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rlb1987 02-12-2012 08:11 PM

I feel really gross and bloated today after my Chinese splurge last night. Ugh. Hopefully I'll get back to feeling normal again pretty soon.

Breakfast: Toast with margarine and cinnamon sugar=320
Lunch: 2 cups Raisin Bran Crunch, 1/2 cup skim milk=423
Supper: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese, cream cheese, tomato, spinach on ciabatta roll, string cheese=405
Snacks: String cheese, orange sherbet=150

I might end up having a yogurt or something else before I call it quits for the night, but I'm feeling pretty full right now so I might not. Today's my rest day, so no workout tonight!

Queen Sarah 02-13-2012 09:39 AM

Yesterday (Sunday):

breakfast: the usual NS cereal, orange, & egg: 338
lunch at Seasons 52, including Turkey Portabello burger & dessert: 686
snack: popcorn 90
dinner: Amy's Vegan breakfast burrito, NS dessert bar: 400

Grand total 1514

Kind of an unusual day for me, low on vegetables and activity. Burned 1693 calories, equivalent of 2 miles. Total calorie deficit: 179, so I'll take it.

K9Owner 02-13-2012 10:41 AM

GM all :wave:
Gosh, when I work a couple days back to back, I really miss being here. I feel like I miss "my life". Ok, that's a little sad, b/c this site is not my "life", but I do miss being in each of your lives.

Ok, so I had a fabulous weekend. I worked it, but I had great patients. It was uneventful, so I can't complain.

NOW Banana Cream Protein Shake (1/2), Grapes: 225
Grapes, Granola, LF Cauliflower Crusted Pizza, Trail Mix, Coffee: 555
Fried Catfish, Squash Casserole, SnackWells Creme Cookies (2): 701
Total: 1481

Water: 64 oz
Walking: 289

Turkey Waldorf Salad, Cottage Cheese w/Strawberry Jam, Raisin Bread w/Almond Butter:482
Sushi, Cottage Cheese w/Strawberry Jam, Ice Cream: 486
Grapes, PB2 Greek Yogurt w/granola: 317
Total: 1285

Water: 64 oz
Walking: 462


Sushi, Ice Cream, Cake, Raisin Bread w/Banana: 1521
NOW Double Dense Green Monster (1/2), cake: 1127
PB Nana Oats: 285
NOW Banana Cream Protein Shake (1/2): 149
Total: 3082

Water: 88 oz
Exercise: :lifter: 732

loose seal 02-13-2012 02:39 PM

Busy weekend and not feeling well to boot. Heater stopped working Sat afternoon, with dropping temps into the teens and windy, windy wind. Got it fixed (something was clogged), warm again.

Ate approx 2000 or so Sat (i did this on purpose to spike things up); 1500-1600 Sun. Back in the 1400-1500 saddle today.

b: mushroom/cheese omelet, grapefruit - 300
l: 1/2 large bagel w/swiss cheese (2 slices), jewish pickle, mustard (don't laugh!) - 300; greek yogurt - 140
s: 1/2 cup coffee, 1 small choc. chip cookie - 150
d: boneless chicken (about 2 oz or so), 1/2 cup rice, sauteed mushrooms w/garlic - 400

Total: 1300

Having trouble with the water again. Sore throat is just making it not very palatable. Merrrh.

rlb1987 02-13-2012 07:30 PM


Breakfast: Toast w/ margarine=260
Lunch: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese, cream cheese, spinach, tomato on ciabatta roll, string cheese, small piece corn bread=560 (I LOVE corn bread and couldn't resist it when they made it at work today...MMM)
Supper: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese and tomato on white bread, mac and cheese=445
Snack: Granola bar=190
Total: 1455

I feel like I've eaten the same thing today for every meal...bread bread and more bread with a side of cheese. LOL. I really need to work on eating less carbs! Bread is my weakness though, I love it.

