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Queen Sarah 02-26-2012 09:16 AM

Alright, I'm back on plan. My goal for the next 8 days is to do 10,000 steps per day (about 5 miles) and to log everything I eat. I'm going to eat according to the guidelines I used to lose the weight, because I want to get back into losing mode for awhile. (It was the basic Nutrisystem program before they changed it recently). I have a lot of the food on hand.

Challenges include my birthday this week (although the family celebrated it last week). And I have to eat out today, but I will try to steer us towards Applebees, and have a 550 calorie selection. There will be the usual stress, maybe even a bit more, with midterms, but for some reason I feel up to it this week and I didn't last week.

This graph motivates me. It shows my weight history over the last 3 years, and it shows that no matter how discouraged I feel, I'm really in a better place than I was, and I don't want to go back!


summerlove 02-26-2012 12:11 PM

b: 1 egg (70)
l: 1 lrg yellow pepper (50), 2 tablespoons of salsa (10), 2 cups lettuce (15)
s: granola bar (90)
s: smoothie (200)
d: small bowl of rice & meat (500)

total: approx 1000 for the day

loose seal 02-26-2012 12:47 PM

brunch: cheese/mushroom omelet, coffee, leftover roasted potatoes/carrots - 550
d: angel hair pasta w/sauteed mushrooms and garlic, homemade gluten free chicken nuggets, 3 homemade choc. chip cookies - approx. 800

Total: 1350

rlb1987 02-26-2012 09:55 PM

Hey guys! Well...my eating has been a trainwreck this weekend!! Let's just say I had Olive Garden one night, Chick Fil A the next night, and a local Italian place tonight. WHOA! I surprisingly saw a new low on the scale this morning (187.6) and I'd really like for that number to keep going down, so I've got to get this eating thing back under control. No more eating out for me this week!

summerlove 02-27-2012 09:15 AM

b: oatmeal, strawberries, green tea - 200
s: granola bar (90), 2 cups of carrots (80)
l: flatbread (290)
d: 1 egg/1 slice toast/spread - 200
gyoza - 110
noodles - 290
mango juice - 140

total: 1400

loose seal 02-27-2012 09:18 AM

b: coffee, Kashi berry crunch cereal, banana w/smear of p. butter - 450
l: greek yogurt and combos - 300
d: homemade chicken ala king on a biscuit - 600

Total: 1400 or so

rlb1987 02-27-2012 09:14 PM


Breakfast: Lemon bread=320
Lunch: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese, tomato, spinach on ciabatta roll, 2 cookies=365
Supper: Reduced fat pepper jack cheese, tomato, spinach on ciabatta roll, skittles=465
Snack: 4 Cuties=160


Exercise: Turbo Jam 20 min workout

It's that TOM for me and I'm craving sweet stuff! Even so I managed to stay under my calorie goal for the day so I'm happy with that. (On another note, this is the first natural period I've had in quite a long time! I have PCOS and it's not uncommon to go 6 months+ without a period if I don't take something to induce it. I think that losing weight may be helping!)

freelancemomma 02-27-2012 09:57 PM

Feb. 27 (two days post-buffet binge)

Breakfast: two bowls of plain Cheerios with 1% milk (400 cals)
Lunch: whole-wheat pita bread with homemade baba ganoush (500 cals)
Supper: veggie burger with bun, tomato, onions and mustard (450 cals)
Snacks: handful of whole-wheat crackers, 3 coffees with 1% milk, 6 oz wine (350 cals)

Total: 1,800 calories


summerlove 02-28-2012 08:53 AM

b: oatmeal with strawberries and nuts : 260
s: granola bar (90), carrots with dip (110): 200
l: flatbread: 290

planned dinner/snack:

1 slice toast w. 1 tblespoon of nutella: 200
yogurt: 70

1 cookie: 380

total: 1400.

