3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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4star 01-25-2012 03:10 PM

Yesterday was a day of the snack attack. I ended up at 2500 calories! I counted it all. It did very little damage to my biweekly average and that was 1730 so I'm ok with it.

Eating lean today. My appetite isn't nearly as fierce. I might just come in under my allowance.

4star 01-25-2012 03:15 PM

Yesterday was a day of the snack attack. I ended up at 2500 calories! I counted it all. It did very little damage to my biweekly average and that was 1730 so I'm ok with it.

Eating lean today. My appetite isn't much. I might just come in under my allowance.

philana 01-25-2012 05:38 PM

It was a bit hard due to simple carbs I had yesterday making me feel super carb-hungry today, but I stayed within my calorie limit. Which at the moment is quite low. I'll stick with it for another 3 days and then bump it up some.

K9Owner 01-25-2012 10:43 PM

Busy last night and today, but I'll catch up. Before anyone starts freaking out about Wednesday's low cals, I'll explain.

DH wanted to go visit my parents Tues. night--right at my dinner time! I couldn't make dinner, as he was impatient to go, so I ate there. I would have been ok with just Subway, but my brother bought us some Honey Cinnamon Almonds, and I helped myself to 360 cals worth of them while playing dominoes! :tantrum:

To offset the high cals and to keep my body guessing, I severely dropped my cals on Wednesday--on purpose--to offset the high cals on Tuesday.

Terrible Tuesday
Zuzana's Berry Pancakes, Pineapple, 2 Tbs Whipped Cream: 500
PB2 Greek Yogurt w/granola, Trail Mix: 316
Broccoli Potato Mash, Grapefruit, 15 Bean Stew, Coffee, Honey Cinnamon Almonds :fr: : 711
Subaway 6" Turkey Sandwich, Activia Peach Yogurt: 350
Total: 1877

Exercise: :running: 565
Water: 96 oz

Wednesday's Menu
FF Cheese Omelet: 144
Apple, 1/2 PB2 Greek Yogurt: 132
Salad, Sweet n Sour Chicken w/Miracle Noodles, SoDelicous Ice Cream, Cottage Cheese w/Pineapple: 808
Total: 1084

If I had known we were going earlier in the day, I could have swapped some food choices around, but those almonds were hard to stop eating at 1/4c!!

Thanks to all of you for your advice on my calorie limit issue. I think I will try it next week. The Spike Day is working so well right now, I hate to break my losing streak!!

Seal: That website gave me astronomical numbers!! Gracious, I'd have to drink a double dense Green Monster every day to reach those cals! I think my tummy has shrank with being on such a calorie restriction for so long. Great info there, however!! Thank you ;)

ma26 01-26-2012 10:40 AM

Well sorry I have been MIA, my calories yesterday were 1949, and tuesday was awful. REALLY AWFUL.

I need to get a grip. I have been counting consistently for two weeks now, but I am yet to be consistent about staying within my caloric goals. I feel that finally tracking all that is passing my lips for two weeks is a huge accomplishment. But now I've done it two weeks. It is time to take the next step. I need to learn that when I waste calories on calorie dense foods that simply means I'm setencing myself to going to bed hungry. If I really lay it down like that hopefully that will motivate me to up my vegetable consumption.

Anyways sorry for the long vent. It's good to see you ll be so successful and I do hope to join you all soon!

*Changed my goal weight to 146, I did the ideal weight calculator via the wrist test on the website that looseseal posted a link too for calorie zig zag.

Thanks looseseal! That website was very helpful. I am going to start doing the calorie zig zag myself. I am hoping that the knowledge that I have higher days coming will help me to better stay on track on the other days of the week.

LAgreeneyes 01-26-2012 11:02 AM

I have been a total failure for the last couple of day as the end of the day draws near. I have to get it together. I don't think that I can have snacks in my presence anymore. I'm binging on snacks. Is there anyone out there that does not eat snacks (cookies & crackers)? I think I will have to stop buying cookies and crackers and just eat fruit as snacks. This has got to stop!!!

Queen Sarah 01-26-2012 11:04 AM

I went off-plan yesterday. I was tired at the end of the day and *felt*like*eating*! I was tempted to eat out, but I knew I needed groceries, so I bucked up and went to the grocery store on the way home. I allowed myself to indulge a little, since I didn't eat out. I didn't write down everything, but I'm pretty sure it was under 2000. So I'm calling it 2000. Didn't get the walking that I had planned, so I'm sure I wiped out my deficit for the week. I'll figure it out later.

Today, Thursday:
6:00 breakfast: NS cereal, skim milk 152
9:30 2nd breakfast: frozen cherries, Greek Yogurt, Nuts 353
2:30 lunch: Zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, 2.5 oz chicken breast, NS cheese tortellini: 317

Total so far: 822 calories

loose seal 01-26-2012 02:45 PM

So glad that calorie counter link has helped. I stumbled upon that awhile ago and liked it. Really like the idea of zig-zagging cals. Not only does it keep your body out of the 'same cals in' rut but it also gives you some leeway if you have days where you go over your limit.

