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Old 10-31-2011, 02:57 PM   #1  
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Default ~~November Golden Girls~~

We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark? 60 mark? Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 10-31-2011, 07:38 PM   #2  
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Thought I'd be the first! Can't believe it's almost November!
My friend suggested I go to the Dollar Tree and buy pencils to give out tonight as treats, which I did do. I usually don't even turn on the porch light (Grinch: bah!), but I don't mind giving out pencils, AND it's not too cold to be opening the door!
Everyone, have a lovely Halloween!
Rosey - have you heard from Steve? Is he menacing all the animals in MN?
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Old 10-31-2011, 09:20 PM   #3  
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KarenMO, thanks for the Play Doh recipe. I think DGS and I will make a couple ornaments over Thanksgiving. I know they’re at the end of the October thread and will find them easily! Enjoy that keyboard.

Chickadee, congrats on another pound eradicated. Wii seems to be several of the GGs fun. You’ll get feedback. I tried my daughter’s and found it sort of boring. But I’d been doing the yoga workout and I think yoga is boring. That might not be coincidence I didn’t like the Wii.

Bobbi, great job on deleting those 2 pounds. You’re doing great!

Val, ditto on being a grownup and not wearing the costume. I was sad. For judging the Halloween parade, I did add devil horns to my all black outfit. A little girl in the parade just stopped and stared at me, then pointed to the horns then pointed to hers and I said with a wink, “we’re just both devils.” Her smile was priceless. I’d guess she was in 2nd grade. Now my grim reaper outfit wouldn’t be appropriate at an elem school but my pumpkin would have been.

Zoe, I loved your snow/ice description. I do believe you burned a couple extra calories. Enjoy the travel and days from your office.

Freda, my son and I continued to text throughout the day until I said I was going to bed. I asked if his wife’s cell number had changed and yes, it had. That’s why she didn’t respond. So we’re going shopping and for coffee for an honest talk. If we can get to honesty, I think we’ll be ok. At least I’m hopeful. My daughter said she’s impressed that I want to try and that she probably wouldn’t have. I do want to have peace in our family and I WANT to know my granddaughter. DIL did send me a text with a picture of DGD in her ladybug costume sitting in pumpkins. Like normal grandma’s I did show my co-workers… And they think I don’t want to be with her??? I also did see DGS in the Halloween parade. He was so startled to see grandma with the judges. BTW Freda, please let me now how you get the doggie to tell the end of a story so you don’t have to be made at them for eating the book??? I’d love my doggies to read to me…

Rosey, you do know that soon you’ll be able to vacuum without the walker, perhaps with the music cranked and dancing with the upright. However, don’t let your DH know your new skill as I think it would be awesome to have a vacuumer.

Donna, the trick or treaters are a blast. Have fun with them! At least you’re turing on the porch light and giving a reward. I’m guessing you did not trick or treat as a kid. I remember “bah-ing” back at the responsible adults that gave toothbrushes, apples (that was before adding a razor was vogue) and stuff that wasn’t candy. Next year, I’ll send you candy to give out with your pencils. Then you’ll be the best house on the street. I don’t get trick or treaters since I live in the boondocks. I so miss that aspect of the best holiday. So next year I’m living vicariously through you. Kai barked “Trick or Treat” to SamCat. She tried to stuff a mouse through the computer for SamCat but it just wouldn’t go. She didn’t like that.

I think I wrote enough and gave you a good idea of my day. It was good and I’m on plan. It’s quiet tonight since I forgot to turn on the stereo. I can tell the silence is ending as it is doggie feeding time.

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Old 10-31-2011, 10:43 PM   #4  
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Good evening GG's,

Yippee ~ off tomorrow. Had a pretty good day at work ~ just the right amount of busy. Got out on time too.

