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Old 11-08-2006, 12:47 PM   #16  
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Hi everybody. It is just pouring and raw and gross and miserable here.

Rowdybliss: I'm sure your high blood pressure was just a temporary thing. There are so many factors that can make it spike. Hopefully the next time you get it checked it will be fine. Enjoy your personal time at the gym. I know when my hubby's gone for an evening it is like an added little special me time. Actually he is going out Thursday night with the boys and instead of my ususal, I think I just might add some exercise time, yes I definitely will!

Jcat: You actually find it easier to control your eating at work at the restaurant then at home? wow.

loveandlaugh: My hubby likes the idea of losing weight, he just doesn't like to do what needs to be done. Although he is getting used to my new way of cooking. He loved the spaghetti squash and meatballs I made last night.

Have a great and healthy day everyone.
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:29 PM   #17  
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fedup: I find it easier to control myself when my routine is normal. During the day I have no problem (usually) watching what I eat. At work it is hard, don't get me wrong, I have days when I just cant resist. (I just switched my schedule recently from m-f 5-10 to m, t, w, 5-10 and sat, sun 2-10 so I am still getting used to my new schedule).
Mon, Tues, Wed are usually my easiest days, which is why I make them my 1200 calorie days, Thursdays I do okay for dinner, so it is a 1400 cal day, Fridays are terrible, DH likes to have his pizza for dinner on Fridays, plus we will have a drink or two. (1700 cal day) Saturday and sunday I work 8 hour shifts so I have less of a chance to work out (and more of a chance to eat junk), Sat is a 1700 cal day so I can eat at work, and sunday is a 1500 cal day so I have a little bit of give.
This week I have had trouble controling myself at home. I blame my dad because He loves to bring my kids chocolate (they love it when Papa Tom comes over) this week he brought hostess cupcakes and fruit pies. Then he went to McD's and brought my kids and nephew lunch he always brings me some and I try to say no, and he understands, but I have a weakness. (yesterday he brought me a fruit and yogurt parfait so it wasn't too bad.) But I will never tell him not to bring over the chocolate and MdDs, it is really hard to explain why.
I wish I could work my m-f shifts again, but those extra hours are nice on my check.
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:09 PM   #18  
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I hear you. I absolutely LOVE those fruit pies and hostess cupcakes. There is no way that I could resist. I must tell you I am very fortunate, my kids are much older, 19 tomorrow (OMG -19), 17 and 15 in January. And it is much easier. They understand completely why there's no junk in the house. They are so supportive, they want this for me so badly. They're great. I show them when and where my clothes are getting looser. Almost every time my 17 year old hugs me (1 x a week if I'm lucky) she tells me how much smaller I am. When I first told my kids that I was going to get the surgery (remember in another thread I mentioned that) my youngest daughter actually started to cry, she was sooo happy for me. My 19 year old has been away at college, she comes home Thanksgiving I can't wait to see her reaction. And there grandparents aren't buying them goodies. Now there father is another story, especially come the weekend, but he really has been better with stopping to buy the junk. I told them if they have to eat garbage, please eat it outside of the house. I really commend you, you definitely have it much harder then me in that respect. Also, how's it going working on the weekends?
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Old 11-08-2006, 04:20 PM   #19  
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Weekends are so so. I think DH and I are arguing a lot more because of it. I win in two ways #1 I only have to pay my babysitter 3 times a week rather than 5 (she sits for 1-2 hours per day at $10 per day) Plus I am getting the extra hours which means extra $$. I miss our weekend outings, but working also saves us the $$ we would spend on those outings.
I have had to turn down jobs that paid more (like $4) more because the daycare cost would be too much. DH doesn't understand my reasoning...but it won't be like this forever. Besides that I get great medical and retirement, + I make more per hour than most people who work in my industry. (I really love my job!)

My husband is very supportive but he does bring in the junk, although not as much as he used to. He is trying to diet too, but his idea of health food is a chili dog seriously!

We just had a wast moving storm come through and I had to shut everything off. Wow it only lasted a few minutes but it was still crazy!!