LAgreen -- I can't just eat fruit for a snack if I'm truly hungry. . . it just doesn't do squat for me. I HAVE to eat protein and carbs (the good kind of carbs). Peanut butter is a go-to for me. Spread some on a banana or mixed with some raisins or even on some Ritz or pretzels. Yogurt is always good too. Oh, and I love those baby-bell cheese wheels they sell. 70 cals per wheel, you could have two with some crackers, pretzels, fruit . . . once the food 'hits' it does satisfy the hunger and keeps it at bay much, much longer than if you just eat fruit or veggies. At least it does for me. Sometimes I'm "kinda" hungry and know that if I don't eat soon I'll be starving hungry (then all common sense leaves me) . . . trail mix bars or even nutri-grain bars are pretty good and I personally find that they satisfy the sweet cravings and knock the hunger, especially if I have them w/a cup of coffee.

LAgreeneyes 01-26-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by loose seal (Post 4190291)
So glad that calorie counter link has helped. I stumbled upon that awhile ago and liked it. Really like the idea of zig-zagging cals. Not only does it keep your body out of the 'same cals in' rut but it also gives you some leeway if you have days where you go over your limit.

LAgreen -- I can't just eat fruit for a snack if I'm truly hungry. . . it just doesn't do squat for me. I HAVE to eat protein and carbs (the good kind of carbs). Peanut butter is a go-to for me. Spread some on a banana or mixed with some raisins or even on some Ritz or pretzels. Yogurt is always good too. Oh, and I love those baby-bell cheese wheels they sell. 70 cals per wheel, you could have two with some crackers, pretzels, fruit . . . once the food 'hits' it does satisfy the hunger and keeps it at bay much, much longer than if you just eat fruit or veggies. At least it does for me. Sometimes I'm "kinda" hungry and know that if I don't eat soon I'll be starving hungry (then all common sense leaves me) . . . trail mix bars or even nutri-grain bars are pretty good and I personally find that they satisfy the sweet cravings and knock the hunger, especially if I have them w/a cup of coffee.

Ok. I will try doing that. Thank you so much for the information. I guess there is still hope for me. I just can't give up.

loose seal 01-26-2012 02:53 PM

b: kashi cereal and 2% milk, coffee - 400
l: low-carb wrap w/leftover pork (about 3oz, tops), sauteed veggies (a lot!), some shredded cheddar and a small dolloped of lite sour cream - 350
s: a wafair theeen piece of brownie and a cup of coffee - 100
d: (planned): unstuffed shells casserole, side salad. No ideas on cals, calling it 500-600. New recipe, hoping it tastes good. Here's a link if anyone is interested.


Total: 1400-1500

eta: At the bottom of the unstuffed shells recipe it gave the cals: the recipe said it makes 6 servings at 590 cals per serving - yeah I'm rounding that 590 up to 600. 600 cals times 6 servings = 3600 for the entire casserole. There are five of us and there are two generous sized portions left. So, if my limited mathletic abilities have not failed me, 3600 divided by 8 (servings) = 450 cals. I'm going to call it 500 just to be safe. Hey, I made a pretty good guesstimate on the cals didn't I? :yes: Oh, I never did make a side salad . . had a ton of veggies at lunch so it's all good.

Total: see above . . pretty spot on!

loose seal 01-26-2012 03:15 PM

Oh ok and here's something else I've been doing.

I get up M-F at 5:30am. God-awful early and it's even earlier if you look at the time on an analog clock. Anyway, I have coffee (praise be to the coffee bean!) and I have 16oz of coffee w/2 level tspns sugar and 1/4 cup whole milk, 75 cals total, but my stomach usually starts growling between 7 - 7:30. Hmmm, no way am I eating that early. I just refuse because I'll hit my daily cals before dinner and well, just NO. So I usually try to get the exercise in and that shuts my stomach up for a bit, I do drink water during the exercise too. I really really don't like to eat b-fast prior to 8:30 at the earliest, 9 - 9:30 is better.

Today was no different . . . I just told my stomach to shut up, I literally just ignored the rumbling (yes, sometimes it is hard but I do it anyway), went down to mah batcave and hopped on the treadmill, got done and the rumbling had subsided, planned on taking a 10 min. computer break (it turned into 45 min. :rolleyes:), decided to get a shower first, then ate around 9:15 or so, then walked the dogs, then out for millions of errands/food shopping. I never did get hungry until I walked in the door at 1:15 and starting fixing lunch. I ate that kashi cereal (which is higher in cals per serving than say honey nut cherrios) and 2% milk . . . but the higher cals and the fat in the 2% milk help keep me fuller longer so I often opt for that, rather than just focusing on the lower cal stuff cause with the lower cal stuff I get too hungry too soon . . . it doesn't 'stick' with me.

Just got done lunch about two hours ago (along w/that bit of brownie and coffee). It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon . . . I'll need to start thinking about dinner within the next 90 mins or so because they are all starting to pile in and and will be hungry for dinner most likely sooner that me. Hopefully my late lunch will keep my from eating too much dinner but I never would have lasted until 1:30 had I eaten my b-fast at 7am, even if I had a snack around 10 or so. And since I was in Target I would have gotten a bag of popcorn (that probably has a zillion cals in it) if I had been hungry . . which I would have been.

