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joyra 06-05-2009 03:35 AM

Wow, size 6, dixied! I've never been that low, ever. I went straight from kids sizes to a 14! Congratulations!!

Hi everyone, just checking in to say I'm doing pretty well. I bloated up to 70.5 kg but I'm back down to my lowest, 69.5. I'd love to hit 69 before weigh-in this week, a new low for me since starting weight loss. In June 2007, I went to Puerto Rico weighing 150 and came back 5 days later weighing 158... and never lost it! So I guess sometime 2 years ago I was 69 kg (152 lbs) for a day or an hour in Puerto Rico!

I've been doing really well exercising thanks to My Fitness Coach for Wii. This morning they did the 10 day re-assessment. I had lost inches in the places they measured, arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs. I actually got a new low measurement for waist (30.5 in - started at 34 in) and thighs (25.5 in - started at 27.75 in). I've always had thunder thighs and thought less than 25 inches would be ideal... if I keep this up, I could be there this month!

Hope you're all kickin it!

Jacque9999 06-05-2009 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by scarahjs (Post 2770422)
I live in Perry County but work in Camp Hill. Where are you from?

I live and work on the east shore!!!


Originally Posted by dixied (Post 2770533)
But I do want to share my happy news.....I'm wearing size 6 pants today!!!! :carrot:

:carrot:Congrats!!!! Isn't that the best???

SillyGirl 06-05-2009 06:13 AM

I have prom tonight. Gah! I need more time! The dress I was gonna wear is still a little bit to tight, so it kinda looks blah. D:

bindersbee 06-05-2009 09:04 AM

Good morning ladies! After some panicking, I'm FINALLY seeing the scale move the right direction! I was worried I'd have a gain again this week! I'm going to keep pushing myself and see if I can cough up a good loss for Monday. I'm almost back to where I was BEFORE I started the weight training. Then again, I've got a weight training workout today so I guess we'll see if it stays down or goes back up. I'm 'lifting heavy' so I'm pretty sore after.

Dixied- congrats on the size 6's. I don't think I've ever been 6. I remember wearing a size 11 in 7th grade.

zinkemomx2 06-05-2009 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by bindersbee (Post 2772077)
I don't think I've ever been 6. I remember wearing a size 11 in 7th grade.

I was the same way. I distinctly remember being in 5th grade and wearing a pair of my aunts size 1's. I thought I was so cool because all the other girls were wearing 12-14's, in little kid sizes.

When I started buying school clothes for 6th grade they were a size 12 juniors! I started my period the very first day of 6th grade so my body was going through a lot of changes that summer.

melwolfe 06-05-2009 10:29 AM

Just saying hello! Hope all are doing well!

practiceliving 06-05-2009 10:34 AM


trekkiegirl 06-05-2009 11:01 AM

Did my Kettlenetics exercises last night and my neck and shoulder sure remember. :o Was my 2nd time and I did get a little better at it, though, even if I did hit my knee once with the kbell. :o But the sweat was pouring off me, lol. It comes with beginner and intermediate 30-day calendars telling you which workout DVD to do so I'm gonna try to follow that.
I got my speed ladder yesterday and am looking forward to doing that. They have some videos on youtube I can follow. I'm an expert at uncoordinated movements so I'm gonna try my hand (and feet) at coordination. :p

TGIF and happy weigh-ins to all! :D

Somni 06-05-2009 02:25 PM

My water class teacher brought in a personal trainer to do some resistance band and free weight stuff with us for a while afterwards and it was so great, I've been wanting to work on improving strength and everything I've done has been so cardio so far. Then I started asking him questions and he helped me set up and try out a circuit afterwards, it was SO amazingly helpful. And this was something I really wanted to accomplish this week. My arms are really tired now though lol. :)

Gekster 06-05-2009 05:08 PM

Congrats on the 6s Dixied, that is very cool!

SillyGirl, I hope you have an awesome time at Prom! I'm sure you look fantastic. "Work the hair" as they say.