I had just walked in the door from work when DH called and said Maddie was headed to our house on her way around the circle trick or treating. She came in so I could see her coutume. Then she invited me to come along. I said I thought I'd just stay home ~ then (and oh boy she's good) she put on the pout face, and big sad eyes and her head down and all sad ~ "but grandma you just have to come. Ok, how could I resist that. So I got my shoes and a sweater and joined Maddie and her entourage ~ DH, mommy, daddy, grandma sherry and two dogs and hobbled along. It was a beautiful night ~ nice temperature. I WILL NOT EAT ANY HALLOWEEN CANDY ~ PAIN IN A BAG!!!!!!!

Had some exciting news. The "Y" people called and it is the time when they will waive the fee (we can join and get to save $100). From what they said before ~ they do this around holiday time ~ so I was thinking ~ Thanksgiving or Christmas. I am so excited to not have to wait. I asked DH if we can go get signed up tomorrow then. I can't wait ~ water walking here I come and I can use my noodle thing ~ I had some pool therapy one time before when I had hurt my knee and they taught us to straddle the noodle and then pretend like you are pedaling a bicycle. My knees are gonna be so happy

Wow ~ November already. Think I will go "gork" a little and catch up tomorrow. Hope you all have a good rest.

Take care
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:41 AM   #5  
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Marie - SamCat says thanks to Kai... he was disappointed, too... I DID enjoy the treaters! One little boy actually took his pencil to his mom and was enthused about it (of course, he COULD have been lying)! At least, they don't have to worry about it being tampered! And if there was candy, I'd just eat it!

Gayle - way cool that the fee will be waived! I hope you enjoy your membership and get to use it a lot. Anything else new with the new owners?

I'm off to bed! Sleep well, everyone, and any newbies, welcome!

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Old 11-01-2011, 08:20 AM   #6  
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Good Morning,

Looks like a nice day in PA today. My course began today, but so far, only 1 student signed in. I am off to meet my friend for lunch and movie – Anonymous. Last week the snow storm kept us from seeing it.

¬¬¬Have a GREAT day,


Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
My friend suggested I go to the Dollar Tree and buy pencils to give out tonight as treats, which I did do. I usually don't even turn on the porch light (Grinch: bah!), but I don't mind giving out pencils, AND it's not too cold to be opening the door!
Hi Donna,

Good idea about the pencils. Did you get any reaction from the kids?

We do not get any trick or treaters in my condo. I must say I do not miss them.

Originally Posted by Marie View Post
[COLOR=Purple] [COLOR=Purple] [COLOR=Purple]Freda, my son and I continued to text throughout the day until I said I was going to bed. I asked if his wife’s cell number had changed and yes, it had. That’s why she didn’t respond. So we’re going shopping and for coffee for an honest talk. If we can get to honesty, I think we’ll be ok. At least I’m hopeful. My daughter said she’s impressed that I want to try and that she probably wouldn’t have. I do want to have peace in our family and I WANT to know my granddaughter. DIL did send me a text with a picture of DGD in her ladybug costume sitting in pumpkins. Like normal grandma’s I did show my co-workers… And they think I don’t want to be with her??? I also did see DGS in the Halloween parade. He was so startled to see grandma with the judges. Marie
Hi Marie,

I agree with you. When it comes to family, it does not matter who is “right” or “wrong” – just important to mend relationships. My SIL does not speak with two of his three children. This cuts him off from all of his grandchildren. Holidays are sad for him.

Originally Posted by glynne View Post
I had some exciting news. The "Y" people called and it is the time when they will waive the fee (we can join and get to save $100). From what they said before ~ they do this around holiday time ~ so I was thinking ~ Thanksgiving or Christmas. I am so excited to not have to wait. I asked DH if we can go get signed up tomorrow then. I can't wait ~ water walking here I come and I can use my noodle thing ~ I had some pool therapy one time before when I had hurt my knee and they taught us to straddle the noodle and then pretend like you are pedaling a bicycle. My knees are gonna be so happy

Wow ~ November already. Think I will go "gork" a little and catch up tomorrow. Hope you all have a good rest.
Hi Gayle,

I am happy that you will get to go to the gym. I LOVE my gym time.