Oh geez, that was pretty rambly! Anyway I think I'm trying to say that sometimes it's ok to have a rumbly tummy but you have to get to know when that can work for you but realize that if it gets too rumbly you'll go past the point of good-choices and reach for just anything. I hope that made sense! :dizzy:

loose seal 01-26-2012 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by LAgreeneyes (Post 4190298)
Ok. I will try doing that. Thank you so much for the information. I guess there is still hope for me. I just can't give up.

No, never give up! Keep trying and tweaking to figure out what works for you. I found the first several weeks to be hard and full of trial and error but just kept at it figuring sooner or later I'd hit upon a combo that worked. What's my option? I'd just eat myself right out of every piece of clothing I own and . . . yeah, wasn't interested in doing that.

LAgreeneyes 01-26-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by loose seal (Post 4190332)
Oh ok and here's something else I've been doing.

I get up M-F at 5:30am. God-awful early and it's even earlier if you look at the time on an analog clock. Anyway, I have coffee (praise be to the coffee bean!) and I have 16oz of coffee w/2 level tspns sugar and 1/4 cup whole milk, 75 cals total, but my stomach usually starts growling between 7 - 7:30. Hmmm, no way am I eating that early. I just refuse because I'll hit my daily cals before dinner and well, just NO. So I usually try to get the exercise in and that shuts my stomach up for a bit, I do drink water during the exercise too. I really really don't like to eat b-fast prior to 8:30 at the earliest, 9 - 9:30 is better.

Today was no different . . . I just told my stomach to shut up, I literally just ignored the rumbling (yes, sometimes it is hard but I do it anyway), went down to mah batcave and hopped on the treadmill, got done and the rumbling had subsided, planned on taking a 10 min. computer break (it turned into 45 min. :rolleyes:), decided to get a shower first, then ate around 9:15 or so, then walked the dogs, then out for millions of errands/food shopping. I never did get hungry until I walked in the door at 1:15 and starting fixing lunch. I ate that kashi cereal (which is higher in cals per serving than say honey nut cherrios) and 2% milk . . . but the higher cals and the fat in the 2% milk help keep me fuller longer so I often opt for that, rather than just focusing on the lower cal stuff cause with the lower cal stuff I get too hungry too soon . . . it doesn't 'stick' with me.

Just got done lunch about two hours ago (along w/that bit of brownie and coffee). It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon . . . I'll need to start thinking about dinner within the next 90 mins or so because they are all starting to pile in and and will be hungry for dinner most likely sooner that me. Hopefully my late lunch will keep my from eating too much dinner but I never would have lasted until 1:30 had I eaten my b-fast at 7am, even if I had a snack around 10 or so. And since I was in Target I would have gotten a bag of popcorn (that probably has a zillion cals in it) if I had been hungry . . which I would have been.

Oh geez, that was pretty rambly! Anyway I think I'm trying to say that sometimes it's ok to have a rumbly tummy but you have to get to know when that can work for you but realize that if it gets too rumbly you'll go past the point of good-choices and reach for just anything. I hope that made sense! :dizzy:

Thanks again. I enjoy reading what works for others. I like to try what others are doing as well. I'm a person that is ALWAYS open to listening and learning. Please continue to share your words of wisdom. It helps a lot and I'm sure others will agree.

Thanks for taking the time to share your day to day experiences.

K9Owner 01-26-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LAgreeneyes (Post 4190298)
I guess there is still hope for me. I just can't give up.

Is this even an option? For me, no.

:dust: to you :hug:

K9Owner 01-26-2012 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by LAgreeneyes (Post 4189839)
I have been a total failure for the last couple of day as the end of the day draws near. I have to get it together. I don't think that I can have snacks in my presence anymore. I'm binging on snacks. Is there anyone out there that does not eat snacks (cookies & crackers)? I think I will have to stop buying cookies and crackers and just eat fruit as snacks. This has got to stop!!!

WOW! I can't send you private messages yet, so I will have to expose all of this info on our forum. Please don't think I'm coming off to offend you, I am not, but here are my suggestions to you::

Sorry you have found yourself in a funk, but there is hope!
I'll give you a few suggestions and you can take them or leave them.

I reviewed this thread & see that you have posted 2 days of food--there may be more, I didn't go that in depth.

From 1/17
Breakfast - 1 med Banana ~ 120 calories
Snack - 1 Minneola Tangerine ~ 70 calories, 1 String Cheese ~ 60 calories
Lunch - 1 med Banana ~ 120 calories, 1 Back To Nature Cookie ~ 130 calories
Dinner - (Gumbo - portions below)
1 cup of long grain rice ~ 170 calories
4 oz of chicken breast ~ 120 calories
1/3 juice ~ 59 calories
Total ~ 849 calories.

From 1/19:
Breakfast - 1 cup of Yogurt - 140 calories
3/4 cup of Granola - 260 calories
Snack - 2 Kashi Cookies - 260 calories
1 Banana - 120 calories
Lunch - 1 cup of homemade vegetable soup -150 calories
15 Multi Seed Rice Thin Crackers - 130 calories
Snack - 1 Minneola Tangerine - 70 calories
Dinner - 1 cup of Long Grain Rice - 170 calories
1 cup of homemade vegetable Soup - 150 calories

I'll base my observations off of these 2 entries, as they are all I see.