It was a pretty bad week for me, I wasn't horrible on food, but I was just seriously lacking motivation to work out. I've been feeling pretty sick, and I feel worse after todays work out. Not sure what is going on, but I hope it works out soon. I did a preliminary weigh in in case I don't have time before monday and sadly the scale didn't move at all, but at least it did not go up I guess. Today is a new day and I got up and did my work out, its a start.

jmfan317 06-05-2009 06:43 PM

Well I did my workout today and I feel good. All I have to do is eat some dinner then go to work at 5:30 pm. Tomorrow is my weigh in lets see what happens. Everybody have a good weekend.

zinkemomx2 06-05-2009 07:10 PM

Evening everyone. I just got back from my first 5k wog of the year. I have a base time of 49 minutes to beat. We live on a dead end dirt road. It is very dry and dusty. Some idiot in a dump truck hauling a flatbed trailer felt the need to go about 50mph while I was trying to wog. That is not a nice thing to do to the fat lady already gasping for breath. I admit I flipped him the bird. Jacka$$.

Food is okay calorie wise but nutritionally deficit for today. I need to find a good snack for later.

Sillygirl - I hope you are having a great time. :dancer:

me4life 06-05-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by zinkemomx2 (Post 2773132)
Evening everyone. I just got back from my first 5k wog of the year. I have a base time of 49 minutes to beat. We live on a dead end dirt road. It is very dry and dusty. Some idiot in a dump truck hauling a flatbed trailer felt the need to go about 50mph while I was trying to wog. That is not a nice thing to do to the fat lady already gasping for breath. I admit I flipped him the bird. Jacka$$.

Food is okay calorie wise but nutritionally deficit for today. I need to find a good snack for later.

Sillygirl - I hope you are having a great time. :dancer:

lol i can so picture that, i've lived on a dirt road most of my life so i know what thats like

zinkemomx2 06-05-2009 09:13 PM

Stupid idiot has went by 4 times since then. We had to close our living room windows because the dust was so bad. :no:

Idealmuse 06-05-2009 09:52 PM

Hi team -

I'm so excited!! I just signed up for a 12 week Tri training group for a race later this summer. There is no better way to keep motivated then to pay for something. Heh. Anyway this will be my 2nd summer doing Tris. I won't be as fast as last summer, but that's okay the important bit is to get out there and do it. Yeay!

Hope everyone has a good weekend and weigh in.

melwolfe 06-05-2009 10:21 PM

Good evening all, just got back from dinner and a movie with my friend. Had a great time and while I didn't overdue on dinner I did go over my calories by about 400 for the day......TOM arrived yesterday evening and I've just been starving all day........oh well, my 5k is tomorrow so hopefully that plus my regular workout will take care of the difference. I'm only going to have about a 600 calorie deficit for today. It looks like everyone else is doing good though, so keep it up guys.

Soon2BFitChick 06-05-2009 10:27 PM

Thanks Mary, and all you guys. I hope I can just focus on what I can do, not what everyone else is doing. :hug:

My left heel hurts. I notice it hurts more when I have had to sit for long periods. It's like a nerve is getting messed with. Anyone know if that could be it? The doc thought plantarfasciatis (sp?) But I got a shot in my foot and it's not at all better and wore the inserts etc. It doesn't hurt in normal things until I've sat working or driving a long time. It sucks. By the time at nite lately when I have a few mins to exercise I hurt there and wonder if I should force myself to use the foot. Makes it worse usually. I've been doing leg lifts etc while sitting to get in my few mins so I have at least THAT. Uggh. I guess I'm just falling apart. :stress:

Makes me want to lower my cals more bc can't do much else to lose. I think adding more water will help tho. Will try that. At least I can control that. :swim:

Ok, I'm so proud of all of u signing up for things to help you move forward! I used the site America On the Move a few yrs ago for about a year's time and walked over 1 million steps in 3 months and had lost over 50 lbs and was featured on their site. They asked me to do a commercial in NY but by the time they asked I had gained 10 lbs. (because I was exhausted, had my newborn daughter and she was preemie, eating every other hour at nite, and my husband was ill plus I had my son and was taking care of other children too!) LOL. And so I didn't want to do it-felt like a hypocrite. But also there were things about that site that wasn't so cool. Like the way your daily info goes away after you switch trails, and also it got boring after you did the trails that let you walk across the US but it didn't go by real miles, etc. So didn't want to mess with all that.

