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Amarantha2 02-17-2013 10:56 AM

Congrats on doing well all day, Slim. That is harder for me than night. You are doing great. Your ticker looks fantastic.


Gained .4 and calling that MAINTENANCE. In fact, although still moving forward in pursuit of the ever-so-elusive 120s, I am pretty happy with my weight and have decided that I am first, last and always in MAINTENANCE MODE FROM A MAJOR WEIGHT LOSS, 20 YEARS OR SO AND COUNTING (started losing weight before I even moved to this state, before diet sites, before FB, before the flood ... ).

So going to do the diet points app for a while and the double logging with Fitday PC and the wheat free and going to be working by summer (gosh willin' 'n the wash don't rise).

NOT going to be bothered by a stupid .4 of a pound right now lol.




TERAPET 02-17-2013 12:29 PM

Yesterdays cals-1930, no exercise.

Did okay yesterday but i do need to focus. I guess it is about time I found a dress to wear for my DS wedding in June and I want to lose the ten pounds I have been talking about for the last year before I purchase one. Then, I will have to keep the ten pounds off as well. Getting all caught up in the wheat free/glycemic thing is going to help since I pretty much have to forgo all the yummy junk food that gets me in trouble. Afterall it is only four months until the wedding. I kind of dislike having an event or time goal for weight since I pretty much always gain it back after the event but it is necessary at this point. Plus, I did not lose any real weight in the last year so apparently I am ready for some kind of adjustment if I want any chance of ridding myself of these ten pounds once and for all.

Am2-Congrats on the maintenance decision. I know I personally would love to be the weight you are now.

Slim-Not to worry about yesterday. Your mind is in the right place and you are going to get there as long as you persevere. Glad you are here sharing our journey.

Marie-R u coming back soon? We miss you.

Amarantha2 02-17-2013 05:13 PM

Tera, you and I are very near in weight, we'll both hit our targets.

You are doing great!

Marie, I concur with Tera, we miss you. Hope all is well.

Well, friends, I am bouncing off walls lately, just can't get my head together. Glad tomorrow is Monday, although it is a holiday, and even if it weren't a holiday, I don't have a job lol.

Workin' on that.

BUT IN THE MEANTIME, woot! I have already dumped the points project. It is too inaccurate and too much trouble to double track everything. Going back to my tried & true calorie counting in Fitday PC.

TERAPET 02-18-2013 12:00 PM

Yesterday's total-1920, no exercise

Yesterday was okay. My weight did bump back up as expected but I should still be down some tomorrow which will be my "official" weigh in day. Hopefully I will at least be at my ticker weight but I was in fact above that weight so I believe I am moving in the right direction. I feel pretty good about things. I am giving myself three weeks before the dress shopping so I must behave so I can be where I want to be size wise.

Am2-I have done weight watchers in the past. I like the point system but I agree it is a lot of work. Tried and true is a good way to go.

Amarantha2 02-18-2013 01:35 PM

Hope things work out nicely ticker wise on your official weigh-in, Tera! You are looking good. You'll ace the dress shopping with three weeks to go.

I made a big breakfast for self today & went for a 2-hour walk, no plans at all for the day. Finished 10,000 steps. Lol, could take a nap.

Bye, bye!

TERAPET 02-19-2013 10:38 AM

Yesterdays cals-1635, ex 60 min step class

Official weigh in weight is 144. I was as high as 148 last week when I came back from Florida so I am very happy to see 144. However, it is not that big a deal really since I am still in the same range I have been in for the past year. However, I am eating less calories, hopefully more healthy calories, and getting to the Y on a regular basis so I am hoping to lose more by next week.

Today was strength training at the Y. I have all this energy now since I get plenty of sleep these days. I am starting to up the weight I am using so it may be interesting to see where I can go with it. When I was working, my goal was just to maintain since I was often pretty tired. I miss my job and the paycheck but otherwise I feel great.

Am2-Wow, a 2 hour walk. That is a lot of walking. Good job on the 10,000 steps met.

Amarantha2 02-19-2013 01:40 PM

Lol, Tera, I miss working, too, even if I am supposed to be sort of retired. Intend to be back in action soon. But I, too, get more sleep these days.