1. Too many processed carbs.
**Consuming these are going to KEEP you hungry. The sooner you get rid of them, the sooner you will be on your way to success. While I was weening myself off of processed carbs, I took a cinnamon supplement called Gaia Cinnamon--2 caps per day for 2 months. It really DID help with the cravings & I was a TERRIBLE pizza and cake binge-eater!
**See my short blog on highly processed carbs from the June 21 entry
2. Too many carbs without a protein paired with it.
**When you eat a carb alone without the presence of protein, it digests and turns into quick usable sugar in the blood. Your body uses the sugar very quickly and in no time, you're hungry again.
3. Unbalanced meal planning.
4. Lack of veggies (shoot for 3 cups of fruits & veggies/day.
5. Inadequate accountability. Write down your food/meal plans every day on the 3FC site. Type them out, not for us, but for yourself..to keep you accountable. We definitely DO NOT stay OP every single day, but writing it out helps stay accountable and keeps you on track. Use the site to your advantage, not as a doom and gloom tool or fear that "OMG, someone else is watching everything I do" type thing. We'll only encourage you and give you support and ideas on what to change. It'll be up to you to actually do it.

Do you use MFP or another food app? If not, I would HIGHLY suggest using My Fitness Pal. Add me on there if you are a member. My handle is chosengiver. ((All completely FREE)) & you don't have to have the phone app to use the free computer website.

LAgreeneyes 01-26-2012 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by K9Owner (Post 4190440)
WOW! I can't send you private messages yet, so I will have to expose all of this info on our forum. Please don't think I'm coming off to offend you, I am not, but here are my suggestions to you::

Sorry you have found yourself in a funk, but there is hope!
I'll give you a few suggestions and you can take them or leave them.

I reviewed this thread & see that you have posted 2 days of food--there may be more, I didn't go that in depth.

From 1/17
Breakfast - 1 med Banana ~ 120 calories
Snack - 1 Minneola Tangerine ~ 70 calories, 1 String Cheese ~ 60 calories
Lunch - 1 med Banana ~ 120 calories, 1 Back To Nature Cookie ~ 130 calories
Dinner - (Gumbo - portions below)
1 cup of long grain rice ~ 170 calories
4 oz of chicken breast ~ 120 calories
1/3 juice ~ 59 calories
Total ~ 849 calories.

From 1/19:
Breakfast - 1 cup of Yogurt - 140 calories
3/4 cup of Granola - 260 calories
Snack - 2 Kashi Cookies - 260 calories
1 Banana - 120 calories
Lunch - 1 cup of homemade vegetable soup -150 calories
15 Multi Seed Rice Thin Crackers - 130 calories
Snack - 1 Minneola Tangerine - 70 calories
Dinner - 1 cup of Long Grain Rice - 170 calories
1 cup of homemade vegetable Soup - 150 calories

I'll base my observations off of these 2 entries, as they are all I see.

1. Too many processed carbs.
**Consuming these are going to KEEP you hungry. The sooner you get rid of them, the sooner you will be on your way to success. While I was weening myself off of processed carbs, I took a cinnamon supplement called Gaia Cinnamon--2 caps per day for 2 months. It really DID help with the cravings & I was a TERRIBLE pizza and cake binge-eater!
**See my short blog on highly processed carbs from the June 21 entry
2. Too many carbs without a protein paired with it.
**When you eat a carb alone without the presence of protein, it digests and turns into quick usable sugar in the blood. Your body uses the sugar very quickly and in no time, you're hungry again.
3. Unbalanced meal planning.
4. Lack of veggies (shoot for 3 cups of fruits & veggies/day.
5. Inadequate accountability. Write down your food/meal plans every day on the 3FC site. Type them out, not for us, but for yourself..to keep you accountable. We definitely DO NOT stay OP every single day, but writing it out helps stay accountable and keeps you on track. Use the site to your advantage, not as a doom and gloom tool or fear that "OMG, someone else is watching everything I do" type thing. We'll only encourage you and give you support and ideas on what to change. It'll be up to you to actually do it.

Do you use MFP or another food app? If not, I would HIGHLY suggest using My Fitness Pal. Add me on there if you are a member. My handle is chosengiver. ((All completely FREE)) & you don't have to have the phone app to use the free computer website.

No offense taken. I have thick skin, so there is nothing no one can say to me to offend me. I always wear my big girl panties. :D

I write everything down that I eat. I may not post here on the thread but I carry a journal everywhere with me. That's how I know that I've gone WAY over my calories. I also plan my meals out in advance but it's those devilish snacks that keep calling my name. :dizzy:

What processed carbs are you seeing? My cookies?

I like the idea of the supplement to help with craving. I could REALLY use that. Thanks for mentioning that. :carrot:

I don't use the apps. It's so much trouble typing in all of that. :dizzy: I did sign up but I really don't like it.

I'm willing to try anything to make it work.

Thanks for the information. Much appreciated.

Queen Sarah 01-26-2012 05:18 PM

I agree with K9Owner -- my experience with carbs without protein (or fat) is the same -- it makes my blood sugar spike, I'm told, and that is why I get super hungry. This was when I was in the habit of eating a piece of fruit as a mid-morning snack. Now I seldom eat fruit without some protein and/or fat.