Anyhoo, it helped while I was using it! I just needed to stay focused and it's my fault I didn't. Uggh!! :mad: Haven't seen it around much after all that anyway.. Weird.

Well, you all take care and I will try to write tmrw too! Hugs!!


PS Sillygirl, hope you have a blast!!! Tell us all about it later!!! :hug:

And Dee, so great to be in a 6! I never was there either. :cp: (Sorry can't do personals for each of you. So many great ppl here. :()

Meenamom 06-05-2009 10:28 PM

melwolfe have a good day tomorrow..5k thats amazing..

Not my best day but not my worst I just didn't work out like I wanted to..Tomorrow Tomorrow there is always tomorrow...
Blessings all
Carrie aka meenamom

melwolfe 06-05-2009 10:34 PM

Thanks Meena. I've never done one before but I think it'll be a blast. I'm doing it with my daughter and cousin-in-law! I just dread the getting up early. Not really worried about my time and all that I know I won't be able to run the whole way and my cousin has Crone's so there's no way she can run the whole thing either, so we'll start out running and then walk.

Also, yes, tomorrow will be better either way. I did get some walking in today but just had zero energy all day. I think maybe my body needed the extra calories today for whatever reason...(maybe it overheard about the 5K??:D)...... At any rate I will stick to plan tomorrow and it's all good.

Thanks again and I better get to bed 5:00 am comes early especially when I normally don't have to get up until 6:45 or so......

Night all!

Meenamom 06-05-2009 10:35 PM

I am a Massage Therapist and I used to work for a podiatrist..Ice your foot and the best ice pack is a can of fruit juice..I know it sounds odd but bear with me ...Get the fruit juice ice pack put it on the floor and roll your foot on it...Ice no matter how much it bothers always helps ...
If you wake up with pain in the bottoms of your feet and it hurts to walk probably Plantar Fascitis (not a DR so dont take my word)
Ice Ice Ice...Than when it gets better start with toe curling excercising and I am sure there are more feet exercises online..
I have similar problems so I know
Hope you are better soon

SillyGirl 06-06-2009 01:34 AM

Just got back from prom! Had a great time! I wasn't exactly OP... (I ate my friend's date's salad as and they ate my pasta. All good, but then they served the ice cream sundaes. I danced a lot, so that should have burned most of it.)
Here's a pic http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/s...rom2009005.jpg
Four weeks ago, that dress didn't even zip! I'm just so happy!

Somni 06-06-2009 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by SillyGirl (Post 2773514)
Just got back from prom! Had a great time! I wasn't exactly OP... (I ate my friend's date's salad as and they ate my pasta. All good, but then they served the ice cream sundaes. I danced a lot, so that should have burned most of it.)
Here's a pic http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/s...rom2009005.jpg
Four weeks ago, that dress didn't even zip! I'm just so happy!

Wow that is terrific! Glad you had a good time, you look great. :)

trekkiegirl 06-06-2009 10:33 AM

Morning everyone,

Sigh...TOM came a few days earlier than expected so I went ahead and weighed in (1.2 gain) before the bloat got worse. I wish my biological clock had a control on it that would have realized a long time ago hey, this chick isn't planning on having kids, let's shut this thing off. :p Anyway, I was down earlier in the week so, hopefully, I'll have a nice drop next week. :^:

Aw, you look great, Silly! Glad you had a blast! :carrot:

practiceliving 06-06-2009 12:11 PM

Good morning ladies!

Just had some breakfast, and I'm about to get changed so we can go to the gym. It's only supposed to go up to 22C today! Since it's finally tolerable outside, I might go for a walk this afternoon too.


Originally Posted by zinkemomx2 (Post 2773132)
Some idiot in a dump truck hauling a flatbed trailer felt the need to go about 50mph while I was trying to wog.