What is “gorking?”
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:20 AM   #7  
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It's November already. How the time is just flying by.

This was the first time my 3YO grandson actually realized what trick or treat was all about. He was soooo excited. I love seeing him like that. He is a happy kid.

Marie - I do hope you are able to come to an understanding with your daughter-in-law. I admire you for extending the olive branch. Remember, you don't have to see eye to eye, just to be able to accept each other as you are to keep peace in the family....agree to disagree. I am sad that my mother and I had such a bad relationship. She was adamant about her beliefs and would not accept anything except complete compliance. It made for a very rocky relationship.
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Old 11-01-2011, 09:29 AM   #8  
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Well, one more day here in the office, and I'm off on new and interesting ventures! I hope I have enough clothes/equipment for the two day's worth of meetings. I large and one small suitcase, two outfits in hanging bags. Whoa! I'm going to have to learn to pack more conservatively if I'm going to travel for work in the future.
Well, I'm still eating my oatmeal and yogurt and such with an itty-bitty little spoon, and eating my meals with a pickle fork and off a clear glass sandwich-sized plate. It does seem to be helping me to reduce portion size while feeling full and satisfied. (Eating takes longer, so I hit "full" before finishing, which is pretty unusual for me, let me tell you.) Hopefully, this will produce some slow but sure progress in the struggle towards a healthy weight.
Marie, I am SO glad that the lines of communication with your son and his wife appear to be opening up. Family is family, through thick and thin. Hopefully, you'll be able to help the wife to see things a little more sensibly, and once she does that, the pressure will be off your son and you. I'll be sending good thoughts your way.
I watched a Qi Gong session on YouTube the other night, and am thinking that might be a nice and gentle way for me to start exercising when I get back from Vermont.
Have a good week, everyone - Happy November - and I hope everyone is warm and dry. Has anyone heard from Karen3 lately? If you're reading this, K3, I'm thinking of you.


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Old 11-01-2011, 10:34 AM   #9  
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Good morning GG.....Beautiful day in this neighborhood. Spent yesterday doing dumb stuff. The cleaning girls used something on my bathroom floors that has been turning my feet orange! Chloxed the floors and now my new mop is orange. Think she got the stuff from her regular thanks no more for me. I have got to fire her.....can't afford the damage she/helper have done. Lets see....broke the ceiling fan, the steam sharkx2, small clock and last helper apparently stole Dh's cash stash. Feeling kinda chicken about confronting her so will have them here Thurs (watching) and will just not reschedule after DH's surgery. I have such trouble pushing the vaccum and cleaning bathroom tile. Back just goes spastic. He// getting old!

Bobbie....Thank you for the new page.

Freda....Happy dusting and ironing?....Come on down! I plugged in the iron this morning for the first time in almost a year. At least the iron won't get worn out. Did uniforms and dress shirts for years and now that I'm retired so is the iron. many kids did you get? Last few years we got 20 and I made up bags for 30. Started to worry when gave out 28, but that was it. Some reason having the candy in little bags kept me from grabbing a piece.

Nancy....Did you get any snow?

Zoe....Good luck with this new adventure. Kinda like a test run preretirement?
Every day is a step cloer to the Big day.

Karen.... I keep hearing squealing sounds from up north of here. Is that you practicing chords?

Made those stuffed portabella mushroom again last night. Take 2 turkey sausage out of casings and stick on cleaned mushroon. Bake at 350 for most on an hour. Made up some pasta as side for DH. OMG they are goooooood.

