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Old 01-07-2013, 02:39 PM   #61  
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Good Morning to all the Goldies - old & new, lots to get to know, Yippe!

Dogpaws-LMBO & hope you can move today without to much pain, seems any variation from routine does this to me, can so relate. Glynne-sorry but LMBO - also can relate to frustrating times on the computer, hope today is less stressful. Kathy-older boys sound nice, it's one day a time with my 16 yr DS!

Yesterday I danced with son w/ x-box "Dance Central 2". I can handle a few easy bars, but we ended with a difficult that has me jumping from side to side and trying very hard not to pee my pants, ugh!

I read by audio, right now to "The Thin Commandments", but have been reading some great junior books lately like "Clockwork Angel" series - which they are making into movies.

Heat wave here too! At 46 and turned off the big stove!

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Old 01-07-2013, 07:29 PM   #62  
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Like Celia, I am new, too. Have been reading posts for a few days to help me along.

I'm starting 2013 like everyone else here. So far, I can say I've stuck to my eating plan "all year!"

I have lost weight many times over the years. Have maintained most of a 50 pound weight loss but I seem to lose ground when I stop weighing myself. I can fool myself for only so, here I am. Again.

Good luck and may we ALL reach our goals of being healthier, stronger and more fit!
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Old 01-07-2013, 10:04 PM   #63  
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Thumbs down

Having a sub-optimal day. The Irish are losing badly. No weight lost this week. My blood sugar was 118, repeat on other hand 113, but no apparent reason for it. DD being mean and ugly this afternoon. Sheesh, Who did I p*** off while I slept?Some days it just doesn't pay to get up.

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Old 01-07-2013, 10:33 PM   #64  
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That rant over, welcome ladies!

Bobbi, I loved your response to Rhonda. She can do some for me too!

We seem to be picking up steam in this group, and I am glad for all the help I can get.

Got some things done for the new house in progress, DH was home this morning. I am looking forward to some things, but not all are fun to do. We are downsizing now that the guys are on their own.

Diana, the guys were no fun when they were younger. Both guys and my husband have 3 different types of ADHD. Felt like I lived in a 3 ringed circus! And the oldest son has the worst, even now there are days... But it is a lot better. I would love to toss his college transcripts at those people that told me my standards were too high for someone who wouldn't and shouldn't go to college.

I have the Kindle App on my iPad. It's just for books, and that is all I need from that. We travel alot and so I keep a lot of books and movies on there as well as games. It is wonderful to have just one device to carry everything instead of 3 piles of stuff like before. I need to upgrade though, because I have an iPad 1, and things are beginning to have difficulty working on it. I will need it when I go to Ireland in Sept. for an International Nursing Conference.

Have a good sleep, ladies. We'll see if tomorrow is a good day--surely it can't be worse!


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Old 01-08-2013, 09:08 AM   #65  
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Default you want to join my no exercise club? I can't remember if it was "The Doctors" or Dr. Oz yesterday that had a diet with no exercise. I was only half listening while preparing chicken pineapple stir fry ingredients. I was up about a pound today but not from eating badly, just the soy sauce in stir fry. And yes, after finishing up the dishes I could have eaten another plate full. Why is that?
Welcome Celia, LRH and welcome back Donna, Cajun.
Has anyone watched the Downton Abbey series? I didn't think we could get it here in the midwest. I googled it last night after seeing another ad for it and found the channel and time. But it's in the 3rd season so I missed the first two. I'm going to see if it's out on video today.

Carol Sue my back, have to be careful and not break my arm.

The last two weeks of my dieting I didn't count the calories, I know pretty much what to eat. One of the reasons is because my computer crashed and I lost all the foods I'd put into Fitday and I wasn't looking forward to filling in all that data. Someone mentioned My Plate, what's that? Same as Fitday? Can you put a whole recipe into it with the number of servings and it'll give you the calories ? I decided to start posting my calories at the end of my post daily to keep me on track. Just knowing that I've made that commitment should work, it has in the past.

K3...what's up? Let us know how the pain and surgery is coming.

Karen...I was enjoying some of the older Gaither shows the other night, Guy Penrod was in all of them and I thought of you. Does Tim know of your love affair with him. Bruce dresses just like him in his church clothes. Well, not the huge belt buckle but everything else.

Celia...maybe you can go to Slimfast after your medifast runs out. That's packed with vitamins, fiber and not so expensive.
Hi to anyone I missed, I should take notes.
Later Gators

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-08-2013 at 09:13 AM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 09:48 AM   #66  
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Ah, Bobbi, another Downton Abbey fan. My mom turned me on to that in the first season. It is out on DVD and I bought the season pass on iTunes so it downloads every episode, comparable to the DVD's and sometimes less. Too bad I can't just pass the 1st 2 seasons on to you. My other huge favorites are Merlin and Suits, which I passed up to watch Notre Dame. There were 2 free episodes for the other series Call the Midwife, so I want to see how I like that one. Been a "damn yankee" for almost 21 years, grew up in the Western Suburbs outside of Chicago.

Celia, the Slimfast site is free, with menus and the Fast Start with mostly the shakes. Worth a look after your Medifast. The Special K and the CVS pharmacy brands taste better to me. I keep them in my car for a pick-me-up when DD has a crazy day and if I feel like my blood sugar is acting up. Funny, they told my I wouldn't get hypoglycemic as a Type II. Ha!

