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Old 11-14-2006, 02:00 PM   #16  
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Hi everyone,

Brenda my foot is doing much better. There is still a little numbness on the outer side of the left leg. But, I can walk without the brace now. I have been walking more and I think it helps it.

I'm now taking 2 chewable fiber choice tablets per day and these seem to be helping me. I drank all my water last night after going to bingo, and spent the night in the bathroom. Hate it when that happens.

Irgnlvyly, WTG on the wt. loss and eating on program.

Brenda, WTG on forgoing the soda. I also have a problem with the snacking at night. I'm now telling myself to "go to bed, you can eat in the morning". Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

BB, my family used to play canasta a lot when I was growing up. I loved it. We play cards a lot now too. Mostly Phase 10 and Hold-em poker now.

Robin, hiding away in the office to avoid temptation sounds like a great idea.

Well I'm off to search my house. My dd babysitted my 2 yr. old grandson last night while we went to bingo. I can't find the TV remote or my cell phone this morning. I'll start with the Toy Boxes that's where I usually find stuff. LOL
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Old 11-14-2006, 08:43 PM   #17  
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Lillybelle - That cute about the remote. I remember that happening to me too. last time I was missing a remote it turned up in my husbands suitcase,(inFrance!) he was on his way there and Iguess picked it up off our bed with his 'stuff' and packed it. I went nuts looking for it for 2 days until he found it!
I have been having problems with snacking at night too. Tonight, for example, we ate early 5:30 all I could think of is gee, what am I going to do later when I feel like snacking. In the summer I used to be able to sit down at the tv with just a bottle of water because I didn't have much of an appetite in the heat but now on these cooler nights, I like a cupof cooffee or tea, and of course then I want a few cookies or something like that. It's been tough. I do find myself going to bed earlier!
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Old 11-14-2006, 09:55 PM   #18  
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Brenda, we had wood parquet tile down that we put down a few years ago. It looked nice until the pipes came apart under the sink and the water leak made the tile separate and bulge, and then later my husband "fixed" the dishwasher and left something lose and it leaked. So I tore up the wood, along with two layers of tile underneath. Scrubbed the bare redwood flooring under it all, and then laid grey and white linoleum on top of the redwood. It is clean and bright and isn't falling apart. It wasn't expensive tile, only 17 dollars a box of 45 each. Took me about 4 boxes to do the room. I wanted something cheap because I may remodel my kitchen and have to do it all over again before too much time passes. It looks much nicer than that wood that was getting scuffed and falling apart. The wood looked great when it was new, but after a few years it didn't look so nice anymore.

Brenda, tell yourself you are hanging in there for 3 days. For me that is all I commit to at the beginning. 3 days of induction. After 3 days have passed, I'm in ketosis and then I don't want to get out of it, because being in ketosis means I'm burning fat and it is easier to stay on the diet after the first 3 days are out of the way. So I always challenge myself to a "3 day no cheat challenge". Once I'm through those hard first 3 days everything always seems easier.

Of course I buy the ketostix so I can tell when I'm in ketosis. Usually on the third or fourth morning after starting Atkins I can see some color on those things. That validates me and I feel more inspired after that.

Hang in there you have only a few days to go to be there.

Scale was up for me today. I had dinner last night. Haven't been doing that a lot, mostly I've eaten lunch and when dinner time comes around the family has been cooking for themselves, usually something high carb, so I just tell myself to go to bed and eat in the morning. It usually works since we normally eat late anyway. Last night though we had a really good roast and some green beans.