Queen Sarah 02-28-2012 09:10 AM

Monday was not bad. I had a lot of walking opportunities. My goal was 10,000 steps, and I got 15,658, or six miles. I hope I can do 10,000 steps every day this week. (Today is my birthday, and I want to start my second half century on a strong note!)

To balance the good exercise, I sort of had to eat out. A classmate wanted to take me out to thank me for helping him get a good grade on a team project (he has problems with English, and his grades are in trouble). I wanted to be gracious, so I couldn't exactly say no. He chose a Chinese restaurant. So I'm estimating my calories.

Total calories in: 1955?
Total calories burned: 2126

Calorie deficit: 171 (estimate)

I expect there might be cake and/or chocolate in the next couple of days. I hope not too much. Or that it will be offset with the walking.

panshrmu 02-28-2012 09:18 AM

well, 2/26 was 1492
2/27 was 1738
2/28 was 1297

HOW I got so low today is beyond me!! I really don't want to eat anymore and well, just going to bed!!

I am on day 4 of walking 30min, praying I can keep it up for 30 days. have been doing crunches and tried some planks......wow!!!

Hoping to see a movment on that scale......oh, water consumption has been great!!! 12-16 cups, the first 8 have had lemon in it!!YUM!! I have a hug jug that hold 8 cups....so I just take it with me everywhere!!

So, that is it for me today....

loose seal 02-28-2012 12:40 PM

b: cheese/mushroom omelet, coffee, 2 slice p.f. raisin toast w/1 tspn butter - 500
l: balance bar and a greek yogurt - 350

I don't know what to make for dinner!!!!!!! No clue, at all.

d: ended up making tacos of all things! 600 cals or so.

Total: 1400-1500 cals.

K9Owner 02-28-2012 12:40 PM

I have NOT fallen off the wagon. I worked over the weekend & was extremely exhausted on Monday & slept for 9 hrs!! I did my workout Monday night and came home and went BACK to sleep for another 9 hrs today! WHEW!!
I guess I needed some sleep :lol:

Back later for updates from the weekend. I'll post my Spike Day--like you all really want to hear the yummy details, right???
It's gorgeous outside in Memphis today, and I'm going to enjoy the :sunny:

K9Owner 02-28-2012 12:44 PM

:bday2you: Sarah :bday2you:

I hope you have a spectacular day!!

K9Owner 02-29-2012 08:59 AM

Sunday (Spike Day)
Grill Hibachi Chicken With Broccoli, House Fried Rice- 1 cup, 3 Fried Vegetables Spring Roll, 1 Vegetable Egg Roll, Sweet and Sour Sauce, Cake, Betty Crocker Golden Vanilla Diet Sprite, 2 serving(s), Original Whipped Light Cream, 4 TBsp, Diet Coke: ~ 1809
Betty Crocker Golden Vanilla Diet Sprite, 2 serving(s), Lite Cool Whip: 360
Cake, Betty Crocker Golden Vanilla Diet Sprite, 2 serving(s), Original Whipped Light Cream, 3 TBsp, Granola, Grapes, Pineapple: 429
100% Whole Wheat Bread (2), Turkey Breast Deli Slices, Baked Lays, Mayo, 4 Snack Wells - Creme Cookies, Cottage Cheese w/Pineapple, Diet Coke: 661
Total: ~ 3259

Water: 88oz
:exercise: 457

Turkey Waldorf Salad, PB2Greek Yogurt, Popcorn, Grahams w/PB, 4 Danish cookies, Diet Coke: 924
Ice Cream, Cake, Cereal w/Skim milk :nono: : 630
Cottage Cheese w/Blackberry Jam, Protein Shake: 216
Total: 1770

Water: 88oz
:exercise: 992

Grapes, Miracle Noodles w/ground Beef, 1 corn tortilla: 250
FF Cheese omelet, Pineapple: 177
Greek Yogurt, Veggie Sushi, grapes: 746
JUNK :nono: : 295
PB on 1/2 Multi-Grain Round: 86
Total: 1554

Water: 72 oz
:exercise: 498

K9Owner 02-29-2012 09:01 AM

:tantrum: I hope you all are doing better than I am this week! I have been completely RAVENOUS all dang week!!! :tantrum:

K9Owner 02-29-2012 09:07 AM

The cake I made for Spike day tasted like a twinkie. Super easy to make!!