I'm getting ready to go work out with a friend...I may have a small snack after my workout, depending on if I'm hungry again or not.

freelancemomma 02-13-2012 08:26 PM

<<Bread is my weakness though, I love it.>>

I do, too, but not regular grocery-store bread. I go to a local boutique bakery that makes the most amazing whole-grain, olive and high-fiber white bread. I don't feel guilty about eating it if it falls within my rough daily calorie allotment, because it's so satisfying.


K9Owner 02-14-2012 12:57 AM

Great day today with some planned for Merlot. I stayed within cals AND I didn't binge afterwards! :carrot:

Grapes: 76
PB Nana Oats: 285
Sushi: 134
Merlot (8 oz), 1/2 Chicken Caesar Wrap: 610
Cottage Cheese w/Strawberry Jam: 101
Total: 1206

Water: 88 oz
Exercise: Circuit training at the gym + :tread: for 2.9 miles: 513

dgramie 02-14-2012 06:43 AM

1460 yesterday calories.
Should be an easy day as long as no one brings in sweets!!

panshrmu 02-14-2012 07:51 AM

well, today was valentine lunch with my hubby.....i guess 800? it was a chicken filet sandwhich a mozerella stick and french fries.

Well, I started riding my bike today....25 min was 264 calories.

Water is fine, actually crave it!!

Myfitnesspal adds back the calories for exercising, so in REAlity I was over thanks to lunch, but exercised.........sooooooo can we just not count today:dizzy:

I am going to ride my bike 5-7 days a week for the next two weeks before adding strength stuff on......we will just see how tomorrow goes!

loose seal 02-14-2012 12:50 PM

b: cheese/mushroom omelet, coffee, grapefruit - 350
l: cottage cheese w/pineapple - 200
s: popcorn - 150
s: 3 maryjanes (the candy, the candy!) - 100
d: 2 homemade chicken and veggies wraps - 400

Total: 1200

Will likely have some jolly ranchers later so I'll put down 1300 as my total.

Queen Sarah 02-14-2012 01:58 PM

Yesterday (Monday) I ate an ungodly amount of calories. I'm not even going to try to account for it! Let's just say it was a bazillion.

I'm going through some major life decisions right now, so that's why I'm having days like that occasionally. I'm not worried about it, because losing weight and getting to my goal range of 125-129 is not my priority right now. I just want to not gain. I lost about 35 lbs in 2011, and I don't want to gain it back.

Today is going much better. :D Tuesdays are not as stressful as Mondays. It's my teaching day, and I love teaching. (Teaching music to adults is the best job in the world, because they all love music and want to learn!)

I'll post today's good diet details tomorrow.

K9Owner 02-15-2012 01:57 AM

What a day/evening!
I woke up with ZILCH for motivation. I was sleepy, sore, and just did NOT want to workout-or even get out of bed.
However, I managed to get up, have some oats & experience one of the BEST workouts I've had in a long time!! I love that!
For Vday, I told DH we could go out to eat, since it's been about a month since we've been out. This is a treat for him, b/c 1. he loves to go out to eat & 2. we abruptly stopped going out 4-5x a week to eat. Now we just go every now and then…maybe once a month!!

Grapes, :cookie: x 3: ~ 201
1/4 NOW Green Monster, Oats:
Mexican Restaurant: chicken breast w/sodium induced seasoning, including MSG :devil: , 1/4 c refried beans, 1/2 c rice, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, chips & salsa, 1 TBS guacamole, 3 :chockiss: , Trail Mix w/white chocolate chips, Frozen Grapes, :cookie: x3, Diet Coke: ~ 1298
Total: ~ 1913

Exercise: Killed it on arms and abs plus 15 min of stairmaster and :running: 2 miles: 671 {HRM}
Water: 64 oz

dgramie 02-15-2012 06:48 AM

Lets just say I cant count as high as my calories were yesterday!!
today is a new day!!

