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Countrybarbie24 12-15-2011 12:14 AM

mtiger I hate when I feel like that. It sucks to have that feeling but it will past. You will loose pounds soon just keep up the great work. I know that when I go for a good walk that it makes me feel better about myself so try and see if that will help you feel better.

Clykk 12-15-2011 01:44 AM

I'm back!!
It has been 9 months since my last post, but I see I am hovering around the same weight. Man, I am so tired of trying to hide my belly! I will try, try again.

It is LATE, so I'm going to bed. I commit to posting my WEED tomorrow.

Sweet dreams, y'all!

Clykk 12-16-2011 01:32 AM

OK, so I didn't post my WEED, but I actually kept track of what I ate and drank today, so that is progress.

Tomorrow is another day. I will get my butt to the gym. I will, I will. I know I can. I know I can.

mothermavis 12-16-2011 05:41 AM

Clykk, welcome back!!

Barbie, congrats on being almost thru your first 10!!

OK, so this menopause thing has been kicking my a$$ since August and the last 2 months have seen me gain 10 instead of losing it. I am back up to 160 and not pleased at all. Need to see if I can get this righted before it goes any further, nothing I normally do is working.

W 100, that won't change
E 10k steps
E thinking maybe in addition to points, I need to count carbs again
D Find what works

Thinsole 12-16-2011 08:47 PM

mtiger- I hope you feel better. I've had a bit of that cow vibe going on too. Just try to stay above it. Remember what you've lost!

Mavis- Hope you find something that helps you get back to losing.

I've been good the last few days but the scale still hasn't been nice to me. I'm tired and stressed, which unfortunately leads to comfort eating. I got a small delivery of fudge from my Aunt, about six 1 inch cubes...ate them all today. This leaves my intake today at below 1700 calories so not too bad. I think it was more the giving in to an old bad habit that got me down. Plus, that much fudge after eating clean for so long has me feeling a little sick.

W- 80 oz (so far I've managed to get 20 down)
E- 12 burpees, rest day
E- No more food today
D- Hide the scale in the closet until Sunday

mtiger 12-17-2011 09:13 AM

MM- if menopause would just get over itself life would be just great. How a body can gain 5 pounds just because of TOM is crazy. And now the uncertainty of arrival..I am SSOO done with this. Because of my cancer gene they want me to have everything out. I think I am about ready for that.

After the 5 pound gain I have skipped a few meals this week and have lost almost all 5. Still not in a good place..but better. Maybe that is the key for me....eat less. Duh!! But how much less???

mothermavis 12-17-2011 04:08 PM

I will be MIA for a while, kids came home from college last night. One of them is extremely depressed and just stopped going to school mid semester, just holed up in the dorm. 4 o's for him for the semester and more importantly, a kid who is really really struggling right now. I am not even sure how to help him. I had no idea. Bad mother.

Countrybarbie24 12-17-2011 09:09 PM

Mother mavis- Your not a bad mother. Sometimes kids don't let on that somethings wrong. All I ask of my parents is to support me and love me everything else is on me. I am sure that all any child asks. It all be alright.

I am happy to say that I have been walking 1/2 mile last few days. I will up it to a mile next week. I have 4 pounds loose to get to my NYE goal and 1 pound to go to get to my first 10lb goal:)

Countrybarbie24 12-18-2011 06:30 PM

so I went to the ymca this morning for an RC indoor fly meet and well I went to the locker room and weighed on the manual scale. I weighed 15 pounds less on it than I did on my digital at home this morning. One the scales is wrong. I am really liking the manual scale weight better. I am a CNA so I do know how to work a manual scale lol(just incase anyone think that is the problem lol) So should I go by the manual scale and just minus pounds when I weight at home or should I just forget about the manual scale number and count with the digital scale?

I am also happy to say that today after left indoor flying and went to one club it was lunch time so my bf asked if I wanted something to eat. I was like yes!!! so we on way McDonald and I saw subway. I was like hey I want subway my bf like really I said yes so I got BLt with light mayo and lots veggies and mustard. I was so proud my self but did have lrg sweet tea from McDonald I can't give those up lol. I also drank like 40oz water last night for supper and 20oz this morning for brakefast

Thinsole 12-18-2011 07:36 PM

CountryBarbie- I would try another scale and see what it says before deciding between your home scale or the ymca one.

Mavis- You are not a bad mother. If you were you'd let your child sink or swim on their own and not be there to support them. Is it your kids first year of college?

So today I weighed in and walah! 206 on the scale. So at least I'm headed in the right direction now. There's no way I'll make my New Year's Onderland goal, but now that I've stopped stressing about making it things seem to be falling back into place. Hopefully next week I see another good loss, then I'll feel like I really stepped off the plateau.

Taking the day off from WEED, back on monday.

Good luck Mavis. I hope things get better for you and your family.

mothermavis 12-19-2011 05:31 AM

Thin, thanks but no, he is (was) almost dnne, that's why I can't believe it. Now because he did not attend, he has to see if they will let him replace what he missed with a class to complete his bachelors. He should have gotten his Master's in May.:(

Thinsole 12-19-2011 08:39 PM

Mavis- I hope things get better for both of you. I know getting to the end like that can be intimidating but I'm sure it's more complicated than that.

Holidays closing in, baking, cleaning, getting ready for a work party, and still fitting in workouts. Finished W2 E210K. On to Week 3.

W- 80 (done)
E- 15 burpees, 2.5 mile run
E- Kept my intake below 2000, but just barely. I have been perpetually hungry the last week.
D- Rest when you need to.

Thinsole 12-20-2011 10:21 AM

Well, I got on the scale today and it said 205. That's my -60 lb goal completed! I'm hesitant to change my ticker or signature just for the fact that I did run yesterday and my day after running weights are always a little low. So I'll wait for my official weigh in on Sunday.

W- 80 oz
E- 1 mile walk, maybe some tae-bo
E- More fruits and veggies
D- Pack a good lunch and make a batch of cookies.

mtiger 12-21-2011 07:57 AM

MM- I have always said that grown children are more difficult than little kids. They have bigger issues. Love him, talk with him and help him out. I am sure yoou will come up with a solution and he will be fine.My own son is currently learning some valuable lessons about growing up and resposibility.

The PB balls are wreaking havoc in my life right now. I can resist the cookies and the puppy chow, but the PB Balls are another story. Must go to the gym today. Still have a few more things to bake, but I really need to get my butt on the treadmill.

Things are different this year. I am married, have step-children, more Christmas activities to tend to, a husband who helps out (he wants to frost cookies), and tons of other "stuff". We are going to be renting out his house for a while so that means we need to go and pack everything up. That means more stuff will come here and quite a bit of work. It will certainly be nice to have a little $$ coming in though. Busy, busy, busy!!!

Thinsole 12-21-2011 10:23 PM

mtiger- Good luck with all the stuff on your agenda, workout times may be all the me time you get, lol.

W- 80 oz (40 so far working on 60)
E- 17 burpees, 30 min tae-bo
E- I ate so far outside my range (must get back to good tomorrow)
D- Candy cannot run away so there's no need to go Big Bad Wolf on it.

Interesting side note. My tae-bo work out would've been 45 min but I was interrupted by the cops. Apparently someone stole a cell phone and the tracking device lead them to me, at work. I spent some fun time letting them search my stuff and convincing them that no, I did not steal said cell phone. I know it's part of their job to repeatedly ask the same question but I was getting very annoyed.

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