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Old 12-17-2007, 06:59 AM   #1  
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Wink Weekly Cackle - December 17th - 25th

Good Morning,

Its a cold, snowy, icy day out there....I'm just happy to be home and not traveling in this stuff today. My prayers are for everyone to be safe that does have to travel.

I'm home this week and plan on doing alot of deep cleaning, cabinets, drawers, play room the thought is scary but if I do a little each day it aught to be okay lolol.

Whats everyone doing today? did you have a good weekend?

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Old 12-17-2007, 09:01 AM   #2  
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Morning -

We're still snowed in, and the way I feel, that's fine by me Not too sure how I am ever going to clear all this white stuff though.

Every night I go to bed thinking, 'This cold can't hang on much longer, tomorrow I'll wake up feeling a bit better...' and yet today I am worse. My poor throat feels like it's full of broken glass and I have NO voice. Oh dear.

Well, since I am SUCH a bundle of fun, I'm off to curl up in the corner -

Have a good day all - stay healthy!
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Old 12-17-2007, 12:04 PM   #3  
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Heather darling you better get to the doctor, sounds like you have strep throat... thats nothing to fool around with. Go get some meds

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Old 12-17-2007, 07:04 PM   #4  
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Thanks Leenie - I hadn't thought of strep - crap, I hope it isn't. I have an appointment Thursday morning anyway for the results of all the tests as part of my physical last week, so if I am no better by then, maybe he can check it out.

Thanks - the only good thing about this is that I am SO not hungry!

Chat soon, chicks -
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Old 12-17-2007, 09:56 PM   #5  
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Hey all.

Hope your all well. I had my review at work today, it was ok, getting a raise, nothing to get excited about, but better than nothing. I'm off Christmas, that is all. Have to work all the rest of the holidays. Nice that Dayshift gets whatever they want.

Hope your all keeping warm.

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Old 12-18-2007, 11:55 AM   #6  
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Hello Ladies,

Heather I'm glad your going to see your doctor but if it gets worse, call him right away, don't wait. I know your not hungry but Mom says to make sure your getting plenty of liquids and don't forget your vitamins

Sassy congrats on getting a raise.... I agree, something is better than nothing and it does add up in the end. I know how you feel working the holidays, it stinks but maybe in your next job you won't have to. I used to have to work every holiday b/c I worked in a nursing home...can't take a break from hungry elderly people LOL. We just had to make the best of it. Hang in there hon.

I'm just cleaning out closets and meatballs for dinner and later its an early bible study and then off to the Y to watch DD at her swim lesson.

Have a groovy day y'all ............ YOU ARE LOVED !!!!

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Old 12-19-2007, 03:33 AM   #7  
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Hey All.

Sooooooo tired. Only 3 and 1/2 hours to go! lol. I had something really good for lunch lastnight/thismorning whatever. It was a BBQ beef hot pocket, you know like BBQ pulled pork inside a hot pocket? OMG it was so yummy. I know it was bad. but it was sooooo good! lol. I have been drinking H20 all night though, no $$ for pop......So that should balance everything out, right?? lol.

Leenie -- I have worked many many holidays too. I worked in nursing home as well. I don't mind it, it just gets old when everybody gets their holidays off and you are stuck working. I'll be fine, was just venting. lol. My next job is gonna be somewhere that is closed every holiday! lol. J/k......

Sorry I was such a downer, don't mean to be. Probably better if I just keep off of here for a bit, lol!!

Take Care.

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Old 12-19-2007, 09:05 AM   #8  
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Morning chickies!

I'm feeling a LITTLE bit better today; throat is still raw and voiceless, but noticeably easier to swallow - hurrah! Leenie - I've been a good girl - lots of fluids, clear chicken broth and oatmeal... good for the scale, too - !

Sassy - - you keep posting, girl! We miss you when you're not here!! And you are NOT a downer (and being the bigmouth I am, I'd tell ya! ), but I know that feeling of 'I don't want to moan and bring everyone down'... that's what we're here for, so don't you vanish on us! We LOVE you ! You're a part of this wonderful

Happy to report that not having left the house in three days, while I probably smell as bad as I look, I haven't spent any money, used any gas in the car, or focused on anything but getting better. Believe me, my friends, THIS is a milestone for me! I do still have to drag myself out at SOME point for a few stocking stuffers... maybe I can get them at the last holiday grocery shop... hmmm... there's a good plan... But I have no intention of heading out until I feel MUCH better, not just a little bit - and I am SURE NOT GOING TO THE MALL!