And the vegetables!!! Yes, vegetables are my salvation!!! I treat the nonstarchy vegetables as "unlimited," and on the munchy days, I will eat heaping platefuls. When I do this, I count it as "1 cup." I know I am eating more calories than that, but I just count 1 cup's worth. I lost my weight doing it this way, so it totally works for me. I don't think very many people have gotten fat eating too many vegetables.

Today I had my favorite vegetable indulgence -- I like to take the George Foreman Grill and load it up with zucchini, yellow squash, and mushrooms. It covers an entire dinner plate. It is so filling, and one of the most delicious things I eat.

Often, when I go over my planned calories, it is because I did not have at least 4 GENEROUS servings of nonstarchy vegetables.

Go veggies!! Find the ones you love, and eat them every day!! Grill them, roast them, marinate them, cut them up raw --- do this in mass quantities. Think of it as an orgy of nutrition. :::blush:::

LAgreeneyes 01-26-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Sarah (Post 4190533)
I agree with K9Owner -- my experience with carbs without protein (or fat) is the same -- it makes my blood sugar spike, I'm told, and that is why I get super hungry. This was when I was in the habit of eating a piece of fruit as a mid-morning snack. Now I seldom eat fruit without some protein and/or fat.

And the vegetables!!! Yes, vegetables are my salvation!!! I treat the nonstarchy vegetables as "unlimited," and on the munchy days, I will eat heaping platefuls. When I do this, I count it as "1 cup." I know I am eating more calories than that, but I just count 1 cup's worth. I lost my weight doing it this way, so it totally works for me. I don't think very many people have gotten fat eating too many vegetables.

Today I had my favorite vegetable indulgence -- I like to take the George Foreman Grill and load it up with zucchini, yellow squash, and mushrooms. It covers an entire dinner plate. It is so filling, and one of the most delicious things I eat.

Often, when I go over my planned calories, it is because I did not have at least 4 GENEROUS servings of nonstarchy vegetables.

Go veggies!! Find the ones you love, and eat them every day!! Grill them, roast them, marinate them, cut them up raw --- do this in mass quantities. Think of it as an orgy of nutrition. :::blush:::

Thanks for the information. It helps a lot. :)

Queen Sarah 01-26-2012 10:24 PM

Today, Thursday:
6:00 breakfast: NS cereal, skim milk 152
9:30 2nd breakfast: frozen cherries, Greek Yogurt, Nuts 353
2:30 lunch: Zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, 2.5 oz chicken breast, NS cheese tortellini: 317
5:30 snack: popcorn, Babybel cheese 257
8:00 dinner: large spinach/tomato salad with Walden Farm dressing, NS chili with beans, NS dessert 425

Total so far: 1504 calories

I hope I stop it right there! I had a pretty sedentary day, so I got on the mini trampoline and jogged in place during the news. I need to get back to burning more calories than I eat!

philana 01-27-2012 10:13 AM

I was on 1100 calories for just a few days because I wanted to see what would happen if I went back to 1350 after that. You know, the famous old kickstarting your metabolism. I'd done it by eating 1600-2000 calories but nothing happened. I can't say anything about the restult but here's whats awesome:

If you are on 1100 for just a few days and want to get all your nutrients in, you have to really pay good attention. Now that I am back to 1350 it feels like everyday is a splurge day. Just because there is room for some 'snacks' again. (Those still being non processed goodies but still)

LAgreeneyes 01-27-2012 10:27 AM

Ok, so I am going to try myfitnesspal again and see what happens. My username is LAgreeneyes2012. Now it's saying that I should be on 1200 daily calories based on the information that I input. I will load up on my favorite veggies to incorporate into my meals.

I'm still confused about the processed carbs (without protein) that was mentioned. What should I remove from my meals?

I think I should do more research on what are non-starchy veggies so that I don't mess that up as well.

I do have a George Foreman grill and I will get it out again. That was my weight loss buddy 3 years ago when I loss 50 lbs. I will become re-acquainted with ole George again.

Thanks for the tips everyone. VERY much appreciated!

philana 01-27-2012 10:58 AM


It's not the 'processed carbs' that are the problem mostly. It's just that in processed food oftentimes you find sugar (a simple carb) and other simple carbs that have no real nutritional value. You should look on about.com for information about the different kind of carbs.

Important is that when you eat only 1200 calories a day that you make them count. If you have white rice for 150 calories you barely get any nutrients in, but if you have brown rice for 150 calories you get some extra fibre and proteine. (The body's building blocks)

Why people tell you not to eat the 'bad carbs' is also because they can make you more hungry. The simple carbs are very quickly digested and because of their lack of nutritional value your body is gonna look for more food and you start craving more carbs.

It really helps yo just read and read and read about nutrition and the nutritional value of some carbs and the benefits of protein.

Ever since I managed to cut out the bad carbs I feel much more filled up on my food. It's been an eye opener really. And once oyu pay attention you are gonna be shocked how much carbs they put in processed foods.

Goodluck anyhow! And don't worry too much about strachy veggies. Rather starchy veggies than white bread. And the carbs in an apple are better than those in a chocolatebar because they come with some fibre and vitamin c.

LAgreeneyes 01-27-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by philana (Post 4191504)

It's not the 'processed carbs' that are the problem mostly. It's just that in processed food oftentimes you find sugar (a simple carb) and other simple carbs that have no real nutritional value. You should look on about.com for information about the different kind of carbs.