Gotta go grocery shopping. Plans for DH meals while I'm gone. Plans for my meals while he's regular meals this week. k3

ps DH just walked an commented his bathroom floor is white! It must have been bad for him to notice.
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Old 11-01-2011, 11:10 AM   #10  
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Good Morning, who's thinking of Thanksgiving since it's November already? That reminds me of family and how I miss getting together every Sunday afternoon for coffee/treats at my dad's. I didn't have a great relationship with my dad, miss the coffee hour more than him. Marie...speaking of your relationship with dil, see I didn't capitalize it. My MIL cut off her only kid (my DH) from her will and completely stopped talking to him among other things. You should have heard the vicious phone calls she used to make to both of us He hates her, a strong word but he really does. I was the one that finally stopped over to see her, she didn't deserve it. But I didn't do it for her, I stopped over with the olive branch because of me and my guilt of what the Bible teaches about widows and caring for them. If I didn't have a conscience, I'd never talk to her again. Grit your teeth and 'play nice' for you and your son, not her. Honesty in our relationship with MIL wouldn't work, she would never admit her wrong doing. Hope it works for you, keep us updated.
KarenFla...I ironed DH's dress shirts for years, when he retired I was one happy lady. I still iron a few things, can't stand wrinkled jeans or tops. Since I hang wet laundry outside, the wind takes most wrinkles out. Speaking of clean laundry, I have all the bedding out now and it should dry with our 50 degree weather today. DH just told me to enjoy it because Sunday we'll join the East Coast weather. I'm surprised you put up with the clumsy cleaning people this long, fire those thieves. driving for you, I can't wait for you to retire too!
No more time for personals, I need to totally clean and wax my china hutch and buffet hutch before I put all my dishes and crystal back in. I'm really taking my time, cleaning as I go.
My menu from yesterday. I get restless leg syndrome about once a week and eating a bowl of cheerios often puts me back to sleep. Knowing I have to add that to my Fitday and reporting it here keeps me on my toes.
Monday’s Keep me Accountable menu 1018calories + 36 grams fiber
Breakfast - Fiber One, dried cranberries, Flax seeds, Chia, Yogurt, molasses, vitamins
Lunch- Veggie soup - raw celery with peanut butter sauce
Supper- too busy to cook, DH had leftovers, I had a huge plate of butternut squash and crab meat dipped in cocktail sauce.
Snack- pineapple lime dessert
Sugar free Banana Cream pie less the crust , ff cool whip and sprinkled with ½ serving dry fiber one.
(had restless legs in the night, ate a bowl of cheerios with 1/3 cup skim milk)

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Old 11-01-2011, 12:14 PM   #11  
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I had to take pictures of our November 1st weather. I still have geraniums, marigolds, roses, Dianthus, Sweet Peas, snap dragons and strawberries growing/blooming On heard of in Minnesota plus I hung laundry outside just now with no coat.
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:29 PM   #12  
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Happy November oneth!!! We had a total of 10 trick or treaters last night. Ginger and Sissy were going crazy! Ginger would love to love on all of them who came to the door--- Sissy would love to bite them! She just doesn't like any kids. In fact, she is pretty much a one person dog--mine! It has taken her about 6 years now to realize Tim isn't quite as bad as she thought. She still doesn't want him to pick her up, but will quietly cuddle up to him in the night AFTER he is asleep. And she'll take treats from him, just doesn't want him to pick her up at all. I'm sure that was because of the man that kept her in a cage for his "puppy mill" for the first 1 1/2 years of her life! Sure glad she is mine now! Of course, Ginger thought for a long time she was just "visiting" and waited for her to leave. Now they are pretty good friends!

Years and years ago my Mom bought me a music book that is about 3" x 5" and I have never really messed with it because even back then it was hard to see any music notes being that small. Last night I was messing around and found out I can scan the music I want and resize it to make it 8 X 10! YAY!! So I scanned a bunch that I really like. It is from a book of Country Gospels.. Now I'm really excited to know I have a lot more music than I thought I did. I think I will get a small type note book and put these in there.

Gayle, it does have a function that you only need to play the one note of the chord and it will play the rest. I just still need to figure out more about using it. I was reading the book about it last night but I think I'm going to have to read it and DO it at the same time OR maybe stumble around until I get it figured out. Maybe both.