That's it from me - check in later, girls!
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Old 12-19-2007, 01:50 PM   #9  
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Hi everyone!
Just popping in to say hello. I'm behind on things and have to get some parcels sent of today so I have to finish the baking.
Not getting enough sleep so feeling rather yucky, not to mention I seem to be fighting some sort of tummy bug. Poor B got one heck of a cold. I had to pick her up at school yesterday morning. She went in because she had a test to write. And she went in today as she has to work on a power point presentation. C decided to drop out of basketball as she received her intern report from science and her grade dropped a little bit.
The antipasta cooking was fun. We had a late start as my mom had to buy jars and then we hit wal-mart. So I didn't get home until 1:30am, but like I said it was fun. Hubby just left for Vancouver Island, so we won't see him again until till probably Sunday night. Holiday ferry traffic is a pain and he's bringing back a cat or a hoe (there's two of them going, at least he'll have someone to talk to)

Heather keep drinking those liquids and feel better.

Sassy hope you are having a good sleep!

leenie how did the house cleaning go? I finally got the recycling out of my van, I've been driving around with the back full of egg cartons for quite a while as the place where I normally drop them off closed.

Well I'm off to bake shortbread. At least the sun is trying to shine.

Take care everyone!
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Old 12-19-2007, 10:04 PM   #10  
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Hi all.

Well I feel mucho better today! I got my sleep that I so desperately needed and I have my friend Caffine here today. lol.

I am getting excited, even though I am not off on Christmas Eve (so far anyways) I plan on enjoying Christmas the best I can. No since being a "Gloomy Gus or in my case a "Sad Sassy" for things beyond my control. May as well make the best out of it.

Heather -- TY. I was only joking. hee hee. Plus I was just SO tired yesterday that I think it affected my brain. lol. I could never stay away from here, I'm totally addicted!! (At last a FAT-FREE addiction!!) Well I guess technically you can still get fat by sitting here, but typing counts as exercise, right? lol. If that was the case I should be like a size -00 cuz that is all I do at work plus on my off time in here. lol. Good for you for taking care of yourself when you need it.

Buddly -- Seems like everybody is sick, I think its this crazy weather! lol. I hope everybody gets to feeling better in your neck of the woods. Glad you had fun with the antipasta cooking.

Leenie -- hope the cleaning went well, I need to clean our place......ugh. lol.

I hope you all are doing well!!!

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Old 12-19-2007, 11:11 PM   #11  
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Hi ladies,

Hope everybody is feeling better tonight! My friend left yesterday and I've spent the day recovering... from what I'm not sure. I've just been exhausted today. I took a nap, but it wasn't nearly long enough. It's not like we partied the nights away. I rarely drink anything and when I do I have a one drink max usually. Yes, I am a light-weight, at least in that respect!

My mom should be coming some time this weekend so I'll have to retouch the house: dust and do her sheets, bathrooms, etc. Joy! Leenie: where are you when I need you?

Buddly: Your husband is bringing back a cat or a hoe? Uhmm?? I'm confused.

Heather: You scrawny thing you. If you aren't careful you just may shame me into doing something good for myself, like getting off my whiny large behind!! You are staying strong amidst it all, aren't you? Whatever comes your way, you are still losing weight through it. Hope your rid of that cold or whatever it is soon.

Hello to all the rest of you!
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Old 12-20-2007, 01:17 PM   #12  
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Good morning all!!

I feel better today. The sun is shining, I got an excellent nights sleep and last night I got the parcels sent off. I still get to spend today in the kitchen as the girls give their friends baking as gifts, but with the parcels sent I feel like I have a huge weight off my shoulders.

Hope I had to laugh at your comment, it sounded so ...."dirty"!!!! They are pieces of equipment. I hesitated to put that in not knowing if they were universal terms or not. The hoe is a back hoe and the cat...? What else are they called, it has the big blade in front and pushes the dirt, I don't know?? He and another driver are picking these things up and bringing them back to town. Glad to hear that you had a nice visit with your friend and now with your mom coming it sounds busy.

Sassy glad to hear you feel better. We are looking foreward to the break from school to get over any little bugs.

Anywho I better get going and get started here, I fell asleep so early last night I have to clean the kitchen before I can start making another mess.

Take care all,
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Old 12-20-2007, 01:34 PM   #13  
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Buddly: I figured. I had some relatives that worked with heavy equipment and I am familiar with a back hoe and a D10 Cat ( or D10 catepillar I think they are called). I hadn't heard the terms in a while though and I admit I read the line 2 or 3 times before moving on. I thought there was a chance one of the girls was getting a pet for Christmas and you needed a new 'hoe' for the garden. It did sound 'dirty' there for a second. I'll admit... I'm a little disappointed. I thought that maybe you were posting something naughty for us to read!!
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Old 12-20-2007, 11:06 PM   #14  
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Hi all.

Just a hello to all and hope your all well.
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Old 12-21-2007, 06:47 AM   #15  
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Where did my post from yesterday go? I'm losing my mind I tell you, I know I I forgetting to hit the reply button oh joy.

Good to see you gals, all chipper

We have, I have, a busy day today... after I get DD to school, its cooking, laundry, bringing dd to her old school at 3, then a christmas party tonight for the karate kids. Busy busy busy

Whatcha all up to?

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