Tonight was supposed to be a chicken soup, but I forgot to thaw the chicken. So now what? Hamburgers? Maybe. Still hanging in there. Starting to worry about all the low carb goodies that have been creeping into my diet lately. I tend to do better if I eliminate them or limit them severely. Or at least that is what I tell myself. I'm not really sure.
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Old 11-14-2006, 10:57 PM   #19  
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Sherry, I did the same as you. Gave myself 3 days to be in ketosis and then didn't want to lose that, so would be extra stringent to maintain it. It worked for me too.
I am having a bad headache today. May be the carb withdrawal after the mexican food I had yesterday.
NTL, we found the TV remote and my cell phone. The phone was behind the couch with the ringer off and remote was in the Ottoman that opens up with a storage space. My grandson likes to climb in there. That is also where I found he had stashed a bunch of his toys. LOL. He's a handful. Gotta love those babies.
My son has been under a lot of stress lately. He's 20 yrs. old and is losing weight. He's almost 6' and did weigh 146. He was at the Dr. yesterday and weighed 138 with his clothes and shoes on. He started drinking protein shakes today to see if this will help him put some weight back on. He doesn't want to be this "skinny". I know his job is stressing him, plus the breakup with his long-term GF and then more recently with a girl that he'd only been seeing a month or 2. He's also having financial difficulty affording his own place since his work cut out all over-time. I'm worried about him. He feels sickly. He has bronchitis. Just goes to show that we never quit worrying about them, no matter what their age. I have offered him to move back home. I know some people don't agree with this. But, I don't like to see him having such a stressful time. He's trying to hold out. See if things start to improve. He's looking for a job that pays more money or will allow overtime. He refuses to take money when I offer it. He's been hanging out here more often. I have been cooking for him and sending meals to work for him, because otherwise he skips meals.
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Old 11-15-2006, 04:08 AM   #20  
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Lilly - sorry to hear about your son. I think it is wonderful that you are still willing to help him. Does he possibly have an ulcer or has the stress just killed his appetite?
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Old 11-15-2006, 08:48 AM   #21  
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Good Morning Ladies

Didn't do to well on my W-I this morning,up 2 lbs. Looked over my journal and saw the horrible culprid SODIUM in Sundays Spinach Pie. I love this low carb recipe, but the crust that make of sliced cheese is full of SODIUM When will I learn not to have so close to weigh-in. Deciding whether to change my ticker or wait until the sodium is out of my body.

irgnlvly-Congrats:Cheer: on your 2 lbs loss,I must of caught your weight loss as I gained two. WTG.

Lily-I just witched my fiber from medamucil to a caplet of fiber 6, that my DH takes.I think it works better,plus its more convenient carrying in you hand bag when you away from home. Canasta is my favorite card game,I play poker a little,and the game is 21.I'm so sorry to hear about your son,hopefully he'll be better soon,but please to care of yourself. I know it hard as a mother always worry about her children,no matter how old they are, My son is 35 and I'm still worried about him,being in a different state is hard to be there for him. Why is he losing so much weight,Is he eating??????????? Happy hes under doctor care.Hope the protein shakes work.

Need to lose-My snacking last night after my canasta game lead me to popcorn munching. I only ate a handful but being so carb sensitive I'm afraid thats what brought my weight up also.Its so easy in the summer to control eating,but in the winter when it get dark and deary you need comfort food and to me thats snacks.

Sherry-Sorry that the scale went up for you.Do you really believe about the ketostix. I though you really don't need them as long as you follow the food plan you'll be in ketosos in two days.I like you idea about the 3 day induction when your in trouble. Since I up today I think I will try that.

Have a good one

Hugs BB
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Old 11-15-2006, 09:15 AM   #22  
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Good Morning

Lily~what is happening with your son, sounds alot like what has happened to my brother. He has lost over 70lbs, just from stress. Mind you he has it to loose, your son doesnt!! His marriage broke up, and his job was so stressful, he quit at one point. They actually came back looking for him, told him he could work when ever he wanted, and if he needed time off, it was ok. He agreed as long as he wasnt part of any of the management. Anyway.....he's 37yrs old, and living with our parents. It wasnt what he planned either, but he's back there. Mom's feeding him, doing his know, doing what mom's do. He said he is going to stay until after christmas, then head back out into the world. I hope you can talk your son into coming home for a while. Ive always found (and my brother too) when you get like this, stress out and worried, going home is always the best thing to do for yourself. If he is spending alot of time there....its probably what he's feeling too. No, we never quit worrying about our parents still do it.

Strangely enough, Mom comes to my house to de-stress. It what family does

Yesterday was a bust for me Im starting over again today. Im not even going to get on the scale....I just dont want to know
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Old 11-15-2006, 09:30 AM   #23  
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TOM has arrived and with it the cramps and bloated feeling. Well, and the tiredness. I've got to start taking vitamins!! I've got Youth Group stuff to do and so will be busy all day. Plus I have to take DH's car in to get the oil changed (did his truck oil yesterday). Deer hunting (gun) opens on Saturday. I can't wait!! WAHOO!! Anyway, I've gotta run. Hope you all have a great day and don't forget the water!! Oh....I managed to stay OP last night. Wasn't hungry. One thing about cramps--they make me sick to my stomach and not hungry---so I won't be snacking while that's around!! I go!!
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Old 11-15-2006, 02:34 PM   #24  
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Thanks ladies for the support. I think that my son may move home and stay for a while. I actually hope he does. He needs the extra care and home cooked food right now. He doesn't have stomach pain so I don't think he has an ulcer. He had just been skipping meals and eating very little due to stress. I'm helping him fill out job applications to find a better paying job. My DH went with him to the employment office. The Dr. told him that he needs to gain at least 15-20 lbs. I know his night shift work and Military Drills are wreaking havoc on his already stressed immune system. That is why he keeps getting sick.

