be more chatty during the week!

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