Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 10-04-2012, 10:01 PM   #31  
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Telling yourself the truth - I love that. It helps me when I start to sneak something. I remember that every night I check in with myself and I will report what happened.

Going well here, just busy and dealing with the cold weather creeping in.
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Old 10-04-2012, 10:20 PM   #32  
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Telling myself the truth---- Self, you better watch out! The scales have done a back track for some reason and you are losing resolve. You have been stressed which translate to desire to eat. Yes, self, I know that you have done pretty good but there was that handful or so of nuts that you really didn't need. Ok, self you get credit for going to yoga. That was a good thing. Remember though, this weight loss thing isn't a smooth downhill ride. You've got to keep on going when you hit the bumps.

(Note to self: See if you can't attempt to smooth out some of those bumpy places so you can maintain control)
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Old 10-05-2012, 05:10 AM   #33  
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Thumbs up Friday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Exercise was a walk, CREDIT moi. The lush green of summer is turning brown and sparse. The great riot of leaf color isn't as apparent in the city as it is when you look across the woods of Sugar Maples in Vermont or New Hampshire. I do see an occasional brilliant red Japanese Maple.

Meals were on plan, CREDIT moi; snacks were high as I dealt with tension with tree nuts, Ouch. I'm traveling over the long weekend so I hope to get this snacking back under control by a change of scenery. (My plan is to post daily since the Internet should be available. If WIFI fails me, I'm back home Tuesday.)

Woodland - Gotta love the accountability, "I remember that every night I check in with myself and I will report what happened."

HaleyJu - This one should go in a marquee over the front door, "I need to take care of me." Kudos for the yoga despite too many deadlines.

Koala - Yay for tickets to a pre-release screening - you can now be smug as the rest of the world sits through the hype, LOL. Kudos for good choices at the Malaysian restaurant. It's such a good part of life to be able to enjoy eating out with no fear. [It would be hard for me to read of the Sandakan death marches; such unbelievable suffering and so much of it just at the end of the war.]

Readers -
chapter 8 Stage 5 The Motivation-for-Life Plan

Like most dieters, it is likely that you will eventually begin to take for granted the advantages you have achieved. You don't consider the fact that these advantages would vanish if you were to gain back weight. After Catherine had been following her new way of eating for a year, she forgot what it felt like to feel uncomfortable eating in public, how hard it had been to find well-fitting clothes, and how self-conscious she had been when she huffed and puffed climbing stairs. Like Catherine, once you begin to take such advantages for granted, you may repeatedly battle the sabotaging thought, Is all this really worth it?

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 187.
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:39 AM   #34  
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Good Morning,

Yesterday was on plan but whirlwind busy! I noticed the days meals were all low fat and now realize that is why I was frantically hungry. I get a credit for noticing that--I need to include some fat somewhere or I go redline!. Today there is peanut butter on the menu.

Working on my Environment. Step 7, I think. I have made sure my drawer in our work fridge is fully stocked with emergency food on those mornings--like today--when I have to fly out of the house without a lunch. I am ready--mucho credito!

The arrival of my first Kindle Fire has launched me into a new mini-hobby. I've become enamoured of the Bossa Nova genre [think "Girl from Ipanema"]and so have started a music collection. I feel hip, esoteric and thin when I have it on.....!

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Old 10-05-2012, 10:26 AM   #35  
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Hi Coaches!

This morning I weighed, even though I didn't want to. credit. Yesterday, all three meals were OP, snacks were not. It is still progress.
I've started back reading in my Beck pink book. Chapter one seemed appropriate.
"Whether you're depressed or content, a stay at home or working parent, a binge eater or social eater, a dieting novice or dieting pro-the Beck Diet Solution can help you."
The reality of my situation is that I haven't "fallen off the wagon", I just need to get back to the motivation for life plan. I do take alot of things for granted and while I'm sure not what I used to be it's time to be more vigilant.

I'm working on the new and revised "plan" which will work for me in my current circumstances. credit.

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 10-05-2012, 02:57 PM   #36  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Last couple of days seem endless. I am doing my job successfully, working my plan the way I should but I never give myself credit. When something goes wrong, I feel alone and then, the little girl in me flies into a rage. I have worked so long to try and control it. I know I am better than I was. My whole goal is to remain the adult when I am with DS. I am not perfect. We talk about it and DS says," Mom, no one is perfect. everyone has something hard to handle." This is the same special little guy (10) who is scared watching the Avengers. I ask if he wants to stop watching it and he says, "Well, the good characters haven't been established yet so we will have to wait for things to turn around." He said a mouthful.

Off to Tahoe with some girls with long term sobriety to celebrate bday. Food has still been weird but I haven't eaten much of it. It is what is is. Neck/shoulder is better and I went to step class today. Weight is at ticker.

Welcome back Chef Joona and congrats on baby.