Diet Soda Cake
1 Betty Crocker Super Moist Golden Vanilla Cake mix
1 can (12oz) Diet Spite Zero
Mix, Place in a greased 8x8 glass baking dish. Bake on 375 for about 40 min. Top with Cool Whip or Whipping Cream

summerlove 02-29-2012 09:30 AM

b: oatmeal (200), green tea
s: granola bar (90)
l: flatbread: 290
s: 2 granola bars, 1 strawberry tea: 205

eugh..I've eaten about 500 cals of junk just now as I was making dinner. Handful of reeses puffs, 1 bagel with butter..2 oreos...gross. I feel weird now. I wish I didn't have to count cals tonight. I'm at 1200ish now...I will have some carrots and baby potatoes and hopefully call it a night. :/

total for night: 1800. (had a few cookies..)

loose seal 02-29-2012 05:19 PM

b: coffee, banana w/p butter, eggs w/sauteed mushrooms - 400
l: boar's head roast beef sandwich on club roll w/mayo and a few chips - 500
d: london broil and a small baked spud - 400

Homemade choc cupcakes are cooling in the kitchen, will ice them in a bit. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment! lol

I'll likely have a cuppy cake so total for the day will come in around 1500 or so, maybe a bit higher.

rlb1987 02-29-2012 09:25 PM

Breakfast: Toast w/ margarine=260
Lunch: Lean Cuisine mac & cheese, tomato pie, corn bread=684 (totally defeated the purpose of my Lean Cuisine, LOL)
Supper: Salad w/ 1/4 cup 2% cheese and 2 tbsp light ranch=180
Snacks: 2 Cuties, lemon bread=240
Total: 1364

I skipped my workout tonight, but now I'm kicking myself for it and wishing I hadn't! I'll try to do extra tomorrow!

K9Owner 03-01-2012 01:53 AM

Pizza, Chicken Tenders, Peaches, an Orange, Lasagna, Cereal, Milk,
Banana Nut Bread, Sweet Trail Mix
Total: 1717 :fr:

Water: 88 oz
:exercise: 456


Oh, yea, & TOM is due in 4 days. This d@m cRAVEN bird has to GO!!!

panshrmu 03-01-2012 03:52 AM

yesterday ended with 1657 for the day, walked off 239 it said (why not 240?weird).

I have 790 left for 3/1 but am a bit hungry.....yesterday totally didn't get hungry til dinner time.

On day 5 of walking 30min YEAH!!!
Water: 10 cups so far

Snuck a weigh in and for some reason (ok, I am like ocd or something about weighing in!) I am at the same number in weight as previously.....it had been up and down this week....probably eating to little? (though that excuse sounds awesome!! excuse to eat:p)

hubby is out of country (he went to China.....we live in Taiwan) for the next 9 days....:(

Queen Sarah 03-01-2012 06:36 AM

Well, I survived my birthdays (It was Tuesday, but you know how it extends to other days when you only see certain people on certain days). I knew there was going to be chocolate and cake and who knows what else, and there was. So I made my goal to log 10,000 steps every day for 8 days, and not worry too much about calories.

That's working. Wednesday was the fourth day over 10,000, and the weight is starting to drop again. I have followed my healthy eating plan with the exception of these social things.

Now I have a whole bunch of chocolates. I put them in the freezer, and will plan to have one or two a day, which is my usual habit anyway. If I don't put them in the freezer, I'm in danger of eating more than that!

Panshrmu, I had lunch with a fellow from Taiwan on Monday. I made it a point to learn something about Taiwan before the lunch.