What a jerk! Congrats on getting out for a wog. :)


Originally Posted by Idealmuse (Post 2773313)
I won't be as fast as last summer, but that's okay the important bit is to get out there and do it. Yeay!.

Best attitude ever! I think it's awesome that you're doing a second tri - I remember your posts about it last year.


Originally Posted by Soon2BFitChick (Post 2773367)
Makes me want to lower my cals more bc can't do much else to lose. I think adding more water will help tho. Will try that. At least I can control that. :swim:

Selina, why would you lower your calories when you say you've been losing already? You're doing GREAT with your first few weeks back OP - just keep doing what you're doing and let your body do it's thing.


Originally Posted by Meenamom (Post 2773378)
with me ...Get the fruit juice ice pack put it on the floor and roll your foot on it...Ice no matter how much it bothers always helps ...

Great suggestion - one of my coworkers has plantar fasciitis and we always catch her doing this under her desk. :P


Originally Posted by SillyGirl (Post 2773514)
Just got back from prom! Had a great time! I wasn't exactly OP... (I ate my friend's date's salad as and they ate my pasta. All good, but then they served the ice cream sundaes. I danced a lot, so that should have burned most of it.)
Here's a pic http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/s...rom2009005.jpg
Four weeks ago, that dress didn't even zip! I'm just so happy!

You look fantastic! Sounds like you had a great time, too!

Meenamom 06-06-2009 12:41 PM

Silly girl you are the cutest!! Glad you had a good time...

melwolfe 06-06-2009 01:55 PM

Hello all, just got home from the 5k 38 mins.!! Woohoo:carrot:

Plus according to bodybugg I've already burned 1800 calories today and my goal is 2450 so that is pretty awesome too!

Anyways, just wanted to say hi.

Silly, you looked awesome for prom!

SweetScrumptious 06-06-2009 04:36 PM

Couldn't go and do my workout yesterday because worked called me in at the last minute!

So I'm going to do my workout today... just a day behind. All good :)

bjeweled 06-06-2009 04:48 PM

hey team i think i have bronchitis so i havent been working out but my eating has been alright. i just want to feel better. i hope to be in the gym by tuesday. i am going to the doctor today.

suzie42 06-06-2009 06:19 PM

Hey Sillygirl! You and your date look great! So glad you had a great time!

I'm out of town for the weekend and trying to be good about food :^:, but the good news is, I just scoped out the fitness center they have here at the hotel and I'm excited! I'll be able to try out an elliptical for the first time in a little bit! (Only workout machine I've ever had a chance to touch is a treadmill. :))

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


:cheer3: :goodluck: everyone! :cheer3:


Nixmom 06-06-2009 06:25 PM

Silly, you rock! Enjoy your youth little woman. You are on the right track taking care of yourself now. You looked fantastic!

melwolfe` Congrats on the great time! Wondering how you like your Body Bugg? Do you find it motivates you to be good? Thinking about getting my BF one for Dad's day.... not sure though. Would love a pro's a cons of it!

bjeweled ~ hope you're feeling better soon!

SweetScrumptious ~ I'm with ya, a day behind. I will be doing some make up work out tomorrow.

Well... TOM is kicking my butt, I have a retirement party to go to in an hour, and then hopefully a Sunday with a little exercise, and a little relax time. Hope you all have a great rest of your saturday!

joyra 06-07-2009 12:33 AM

SillyGirl, yay for fitting in your dress! A big motivation for me is to fit into smaller (and cuter) clothes. That's great you were able to drop down a size in just four weeks! Such inspiration!

Two birthday weekends in a row (not mine!), lots of drinking and unhealthy snacking. But I have dialed up my exercise levels and I'm holding steady at a 1 lb loss for the week. I am slow moving today but hopefully I can get some exercise in and keep my calories in check for my last weigh-in of the week tomorrow. Come on 69 kg!! I've been waiting so long to see you!

mothermavis 06-07-2009 09:10 AM

I have been major league stressing this week and I think my body is hanging on for dear life. Have to let go some stress to lose some tonnage.