Last edited by maryann; 10-05-2012 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:21 AM   #37  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Typing from a borrowed computer that must be 15 years old. Spent the day driving, talking, and eating. While driving, I stuck with my planned food - mostly baby carrots that soothe my soul when I begin to think that candy or chips is what I want.

At BIL's house, M&M's were going down. I resisted those, feeling like a hero, CREDIT moi. Then dipped into the bowl of peanuts, Ouch. At dinner I ordered as sensibly as possible. After I asked if I could substitute something for the french fries, the whole table switched with me to baked spinach with rice. I left half the bun that came with the grilled chicken so I felt that I did well mentally which is what I needed. Calorically, it probably wasn't so great since cheese and glop of all sorts was everywhere. This was one of those restaurants where you pass the dessert counter on the way in and start salivating, so just refusing dessert was a success.

spanky - Yay for "hip, esoteric and thin" - methinks that getting our self image in the right direction allows the rest of our brain to follow. Super idea to have a stocked fridge at work to avoid the easy alternatives.

Lexxiss - Kudos indeed for recognizing that you need to change your plan. I do know about snacks that need to be brought under control.

maryann - Glad that your neck and shoulder is better so you can enjoy your Tahoe trip. I love the wisdom of your little man.
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Old 10-06-2012, 10:21 AM   #38  
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Credit yesterday for choosing not to eat a donut at work! Was tempted multiple times.

Working to add in more protein into my diet. DH is responsible for dinner on Fridays and usually its something fried and greasy. Last night he picked up some lean chicken, which I really appreciated and we had a nice healthy dinner.

Bill I will check out the pregnancy and nursing forum... thank you!

In therapy I am working on developing strategies for self care... Would any of you be comfortable sharing what your self care techniques are?
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Old 10-06-2012, 12:09 PM   #39  
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I've been reading some of my mother's journals. She found better living through brain chemistry (prozac). I've been suspect of my brain chemistry the last couple of weeks. It suddenly occurred to me that I was doing much better in recent months than I have in the last couple of weeks and that my diet changed -- I've become lazy about eating lots of carbs and not much protein. Maybe I can fix my brain chemistry through my nutrition instead of pills. That's a new motivation for me and it really worked yesterday. I have a food plan today, too, for the second day in a row -- credit! It's probably too soon to notice a change, but I'm feeling more hopeful today.

WI: NA kgs, Exercise: +0 195/1600 minutes for October, Food: 90% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

ChefJoona: On self care. Exercise is a biggie for me because it improves my mood and my sleep -- everything in life is better when those two things are improved. Another big one for me is a hot bath and a good book, which really helps me relax and take time for myself.
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Old 10-06-2012, 02:22 PM   #40  
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Hi Coaches,

I'm staying accountable to my calorie counts and exercise schedules. The cold weather is getting me a bit stressed, so I'm focusing on solving my negative thoughts about the challenges winter brings.

I'd like to take some time today to try on pants. The size I'm wearing right now is starting to feel large. Can I wear my smaller pants yet? That will be my fun Saturday afternoon activity once all my chores are done.

ChefJona: I try to give myself free time to just relax in the evening. I watch TV shows I like, cuddle with my dog, zone out. I also enjoy doing my Beck accountability in the evening when I can focus on reviewing my day. During the day, I suppose doing mindful eating, and giving credits when I think of it give me a sense of quiet self care.

I enjoy reading everyone's updates
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Old 10-06-2012, 03:14 PM   #41  
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I am writing this as a confession, but I don't really want to use that word. Using that word adds to the recurrent theme of 'sneakiness' in my life (or at least my health life).

What I want to share, then, is that I am not exercising. I stopped when I went back to school a month ago and have done nothing since. I say 'nothing', but I do not want to feel guilty about it.

I want to give myself credit for staying on my food plan, the one that's right for me, most all the time. I stay accountable for what I eat everyday and record my eating on my fitness pal. I am mildly flexible day-by-day, but pretty spot on in the weekly totals. I am aware that exercise is essential in the long run, but for today I have to put my eating plan as top priority, followed by my family and my teaching. At 56 that's the best I can manage and I'm okay with that.

I think this might sound defensive, and I'm not feeling that way. I feel proud that I am managing as I am because I haven't always been able to do so. But I wanted to say this because I feel proud of all of you who are getting in your daily exercise, but I also want to give myself credit for knowing what my limits are at the moment and not find myself inferior.

And while I'm here, I want to give myself credit for today's eating. I had a plan, which was side-tracked by necessary visit to elderly aunt and the big family lunch that was there. I ate, with a slightly wary eye, but did not pass on any particular food. Wen I got home I entered my food into my counter and was within 3 calories of what I had planned for. Maybe I have learned a thing or two about portion control!

Happy trails to us all.
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:03 PM   #42  
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Saturday Greetings!

