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Old 10-10-2011, 08:20 PM   #76  
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Default Home again Home again Jiggety-jig

Hi Coaches

The phenomenal weather continues. It was 75F pretty much all weekend. We ate outside twice for this Thanksgiving weekend, and actually visited a beach once! Unheard of.

Well we walked about 4+ hours today *credit* so I got to tick off my next 5min bout of exercise. I'm committed to 5min a day and if I get more, whatever. It's the 5min everyday day after day that will help me get my desire to do more to lose weight back.

We had a great time at the county fair. It was a real agricultural fair. So glad we went.

-exercise completed for the day
-no seconds
-eating fruit today
-planned my food for tomorrow and until Friday morning
-drank my water
-checked in with my coaches (thanks for the commnets/suggestions everyone...)

didn't: read my cards, record my food, weigh in

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Old 10-10-2011, 08:42 PM   #77  
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hi... yesterday was a healthy day. So grateful. I found myself wanting lick the spoon or whatever before or after a meal. But, I stopped myself at least five times. I am happy about that.

I am taking some medicine for my back sprain/strain that is making me kind of loopy. But, it is helping some. Thankful. At this point I can bearly keep my eyes open.

Valerie - yes, I do core exercises. In fact, I concentrate on it. I do some stretches and strengthening exericse. I get very little aerobics in.

I am heading off to sleep.

Thanks to all for your support, wisdom and help. Hope I can chat more tomorrow.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 10-10-2011 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:03 PM   #78  
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Next adventure: out of town family wedding for the weekend. No one seems to have thought about the scarcity of food options in Podunk, MO, so I made reservations at the least objectionable restaurant for one night and started to make plans to bring lots of healthy things for us and others for remaining meals.

WI: -0.25kgs, Exercise: +30 275/1000 minutes for October, Food: 100%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 10-10-2011, 11:13 PM   #79  
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Finally home after leaving the house 14 hours ago. My plan to get up early and get on the treadmill, though well intentioned, didn't pan out. I apparently hit the snooze button on my alarm without even coming fully awake, so I didn't realize I'd done it until it was too late to get on the treadmill. But I did start out by reading my cards, and I also made it a point to look extra nice today to try to improve my mood. I wore a very body-conscious splashy flowered sheath dress, a bright red fitted jersey blazer, and bright red shoes with 4 inch heels. Last Monday I got my hair trimmed and colored a medium chestnut brown (instead of honey blonde), which is pretty close to my natural color, and I decided I really like it. So I was feeling rather "struttable" when I left the house. And I got lots of compliments today, including one comment that I looked "stunning" and "like a model", which certainly didn't hurt my mood!

my report: My weight was down 1.6 this morning (that's more like it!) and the swelling has largely abated. I followed the food plan I wrote last night perfectly, and ate everything slowly and mindfully, while sitting down. I was even able to avoid having to eat in the car.

The meeting I had to go to at the main campus of my university was actually over much earlier than normal, so I was able to get back to my own campus in time to hear a guest speaker I really wanted to hear: John Elder Robison, who wrote a memoir ("Look Me in the Eye") about his life with Asperger's Syndrome. He is also the older brother of Augusten Burroughs, who also wrote a memoir ("Running with Scissors") that was made into a movie. I bought Robison's book tonight so haven't read it yet, but I have read "Running with Scissors". I remember fervently hoping that Burroughs' writing style tends toward the hyperbolic, because, if he is anything close to an objective reporter of his childhood, his family took the concept of dysfunctionality to unprecedented and exalted heights! Anyway, Robison was an absolutely delightful speaker--funny, irreverent, challenging, smart, insightful, inspiring, and entertaining. The audience was huge and included many parents of autistic children and a number of autistic children and adolescents as well. The audience broke into spontaneous applause many times. I'm really glad I was able to attend.