Important is that when you eat only 1200 calories a day that you make them count. If you have white rice for 150 calories you barely get any nutrients in, but if you have brown rice for 150 calories you get some extra fibre and proteine. (The body's building blocks)

Why people tell you not to eat the 'bad carbs' is also because they can make you more hungry. The simple carbs are very quickly digested and because of their lack of nutritional value your body is gonna look for more food and you start craving more carbs.

It really helps yo just read and read and read about nutrition and the nutritional value of some carbs and the benefits of protein.

Ever since I managed to cut out the bad carbs I feel much more filled up on my food. It's been an eye opener really. And once oyu pay attention you are gonna be shocked how much carbs they put in processed foods.

Goodluck anyhow! And don't worry too much about strachy veggies. Rather starchy veggies than white bread. And the carbs in an apple are better than those in a chocolatebar because they come with some fibre and vitamin c.

Excellent break down and explanation. I will visit the site that you recommend.

I love all of the wonderful people on this site that help out a slacker like myself. You all are life savers.

Thanks so much for the information. :carrot:

************************************************** **************************************************
I just read the list of good carbs and bad carbs. The light just went off in my head. Now I understand what everyone is talking about.

Thanks everyone !!!!

loose seal 01-27-2012 11:27 AM

LA -- to me, processed carbs means nearly most things that come out of a box, the stuff you find in the center of the grocery store rather than at the perimeter of the grocery store. If you base the vast majority of your diet (within your calorie range) on what you find on the perimeter of the store, you'll lose weight and feel better in general.

Veggies, fruits, cheese, meats, dairy, eggs, etc. are all on the outside walls of the store.. Ok , so are doughnuts and some junk but you get the idea. Cookies, crackers, crap in a can, chips, candy, etc. are all within the center aisles of the store. Ok, so are pastas and rice and beans . . but again, you get the idea.

I read somewhere that everytime you eat something, whether it be a meal or a snack, have some protein with it. The carbs get into your system more quickly and give more of a quick start and the protein enters more slowly but lasts longer, as it takes a bit to digest.

That Kashi cereal? It has something like 9 or 10 grams of protein per serving, plus whatever is in the milk. Compared to HN Cherrios (which have little to no protein) . . all I can tell you is that I notice a huge difference in how long I can go after eating the Kashi vs. eating the Cherrios. Even I was surprised. Wish I had printed more coupons and bought more of the Kashi when it was on sale!

loose seal 01-27-2012 11:28 AM

b: kashi cereal, 2% milk, coffee - 350
l: l.c. spinach/mushroom pizza w/a little extra mozzarella - 400
d: 10 ritz crackers and homemade chicken salad, 4 jolly ranchers - 550 (not really sure on the chicken salad cals. I didn't have a lot and didn't finish what I took).

total: 1300 or so

LAgreeneyes 01-27-2012 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by loose seal (Post 4191555)
LA -- to me, processed carbs means nearly most things that come out of a box, the stuff you find in the center of the grocery store rather than at the perimeter of the grocery store. If you base the vast majority of your diet (within your calorie range) on what you find on the perimeter of the store, you'll lose weight and feel better in general.

Veggies, fruits, cheese, meats, dairy, eggs, etc. are all on the outside walls of the store.. Ok , so are doughnuts and some junk but you get the idea. Cookies, crackers, crap in a can, chips, candy, etc. are all within the center aisles of the store. Ok, so are pastas and rice and beans . . but again, you get the idea.

I read somewhere that everytime you eat something, whether it be a meal or a snack, have some protein with it. The carbs get into your system more quickly and give more of a quick start and the protein enters more slowly but lasts longer, as it takes a bit to digest.

That Kashi cereal? It has something like 9 or 10 grams of protein per serving, plus whatever is in the milk. Compared to HN Cherrios (which have little to no protein) . . all I can tell you is that I notice a huge difference in how long I can go after eating the Kashi vs. eating the Cherrios. Even I was surprised. Wish I had printed more coupons and bought more of the Kashi when it was on sale!

Thank you!!!

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kashi cereal. What kind do you eat?

I will remember your explanation about parameters of the store when I go shopping this weekend. I"m taking notes from everyone's wonderful advice. After all of this, there is no way that I can fail now. Too many wonderful people offering advice, support and motivation. :carrot:

loose seal 01-27-2012 04:02 PM

I like the go lean crunch (it's really crunchy but the crunch lasts long in the milk) and the new go lean crisp (not as crunchy but very tasty ... fairly sweet).

I had another kind once, can't remember what it was called (might not have said 'go lean' on it) but it had 'twigs' in it (cereal twigs) and I thought it was gross. lol Not very good flavor. I threw the box out!

LAgreeneyes 01-27-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by loose seal (Post 4191925)
I like the go lean crunch (it's really crunchy but the crunch lasts long in the milk) and the new go lean crisp (not as crunchy but very tasty ... fairly sweet).

I had another kind once, can't remember what it was called (might not have said 'go lean' on it) but it had 'twigs' in it (cereal twigs) and I thought it was gross. lol Not very good flavor. I threw the box out!

LOL @ twigs. I know EXACTLY which on you're talking about. I threw the twigs to my chickens to eat and they turned their nose up at it as well. LOL

I have eaten the crunchy before and I forgot all about it. I have it on my shopping list for tomorrow.