Last edited by jcatron243; 11-08-2006 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:53 AM   #20  
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Somewhat Like you jcat, me and my husband are arguing more too. He thinks a bacon cheeseburger from jack in the box is diet food. He says I only eat one bag of chips. He told me last night to get off his back and caused a huge arguement. We haven't talked since. I'm not sure if I want to!! I just have to stay on course!! I can't worrry about him, can only change myself and my habits. If he comes along then great. In the meantime I have to stay focused and meet new friends with my same desire. I am trying hard not to lose motivation, by giving myself some words of young wisdom, Can you tell. lol

Take care all and don't give up; Keep up the good work and just keep going!!!!
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Old 11-09-2006, 11:31 AM   #21  
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loveandlaugh: I know there is no way to force my husband to diet, he likes the idea just not the work. But he will do it, one day. I won't nag him for what he eats because I am not his mother. (I tell him that on cleaning days too!) I love him unconditionally no matter how he eats (or cleans ) and I don't think its worth the argument. We just argue over stupid stuff like cleaning, $$, and the kids.

Yesterday was my weigh in day and I was so disappoointed the scale hadn't moved all week. But today (like usual) I stepped on the scale hoping for a little movement and I was shocked ***down 2 pounds*** I know I won't reach my 26 pound lost goal in 2 weeks (I still have 6 pounds left) but I am closer than when I started in August!!!

Keep going everyone Thanksgiving day is getting closer and We are going to do it!!!!!
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:11 PM   #22  
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Way to go Jcat! I'm so happy for you. 2 pounds. That's great. That scale is such a funny thing, although it's really our bodies that are "funny". When it's ready to move, it moves and that's that, there's no rhyme or reason. Whether or not you reach your Thanksgiving goal is not so important - you've accomplished SO much. With not always great circumstances to help you, you should be so very proud. And happy. And thrilled. And you never know, maybe it will happen, if not you'll sure be darn close.

As for our hubbies they definitely are a different kind of a breed. But nobody knows better then us you can't tell somebody when to "diet". They absolutely must make that decision for themselves. When they're ready, they're ready. I absolutely won't argue about weight with him, there are so many other things to argue about - usually $$ and the kids like you said Jcat.

I'm having a real good week with the scale, although since I don't trust my scale, I like to give it 3 days with the same number until I'm confident enough to post it. So I think I'll wait til Monday and I do believe by then I will beat my Thanksgiving goal! I gave up my morning snack this week and I really think it's making all the difference in the world.

I woke up this morning with my eyes glued shut, gross, so yeah I have pink eye. I'm so pissed because I called my doctor and she is insisting on seeing me, she won't give me a prescription without seeing me, at least that's what the nurse said.. The doctor will be in in about an hour and hopefully I can talk her into it. Just more unexpected expenses and a huge waste of time.
I'm not sure why I added that in, just had to vent I guess.

Have a great and healthy day everyone!
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:06 PM   #23  
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Default On the Subject of Dieting w/DH

"fed"up - that's why we're all here... to vent, to rant and rave, to celebrate and commiserate.

I am ecstatic because I found my Winsor pilates DVDs! Not only that, but because my shiny new laptop plays DVDs, I could theoretically sequester myself in one of our big conference rooms and do my pilates DVDs during my lunch hour on days I won't be able to get to the gym! We'll see how that works out.

As long as we're on the subject of our husbands...

My DH and I joined the gym together, on the very same day, September 18. Since that day, I have been going to the gym 4 days a week... and DH has been there once. He went on the first day we signed up and hasn't set foot back in there since. This is maddening, especially when you consider that we are paying for a membership he doesn't use... might as well flush $30 down the toilet every month!!

He often bemoans his physical condition (which is really not that bad, but he wants to lose 40 lbs, just like me), pokes at the little paunch in his belly and frowns at himself in the mirror... but he doesn't want to put in the effort of changing his ways to live healthier. I used to be like that, too... until the day something clicked in my brain and made me stomp on the brakes and take a different turn on my life path. I think maybe it needs to happen for him, too - that lightning bolt of realization - and I hope it does before it starts to really affect his health.

