Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 07-31-2022, 06:56 AM   #181  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Apollo 15 astronauts take 6½ hour electric car ride on Moon (1971)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Book arrived in the mail. Always as exciting as if I were a little boy getting a magic encoder ring from Michigan ordered from a cereal box. The book is The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy for a course this fall. (I know, long title, but that's part of its charm.) Will give myself a chance to see if I can still understand and calculate probabilities. We'll also use a college textbook that's a tad demanding.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner on the patio was so pleasant. We picked up a pizza from the same local place where we bought pizzas for the kids; they still have the same phone number. And the same taste. When the kids were little, a bunch of Greek guys had the place. Now it's a bunch of Asian guys. But still pretending that it's "Italian" pizza, LOL. Along with a new bean salad that was a winner, "Yes, save the recipe," I was enthusiastic. It had enough garlic that I'm sure I'll reek all day today. It helps that the beans were fresh from our garden. Lunch was a slab of tomato sandwich. We are so into the bounty of summer.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Great phrase, "ways that I show up for my own life." Yay for a longer walk in good weather.

nationalparker – Ouch - sorry that you lost a post. Love the notion of how to make choices in living life "mindfully and not in a race to tackle stuff." Useful for me to be reminded that it's my choice.

curlyjax - Fun to have a friend that you can still giggle with.

MommaMeli - Thinking of you and your family.

Readers -
Chapter 6 Stage 3 - The Challenging Situations Plan

challenging situation skills

After the Event

11. Prepare for rebound desire.
After Jan went to diner with friends, she felt triumphant. While her friends consumed about 1,500 calories each, Jan stuck to her plan, stayed in control, and didn't become influenced by what the others were eating.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 136.
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Old 07-31-2022, 08:40 AM   #182  
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Lovely time with my college bud yesterday. We went to .
They have 10 kinds of lavender there, plus animals including a camel! Then we went to a state beach which was perfect as we were very hot. I brought popcorn and grapes to snack on, and ended up getting a cheeseburger on the way home as I actually hadn’t had much food during the day. And then back home in my own bed which is the best. Today I am zipping down to Boston to deliver something to DD for a project, and may walk around a little bit while i’m there. Then groceries etc. Fortunately its warm out but the heat wave has passed.
Gardenerjoy- I definitely need some intention and attention to my health, good idea.
Bill- very interesting sounding title. Yay for summer bounty, you’re so lucky to reap the rewards while DW cares for it
Happy Sunday!
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Old 07-31-2022, 12:06 PM   #183  
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I'm having a slower morning than intended. But it is Sunday, so I'm not going to get too worked up about it. I'll just try to ease things into a little more progress, now that I'm aware that I want that to happen.

DH had a couple of scary results in his blood tests that made him want to make instantaneous changes to his diet. The one that impacts me the most is a switch away from the breakfast that we've been fixing together for years (pancakes made with freshly ground whole wheat flour topped with dark amber maple syrup -- it's our most sugar-intense meal and a pre-diabetic glucose number is a good reason to make a change). I'm fine with it, but it will be an adjustment. Here's my reminder that this is an opportunity to develop a good habit around breakfast. I think my new breakfast will be cereal, so the best habit will be to use a measuring cup rather than eyeballing it.

Exercise +60, 1585/1600 minutes for July

BillBlueEyes: That book sounds amazing -- and like a real challenge to work through.
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Old 07-31-2022, 06:15 PM   #184  
Enjoying la bella vita
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A day of all random tasks, small things like ordering prints of photos from the past 8-9 months or so. Some with friends I'll mail a copy to them, others with my sister, the same. We don't take a lot of photos, but I do of the grandkids, flowers and pets. Repaired a pair of my shorts, worked out on the patio and tried to not snack too much. Chatted with my brother for his birthday and realized, once we hung up, how much I worry about his cancer returning. I choked up when talking with him and telling him how important he is to me; going through some fun and touching memories. Then I got off the phone and felt compelled to get into the pantry. Instead I cut up a watermelon and washed bunches of grapes to nosh on. Spent good time this morning writing. It seems to have been a day of small pleasures - enjoying the flowers blooming in my pots and my garden, watching birds splashing in the birdbath, petting our cats, writing some letters to post tomorrow, pockets of cleaning here and there ... kind of just a moving things along day. DH met with the realtor to hand over signed documents to start the listing process. I thought he'd be home a while ago. Hoping we can pop over to a movie this evening.

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Old 07-31-2022, 07:48 PM   #185  
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Good afternoon coaches,

I've actually read your posts and thought I would just check in. I've been having a great time with my friends. My flight was kind of fun cause a guy 4 years younger sat next to me and grew up just across the river from where I did. I was in Longview, WA and he was in Rainier, OR. We were born in the same hospital, our families ate at the same restaurants, and we went to keggers at the same Rainier Beach. So fun. I walked a couple of hours the first two days and hiked a couple of hours in Point Defiance Park this morning with a friend. Tacoma has a beautiful waterfront walk and lots of hills. While walking down by the waterfront there is a fabulous view of Mt Rainier. Food has been on plan even with going out for two dinners. The first night I had hummus, pita and veggies and yesterday an Asian salad.