Silly, you looked beautiful!

maryshady 06-07-2009 09:37 AM

Dropping in to say Hi! Doing fairly well. Was so busy this week didn't get a lot of work outs in. But did some. Scale is moving downward so that is good.

Silly- You looked great! Congrats on fitting into your dress!

Suzie-How did you like the elliptical. It is not one of my favorite machines. I have tried it at least 30 times but it just feels like hard work to me not enjoyable like the treadmill.

Mavis-:hug: here's hoping all your stress just disappears. Remember exercise is a great stress reducer!

Nixmom-I have a sensewear which I love to wear. It's motivating to wear and I am always checking to make sure I am hitting my cal, step targets for the day. It's kind of hard to wear now because of short sleeves. At work everyone always once to know what it is. I am looking forward to summer off ( I work at an elementary school) so I can wear it consistently again. I am not thrilled about the subscription website. Since I write down all my food in a food journal I don't really need all the reports it generates. I bought a six month subscription for the website but once that runs out I will not renew it.

Have a relaxing Sunday!

me4life 06-07-2009 12:10 PM

weekends are gonna be rough this month with all the weddings and open houses but keeping the exercise up and hoping i continue losing.

zinkemomx2 06-07-2009 01:59 PM

It is cool and damp here today. No exercise yet but I will be wogging after my soup is done. I have a big pot of vegetable soup simmering. Yum

bjeweled 06-07-2009 03:12 PM

hey everyone!

definitely bronchitis so i wont be working out till i am off the inhaler and the wheezing stops. ugh i a m super frustrated i wanted to be back in the gym after my vacation but ive been sick since i got back. ah well i guess i have to let my body heal and then i will begin again. :?:

angeline 06-07-2009 06:24 PM

Carrie and Institiches = thanks!! I'm pretty excited to start teaching there. I'm currently working for a company that brings yoga classes into the workplace so my most consistent company is now on their second 8 week session. I learned this past weekend that I'll pick up a law firm in late August - they want lunch time classes, so I'm psyched for that.

Carrie, what's the difference between a massage therapist and a masseuse? i'd love to have regular massages...so would my feet!

Silly, you look great!!!

Bejeweled & Selena, hope you both have a speedy recovery.

me4life, i hear ya on tough weekends - i have/had a number of social weekends and it's apparent on the scale.

mary, i have a Go Wear Fit and i haven't been wearing it as much now that i'm mostly wearing sleeveless and short sleeves. i hate all the questions.

well, we leave for a 10 day trip - and i think i will strap on the GWF to try to keep up with burning calories and getting my steps in (at a minimum). i'm looking forward to the trip!

no workout today. went to zumba class yesterday.

melwolfe 06-07-2009 06:28 PM

I love my Bodybugg, however, my daughter has a Go Wear Fit and it's the exact same thing but I like the software better and it's just a hair cheaper so I highly recommend getting one. It definitely keeps me on track better. I hate it when I don't meet my deficit so I work harder if I see I need more exercise for the day.

Doragone 06-07-2009 07:52 PM

Hi Losers!
Back from the Special Olympics, daughter got a sixth, a bronze and a silver in track. Lots of fun, plus hubby and I kicked around a bunch of thrift shops and bought a bunch of useless stuff that will probably be in our goodwill bags in a few years, but hey, we had fun.
Eating is casually OP with no major blow-its. I'm just happy to be getting eating under control again after several months of bingeing.:dizzy:
Thanks In Stiches for your encouragement. You are so sweet to do so many personals.
Gotta get ready for a work day tomorrow. Drink your water and keep on keepin' on bombshells!


joyra 06-07-2009 08:20 PM

Hi everyone!

Well, I didn't lose another lb this morning... I WAS really good yesterday.. but I finally plugged in my calories from the Saturday... yikes! Like 2600! I'm lucky I haven't gained.

So I'm down just 1.1 lbs this week... 1.1 lbs total. I'd love to lose 1.5 kg this week.. that would put me below 150. I'm really going to work hard to reach this goal this week. I have a real penchant for dessert, particularly ice cream.. probably a reason I lose so slowly. So I'm going to try to go a week without it.

So everyone: What's your plan for weight loss this week?

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