K9owner, 1717 is not bad! For me, "blowing it" is some unknown number of calories over 2500 and no exercise.

summerlove 03-01-2012 09:18 AM

b: oatmeal (160), 4 med strawberries (20), green tea: 180
s: granola: 90
l: chicken soulvaki, which I'm estimating at 650cals.
s: aero bar (220), diet coke - horrible stressful PMS day.
d: 1 California roll - 240, cucumber roll - 110
boyfriend brought home reeses pieces: 300

total: 1800 approx for the day.

walked 40 minutes = burned 285 calories hopefully.

summerlove 03-02-2012 09:09 AM

b: oatmeal, nuts - 200
s: granola bar - 90
l: flatbread - 290
s: 2 biscuits - 100
s: 1 oreo - 60
d: 1 large potato with ketchup - 420
total: 1140

holy carbs batman!!

ughh..TOM is really messing me up the last few days :( and I dont want to weigh in tomorrow because I know Im retaining water and bloated right now..

loose seal 03-02-2012 09:44 AM

Over ate yesterday. Was fine until I saw a bag of sea salt and pepper pretzel pieces on the coffee table. Thought 'hmm, let me try one'. One. Yeah right. Then I ate 3 cookies! Arrgggh.

Back to it today.

b: coffee, omelet w/leftover sauteed zucchini, cutie tangerine (it was sweet and tart) - 350
l: cottage cheese w/some grape jam, 8 ritz w/p. butter - 500
Freaking 300 cals of Doritos. wth is wrong with me????? Most of the time I can just ignore that stuff but . . . ugh! not today. Guarantee no loss this week.

K9Owner 03-02-2012 01:25 PM

I have been terrible posting all week!

Peaches: 66
FF Cheese Omelet, Toast, Blackberry Jam: 212
Grapes, Caesar Salad, 4 Breadstix, Yogurt Raisins: 481
Chicken Caesar Wrap (1/2), Trail Mix, Vanilla Ice Cream, Cereal & Milk: 441
Total: 1200

Water: 96 oz
:exercise: 673

I work Sat/Sun nights--again! What's new?? I picked up a couple of shifts this weekend. I wasn't supposed to work again until next Thurs/Fri. I hope this weekend is better than last weekend!! :crossed:

I hope you all are having a great week.
I have packed on a little over 2 lbs of water weight this week, which I am NOT happy about, but it is what it is!
Maybe next week will prove better for me!

Happi Friday Ladies ;)

panshrmu 03-02-2012 08:08 PM

i am a bit frustrated.....this weigh in thing is like watching a pot waiting for it to boil:dizzy:

I have been all but one day consistent at or under my goal of 1700. I have been walking consectively for 7 days straight now at 30min each day, except yesterday it started raining halfway through, so 15 min.

But my weight is at 212.8.......blah!!!i had weighed 211 a week ago, and now cannot for the life of me get down to that weight....... I am not giving up, just down right frustrated......ok, I know that my pants and all feel looser, I did not take measurements (should have!) but still, wishing that scale would get down a little more.....oh, I drink 3-4Liters of water a day!!


Queen Sarah 03-03-2012 07:36 AM

Alright, I'm almost through midterms. Extremely stressful exam yesterday. I went for the chicken livers & gizzards again. (I know, weird. But I love them!)

Even worse, no vegetables at all!

I'm estimating my calories were 2500 for Friday.

But -- I stayed on track for my little 10,000 step per day goal. I kept stepping until after 11pm because of that goal, and I barely made it.

Still ate more calories than I burned, so I can't have days like this consistently.:(

summerlove 03-03-2012 01:46 PM

174 today!

b: 2 pancakes with nutella and syrup - 350
l: 1 granola bar - 90, flatbread - 290
Stawberries - 50
D: 1 bagel with spread - 250, 2 cupcakes - 400
So hard not to go overboard on weekends..