Queen Sarah 02-15-2012 09:18 AM

Yesterday (Tuesday) I burned more calories than I ate, so I count it as a good day.

Breakfast: NS cereal, orange, egg: 322
1st lunch: spinach & tomatoes with Walden Farms dressing, Zone Perfect bar: 300
2nd lunch: tuna cup, fat free coleslaw, NS lunch bar: 320
snack: popcorn, pear: 542
dinner: NS lunch item, spinach, Babybel light cheese: 257
snack: NS dessert bar, NS cereal: 345

Grand total: 2068

Calories burned: 2214
Steps: 8754 (3.6 miles)

Calorie deficit: 146

loose seal 02-15-2012 11:29 AM

I am without energy today. And despite a good b-fast I'm hungry right now . . . like 'I want to mindlessly eat crap' hungry. :eek: Talk me out of it!!!

b: scrambled eggs (1 whole egg, 2 whites), 1oz american cheese, sauteed mushrooms/garlic, 1/2 banana w/smear of p. butter - 400
s: 3 maryjanes <--- damn it, why did I buy them??? - 100
l: w.w. pasta primavera w/added chicken - 400
s: pretzels - 200
d: london broil and baked sweet spud - 400

Total: 1500

rlb1987 02-15-2012 01:44 PM

Yesterday my well intentioned hubby sent pizza to me at work for Valentine's Day, THEN he brought home some chocolate covered strawberries. I actually did pretty well. The pizza was thin crust and I didn't eat a whole bunch of it. I made some of my coworkers eat with me so I wouldn't be too tempted because I love pizza so much. I also ate a couple of the chocolate covered strawberries and then got my hubby to finish them off. I actually managed to not go over my calorie goal AND I don't have any leftover pizza or chocolate strawberries to tempt me today while I'm at home.


Breakfast: Toast with margarine=260
Lunch: Pizza with cinnamon dessert sticks=625
Snack: Light string cheese=60
Supper: Pizza=345
Snack: Chocolate covered strawberries=120

Exercise: Turbo Jam 20 min workout


Breakfast: 1 cup Kellogg's Crunchy Caramel Nut cereal w/ 1/2 cup skim milk=204
Lunch: Instant mashed potatoes with margarine and bread, apple=446
Snack: Light string cheese=60
Supper: Salad w/ cheese and light ranch dressing, cottage cheese=411
Snack: Hungry Girl flatout bread toasted w/ margarine and cinnamon sugar=165

Today I've been off from work and just having a hungry day. Thankfully I don't have any junk food in the house or I'm sure it would have been a great opportunity to binge.

loose seal 02-16-2012 08:49 AM

b: Kashi Go Lean Crunch berries cereal, 2% milk, coffee - 375
s: baby bell cheese wheel - 70
l: 1 homemade beef and veggie wrap - 350
d: pasta, chicken, carrots - 450
s: 2 handfuls of pretzel m&ms - 250

Total: 1500

Ugh, TOM. No wonder I've been munchy for sweet and salty.

Queen Sarah 02-16-2012 09:20 AM

Arghhh. I seem to be having a problem with Mondays and Wednesdays. Those are the days I have classes, and I know that my stress is due to having some major life decisions to make in regard to my academic work, so I have a trigger there. It would help if I would be more prepared on those days with some foods that appeal to me. (Last night I ate a bazillion calories again.:devil: I will spare you the details.)

I'm going to go to the grocery store today, and pick up some of my favorite vegetables, and some ingredients for a new recipe, to help me feel good about healthy eating again. I should be back on track for the next few days, and I'm going to plan ahead for next Monday and Wednesday so this doesn't keep happening!

summerlove 02-16-2012 03:11 PM

so far today:

breakfast: green tea, oatmeal (170)
snack: granola bar (70), coke zero
lunch: flat bread (290)

planned snack: rasperries and strawberries with chicken and potatoes for dinner :)


had carrots, potatoes, and chicken for dinner, with a bowl of raspberries as a snack.