I sat with my Beck journal and reviewed this first week back on plan. It looks like I need to evaluate since I doubt I'll see any loss by weigh-in Sunday. I'm OK with that since I stayed OP all week, but had decided to try "DietTwo" which for me was the Diabetic plan my husband uses.

What didn't work: Probably reasonable calorie intake but at least 2-3 times the carbs that I normally would have on a diet. Next move:So I'm switching back to Atkins with the same calories but far fewer carbs.

Also only did 3 25 minute walks. That is just not enough exercise. Next move: I'm adding 2 weight sessions and 1 bike ride to the 3 walks for the coming week.

I've stocked the groceries better for the coming week as well.

Teach me: I totally hear you about fitting exercise in. This week I'm tweaking it upward. I'm 55 yrs old and realize it's critical, but there seems to be so much expected of me by my family and job that I have to find stray moments to tuck it into or it doesn't get done.

BillBlueEyes-Double credits to you: finding a way to log in here and keep us all encouraged AND survivng the gauntlet of all that tempting food!

ChefJoona Sometimes I pile all my dogs on top of me on the couch and read a novel. Sometimes I go to our new beach digs and paint a room while listening to Bossa Nova albums. Sometimes I brew a thick black, expensive pot of coffee and savor a couple cups . Lucky for me, I like it black! And, working with my menus and Beck cards is becoming a self care ritual as well.

woodlandI get you about winter--here in Michigan there's plenty to get ready for as well. New Pants! I SO want to wear a sleek pair of ankle cropped pants a la Audrey Hepburn! That's one of my Goal weight rewards!

Best to all as we Beck through the weekend! Weigh In tomorrow for me.


Last edited by spanky; 10-06-2012 at 05:07 PM.
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:51 PM   #43  
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Two weeks ago when I was home to my scale I had only lost one pound and was buzy like crazy and that was disappointing. This morning I saw 199.4!!! I am so proud of myself! I have worked so hard for this goal and I've kept control of my eating in my new glad I finally saw results. I've noticed that all my work pants are falling off my hips, and t-shirts are loose that used to cling. Good for me! A big milestone.
I now want to add exercise back in (besides the obvious workout of 18 5 year-olds all day long). I'm going to take my bike with me and start riding right after the kids leave in the afternoon - while there is still light, and for now, sunshine.
I finally got internet service at my new place this past Thursday and now I'll be able to check in more often and do more personals, for all of you that share so much wisdom every day.
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:06 AM   #44  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - A day driven by plans of others, as happens when visiting my DW's family. I did get to have a one on one conversation with my MIL whose hearing at 95 precludes much conversation at all. She no longer remembers the scientific name of each plant in the yard where she gardened for 50 years, but she absolutely remembers who gave it to her and where both she and her late DH had augured where to plant it.

Food wasn't particularly good - Ouch. I did make OK choices at dinner from a typical family spread. I wanted to try the local meat loaf, which I did. There were veggies including sweet potatoes that has some sweetener added. No one else noticed that there was no salad. Perhaps my exercise of the day was that I washed dishes since an event with 3 year olds and a 95 year old consumes a lot of other adults' involvement. Triumph of the day was the purchase of a new light weight jacket at a yard sale for $5 - just what I needed since the one I'm currently using has a zipper that has a tendency to get stuck at inconvenient times.

ChefJoona - Yay for a DH who'll cook what you need. My best self care action is to drop the thing that's causing tension and take a walk somewhere that gives me joy.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - My guess is that the impact of food on the brain is woefully not understood - perhaps because there's not a single corporate food entity that can make money by sane eating.

Woodland - Congrats on pants that are too large - no better NSV than that. Are you going shopping in your closet?

TeachMe - You make such an important point: we all have such difficulty accurately tracking our eating and exercise without getting caught up in feelings about it. Would be great if there were an automatic computer program that registered that data publicly so that there could be no guilt. Kudos for mindfully facing your life "with a slightly wary eye" and recording accurately. You're making the right platform from which you can later choose to remain the same or make changes.

spanky - Kudos for accurately tracking your eating so that you can make choices as you deem fit. Hope you can get in some fun bike rides before the weather sets in.

Nature Girl - Welcome "!!!!!ONEDERLAND!!!!!" - with Monster Kudos for remaining sane after a period of chasing 18 five year olds. Congrats on the ill fitting clothes - just about the best feeling in the world.
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:55 AM   #45  
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Hi Coaches!

My mantra yesterday was *resist resist resist*. I was willing to say no to every single temptation at work, which included a coworker's homemade pumpkin bars. credit. Two days 100% OP have me feeling back to my energetic self. I have weighed this morning and the numbers move back down.
I am super consumed with work and an extremely important business negotiation, which I need to strategize at home and find a way to assist my 91 yr old mom with the "moving forward".

Warm wishes to all and a special Kudos to NatureGirl for persistance into onederland!
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