Total - 1430

1 hr brisk walk today

loose seal 03-03-2012 07:30 PM

Quick fly by . . . .

Yesterday was a bust, overate. Stayed under maint. cals but . . . overate, nonetheless.

Today: Sitting at 1200 and I'm done for the day. Couple more days similar to today and I'll be back in the downward-scale groove once again.

rlb1987 03-03-2012 09:56 PM

My last few days have been pretty good calorie wise! Thursday was 1340 and yesterday was 1515 (I was hungry after working out so I ate back some of my calories).

Here's today...

Breakfast: Toast w/ butter=260
Lunch: Lean Cuisine asiago cheese tortelloni, tomato soup, roll=540
Supper: Veggie sub w/ cheese, 2 Cuties=680

Exercise: Turbo Jam 20 min workout

summerlove 03-04-2012 09:59 AM

b: 1 english muffin with cheese, tomato - 250, cupcake - 200
S: half cup yogurt - 45, 3 strawberries - 20...granola bar : 90
D: Chinese noodles....sooo good. 1000?

About 1600 for the day. A maintenance day. This week it'll be easy to go back to low cal.

Queen Sarah 03-05-2012 09:31 AM

Last week was so busy and stressful. There were several days when I gave up on the calorie counting. But the one saving grace was that I stuck to my goal of 10,000 steps a day for 8 days in a row. I did a lot of it just walking in place on the mini-trampoline while typing at the computer (like I'm doing now). Sometimes until midnight, just to get the steps in.

This week will not be so busy and stressful (I hope). I'm going to set a goal for steps per day again (have to decide what it will be exactly) and will surely do better on the calories, too, since it isn't my birthday or midterms. No one will want to take me out to eat (I hope!) -- and the weather might be nice enough I can do actual walking, and maybe even some running!

loose seal 03-05-2012 11:07 AM

b: cheese/picante omelet, coffee - 250
l: leftover london broil, cheese, lite sour cream on low carb wraps - 600
d: made homemade mac and cheese and had a serving of that -- no clue on cals, 300?, sauteed mushrooms/zucchini/carrots/garlic - 75, 2 cookies - 150

Total: not really sure (aren't I just doing great with this calorie counting? lol) I'll say 1400-1500

Am dying to go nom on some Doritos -- why oh why did I even buy them?? but I'm not going to. I gotta get that scale moving down again.

summerlove 03-05-2012 11:18 AM

b: oatmeal with 1 cup strawberries and green tea: 280
s: 1 granola bar: 90
l: flatbread: 340
D: burger w.,cheese (460), carrots/strawberries (100)

Total: 1270 :-)

fashinjunkie09 03-05-2012 11:47 AM

Hi ladies! :wave:

I have been off the wagon for a little while, but I've had a lot of success in the past with calorie counting. I am re-committing to losing weight today so I thought I would join in posting my meals to keep myself accountable!

B- large coffee w/ 3T cinnamon bun creamer, honey Greek yogurt w/ 2T low fat apple cinnamon granola, 1 medium banana, H2O (395)

L- 8 pieces spicy crawfish sushi, 1 tbsp low sodium soy sauce, H2O (330)

S- 1 mini whole wheat bagel, 2T strawberry cream cheese, H2O (180)

D- 1/2 cup chopped beef brisket w/ BBQ sauce, 2 slices low cal whole grain bread, sliced red onion, 1/2 cup homemade light potato salad, H2O (470)

Total- 1375 calories

I try to stay between 1500-1600 cals on non-workout days so this is a little low but I am full.

rlb1987 03-05-2012 08:42 PM

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs w/ cheese=300
Lunch: Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Caramel cereal w/ skim milk=163
Snack: Ding Dongs=360 (just had to have it, grrrr)
Supper: Cheese, spinach, tomato sandwich w/ 1/2 serving of Doritos=355
Total: 1178

No exercise today because I've been having pretty bad lower abdominal/pelvic pain. Ugh, hope it goes away tomorrow so I can get back to Turbo Jam. I feel like a slacker when I don't work out.