Unfortunatley, had icecream as well :(

rlb1987 02-16-2012 07:08 PM

Breakfast: Toast with margarine, yogurt=360
Lunch: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese, cream cheese, spinach, tomato, cucumber on ciabatta roll, corn=483
Supper: Crunchy nut caramel nut cereal w/ 1/2 cup skim milk==343
Snacks: Light string cheese, apple, cottage cheese=296
Total: 1482

Exercise: Turbo Jam Cardio Party (45 minutes), Ab Jam (20 minutes)

dgramie 02-17-2012 06:41 AM

scales didnt move this week, I stayed the same. I had one bad day this week. I was op the rest of the time. Next week I will be OP everyday!

Queen Sarah 02-17-2012 09:05 AM

I did much better yesterday:

Breakfast: NS granola bar, 150
Brunch: IHOP, Simple & Fit Omelette, 330
Lunch: Spinach salad with tuna, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, Walden Farm dressing, 310
Dinner: Zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, NS macaroni & cheese with beef, NS dessert bar, 460
Snack: Popcorn, 90

Total 1340 calories
1841 burned
Calorie deficit: 501

Additionally, I did three things to adjust my mindset:

I cut up my size 10 & 12 jeans to make into a comforter (I'm in a size 8 now)

I went grocery shopping and stocked up on healthy foods

I made a graph of my weight for the last few years, to remind myself in a visual way that I don't want to go back!


loose seal 02-17-2012 10:31 AM

b: coffee, kashi go lean, 2% milk, strawberries - 375
l: l.c. spinach/mushroom pizza w/some added mozzarella - 450

Gaaaa, TOM is here and I'm just wanting to nom all day. So hard trying to resist anything right now. Blech, I hate this.

d: leftover chicken/pasta/veggies - 400
s: greek yogurt w/strawberries - 150

Total: 1400

summerlove 02-17-2012 03:37 PM

b: oatmeal (170)
s: granola bar (90)
*tempation* - cookies - (200)
l: flatbread (290)

going out with my father for dinner, so I'm gonna get a salad - or sushi, depending where we go. :)

Queen Sarah 02-17-2012 04:21 PM

Note to Self, from Past Self:

I apologize for putting that chicken in the crock pot this morning. I did not think of how difficult it would be for you to come home to that wonderful smell, and have to wait four hours until dinner. But please, do not snack uncontrollably while you are waiting. Future Self will be so mad at both of us, :mad: if you do!


~Past Self :^:


Note to Past Self, from Self:

Got your message. You are right. I almost went out of control, but I kept it reasonable and had a small snack. I'll be able to wait until dinner, if I keep myself busy. Thanks for the warning. I don't want Future Self mad at us. She can be pretty severe.

~Self. :)

LAgreeneyes 02-17-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Sarah (Post 4220054)
Note to Self, from Past Self:

I apologize for putting that chicken in the crock pot this morning. I did not think of how difficult it would be for you to come home to that wonderful smell, and have to wait four hours until dinner. But please, do not snack uncontrollably while you are waiting. Future Self will be so mad at both of us, :mad: if you do!


~Past Self :^:


Note to Past Self, from Self:

Got your message. You are right. I almost went out of control, but I kept it reasonable and had a small snack. I'll be able to wait until dinner, if I keep myself busy. Thanks for the warning. I don't want Future Self mad at us. She can be pretty severe.

~Self. :)


Too funny!!!!

rlb1987 02-17-2012 09:00 PM


Breakfast: Toast w/ margarine=210
Lunch: Salad with ranch, lasagna, 2 breadsticks=830 (went out to lunch with a friend to our favorite Italian restaurant...mmmm!)
Snacks: Orange sherbet, crackers and cheese, apple with peanut butter=440
Total: 1480

Exercise: Turbo Jam Cardio Party (45 min)

K9Owner 02-18-2012 01:40 AM

I've managed to undo all of my hard work last week with leftover VDAY goodies at work.
I'll spare the details, lest I tempt any of you from meeting your fitness goals.

