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Clykk 01-15-2009 11:42 PM

Help! I've fallen and I can't get out!!!
I fell into a pothole this afternoon and I can't get out! Fear is rearing its ugly head and when that happens I find it very hard to get down to my work. To try and get back to work I give myself a stern talking to, but to no avail. Then I feel bad about my behaviour, so I eat to comfort myself. In the past 12 hours I have had crackers, 1 s'more granola bar, 2 Pillsbury crescent rolls, 2 pigs in a blanket, 1 small Oreo McFlurry and tortilla chips. Man, this is frustrating to watch myself do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

QOTD: Where do you workout. Do you take group classes or do it alone, etc?

I just joined a gym this month and am so thrilled to have done it. At the gym I divide my weight training over 3 days (1. legs 2. chest, back and shoulders 3. biceps, triceps and calves) and 1 day a week I do a fat burning run on the treadmill or on the stationary bike. Once a week I attend a yoga class at a yoga studio. And twice a week I visit the community pool where I do 64 laps of swimming. We just got a puppy in June 2008 and I walk her every day if not twice a day.

As you can see, exercising is not my downfall. I love exercise. But emotional eating...I love that too unfortunately.

One Fluffy Chick 01-16-2009 05:30 AM

QOTD: Where do you workout? Do you take group classes or do it alone, etc?
I workout in the mornings 3-4 days / week at home (WATP or WW, also just bought a Yoga / Pilates DVD that I'll be trying Friday morning). At night, after work, I go to the gym (24 Hour Fitness) to walk on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes. And lastly, I belly dance with a great group of women once a week for almost 2 hours.

One Fluffy Chick 01-16-2009 05:44 AM

Clykk: looks like you posted after the masses went to bed for the evening. Are you OK? What can we do to get you out of that dark vortex of eating that you call a pothole? What are you fearing? :hug: There is nothing that can be made better by eating, except hunger, so why are you eating like this, my friend? What is it that your mind and soul are hungry for?

Jen415 01-16-2009 08:31 AM

Good morning, RED TEAM!!

Cykk, how are you this morning? I've been racking my brain trying to remember Jillian's quote about fear. (It's something like "fear is releasing _____ from the body." But I can't remember it!!) Anyway, I hope you are okay today!!

I just weighed in for the week--another 2.2 lbs gone! I am now half way to my TBL goal I set at the beginning of the show. If I can keep up this pace, I may surpass it!!

It's usually right around now that I start getting fearful or discouraged about my plan. Somehow this time is different....maybe something within me is different!

I'll be back to check in on y'all!

willow650 01-16-2009 08:52 AM

Well I just looked at the weather. At the start of my 5K today, Weather.com says it will be 39, feel like 31 and wind blowing 13mph NNW. I am not looking forward to this.

CruiseCAT 01-16-2009 09:15 AM

I work out at home. We have a treadmill, bowflex, and lots of DVD's. I just got the Zumba set and did the intro/basics yesterday. Loved it and will continue to do that until I get the steps down.

Hun.e.B 01-16-2009 09:36 AM

Have a fantastic weekend Red team!!! Remember your goals!! Weigh in is just around the corner and I'm looking forward to seeing a big RED win!!!

*:cheer: Go Red!!! :cheer:

AmberD 01-16-2009 10:12 AM

Willow -- Good luck on your 5k!!! It'll be cold while your standing around, but once you get going it should be too bad :)

Clykk -- today is a new day!!! Don't focus on what you did wrong yesterday, focus on what you can do right today :hug:

Since I'm not brave enough to run out side (I talk a big game Willow, but I'm a wimp in the cold) my butt is headed to the gym.

Have a good day all!:D

pintobean 01-16-2009 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jen415 (Post 2553071)
...I finally got to watch this week's episode and was hit with an A-HA moment: If Daniel, who is nearly 500 lbs, can run on a treadmill at 6 mph, then surely to goodness I can too!! So I am going to give HIIT a go. Anyone have experience with this? How do I go about it?...!

Jen, I do HIIT on my tready and love it. The idea is to do 1 min high intensity run and 2 min walk/recovery. Here's a good site to get some information on HIIT. Now I do it for about 45 - 60 mins with 5 min warm up in the beginning and 5 min cool down at the end. Hope this helps. Start slow and then slowly (over the period of few weeks) build up on your time. If you have any questions let me know :) .

RangerChic 01-16-2009 10:59 AM

Clykk, sorry you are feeling that way. You just have to tell yourself that you're worth it. You are worth being healthy and fighting the fight to get there. You can do it!

jlbake 01-16-2009 11:23 AM

Good morning!

Clykk - :hug: Today is another day. One bad day won't ruin your goals so just go forward from here.:D

Willow - Good luck on the 5K. I'm a wimp when it comes to cold!

Cakses - Are you better yet? Being sick stinks! But just try to think that your abs are getting a workout eat time you cough. :lol:

pintobean - Thanks for the info on HIIT. I've also been interested in trying it.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Stay strong!

Hungry4AChange 01-16-2009 02:39 PM

Hello Teammates,

My responses to recent QOTD's:

Rewards: Actually have never really worked for me. Being a broke college student, and now broke graduate in a bad economy, I've never really been able to spare my reward moneys from the neccessity monster.

Workout: Like Cakses I work and workout at the YMCA. I take classes and use the machines...still haven't really gotten into weights. My favorite classes are spinning, Zumba (Latin dance based and tons of fun) step and yoga/pilates. I also ran a half-marathon last November and to train I did lots of running outdoors...I prefer to do that alone so I can go at my own pace.

Cakses: I didn't realize you lived in Puyallup! I live in Seattle so were kind of like neighbors.

Hungry4AChange 01-16-2009 02:51 PM

Clykk: sorry to here you are having some trouble...just remember that it isn't the end of the world...as soon as you get back on track you won't even be able to remember this debaucle.

Just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate your encouragment and inspiration today. I have to work a boring 12 hour shift and all I want to do is eat everything in sight. If it hadn't been for you all I just might have. :corn:

willow650 01-16-2009 03:15 PM

OK I did it. 5K is over. I did it in43min. I think that's about 10min faster then the last time I husband timed me.

mtiger 01-16-2009 03:33 PM

Willow- This morning the wind chill here was -27. We didn't have school. The actual temperature was like -7 or something. Almost 40 degrees sounds like a heat wave to me. I'm sure it was brisk, but I bet you warmed up nicely. Good job. Did you jog some?

Clykk- Like I said on our other thread, today is a new day. You get a fresh start. I went up about a pound 1/2 today, but know I must continue doing the right thing.

Jillian's quote is something about frustration and tears during workouts is fear leaving the body. My favorite of hers, "Unless you faint, puke, or die, keep moving."

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