Thanks again!

Queen Sarah 01-27-2012 05:34 PM

I love all the Kashi cereals (yes, even the twiggy one!) but I only eat the Kashi GoLean (not the GoLean Crunch, but the regular) because it has by far the highest protein. The others are good in comparison to other brands, but the GoLean blows them all out of the water!

For protein content in a cereal, the only other thing I've found is Nutrisystem, which you can sometimes find at Big Lots (especially now that they are phasing in a new product line) and Quaker Weight Control oatmeal.

But since I seem to be in maintenance mode more than weight loss mode right now, it's not such a big deal. When I run out of Nutrisystem (I have a few months stocked up) I will eat more variety and not care if it has 5 grams of protein instead of 12.

OK, I really derailed in the last couple of hours. This morning, I had a technology malfunction. My computer was doing weird things and not accessing certain cites, including this one, and Fitbit. I ran a bunch of scans and optimizer programs, and unplugged everything, and plugged it back in, and all the incantations and magic spells that we have to do in these situations. Meanwhile, I was upset! So I ate. I figured "maybe eating these snacks will fix the computer."

Guess what! It worked! I'm back online. I'm sure it was the food I ate. Now that it's fixed, I will have a better day tomorrow. So I'm not going to worry about today. Sometimes we have to do these things, to fix our computers. Back on track tomorrow.

K9Owner 01-27-2012 05:38 PM

I'm glad to have found a community that loves Kashi. I knew that company was making tons of $$ off of someone, just NOT me!! :barf:
I really WANTED to love it too :(

Queen Sarah 01-27-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by K9Owner (Post 4192038)
I'm glad to have found a community that loves Kashi. I knew that company was making tons of $$ off of someone, just NOT me!! :barf:
I really WANTED to love it too :(

Seeing their commercials, I think of Kashi as the Peace Corps of cereals.:)

Queen Sarah 01-28-2012 09:48 AM

Yesterday was TERRIBLE, eating-wise. I don't even want to know how many calories I ate. Eating nuts out of the can, it had to be very high.

I've put it behind me.

Today is sort of my birthday -- I'm 599 months old! My goal for today is to burn 599 more calories than I consume. That should be doable, and I'll feel better!

Today, Saturday:
8:00 breakfast: NS cereal, skim milk, orange, egg: 301
12:30 lunch: that cheesy cauliflower-potato mash thing I do, with chicken: 497
3:30 snack: frozen cherries, Greek yogurt 153
6:00 dinner: grilled zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, NS mac & cheese, NS dessert bar 432
10:00 Kashi TLC chewy granola bar 140

Total so far: 1523 calories

So far I'm staying ahead of my 599 deficit birthday goal.:) Looks like I'm going to make it, barely...

loose seal 01-28-2012 01:07 PM

QueenS -- so sorry yesterday was an off day. I feel one coming on and I'm trying really, really hard not to give in to it. We have candy in the house . . I just had two big handfuls of Reeses pieces. <sigh> My taste is off (sinuses) so I couldn't even taste them very well and yet, there I was. I just put them away. I allow myself more calories on the weekend but within range . . . plowing through bags of candy is NOT how I want to spend them.

loose seal 01-28-2012 01:11 PM

b: coffee, kashi cereal, 2% milk - 350
l: leftover unstuffed shell casserole (not as good leftover, didn't finish what I took) - 400 (maybe less)
s: Reeses pieces - 100 <-- snack? who am I kidding . . . they were sitting here and I ate them

Sad thing is, I just finished my lunch and am still hungry. Def. not satisfied. Am going for a banana w/p. butter then taken the doggies out for a walk.

s: banana w/p. butter - 150

Total so far: 1000

d: 2 slices pizza, more reeses pieces :rolleyes: - 800 or so

Total for the day: 1800 or so

K9Owner 01-28-2012 05:24 PM

I worked Thurs & Fri night & had the worst 2 nights in a long time. I rarely sat down b/c I was so friggin busy. Only sat 17 min Thurs night & NOT all at the same time. I had a massive calorie burn, but didn't include all of the cals burned. I wore my Polar to work once, and I burn approx 10 cals/hr when I'm walking from room to room. These 2 nights were DIFFERENT than usual!

My eating was all over the board too. It is what it is! I was MAJORLY stressed out at work! I needed fuel.

Thursday's Menu
1/2 Chicken Wrap w/Broccoli Slaw: 268
Raisin Bread w/pb: 260
Frozen Grapes: 76
1/2 Chicken Wrap w/Broccoli Slaw, FF Cheese Omelet: 412
Broccoli Potato Mash, Cottage Cheese w/Pineapple, Diet Coke: 256
Total: 1272

Exercise: 240
Water: 64 oz

Friday's Menu
Turkey Sandwich on wheat w/mayo, Baked Lays, Turkey Waldorf Salad w/Ken's FF Raspberry Pecan Dsg, Snack Wells Creme Cookies (2): 665
Frozen Grapes: 76
Starbux Pumpkin Bread, PB (1Tbs), Grilled Chicken, Granola (Handful): 471
1/2 Chicken Wrap w/Broccoli Slaw, Diet Coke: 233
Total: 1445
These cals were from a horrible CHOICE of foods! This is an example of what NOT to do. Way too many processed carbs!