I'll give the short version of Thurs/Fri
Cals: 1285 of BAD calories--TOO MUCH SUGAR!
:exercise: 462
Water: 72 oz

Cals: 1368, most of which were bad cals--TOO MUCH SUGAR
:exercise: 973 (hmmmm....did I really make up for FOUR cupcakes in 2 days?)
Water: 72 oz

: I need a "Note to self". It needs to say, "Stop making POOR choices. Look what you're doing to the goals! They are suffering for your lack of willpower. Now, get back to being a :drill: "

loose seal 02-18-2012 08:31 AM

Well was sitting at 1400 cals after dinner last night but freakin' TOM won out after all. 200 cals worth of pretzel M&Ms ( I don't even really like them but it was the sweet/salty that I was after). Which would have been ok. Except that the damn cheese puffs starting walking out of the kitchen, into the family room and right into mah mouth. Gaaaaaa, 400 cals or so, so basically I hit 2,000 cals yesterday. :mad: Am still feeling that stupid fatigue tired today - I'm so over this whole TOM thing. Srsly. - but will do my best to stay within range cal-wise.

Queen Sarah 02-18-2012 09:52 AM

That note to Self helped yesterday -- I had a hard time yesterday, having the energy to keep my activity up and not overeat. It was good to be reminded of Future Self. I wasn't a perfect angel, but I came out relatively unscathed. I ate enough to get my energy back up to be motivated to get a bit more calories burned, and ended up with:

1735 calories in
2159 calories burned (3 1/2 miles, 9,000 steps)
424 deficit, a good day.

The details:
Breakfast: NS chocolate muffin, egg, orange, 389
Lunch: Canned tomatoes, petite baby carrots, NS lunch bar, 297
Snack: Snickers Bar -- GAH! 280
Snacks: Baked pita chips, 100 cal guacamole pack, blueberries & Greek yogurt, 393
Dinner: Crock pot chicken, 228
Snack: Arctic Zero, 148

One of the reasons I was having difficulty: Not enough vegetables and lean protein. I didn't realize it until later. DUH. I was caught with an unexpected break at work, and had a Snickers, and forgot to eat enough vegetables. The Snickers threw off my day (and it didn't really satisfy, despite the commercial).

But it's all good. Enough small deficits will erase the two bad days I've had this week. My weight is holding steady at 132.4.

summerlove 02-18-2012 01:38 PM

b: oatmeal (170), green tea, carrots (30)
snack: chai tea drink (135)
l; bagel w. butter (280)
d: salad (650), bellini (170)

total: 1435.

loose seal 02-18-2012 08:35 PM

b: veggie omelet, coffee, 1/2 baked sweet pot - 400
l: greek yogurt w/a bit of granola - 200
s: pretzels and a bit of dip - 200
d: l.c. roasted garlic pizza - 400
s: trail mix bar - 150

Total: 1350

that's more like it.

K9Owner 02-18-2012 09:07 PM

Yaaaa Me :carrot:
I'm down 0.6 despite all the horrid food choices I've made this week!
HOW???? IDK, but I'm not complaining!

Saturday's AWESOME 1200 cal Day
FF Cheese & turkey Omelet, Veggi Rotini w/Broccoli & Cauliflower, Grapes, Pineapple: 414
Coffee: 64
Chicken Caesar Wrap, 2 :cookie: : 587
Total: 1065

I have 150 ish cals left to eat before midnight, then it's time for some quality time with my special "man" SPIKE!! Oh! How how I love me some you!!

Water: 64 oz
No :exercise: Rest Day/Chiropractor Day

Queen Sarah 02-19-2012 08:40 AM

Three days in a row with a calorie deficit, yet my weight is slightly up. Just goes to show that good behaviors don't always have an immediate effect. Also, that you can't keep having terrible Mondays and Wednesdays without some consequences.