At the moment, the no-exercise thing is part of my problem, so I think I will pass for now. So, it's off to the treadmill for me! In 5 minutes (the treadmill in PJ's doesn't cut it).

Talk to you all later!

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Old 01-08-2013, 11:58 AM   #67  
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Kathy...I was just kidding when I said I have a no exercise club. I know how important it is, I'm just lazy.

At the moment, the no-exercise thing is part of my problem, so I think I will pass for now.
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Old 01-08-2013, 12:28 PM   #68  
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Thanks for the warm welcome and the suggestions about Slimfast. I will be making my own protein shakes and protein bars to save money. I will be doing a little of everything until I find what really works for me. Because of the gastric bypass and so many years of a slow metabolism, I sometimes think I will not lose weight on a diet of more than 1000 calories. This time I am paying closer attention to my body and how it reacts to different things. I know that I want to STOP the yoyo weight loss of the past. Had I known it was going to be so much harder to lose weight after 60, I would have begun sooner taking better care of myself. But, it is never to late to start and to try, and that is what I am doing.

So glad I found this site. Have an awesome day everyone. Headed out for a walk with the hubby, it is beautiful here today. Headed up to the mid 50's with plenty of sunshine!

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Old 01-08-2013, 12:29 PM   #69  
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BTW...thanks to the carrot, that is my exercise for the day. The walk is just a stroll...LOL

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Old 01-08-2013, 12:34 PM   #70  
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Good Morning All! Still trying to shake this nasty cold bug! It has been 8 days now!

Bobbi-- you made me laugh about Guy Penrod and does Tim know--- Tim asked me to cut his hair a while back and I told him he needs to let it grow out like Guys!! I have three of his CD's and I took a picture of them-- ANd have one on of Tim---What do you think??? LOL!!

OK-- I need to get back and get something done. Think I want to jump in the shower and then go get some groceries... Haven't been out of the house except for yesterday when I walked across the street to get the mail since New Year's Eve!! I really don't want to have to break down and go to the Dr. with this bug so think I'm going to give Tylenol Cold and Flu a try for a bit.. I feel better but need something to kick it!!

Hello to everyone and I'll try to get back here later..Have a good day!!
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Old 01-08-2013, 01:27 PM   #71  
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Hola, Lovelies...
I'm going to make a concerted effort to be on here more. I remember feeling "adrift" when I joined, didn't know anyone.... so, all Newbies, welcome!!

Bobbi - I was AGHAST at your suggestion to join your exercise club. You and I are the diehard whiners! I am, however, using my glider almost daily, but that's almost like no exercise.

I'm a Downton Abbey-er, too, and I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED WITH THE FIRST EPISODE THIS SEASON!!!! I wanted to see the wedding! And there was so much stuff crammed into the two hours that it wasn't at all satisfactory. I love the series, and I hope it gets back to its wonderfulness. Did anyone watch the documentary on Highclere, just before the DA show? Really interesting!

CK - I hope you're feeling better!

I looked up MyPlate, and I think I'll stick to Fitday, just because it's familiar to me.

Gotta get back to work. Everyone, have a lovely, lovely day!!
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Old 01-08-2013, 03:39 PM   #72  
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Okay something weird is going on.Every time I click on GG's in my favorites the whole thing disappears out off my favorites list. I have readded it 4 times. If'n you want me gone...bye would have been enough......seriously don't know why it's happening....evil gnone or troll maybe?

Going out and see if I can find my way back in.....k3
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Old 01-08-2013, 03:56 PM   #73  
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K3...sorry you're having problems, must be your end because I don't have that problem getting on. I do get those irritating bra ads that pop up, I hate those. I purposely don't look at them.
KarenMo...Tim will have to start dressing the part of Guy Penrod too. Tim would make a good Santa Claus with his full beard. My hubby started shaving his chin, just kept the mustache. I like him better that way, not so grubby looking.

Donna...I checked out My Plate and decided Fitday was much easier too. I have been a member many years now and I like to be able to put the ingredients in for a pot of vegetable soup and know the calories per serving or whatever I make. You must have read my post wrong, I wanted to be in an NO exercise club. Dang it all, you go ahead and exercise, I'm going to stay the last whiner. Starting tomorrow, I will post my calories, that's a start.
Bobbi - I was AGHAST at your suggestion to join your exercise club. You and I are the diehard whiners! I am, however, using my glider almost daily, but that's almost like no exercise.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 01-08-2013 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 05:02 PM   #74  
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Phew, Bobbi - you're right! I did misread your post! I'll happily join the NO exercise club... will I be denied admission because of this stinkin' glider? It's either that or the wheelchair, I fear... maybe I can apply for a variance or something?
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Old 01-08-2013, 05:20 PM   #75  
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Bobbi, try and find the first two seasons of Downton Abbey. They were so good. I watch it on PBS. They showed seasons 1 and 2 in December to get ready for season 3. TV shows never die. We'll probably be watching re-runs of this when we're in our 80s.

Donna you mentioned the program about Highclere Castle where the Downton Abbey series is filmed. Here is a link to the full show if anyone is interested in watching "The Secrets of Highclere Castle."

Last edited by retiredone; 01-08-2013 at 05:20 PM.
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