Lexxiss, you are right that part of my feeling blue is due to having geared up to "fight the good fight" if necessary and then discovering that I "wasted" a lot of psychic energy in the process (although I am exceedingly grateful that the effort did turn out to be wasted!). But I think my depressed mood has more to do with the fact that, once the worry about the surgery and a possible cancer diagnosis was resolved, my upset about being dumped by my supposed best friend once again came to the forefront, and I discovered that I hadn't completely worked that through yet. I got the abnormal mammogram report (which put me at a 5 on a 5-point scale of cancer risk, so I had good reason to be concerned), got blindsided by my BFF rejecting me, AND started the fall semester ALL ON THE SAME DAY. I was sent into a tailspin that I am still recovering from. My former BFF lives 1000 miles away from me, and I had just visited her a couple of weeks before and had no inkling that anything was wrong. No clue whatsoever. I'd had a great time and thought she did, too. But when I called her to tell her about the need for a breast biopsy, expecting comfort and support, instead she totally blew up at me, telling me that I am "no fun anymore" and that I am just not the same person now that I am skinny, that I am "obsessed" and "anorexic" (neither of those things is even close to being true), that I spent more time talking to Val online than I did with my friend when I was visiting her (patently ridiculous) and that I spent "all day" exercising (also patently ridiculous; I took a daily walk as I have every time I have visited her for the last 2.5 years, and she was never bothered by it before), that she hoped being skinny would be worth it when none of my friends want anything to do with me anymore, and on and on. Clearly she had been building up this resentment for a LONG time, although she had told me over and over how happy she was for me. (She and I used to be exactly the same size and could share clothes; while I lost 92 pounds, she gained another 20, so she is now almost twice my size. Given that, I totally understand why she would be uncomfortable around me and might feel squeamish about her own eating habits. But she had assured me so often that she was fine with it all that I eventually came to believe her. Silly me.) She hung up on me, and I have had no contact with her since. The worst part of the betrayal is that she "cyberstalked" me by reading my Beck posts on the thread that Val and I used to use, and she then sent tidbits from them to many of my other friends to try to get them to turn against me, too--and she did all of that even BEFORE she said a word to me about how unhappy she was with our friendship, trying to line people up on her side for reinforcement before doing battle with me. (Val and I were essentially the only ones posting on our former thread, so it felt like a private conversation even though it obviously wasn't. In fact, the reason that Val and I left that site and came over here is that we both felt way too uncomfortable at the way our posts were being used by my former friend.) Anyway, I was totally blindsided by the whole thing, and the stress of it was greatly compounded by the confluence of the cancer scare and the start of a new semester (and a totally ridiculous schedule that hardly gives me time to breathe, no less process all this crap).

Val, to answer your question about why I am feeling insecure about my eating when I have done so well so far and am maintaining my weight--today I had a flash of insight while I was teaching a class, doing a lecture on the self-concept and self-esteem and talking about strategies that can be used to enhance or protect your own self-esteem. I realized that I was guilty of the very cognitive distortion I was warning the students against: the error of overgeneralizing by letting a blow to my self-esteem in one component of my self-concept (my relationship with my former BFF) "bleed" into other components of my self-concept. My confidence in my ability to be a good friend was totally shaken. My confidence in my ability to perceive reality was even shaken up a bit, since I was clearly oblivious to the level of discontent in my friend. (And it is very humiliating to admit that; after all, I'm a trained psychologist!) So, bottom line--I let my shaken confidence in my friendship skills generalize to my dieting and maintenance skills and started to wonder if I can really do "anything" right. TOTALLY irrational, and I thought it through while I was driving to the main campus today and am feeling much, much better now that I have reframed the situation more rationally. (And of course the accusation that I am "obsessed" with my weight caused me to question all of the choices I have made and all of the habits I have changed, particularly my commitment to the Beck program, which, I realize, can look pretty extreme and excessive from an outsider's point of view. So that questioning certainly contributed to my insecurity about what I am doing to maintain my weight, whether it is really worth the effort, and whether I am capable of keeping up the necessary effort for the long haul.) I am sure that I will have to continue to do some processing to finally achieve closure on the loss of the single most important relationship I have ever had in my life, but thankfully I am feeling much saner now! And I have decided that being thin--and therefore infinitely healthier physically, and much happier--IS worth whatever it takes, even at the cost of my supposed best friend. The old me was miserable, both physically and emotionally. I like the new me much better, and I do not want to go back. And I really believe that, when a door closes, a window opens. I don't know yet exactly what new opportunities life will offer me now that I am so much more open to all of its possibilities, but I know that it will be worth my while to find out.

OK, enough of that. Sorry for the long, rambling, and probably self-indulgent post. Sometimes it really helps me process things if I write out my thoughts, but forgive me if I am abusing the privilege of using you guys as my sounding board!

gardenerjoy, I loved your story about putting change in the Knights of Columbus can and then refusing the Tootsie Roll. YAY you! Thati s exactly the kind of little change in behavior that indicates a HUGE change in mindset!