Tomorrow my friend Lynne who I am staying with and I will hike in Pt Defiance again. She hasn't done that in a few years and is feeling a little nervous about it, but I'm sure we'll do just fine.

Anyway, I'm not going to write personals except that I wanted to say to Gardener Joy in all the reading, YouTube viewing etc that I've been doing lately it sounds much more that it is the fat in the diet that is the problem with Type II diabetes, not the carbs. Of course I don't mean a person should go crazy on them, or processed foods, but perhaps with a tweak your husband could still enjoy his pancakes. Some of the people I've listened to are Cyrus Khambatta PhD and Robby Barbara (I think they both have Type I Diabetes). Their book is Mastering Diabetes and they also have classes and coaching for those who actually have diabetes. Others are Neal Barnard MD, and of course Dr. Michael Greger. From my understanding the fat inside the muscle cells inhibits insulins ability to allow glucose into the cell and therefore the glucose in the blood is high. I'm sure you'll do your own research, but it seems so many people think it's the sugar when it doesn't seem to be.

I'll be here in Tacoma until Thursday and then on to Seattle for a few days. My friend in Seattle and I will go to her cabin in the mountains for a couple of days and I also hope to see some relatives in Seattle.

Oh, we saw Marcel the Shell with Shoes on today, very cute.

Bye for now.
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Old 07-31-2022, 08:55 PM   #186  
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Good evening!

I hit a new high this morning after eating so poorly yesterday. I ended the night with lots of homemade pizza and my feet swelled up like two painful pillows.

Today, I am trying for one successful day. I've finished and brushed my teeth, closed the kitchen to myself. My brain is sure not happy and keeps thinking about food but I'm telling it to hush.

I have one more day of work tomorrow then can focus on myself for a few.

Funny thing happened today- I found a weed in one of my houseplants. A shamrock just growing away next to my rabbits foot fern. I have no idea how it floated itself in but have to admire its luck! Lol
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Old 07-31-2022, 09:53 PM   #187  
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Good Evening, Coaches.

I had a wonderful 2 day, one night visit to Historic (1888) Hotel Del Coronado. The weather was beautiful. I had always wanted to stay overnight. With my hotel bonus points it was free. Quite a coup since it normally would have been $1,000. The room was beautiful with a view of the bay. I will rename the place Disneyland Coronado. Unbelievable the number of people and the expensive lifestyle. Renting beach chairs, saving pool front seats, and any food came with a hefty price tag. I hung out with the crowds a little but I found an empty 5th floor private balcony. I spent the evening with a takeout salad watching the sun go down over the Pacific ocean. I spent just $100 including meals, parking ($50) and a fabulous morning paddleboard yoga class. Vey challenging. I also took my own paddle board onto the bay. I jumped off a few times to get used to pulling myself up.I have a new weight goal. I want to lose 10 pounds not for appearance or the "number." I want to be able to pull myself up more easily on the paddleboard. A lighter me and stronger arms will do the trick. I'll start on weights when I get home.

I drove to my inexpensive hotel (also free five nights) at a Hampton in in San Marcos. it is 9 miles from GIA Carlsbad. I researched how to make a long term hotel stay feel at home. I bought essential oils, doused a cloth and put it over the air conditioner. It no longer smells hotel musty. I ordered two more flat sheets. I made a sofa cover with them. (Hotel sofas gross me out.) I bought enough food to eat in every night. Breakfast is free. I will allow myself a lunch out a few days. After class I will paddle board thenretunr to San Marcos. I brought a yoga mat. I brought my scale. The place feels great.

I am nervous about class. There is much math involved, dexterity and keen vision. I hope I am up to the task. Still, I am proud that I have come this far. One final exam after this lab and I will have my diamond certificate. If I get that, I have colored stones to focus on.

I weighed this evening and was safely under the 80s. My hope is to continue to edge toward the low 70s this week. Maybe slip under 175. Then when school starts I hope to dip in upper 60s. I had a manicure which was desperate after Galapagos. I found aCrate and Barrel outlet. it was fun. I walked in and the greeter said, "My God you look great - so pulled together." I was wearing a curated outfit of the small "capsule wardrobe" I had put together for this trip in posh Southern California. It felt good. I am so hard on myself.

KarenRn: a buddy of mine is thinking of doing the Tahoe Rim Trail. I told her I would think about it. Have you any interest? It would be next summer.
Penny: I know the feeling. One great food day is all it takes to feel better about myself.
Joy: Change can be a good thing. Breakfast seems an easier rethink.
Nationalparker: It sound like you are actually getting to enjoy your retirement with a slower pace. Good job.
curley: I love Boston. I would wander around as well.
BBE: Nothing better than a tomato sandwich. DS favorite is with fresh mozzarella.
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Old 08-01-2022, 08:04 AM   #188  
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Thumbs up Discussion continues on the August 2022 Thread

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Beck Diet For Life/Solution – August 2022 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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