I think that a lot of folks' weight-loss success depends on that... that "slap-in-the-face" feeling of realization and the subsequent "holy crap, I gotta stop this NOW." It's that feeling that made me want to change; it is that feeling that keeps me going.

DH is proud of me, that's for sure. He even told me "you're getting your hourglass figure back!" which made me feel pretty good... but sneaky-Suz that I am, I parlayed that into a subtle hint to him. I said, "You know, honey, I am working my butt off to lose this weight, but that's only because it's harder for women to lose weight than it is for men." And that's true. I explained the science behind it and he got a little gleam in his eye. I then told him "If you worked the same way I did at losing weight, you'd lose that 40 lbs in two-thirds the time it would take ME to lose that weight." I think he's still thinking about it, and I have noticed that he's making subtle changes in some of the things he eats, looking at calorie content and serving sizes on things, etc.

I'm reminded of one of my favorite lines from a movie: "The man might be the head of the family... but the woman is the neck, which has the power to turn the head." And I'm not saying that because I'm a control freak or anything, because I'm not - but when you consider how much you love your significant other and want what's best for him (especially when he doesn't realize it himself), sometimes we need to exercise that power, sparingly and with gentle love as the motivation.


It's been an excellent day for me so far, although I have a headache that just won't quit. I'm sore from the gym, which feels terrific (seriously!), and I'm back on track with better eating today. (I will not elaborate, but let's just say that I had a hot date with a pile of Oreos last night.)

Can you believe it's only 2 weeks to Thanksgiving??
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:17 PM   #24  
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You poor thing. I hate pink eye. I had it 5 times last year (I wore tainted contacts, dummy me I forgot to throw them away after I had it then I realized it after the 5th bout! It sucks!!!
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:30 PM   #25  
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Suz~I think I have dated that same pile of oreos before I was just telling my co-workers that I had that great I worked out and hurt really good! they thought I was NUTS!
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Old 11-09-2006, 06:02 PM   #26  
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Thanks all of you for your input about the way I have been going about the diet thing with my husband. I really thought I was trying to help him and not control him. I just wanted him to start getting healthier habits because I worry about his health. He has already had two surjeries on his knees, and his father died at age 52 and was diabetic.

I like how you encouraged your husband Rowdybliss. I guess I was being selfish, because I didn't want to prematurely take care of him if he has a stroke or something worse. I am a nurse, teaching people and taking care of them is my job. I bring my job home with me sometimes. I was always taught prevention is the key. I also know that I can't make someone do something that they don't want to do. I will try and be more encouraging and not so controlling.
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Old 11-09-2006, 08:55 PM   #27  
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UGH! I have to cook dinner tonight and I am not looking forward to it. My Husband Is going to be late tonight. Only on nights when I am home!

Loveandlaughalways: You can only give the info out, you can't make people listen... I know how you feel with your DH, mine has Diabetes rampant in his family I want him to be around for a long long time (as we all do) Once he sees how good you feel, maybe he will get more interested in following your lead!
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:06 PM   #28  
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Originally Posted by jcatron243 View Post
Once he sees how good you feel, maybe he will get more interested in following your lead!
Jeni, I think you've hit upon something terrific there, and I think it's absolutely true. I was going to tell you all this today but I forgot... since I've started working out and watching what I eat, everyone in my office has started making changes to their habits, too. I don't know if it's because of me and my tiny weight loss successes, but since I've started, now everyone's bringing Lean Cuisines to the office... and even my BOSS, who previously didn't go to the gym that much, has started going much more often. I think that without even trying, just by my being happier and healthier, I may be having a subliminal effect on my fellow co-workers. I think that's kind of neat.