Lexxiss, painting may not be planned exercise, but it does burn calories, it is a wonderful distraction, it's constructive, AND it gives you a visible and lasting reward for all of your effort! What more can you ask?

Tazzy, I would definitely wear that formerly too-tight workout shirt to the gym. What a great reminder of your hard work and success!

onebyone, good for you for committing to five minutes of exercise EVERY day! I think I need to take a page from your book. I still tend to go to all-or-nothing extremes when it comes to exercise, sometimes exercising for several hours straight while other times using any flimsy excuse not to do it at all.

pamatga, if you once slept for 22 hours, you are obviously a great sleeper like I am! I sleep like the dead and occasionally do marathon sleeps to recover from days or weeks of sleep deprivation and my crazy schedule. And YAY you for finding a feeling of true contentment (as opposed to false comfort) in moderate amounts of favorite fast foods.

OK, I need to write out my eating plan for tomorrow and get to bed. I don't have an early morning class tomorrow but do have my first personal training session since my surgery. I'm not sure how much I will be able to do, since I am still sore and certainly do not want to tear my stitches. But I am looking forward to getting back to it. After my evening class tomorrow I am going out for a late dinner (a belated birthday celebration) with the friend who went with me to the hospital, so I need to build that meal (at Red Lobster) into my plan.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!


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Old 10-11-2011, 06:38 AM   #80  
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Thumbs up Tuesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - So good to eat my own breakfast - on plan - CREDIT moi. Got into some walnuts in the afternoon - Ouch. Although not done yet, we're beginning to see the results of a freshly painted house; it's a joy.

And CREDIT moi for being the day I tick my counter for another month on my journey.

onebyone – Kudos for 4 hours of walking. Yep, that's more than 5 minutes, LOL.

Joy (gardenerjoy)"least objectionable restaurant" sounds like a wise choice.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Ouch for the reality that busy working isn't the same as exercise. Double Ouch since I'm in that same boat.

pamaga – Yay for "I felt really content." - even though that included some old style eating. Sounds like you're facing an empty fridge - hope there's some canned tuna in the pantry, LOL.

Beverlyjoy - Ouch for the loopy medicine - sleep sounds like a great response.

Tazzy - Yikes for the reminder that it's time to prepare for snowfall. Kudos for getting right back on track after Sunday night.

Val (va1erie) – Yay for a clean garage. We don't have a garage, but if we did it would be full of 'stuff' instead of cars, LOL. Kudos for eating only half that cheeseburger.

Robin (4EverLearning) - Sending supportive thoughts as you work to process all three events happening on the same day. It's such a hurt that improving our own health can be so threatening to someone else, but I've read that that's happened time and again. Kudos for facing it all so you can find your way out.

Readers -
chapter 4
Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan

Success Skill 6 Overcome Hunger, Cravings, and Emotional Eating

experiment 1 Prove to yourself that you confuse hunger with other states.
what to do . . .
How will you know whether you are feeling hunger or non-hunger? Notice which sensations you experience in your mouth, throat, and body. Then ask yourself:
. . .
  • Does my stomach feel reasonably comfortable, but I have a strong urge to eat a particular food or kind of food, which is accompanied by a sense of tension in my mouth, throat, or body? (If so, that's not hunger; it's probably a craving.)
. . .
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 74.
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Old 10-11-2011, 07:32 AM   #81  
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Hello Beck friends!

Yesterday turned out pretty uneventful despite my agitation. Having my Stage 4 Success Sheet printed out gave me a plan of action to achieve an OP day. Despite good intention, I did not get my 10 min (NO CHOICE) exercise in but got some super upper body work as I attempted to install new locks on our doors. Apparently 1 of 4 has a factory defect...PITA since it was the last one and all 4 are supposed to match with one key. *credit* for stopping at 5:44 and preparing a healthy dinner (natural beef patty w/RF swiss, green veggies and salad), plated beautifully and ready by 6pm (our usual dinner time).

BillBlueEyes, *credit* for another notch on your maintenance ticker! I do believe that you have found a strategy for success as you moderate this incredible Beck thread (THANKS BTW!). It doesn't sound like too many $$ went to maryann's DH yesterday, either. I'm sure he would tell you that walnuts in moderation ARE good for you. lol

Tazzy, great NSV with your workout shirt! *credit* for squelching that sabotaging thought, that this time was just like every other time you tried to lose weight BEFORE you found out you are making such fantastic progress!