You are doing great on calories and exercise. I think losing four pounds is NOT the same range exactly and it is a totally big and great deal! Woot! Good for you. Keep working those numbers now that your calorie range is trending down.

That is what I intend to do. I am still not feeling 100 percent better, although have had every test in the universe lol. But I am staying OFF wheat and I do think that will help in the long run.

I WAS going to be rather productive today but it is a sleepy and quiet day here in the neighborhood and so I'll be happy if I get 15 minutes of weights in and 8,000-10,000 steps. I did lower the absolute target on my Fitbit to 8,000 but most days am still aiming for the upper part of the range at 10,000.

Was looking at a website that has very fancy and pure healthy "diet" meals delivered daily to one's door. It is very expensive, made fresh daily. One option is a gluten free plan. No sugar, low sodium, no wheat, no soy, no nuthin' lol.

I'd love to try that but my frugal ancestry is shouting that I can cook those kind of meals at home.

We'll see.

Bye bye for now!

Marie 02-19-2013 03:05 PM

Hi all, no I didn't fall off a cliff while skiing. Definitely had a great time on my little Tahoe ski trip but since every minute was packed, I didn't play on the computer at all. So I didn't just ignore this thread, I ignored everything. Including logging my calories. I did exercise a lot but I also ate a lot. Since I blew my 3 month log every day challenge, I must restart today. So here I go again. I haven't had lunch yet ut I've logged what I brought. I'm up to 742 cals once lunch is done. My legs are a tad tired from skiing but I will ride my bike after work. If nothing else, to loosen the muscles.

Tera, I can relate to having trouble getting back on track post trip. Since I'm a week behind on the posts, I will hope you have gotten it all together and have inspiration for me... just read the 4 LB loss. :carrot:

Am2, I love that you had to be your own lab experiment. No truer words have been written in weight loss adventures. What are nana naps???

Freda, I hope you got back on track as you do an amazing job keeping yourself in line. BTW, I gain because exercise really doesn't do much for me in controlling my weight. I'd been an avid exerciser for 3 years before I decided to lose weight. Calorie intake control is all that works for me. I wish all it took was exercise and then I'd be home free. And I always feel better one day post nasty eating and getting on track. I stand taller and feel clean. Amazing how my life revolves around food in so many ways.

Awwww, just got to where you all miss me. I missed you. Thought about you when I'd read my calorie expenditure on the GPS ski app and then again when I overate... ;)

:rofl: am2 on dumping the points app. I think you do a great job staying on track by trying all and every app, program out there. You keep it new and fresh. and OMG on a food delivery service with pure foods. That would be the stuff only Oprah could afford.

I'm caught up on the posts. I hope Diana is doing well and I'm glad to be back. Then again, I'd so much rather be skiing than at my desk... :D

TERAPET 02-20-2013 04:41 PM

Yesterdays cals-1950. Went a little overboard yesterday due to drinking a couple glasses of red wine with dinner. I had the worst hangover today from it so I am wondering if alcohol is the next thing I am going to have to abstain from consuming. Waah. I cannot believe two glasses made me feel so bad unless maybe I had three and lost track. Maybe. Another good reason to consider not drinking:).

Marie-Yeah, you are back! Your ski trip sounds glorious. Plenty of time to get back to the calorie tracking now that you have returned.

Am2-Thanks for the encouragement but really I have gained and lost those same four pounds repeatedly over the last year but I must say I did not ever lose them in one week before. My son and future daughter in law have home delivered meals. I rather like preparing my own food but they think the home delivery is great. My future daughter has lost some weight but my son is still quite heavy. I think he must cheat a lot.

So I have been on the wheat free thing for a week now. It is not so bad. I miss bread, pasta and crackers but they were high in calories and not really whole grain anyway so it is just as well I am not eating them. I have not noticed any change in my allergies though. I am going to give it at least two more weeks and then I will reevaluate. It does help me maintain a lower calorie level and I am not particularly hungry. I just miss those foods.

Amarantha2 02-20-2013 07:36 PM

Woot! According to Fitbit, I have just finished walking 500 miles! That would be since the first part of November when I got my Zip!

Yay me!

Yay, Marie is back! Yes, we did miss you and thanks for liking my experiments lol. I am checking daily for new apps to try re diet.