My weigh-in day is tomorrow and, to be quite honest, I'm not expecting great things. I'm retaining so much water I feel like a balloon about to pop. So, I am going to make a promise to myself and to you all reading this tonight that when I get up tomorrow morning and step on that scale, I am not going to be angry and I am not going to beat myself up, no matter what the numbers say.
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Old 11-10-2006, 11:21 AM   #29  
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Hi friends~~~~~I know I only post sporadically, but honestly, I read this board, nearly all threads EVERY SINGLE DAY! But I did get really excited when I saw 219 on the scale Wednesday! I felt like the 220s were forever. In fact that same morning, the scale flashed 216.5 and I nearly jumped out of my skin! But then the more realistic 219 came up but still! These numbers are so foreign to me, even a glimpse in error got me all excited. Not to mention the endless comments from coworkers, doctors, even transporters or other department people I barely know just coming out of the woodwork to tell me how nice I'm looking these days. Just keeps me going, ya know?

So fed, how is your mouth and eye!? Both at the same time! I am assuming you don't have dental insurance, or are you just paying to cover a deductible? I assume this procedure you're looking at might cost a small fortune. Not to mention that crap about paying 250 just for the consult! My goodness, how does anyone pay for this stuff! I read on the other thread about how you were so hard on yourself about getting a scrip for the pinkeye thing, and I don't blame ya~! You have too much on your plate right now to worry about paying for a doc visit and that too~! Dont be so hard on yourself! PS thanks for starting up the book club, the others, check it out, on the general chatter thread, we're reading A Million Pieces by James Frey. I think I will go pick it up this afternoon, and get it read by monday's discussion.

JC, glad the roof is fixable for now anyways. We had to put a whole new roof and chimney on our old cost a fortune, our inlaws had to help us out...then we moved a year later LOL it did help us sell though (and a new deck! What were we thinking!) But at least my roof here is sturdy enough.

OK so the husband thing...ya know how when you see someone EVERY day you must not really notice that they are losing weight? Well I must be so wrapped up in my own struggle, but he has been coming home telling me how so and so noticed HE is losing weight and he is getting comments all over town about how good he looks?!?!?! LOL I didn't notice! He says his pants are looser and he feels really good, but the kicker is.... HE IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO GET THAT WAY!!!!!!!! He'll eat my meals with me, though double or triple the actual portion size, he doesn't work out (except now that people have been talking, I've seen him on his treadmill once or twice), he drinks beer all weekend long, still gets fast food for lunch, etc etc etc. while here I am eating rabbit food and going to the gym four days a week! MEN! But at least he is aware and now motivated to make better choices. Not to mention the we can save that discussion for another day.

SO only about two and a half weeks til Thanksgiving, eh? I might not make that goal, but I'm not beating myself up over it either, I just can't wait to see how CLOSE I can get to it, like I'll be totally happy at 213 or 214, the underside of 215 would be good. Oh and I got in a Biggest Loser contest at the gym, we weigh in next week, so I'll let you know more about that when they work out all the kinks. I think it lasts 6 weeks, 5 teams of 20 (and the one trainer says some teams might have 30 since so many are signing up!), I'm curious to see what the prizes are, etc.

I can commiserate with you gals regarding the PMS monster but guess what? So I get the Depo shot every 12 weeks, and I DON'T get any periods! I notice that I'm moody sometimes, but really nothing I can call PMS for sure. So I'm lucky that way. Alot of people think that shot causes weight gain, and I wonder although when I started that shot (two years ago) I was making ALL the wrong choices and did gain, but I blame my lifestyle more than the hormones, and the weight is coming off now that I'm working on it. But DH is agreeable to having the big "V" so maybe I can go off the shot and see if the wt loss picks up. Any opinions?

Well for someone who mostly just lurks around, when I come out, I just ramble on and on. You gals are doing great moving the scale! And "HI" to the newbies! Can't wait to get to know you all! I'm going back and rereading the posts so I can write more. Hugs and kisses, Michelle
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Old 11-10-2006, 11:21 AM   #30  
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Got on the scale this morning... and it was 178, which is one pound more than last week. Am I evil or dishonest for not changing my ticker? I KNOW that this has to be water weight. My feet barely fit into my shoes, and my fingers are puffy.

I'm being very honest with myself - and being honest with myself includes being realistic and not beating myself up for something that is out of my control.


How's everyone else's day going? Everyone happy and healthy?
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