Pam(atga), I enjoyed reading of your weekend successes. *credit* for all your hard work in taking so many steps to find you have a much saner relationship with food. Not going all out while DH was away is just incredible progress!

onebyone, *credit* for recognizing that the 5 min. every day is important yet being able to get out for 4 hours of walking when the opportunity comes up. Great job, too, planning your food until Friday morning.

Beverlyjoy, "at least five times" resisting licking the spoon! Major *credit*! Keep healing!

gardenerjoy, enjoy your wedding and family time. *credit* for the healthy habit of thinking through the food options ahead of time!

Robin(4EverLearning), first, I believe it was gardenerjoy who facilitated the thought process around your "feeling blue" (credit where credit is due).
I empathize with your situation with BFF. I had a similar situation years ago with a business partner. My success with WL was just not acceptable to her. I lived in that shadow for years-she said I was "so egotistical and vain". It was life changing and painful for me and was a wedge that cost our business relationship. I regretfully sold my share of the business to her and ate over it for years. When a person quits drinking alcohol in excess it's said that old acquaintances slip away as they tend not to accept the changes. A true friend WOULD accept, and apparently you have been blessed to find out up front where you stand with this person. You have found true support with new friends. Take care with your workout. *credit* for such intense planning during this painful and transitional time.
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Old 10-11-2011, 02:06 PM   #82  
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Hi friends.... yesterday was healthy. I am extremely grateful for the willingness to NOT eat crazy in the path of physical pain. This is a major accomplishment for me. I completed many of my goals - planned/measured/logged food, ate seated only, no seconds, always left a bite, NO licks or tastes while cooking or cleaning up food, a little journaling, meditation, lots of water, gentle exercises, & weigh (same). Many credits.
I tried to fill out some forms for DH’s company health insurance and I am still too loopy to do it. I have a week…. I sure I’ll be able to do by Thursday or Friday.

The past week - all be one day, my sodium has been close to 1500mg and no higher than 2000mg. That’s a good credit for me.

I have been something I read somewhere. Before each meal take a deep breath before saying these aloud.

“I am strong & in control”
“I like myself and don’t overeat”
“I eat less and feel great”
It has been quite helpful the past week.

My meditations have been very very helpful.

BTW : - every time I print meditation I usually write mediation and have to go back and fix it. lol

Thanks for your support, wisdom and kindness. Have a good and healthy day. I am reading everyone's posts.
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Old 10-11-2011, 02:29 PM   #83  
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Arrow Mars Day aka Tuesday

Hi Coaches

I have soup bubbling on the stove. Just finished it. It's my plan to eat it for the rest of the week. It feels so good to cook from scratch. I have no idea what it will taste like. I think I need to spend some time in the near future making some homemade stock for soups. I cringe adding bouillon cubes--so so salty. I modify that by using only half the amount.

I got out this morning and went for a walk. It only took me 6 months 10 days to walk more than a block or two around here. That's the complete truth coaches. I've been very resistant to walking. Oh well. It was a full 30 minute walk to the local Dollarama for some plastic gloves so I can complete the work on my ceramic sculptures. I have to add wire hangers to the back with Mighty Putty that needs to be kneaded with gloves on and I also have to secure bird legs made of wire to my bird sculptures. I got the beef bouillon cubes there too. I found a few shortcuts on my walk and walked down a couple of streets I've never been on before which I always like. Man, it's still summerlike here...70F right now. We used to call this Indian it still called that or is that politically incorrect/culturally insensitive?

weighed myself this morning (+0.4 = 285.1lbs)
planned and completed my 5min of exercise for the day
planned my food
recorded my food today
cooked from scratch
eating slowly and mindfully-no seconds
reviewed my ARC and ADV cards--will do this again before I eat dinner

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Old 10-11-2011, 04:12 PM   #84  
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Default Hello friends.......I am back again

Hello everyone! I have spent an hour or so trying to catch up with you all here. But you are very prolific and dedicated to this site (which I obviously need to try to be better at! ) and I must admit I have not had a chance to read everything. But I was intrigued (as always) with many of your posts including 5 minutes of exercise and all the other Beck workshop posts, maryann's years of sobriety, and pam(atga)'s willingness to share her life lessons completely. Thank you all for continuing this thread.......and for being so willing to share!