BB I like these fiber choice orange flavor tablets that I'm chewing. I chew 2 each day. They seem to keep me regular. I do notice the chalky stuff sticks to my teeth and I have to brush after I chew them. But, that's OK with me. They are about the size of lifesavers and can be easily carried with me. They are also not expensive. They don't cause any cramps, like the correctol or dulcolax that I had used in the past. I really think that this WOE the fiber is lacking in our food.
Last night my DH and DD had popcorn. I hid in the computer room to resist it.
I have a dentist appt. tomorrow. I hate going to see a dentist worse than a Dr. They scare me.
My son's ex-GF gave me 5 winter shirts. They all had stripes and I haven't wore them because I thought stripes make me look fat. It must have been the Fat that made me look Fat. Because I'm wearing one of them today and it looks good on me now.
We had terribly, loud storms here last night. My labrador was scared to death. She jumped in our bed 3 times last night. I finally relented and left her there. I needed some sleep. Poor thing was just shaking and terrified.
Brenda, WTG with staying OP last night.
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Old 11-15-2006, 05:15 PM   #25  
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Scale is back down to 176 this morning. It must have been sodium in something I ate cause TOM's not here yet. I looked by at my food journal and I don't see the culprit though. I have been real careful to stick to the plan these last couple of days. Breakfast casserole, pecans for snack, and meat with 2 veggie sides for dinner. I am still feeling pretty good about my eating right now. I probably need to increase my water, but I am getting in almost 68 ozs a day. Hope you guys are on program and doing alright.

BB - Did you have the popcorn and the high sodium cheese the same day? And can't you use low sodium/no salt added cheeses in the spinach dish? I read somewhere that they exist. I am thinking of trying Dana Carpender's Creamed Spinach recipe as a side dish - have you had it?

Brenda - Way to go on staying on program. How is your soda diet coming?

Lily - Glad to know your ds doesn't have stomach pains. If he is willing to, maybe you should try giving him Chamomile Tea, hot or cold. It is great for stress and it increases the appetite.
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Old 11-15-2006, 05:22 PM   #26  
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Lily, Maybe your son could give us some hints on losing weight. ha!
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:06 AM   #27  
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carol, my son has always been thin. He doesn't eat sweets, or butter, or mayo , or peanut butter or cheese. No wonder he's naturally "skinny". meat and potatoes is his basic diet. He loves green veggies of any kind. He doesn't hardly use any dairy products. I'm trying to fatten him up a little, while trying to de-fat myself. LOL. He's also very athletic and loves golf, paintball, football, hunting, fishing and weight lifting.
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Old 11-16-2006, 09:10 AM   #28  
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another day, and another restart....Im getting so tired of fighting with my fat. I just want it gone!
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Old 11-16-2006, 09:11 AM   #29  
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Lily: Sounds like he definitely needs to move home for some TLC and a way to relax. Hopefully he'll realize that as well

Chris: Glad things are going well eating wise. I've been doing well without soda. Well, except on Tuesday. DH opened a soda and only drank half before going hunting--he told me to drink it and I didn't want it to go to waste. Well, I only drank a 1/4 of it because I forgot it was there


Robin: You can do this!! Just steps. One step at a time!!

I did well yesterday. Haven't been keeping track of my water intake which I should be doing. I also should be increasing my exercise. Well, ANY exercise would be an increase. I should really write out a schedule of when to do what. Maybe that'd help. Or it could just be one more list for me to ignore. . Well, time to go feed the deer. That'll give me a little exercise. (Not counting it though as it doesn't long for me to do that)
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Old 11-16-2006, 10:15 AM   #30  
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Lily, What's in those energy drinks that would suppress appetite? I've only tried Arizona somthing and it made me kind of fidgity.
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