Exercise: 596
Water: 64 oz

Saturday's Menu (Spike Day)
Cheese Pizza (1 slice), 1/2 Chicken Wrap w/Broccoli Slaw, Cottage Cheese w/Pineappe, Ice Cream, Diet Coke: 914
Total So Far: 914, but the day for me is SO young!

:goodscale was today:: 145.4 (down 0.6 from last week!!)
I'm really excited to FINALLY break this wretched plateau!! I had seen 144.6 on Wednesday :)

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!
:hug: to each of you!

nicolebug 01-28-2012 09:18 PM

2 granola bars-200
sliced ham, cheese, miracle wheat on whole wheat pita -210
3 big slices of ham+veggie pizza - 750

1160 calories
no workout,,,:((((

loose seal 01-29-2012 12:16 PM

b/l: coffee, picante/cheese omelet, grapefruit - 325

I NEED to do better with my water intake. I want to drink 5 16oz glasses/day and am not doing that. I really find it makes a difference . . .at least I think my face looks less 'dry' (read that as wrinkly!) when I drink that much.

lol, I forgot to post the rest of my cals from yesterday. Weekends!\

s: greek yogurt -160; goldfishies - 200
d: baked chicken and mashed potatoes, 4 hershey kisses - 500

Total: 1300

Queen Sarah 01-29-2012 06:52 PM

I need to do better with water, too! I get into caffeine kicks, and I end up drinking coffee or Diet Dr Pepper, and I stop keeping track of how much water I've had. I have no idea whether I've had enough. I do have a reusable plastic drinking glass with a straw, and it holds 24 oz. I try to fill that several times a day. Maybe I should start reporting my water here along with the calories.

Oh, I met my goal of at least 599 calorie deficit yesterday. It took a little extra jogging in place on the trampoline, though!

Today, Sunday:
Breakfast: NS cereal & skim milk
Snack: Kashi Granola Bar
Lunch: Applebee's garlic sirloin
Dinner: that cheesy potato cauliflower mash with chicken breast
Snacks: NS Dessert bar, popcorn

Total so far: 1633

K9Owner 01-30-2012 08:44 AM

Hi ladies, well: Saturday did NOT fair well for Spike Day for me. So, I made it for Sunday.
I went out Saturday night to a party, and I will post my food choices--this is another example of WHAT NOT TO DO, but, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday, I will see another drop in the scale.

Saturday's Menu
Cheese Pizza (1 slice), 1/2 Chicken Wrap w/Broccoli Slaw, Cottage Cheese w/Pineapple, Ice Cream, Diet Coke: 914
PB2 Greek Yogurt w/granola: 176
1/2 Chicken Wrap w/broccoli slaw, 1 bottle of Beringer White Merlot: 803
Total: 1893
Water: 64 oz

3 hours of dancing that I didn't include in my exercise log.

Sunday (Spike Day)
1/2 bottle of Moet Champagne, Taco Bell Nacho Supreme & Grilled Stuffed Chicken Burrito: 1339 :faint:
Bites of a cafe Cheese Omelet, 1 buttermilk pancake w/SF syrup: 273
**This was really GROSS to me, so I didn't eat the majority of breakfast**
Zuzana's Triple Berry Pancakes, Whipped Cream 4TBS, Gatorade: 620
Broccoli Potato Mash, Grapes: 181
1/2 Chicken Wrap w/broccoli slaw, Kefir Frozen Yogurt (2cups): 745 :faint:
Total: 3158

Water: 72 oz
Exercise: K9 walk ~85

Eating fast food for me SUX. However, I am expecting to see a loss on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. :crossed:
**Step away from the vino :lol:

Queen Sarah 01-30-2012 09:46 AM

Looking back on my week,
Monday and Tuesday, meh -- slight calorie deficit
Wednesday and Thursday, -- ate more calories than I burned. :(
Friday -- went completely off the rails, eating nuts like it was popcorn. No idea how many calories I ate that day. But it was not pretty, and I paid for it in more ways than one. Had to stay close to the bathroom for two days. TMI, sorry.
Saturday and Sunday -- excellent! :carrot: I burned 613 and 570 more than I ate, and most of it was in my apartment, jogging on the mini trampoline between studying. Big drop in my weight, with a solid 2-lb loss since the beginning of the year. That's wonderful, since I'm not even trying very hard. I'd be happy with maintaining for right now! :)

Today, Monday:
7:30 breakfast: NS Apple Scone, 160
9:00 2nd breakfast: orange, egg 157
I'm on my 2nd 24-oz glass of water
Packed the following into my lunch bag (for the day):
Large spinach & tomato salad with Walden Farm dressing
Nonfat coleslaw made with Walden Farm dressing
carrots, 4.8 oz
1 pear
1 string cheese
1 Chobani blueberry Greek yogurt
1 Zone Perfect bar
1 NS Fudge Graham bar
1 NS Hearty Beef Stew
Total of above: 1015
1:00: Now drinking another 24 oz water...

I will get home after 10pm and probably have a NS dessert bar, which will mean about another 150 calories. I will do plenty of walking, at least 4-5 miles, and I'll try to drink a lot of water.
...ended up having popcorn and a dessert bar: 400 cal

Total so far: 1732

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