I had disappeared due to some very stressful events in life. I lost a friend to brain cancer at the age of 43 and had to go to Chicago for the funeral. She was also a coworker, and as a management type and full blown mother hen, I spent the better part of a week there trying to help with arrangements and "right the ship" so to speak. I am going to remember her courage and perserverance in the face of struggles much greater than I can imagine. And try to apply those attitudes to taking better care of myself.

Home for the past few days recovering from some minor surgery. Credit for taking some time to review the Beck principles and all of your posts. Tomorrow is my new day. A fresh start. Got the plan written down and will stick to it this time. Back to work, back to reality.

It's good to be back and hear how you all are doing! I've missed your stories and your inspirations!
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Old 10-11-2011, 04:38 PM   #85  
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I read all of your posts about four hours ago but I had to make an appointment and then check on my garden so now I can focus on posting without any interruptions.

onebyone It is good hear you feeling more in control and calmer. I suspect it is because you are being pro-active in the choices you are making towards taking back the control in your health.

Is this pain stemming from a back injury? I am so sorry that you are having to deal with that. The Latin root "medi" means in the middle which both meditation and mediation are. I am so with envy about how you are able to get your sodium so low. I see such a huge difference in losing weight when I control this.

Lexxiss TY for noticing what actually happened this past weekend. I wasn't sure if it was actually coming across. You obviously picked up the subtleties of "it;s not what I was eating, but how I was eating" aura. It was all about "riding a bike without training wheels" moment(s). Food was just food. (granted not the best choices of food but still just food). I was eating mindfully and slowly. I wasn't trying to fill an emptiness. I wasn't overeating because I stopped when I was "normal full". I logged it and by reporting it here, I took ownership of it.

It reminded of what Val said on an earlier post about eating half of a burger and fries rather than a huge amount of chicken and broccoli. I believe that when I am in a good place emotionally, which I am and have been for awhile, food is just food. So, that way I don't have to make so much work out of all of this. Many of these Beck skills are second nature to me now. I actually have to remind myself what to mention I did because it is all so automatic.

So, if I don't, I want you to know that I do eat mindfully, I sit down when I eat, I log and plan my food(see below) every day, I don't turn to food emotionally to "fix anything", I am working on making my non-food part of my life interesting and meaningful to me, and I do believe that I will see a natural thin weight for me in the future. I returned to my "current" food plan yesterday morning and I was able to change my ticker down again today.

Robin I want you to know that my heart just goes out to you right now but, unfortunately, as maryann will attest, those of us who have been working 12 Step programs know all too well that as we get healthier those of us who knew us when we were un-healthy don't know how to interact with us any more. As I have gone through my own personal "recovery" I have had to deal with what you are going through.

More often than not, we are told in the 12 Steps that we may have to "surrender" old friends, old "haunts", old "ways", if we truly want to be free of our addiction, whatever that might be. It is the single most difficult part of becoming sane and healthy. I am sure your friend is thinking that you have "betrayed" the "unspoken agreement" you two had: for her, what bound her to you was the fact that you had this mutual weight issue. Now, that you don't have it, she is left being the one who still hasn't come to terms with her own. Now, the spotlight is focused all on her and it probably makes her feel very uncomfortable.

I am very sorry that she turned her own pain back onto you and did such mean and spiteful things by turning the betrayal she felt from you into a sabotage from her. I hear that you are being quite forgiving of this in spite of how cruel it was. It shows you to be the better person. Obviously, your side of friendship went deeper than skin deep. It doesn't sound like hers did. I don't know if you can reconcile this or not. Sometimes, you can and sometimes you can't.

I made a recent friendship within the past year with another person who shared the same struggles (as we all do here) of losing weight. That friendship has started to cool on that person's end. I believe it is because she wants to lose weight but she doesn't want to "do what it takes". I think something inside of each of us has to click. Sometimes more than once before all of this "sticks".

I think all of us at some point "draw that proverbial line" and then we don't cross it.Dr Beck brings this up in the pink book" Which do I want: to remain fat and all that entails or to lose weight and have all that entails?" It is always about making a choice: one way or the other. It is just sad when people like your dear friend simply don't realize that they too could have what you have if only they would do "the work". It is not some kind of "exclusive club" where it is "members only". It is inclusive but it does involve "doing what you/I need to do" to get where we want to be. The road less traveled.

