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FunSize 11-29-2011 11:10 PM


110 - alt bagel
30- chream cheese
50 - beans
30 - corn
30 - dressing
20 - veggies
210- tamale
720 - two slices deep dish pizza
100 - salad
= 1300

124chicksinger 11-30-2011 12:21 AM

I ate too much today. However, I must admit that a friend once asked me during a very upset time what would make me feel better, and my answer was .... egg noodles with butter. Some things, only pasta can fix. While I went over my calories today....that mac and cheese was delicious and I enjoyed it. No guilt.

Tomorrow is another day and this journey is far from reaching the magical maintenance number---and I know I'll get there. This was just a pit stop. Tonight, in the long run, means absolutely nothing more than the fact that I'm human, I was actually hungry tonight, and comfort food was very comforting.

jendiet 11-30-2011 01:29 AM

2094. Got really hungry in between lunch and dinner, thought I was going to have to eat what I could grab. Thankfully, SO came home before I cOULD stuff too much in my mouth. I don't understand that hunger. When I was doing IF, I wouldn't be THAT hungry.

popspry 11-30-2011 02:46 AM

I messed up again. I must be going for a record or something. Had my planned breakfast of a sweet potato with greek yogurt then I got all depressed about my recent failures so I failed some more. Mac and cheese, ice cream with chocolate syrup, a dinner roll, a tortilla. All in 1 sitting. Barely ate anything else after that luckily. I may be over calories, may be under. No idea.

jendiet 11-30-2011 12:53 PM

pops, honey. A failure does not have to lead to a failure. Try to do better today. You can make this. This is coming from someone who recently backslid and ate like 3000 calories for a day for a month. and gained five lbs for it! You can get back on track. Big hugs.

124chicksinger 11-30-2011 07:22 PM

Back on track--go me!!

Anastasiya24 11-30-2011 10:29 PM

Yikes I did bad today...:( Just didn't count and gave into all cravings. Not good. I'm so sick of gaining from days like this. Its getting so out of hand.. I am really going to do my best tomorrow and so on. I usually find it the hardest on days 2 and 3 for some reason. If I could just make it to the first week OP then I will feel pretty confident about sticking to it since I gained control in that week to keep me strong.

124chicksinger: :bravo: for getting back on track I hope to do the same tomorrow!

popspry 12-01-2011 02:19 AM

Back on track :)

B - .25 cup of brown rice with .5 cup of black beans and 2 tablespoons of low-fat cheddar cheese
S - 2 sweet potato latkes
L - turkey sandwich on homemade whole wheat sweet potato roll with mustard, 1 cup of broccoli and 2 tablespoons of ranch
S - 2 banana-oatmeal health "cookies"
D - 2 tofu-black bean tacos in whole wheat tortillas with a broccoli-caulifower gratin
S - 1 cup of homemade mixed berry frozen yogurt

total: 1400ish (Lunch was supposed to be soup but I accidentally threw it down the drain so had to improvise)

FunSize 12-01-2011 11:53 PM


218 - chicken minis
30- coffee
185- mex salad
155- alt bagel
330 - fish sandwhich
150 - ice cream
120 - salad
210 - tamale
= 1398

jendiet 12-02-2011 12:34 AM

yikes, I almost derailed again. Cookies. I made some with a friend, and cookies are a definite problem for me. I don't ever get the STOP signal with them. I had to force myself to walk away. The damage was done, but I budgeted my calories around them. Now, I'm not too far off.

I will have a total when I am done for the night.

FunSize 12-02-2011 10:18 PM

Today was sort of a "free" day I allow myself every once in awhile. Still stayed until maintenance calories so I will still lose something :-)


175 - two sausage
210 - hashbrown
530 - 1 biscuit & gravy

499 - clam chowder
200 - sourdough bread

= 1614

adachan 12-02-2011 10:32 PM


Breakfast: (260 calories)
2 scrambled eggs
1 Slice whole wheat toast
1 Tbsp ketchup

Snack: (140 calories)
Fiber one bar

Lunch: (300 calories)
Turkey Burger

Snack: (110 calories)
Large Fuji Apple

Dinner: (310 calories)
2 Turkey Tacos

Snack: (120 calories)

3.5 mile brisk walk (~300 calories burned)
Total Calories for the day: 1240 calories

I'm a pretty light eater, so this actually keeps me satisfied. I do have a question though. I heard that I should start at a higher calorie count for my diet so that I have room to lower my calories later on to lose weight. Whats the difference between starting on a 1200 calorie diet vs a 1400 calorie diet? I don't understand why I would need room to lower my calories later if I'm already at the lowest safe amount. If anyone could explain this to me, i'd appreciate it!!

loose seal 12-02-2011 10:43 PM

Hey, want another counter?

B: 400 (1egg/2white omelet w/ 1/8 cup shredded mex cheese and tblspn picante sauce <--- yum and 1/2 baked spud made into 'home fries')
L: 500 (BIG salad w/ leftover steak (approx 3 oz) and 2 tblspn Russian, 60 goldfish
D: 350 (12 ritz crackers, 1.5 oz cheese, jewish pickle and mustard)
S: 300 (2 1/2 sheets graham crackers w/strawberry preserves)

Total: 1550

40 min. whole body workout, 1.5 mile dogs walk, Christmas shopping, decorated the entire outside of the house (up, down, up, down, up, down the basement). Literally sat down for 1 hr to eat lunch (and catch up on Dexter!) and that was it. Constant movement today and I'm beat and going to bed in a minute.

Nice to meet you all. I love calorie counting because it makes sense to me, it's easy, and it works . . . well, it works when you do it.

popspry 12-03-2011 02:03 AM

great day.

B - .5 cup of oats with 1 tbl of peanut butter
S - 2 banana-oatmeal health cookies
L - tuna quesadilla, tangerine and 1 cup of broccoli with 1 tbl of ranch
S - apple and pudding
D - whole wheat pasta with broccoli and sweet potato soup
S - 1 cup of homemade peach frozen yogurt

total: 1460

FunSize 12-03-2011 09:47 PM

goal: 1200 calories

110- low cal bagel
45- cream cheese

340 - tiki masala & rice

25 - hot coco
10 - ff creamer
110 - 1 cup organic tomato

320 - brown rice
240 - chicken & peppers

= 1200

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