Nana naps are cozy rest period taken by ladies of a certain age. I am not a nana (grandma) but I am a Great Aunt so I guess I can take nana naps. I actually have been taking them since my 20s so it's not a function of age.

Tera, whether it's the same four pounds or a different four pounds, four pounds is four pounds lol. Good for you losing them in one week, too.

I have been finding white potatoes a great help in filling the gap that wheat based foods left behind.

Bye all fir now. Had hard day.

Marie 02-20-2013 11:24 PM

Hi all! A successful day at logging my calories. Heck, I even made an occasional healthy choice. :D after work I did a good elliptical workout and I'm feeling a little more in control. It is a good thing my DH is on swing shift or I wouldn't be under 1400 cals for the second day in a row.

Am2 :carrot: on the 500 miles. That is awesome and amazing in that short of a time frame. You are such a chicky on the move.

Tera, I'm not sure I'd last the remaining two weeks of your wheat free test. Unless a doctor told me I had to do it, I wouldn't. There are just too many foods that I love with wheat that I wouldn't give up for life. Had to do it with a life ending peanut and soy and all legumes allergies so I wouldn't do it if not forced. Could the 1950 cals be a way of eating around what you wanted? I'm the queen of doing that. Actually sort of retired queen of it because I understand that I do that and consume more cals in the long run.

Nearly bed time so I will chat with you tomorrow.

Amarantha2 02-21-2013 12:35 AM

Thanks for the congrats, Marie.

JUST TO ANNOUNCE, THERE IS SNOW IN MY YARD!!! This has not occurred in my life for approximately 18 years! My dog has never seen snow. Now, mind you, this would hardly be classified as snow in the midwest from whence I came long long ago, but it nevertheless is technically snow, sort of soft, warm and clumpy and in strange little patches on the yard. It'll be gone soon but perhaps it is a portent of something great that is about to happen, like I'm going to lose three pounds this weekend. Nah, probably not!

Amarantha2 02-21-2013 08:16 AM

Had my sugar free, wheat free cherry cobbler for breakfast & am off to a meeting later this morning. The "cobbler" is a recipe I have made for a long time. It is just layered almond meal flour patted with water into a microwave bowl with organic frozen cherries (unsweetened). I used to add a bit of dry oats but don't anymore.

Some thoughts I have had wheat free, there's no reason anyone has to do it unless medically advised, it is just a way of eating that agrees with some people, including me & my now pain free & flat stomach. I am loving it but will be evaluating on the 20th.

I do eat wheat free crackers & bread sometimes, they are easy to find in the stores here.

Found a 3fc support thread for Wheat Belly. The posters seem to be focused on the low carb aspect of the book, but I am eating roughly the same amount of carbs, just avoiding wheat. The only thing this does for me as far as weight is I am not being tortured by wanting all the cupcakes, bakery cake, cookies, doughnuts every time I go to the grocery. I know I can have a gluten free bakery item any time but it is just a little less easy to obtain that or make it since my cravings have stopped. I do like a lot of the gluten free crackers, which are in all the stores I shop in. I have concerns about the rice in those but eat a few now & then.

TERAPET 02-21-2013 11:15 PM

Total cals-1980, ex-75 min yoga class at the Y.

Another high cal day but not too terrible for me. I have not been to yoga class in a long while so I really enjoyed that.

Am2-Happy Snow Day! I grew up in Nebraska so I miss the white stuff. I do not miss the long winters however. Where can I find the Wheat Belly thread with the low carb aspect? I would like to go in that direction although I am not terribly good at it. I am not eating the gluten free products because I am really more into the low carb aspect than the gluten free. The cherry cobbler sounds yummy. Is almond meal flour expensive? Is it all almonds?

Marie-Good for you for tracking, exercising and making a successful shift towards control after your trip. You are probably right about my calorie overage being due to trying to make up for what I am missing. It's a process. I am not planning to give up wheat completely but maybe almost completely. We'll see. Really it was pretty much all junk.

Amarantha2 02-22-2013 08:55 AM

Tera, the thread is in Diet Central, Carb Counters, slugged something about January Wheat Belly. I just posted there and will continue popping in and out there also.


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