The Beck skill that I am presently working on is "pre-planning" my meals. One of my problems is that if/when I have everything planned out beforehand I will come to that moment of the actual meal and go "I don't really want to eat that. I would rather eat this instead." So, I end up completely changing my meal plan at the last moment. The only negative outcome from doing this is that I risk going over my recommended calorie range.

How hard and fast is everyone on this? Any suggestions?

Credit: Well, what I am doing in the meantime until I figure out what will work for me is I signed up for a "Food Challenge" over at BLC. It is a short challenge -until the end of this month but already it is reminding to stay focused on some of the "keys" of losing weight. The proof is in the pudding because I have already lost some weight by "applying" these keys in spite of my less than stellar choices I made over the weekend.

P.S. I love being in this group with so many dedicated, serious minded no nonsense "losers". I want to be one of you maintainers some day and I figure if I hang with you, what you have will rub off on me. Yup!


Last edited by pamatga; 10-11-2011 at 04:40 PM.
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Old 10-11-2011, 07:15 PM   #86  
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Good Afternoon: Crushingly busy as the first part of my weeks often are. Writing this while son is between homework, music practice and CCD. Trying to sneak in some of my own writing. I wasn't able to catch up with all the reading. Just a browse today. I hear BBE, Pamatga and Robin about the loss of friendship due to lifestyle choice. One of my advantage cards is " I will stop scalp collecting." What I mean by this is I stop trying to do everything for everyone so they will call me friend so I can claim them as a "Scalp" I am a people pleaser because I feel I will disappear if I am not the most popular anywhere, anytime. Ironic that I am really a loner and enjoy mostly being by myself. When I stopped compulsively overeating, drinking, dating etc... I realized I couldn't hang out with people. It wasn't worth the time, energy or it was too dangerous. So I am not the most popular at work, at meetings, at parties. I have a few friends that I have had for a very long time who have weathered the changes. That feels most of the time like enough which is miracle. I give the rest of the other "friends" into God's gentle hands, wish them the best and let it go.
I know this is different than losing a close friend. That is a grief and I have lost a few - including a husband who decided to drink again. (This was years ago) The healing process is slow but that too goes in the hands of a god as I understand him. Almost what I need can not be substituted for what I need. It goes against the definition of need. I can't pretend anymore that it doesn't.
MissyJ: I am so sorry about your loss. Two years ago I lost my best friend in high school to cancer. She was 45 with two children under ten. There is an emptiness there. Too soon, not fair. It is difficult to accept.

Food is a struggle. Wrote doown a plan. Read my cards. Still ate some chocolate. Weight is up a pound. Stopped and started the day again. OP for one hour so far in my new day. Exercise planned for tonite and going to bed with a little emptiness.

Last edited by maryann; 10-11-2011 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 10-11-2011, 10:43 PM   #87  
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My first new low since June 16th! Good to see.

WI: -0.45kgs (new low), Exercise: +40 305/1000 minutes for October, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

4EverLearning: long posts are great! I love reading them and write them when I need to. Had to laugh at the Beck program looking "pretty extreme and excessive from an outsider's point of view." I suppose it does. But it wouldn't be necessary if our current food culture weren't extreme and excessive with pervasive marketing of hyperpalatable foods in enormous servings. Drastic times, drastic measures. For many of us to be normal weight these days, we have to check out of the American food system in significant ways.

missyj: sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope you recover quickly from your surgery.

pamatga: you asked about pre-planning meals. I frequently eat much the same thing every day which requires minimal planning. When things are going well, though, I've noticed, I'm writing even those meals down. I follow an exchange plan so I frequently give myself credit even when I've swapped stuff out. Like today, I'd written down tempeh for lunch then realized I didn't have any. My lunch was what I would have planned if I'd known that, so I'm giving myself lots of credit. It's one reason I use a % of OP. It's 100% OP if I actually ate what I wrote last night or this morning. Only 90% today (but that's still terrific!) because lunch changed from the written plan.

Last edited by gardenerjoy; 10-11-2011 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 10-12-2011, 05:30 AM   #88  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - On plan again, CREDIT moi, except into walnuts again (Ouch) then ignored walnuts again by recalling that I don't eat randomly, CREDIT moi. A mixed day.