K9Owner 03-06-2012 03:07 AM

OK, Seriously, this is the worst I've posted since the beginning of this journey--except for when I was on holiday and away from my lappie for a week at a time.

So, let's play catch up--shall we?

First, TOM reared his ugly head over the weekend--like Thursday or something. I successfully gained 1 lb every single day from Thurs-Sunday, making my GRAND TOTAL weight gain 5 POUNDS for the week!!!
I've never gained that much in a single week, not even with TOM.
I am down 1.4 of those pounds right now.

Friday (Dinner Out)
Cottage Cheese w/Blackberry Jam, Yogurt Raisins, Cheerios & milk :yikes: : 462
Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Shake, Trail Mix: 429
2 glasses of Merlot, Grilled Salmon Spring Salad w/Balsamic Vinegar :drool: , Oreo Yogurt topped w/1 oreo, popcorn: ~ 1316
Total: 2207 :fr:

Attempted a 7 mile long run outside after :running: so long on a treadmill. What a JOKE!!! :lol:
I walked more than I ran and I only made 5 miles :cry: : 646
Water: 64 oz

Saturday (Work Night 12 hrs)

Cheerios & milk :faint: , Peaches: 565
Caesar Chicken Wrap (1/2), Trail Mix: 382
Fiber 1 Bar, Caesar Chicken Wrap (1/2), Strawberries, Grapes: 438
Total: 1385

:exercise: 286 (walking @ work)
Water: 64 oz

Sunday (NO SPIKE DAY--I ate too much during the week. Work Night--8 hrs)
Strawberries, Grapes, Turkey Sandwich w/Mayo, Baked Lays, Cottage Cheese w/Blackberry Jam, Trail Mix, Cheerios, Peaches: 917
Chicken: 180
Chicken: 90
Black Beans, Pineapple, Egg Omelet, Trail Mix: 352
Total: 1539

:exercise: Walking while working 254 + K9 Walk: 254
Water: 64 oz


Chicken Caesar Salad, Snackwell's Cookies (2), PB, Popcorn, Diet Coke, Cottage Cheese w/Blackberry Jam, Strawberries: 533
:fr: Cinnamon Roll & 1 Blueberry Cake Donut :fr: , Grapes: 876 (WTH am I thinking???)
Coffee: 32
Total: 1441

:exercise: 700 (Strength Training & Elliptical)
Water: 88 oz

panshrmu 03-06-2012 03:14 AM

Seriously discouraged here......first, I wasn't loosing weight (though had three people this week and last tell me I look thinner....a plus?) and just fed up with it. THEN my hormonal migrained did me in Sunday and Monday. Seriously, no exercising, was lucky to function at the center!!! Of course, TOM is here now and I had ONE Coke and now I am craving it big time and really, I am a wimp!!! BLAH!!!

I really think I need to change my breakfast habit. I could eat 640calorie breakfast, but then NOT FEEL HUNGRY AT ALL til 4pm, have a small snack or a few pieces of fruit and then whatever for lunch. So I am thinking I need to even it more out?

I had gone 7 straight days walking 30 min and it felt good...was almost at 2miles in 30 min (a biggie for me). I ordered 30SD (or DS?) and will see how that goes. I know exercise is the big thing for me, but why wasn't I seeing anything after my 6lbs loss? and until the past few days, I was consistently under 1700 calories, between 1600 and 1700.......

I know I need to get back on the wagon.....will try to exercise tonight now that my migraine is over with. Those literally put me out of commission for two days depending. I am back to my Chinese medicine man and acupuncture. Alot of stress in my life as we prepare for a 6month stay back in the USA starting the end of this year.....lots of planning and stuff.....won't bore you with the details........*sigh* gotta lose some weight sometime!!

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