I burned 2,452 calories (12,670 steps; 5 miles)
Consumed 1,763 calories
Calorie deficit: 689

The details:
Breakfast: NS cereal, 159
2nd breakfast: egg, orange, 158
Lunch: Crock pot chicken, spinach & tomato salad, NS dessert bar, 433
Snacks: Fat-free coleslaw, popcorn, 110
Dinner: Mini pizza made with Thomas whole wheat bagel thin (delicious!!) -- petite baby carrots, Zone perfect bar
Snacks: Grapes, Baked pita chips, wholly guacamole, Greek yogurt, 461

summerlove 02-19-2012 11:28 AM

b: oatmeal w. strawberries/nuts - 250
l: english muffin w. nutella - 250
s: granola bar, carrots, strawberries - 170
s: snack wrap - 260
d: burger - 500, fries - 300
s: chocolate - 150

total: 1880. A maintenance day.

loose seal 02-19-2012 03:34 PM

b: kashi cereal, 2% milk, strawberries, coffee - 550 (finished off the box of cereal, an odd amount was left)
s: greek yogurt w/some granola - 200 (ate b-fast at 1pm)
d: (planned) chicken parm, angel hair pasta, peas - 600-700

The new oven came! I'm off to go make some banana muffins then get dinner started. Wonder if I'll burn anything in the learning curve of getting a new range? :lol:

Ashenpond 02-19-2012 07:09 PM

Hi, I'm Jenye from Australia and I started calorie counting yesterday. I have put myself on 1200 calories and hope that "this time" I can lose weight and keep it off.

Jenye :hug:

K9Owner 02-19-2012 08:02 PM

I hope none of you kill me for posting my Spike Day Food! I :love: LOVE :love: this approach and wish I had started last August doing it! I would have surpassed my goals by now!

Turkey Waldorf Salad, Vanilla Ice Cream & Orange Sherbet, 2 Crackers, Honey Nut Cheerios w/ 1/4 c skim milk: 763
Zuzana's Banana Berry Pancakes :drool: w/Whipped Cream, Turkey Bacon (2), Slice of Cheese Pizza: 715
Cheese Pizza, Grapes, Tortuga Cinnamon Rum Raisin Cake :drool: w/Rocky Road Ice Cream: 770
DINNER: Undecided ~ 350-550 cals left for the night.

I have 5 hrs left. Decisions ~~ Decisions ;)

Water: ? More than 64 oz
:exercise: ACTIVE REST DAY!

babygrant 02-19-2012 11:52 PM

B: 3/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1 cup berries, sprinkle fat free pudding powder. Cup of tea with 2 sugar and 1 cream.

Snack: 2 oatmeal cookies

L: 2 poached eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 apple

S: cookie

D: 4 oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup steamed cauliflower, 1 cup steamed spinach with 1/1 tap old oil and 1 oz feta

Snack: 1/2 cup banana pudding with 1/4 sliced banana

Total calories: 1908

Exercise: 1/2 hour walking at 2.5 mph

Queen Sarah 02-20-2012 06:51 AM

Welcome Jenye and Babygrant!

I'm going to have some challenges this week, as my son is in town for a visit, which means eating out... Plus there's the dreaded Monday (today) and Wednesday. Must do better this week. My weight is on an upward trend.

Sunday (yesterday):
2128 calories logged
2598 calories burned
470 calorie deficit

16,869 steps (7 miles)

The details:
breakfast: NS cereal, egg, orange, 316
lunch and dinner: Thai food from restaurant. I'm totally guessing 1340 calories. I have no idea if that is right.
snacks: fat free coleslaw, 20
more snacks: NS dessert bar, 140
even more snacks: Almonds & a Vitatop muffin, Babybel light cheese, and popcorn, 312

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