I assigned myself the task of making an emergency run to Home Depot to get a six foot section of molding like the broken piece in my hand. Talk about a challenge - asking for molding "like this" against the several walls of moldings that look alike until examined. But I did find it! Bought a six foot section, raced it home, and the carpenter installed it where the original piece had rotted out on our tiny deck just in time for painters to have it primed and painted before they finished that area. Does it ever feel good when things work out just so. CREDIT moi just for reveling in a small success.

onebyone – Kudos for taking that first walk. Would seem that a Dollarama at 30 minutes away is a prime candidate for frequent trips for this and that. Love the smell of soup bubbling on the stove.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Congrats on the new low. It's fun to watch you asymptotically approach your goal weight. Thanks for explaining how you calculate your % on plan.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Ouch for the fourth lock being the one with the defect - that's a pain to unravel to get it to the place where all four use the same key. It's the frustrations like this that make me revel in our small successes. Yes, Kudos for stopping to prepare dinner anyway. (And in 16 minutes flat - I'm impressed.)

Beverlyjoy – Yep, Major Kudos for staying on plan despite physical pain. I'm with you on the pain of forms. I'm a charter member of the form-phobic club - there is always at least one question for which both YES and NO are valid responses, LOL.

pamaga – Yep, you remind me that I was told that back in high school, "If you hang with the losers, you'll become a loser, too." LOL that I now take that with a positive spin. My own planning is the generic style that Beck suggests at the end of the pink book which works for me since my breakfast and lunch rarely vary and my dinners are planned weekly by my DW.

missyj – Sending supportive thoughts as you face the loss of your friend. With Kudos for such a lovely statement, "A fresh start. Got the plan written down and will stick to it this time." Yay for a written plan.

maryann - So useful to me to read, "I will stop scalp collecting." Such a good reminder that I can't control how others choose to relate to me, that I can anytime face the possibility that they can choose to walk away. I have friends with an adult child who's made that decision; it hurts big, but they can't change it.

Readers -
chapter 4
Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 6 Overcome Hunger, Cravings, and Emotional Eating
experiment 1 Prove to yourself that you confuse hunger with other states.
what to do . . .
How will you know whether you are feeling hunger or non-hunger? Notice which sensations you experience in your mouth, throat, and body. Then ask yourself:
. . .
  • Does my stomach feel reasonably comfortable, but I'm feeling tired, sad, bored, frustrated, anxious, or stressed? (If so, that's not hunger; I'm experiencing fatigue or negative emotion.)
. . .
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 75.
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Old 10-12-2011, 10:09 AM   #89  
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Thumbs up Mercury day aka Wednesday

Hi Coaches

I'm on the hunt for every piece of ceramic I made for my next show this weekend; the local studio tour. I'm missing 5 pieces. I have three to repair and my experiments with the Mighty Putty yesterday are 60/40 to the good. The little wire bird legs aren't right yet. They didn't stay stuck to the body like I had hoped. I may need to modify my plans.

Foodwise I am set for the day. It's always much easier when I am home for the day.

*credits for today*
-read arc and adv cards
-weighed in (-2.2 = 282.9lbs )
-planned my food
-checked in with my coaches

*challenges for the day*

-planning to get 5 minutes of deliberate exercise today YES
-eat sitting down, mindfully 99% - DID GOBBLE 2 BITS OF SAUSAGE FROM MY SOUP ON THE STOVE
-will work on eating slower by putting down my spoon, taking a sip of water
-focusing on drinking my water today as well YES
-will record my food YES
-will not eat after 8pm tonight YES - DH tempted me but I explained my committment and the food item is now planned for tomorrow.

Last edited by onebyone; 10-12-2011 at 09:37 PM.
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Old 10-12-2011, 10:37 AM   #90  
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Default Quick Check In

Hi Coaches and Buddies,

This will be a really quick check in. I work in the events industry on the entertainment side and the months of Sep - Dec are absolute chaos at my desk so I'm hoping to pop in every couple of days to report how I'm doing. And I must admit I might not get to personals but am reading all your posts and cheering for everyone's success!

Good day yesterday, OP with food, left bites, ate slowly, mindfully, got my 60 minute Zumba class in and had no unplanned eating. Weighed, hovering between and .2 and .6 range. Staying on track and not worrying what the scale says, the way clothes are fitting now and my endurance level during Zumba is proving that this is all still working.

Hi to everyone!

PS - just realized when updating my October challenge that I am almost half way to my goal.

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