Donna, I was looking at your pics on FB..WOW! I sure don't miss that snow. But I imagine we will get some this year. Doesn't snow much back here though. SamCat looks like the King he wants you to know that he is! And his girlfriend is very cute!! I'll bet they would have pretty kittens!

Lynn, enjoy your day at the movies. I haven't been to a movie in years-- don't know if I could sit still that long.

CarolSue-- I'll bet you did enjoy your grandson seeing all the trick or treaters. Kids get so excited and are so cute.

Zoe, I hope you have a wonderful experieince with this new adventure you are taking. Keep us updated on how everything goes and drive safe!

Karen--squealing sounds is about what you hear right now! I will work at it and then have Tim do a video of it as soon as I figure it is decent. Still need to keep up with my accordion too. That way when my sister comes over we can play together. She has a digital piano and a keyboard. When we get together we play and sing LOUD and that way we figure we are really good!! LOL!! I don't think that I would like a cleaning person coming in to do my house--- well maybe today I would, the bath tub drain is clogged and Tim put stuff in it last night, draining slower now but I sure have a mess in the tub to clean when it completely clears! Must be because of all the big trees around here.

Bobbi, you know how I love my Sunday get togethers with family. The first couple Sundays we were back from vacation everyone seemed busy and didn't have time to get together. BUT the last two Sundays I have called/texted on Saturday afternoon and said How 'bout we meet after chucrc? And we have. I really miss it when we don't. It is just good times. If there is no one close to you there see if there is another coupld from your church that would like to meet and have lunch with. I just love that time to relax with family and friends. Feels so important to me.

Well, I need to get going and get some stuff done. I slept in until 9:30 this morning so I haven't done anything yet! I'm making myself get some work done before I will let myself play with the keyboard. AND I reallty need to make myself get some Wii time in there before too! Guess I need to start getting up earlier!!

Have a good day everyone!!
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:31 PM   #13  
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Good morning GG’s,

Bobbi ~ I liked your suggestion of posting our daily meals ~ I haven’t kept up with it very well though. One helpful thing to come from it though are seeing someone elses ideas ~ some good sounding things to try. What is peanut butter sauce and your pineapple fluff desert? Glad you finally got your floors done.

Karen FL ~ sorry for all the stuff those cleaning ladies messed up/took. Your mushroom things sounded yummy.

Zoe ~ enjoy your adventure and have a safe trip. The big prize is right around the corner Your trip to work on the ice the other day ~ oh my ~ glad you made it there safely. I hate that driving on ice.

Carol Sue ~ glad you got to enjoy your grandson’s excitement. I love Aldi’s ~ we had them in NC. Sure wish we had them here.

Lynn ~ enjoy the time with your friend and the movie.

Marie ~ hope the time with your DIL goes well. Have you gotten to go for another ride on your tamdem?

Donna Marie ~ nice job on your son’s Halloween costume ~ it turned out great.

Karen MO ~ how is the keyboarding going? Enjoy Any new news about Tim’s dad?

Mary ~ how are you doing? Hope the weather is nice for you right now.

Donna ~ has your book about the anti inflamation diet come yet? I sure hope you can find something to help your hip ~ pain is sure not fun.

Rosey ~ your mini taco salad things look yummy. Where can you get the won ton wrappers? Congratulations on your vacuuming NSV ~ way to go

Freda ~ is your back holding up ok now that you have gone back to work?

Rie ~ sorry you had to be grown up and couldn’t wear your costume to work. Did you enjoy your Halloween treat ~ the pb and chocolate bar? I am hoping I could someday learn to be able to have something like that and stop at just one.

Chickadeee ~ congrats on the one more pound gone. What is your sewing project?

NC Nancy ~ glad you finally found some boot type slippers for your feet ~ and are now keeping your tootsies nice and warm I think Donna when speaking of your SO ~ was referring to ~ as you said some of his unkind remarks to you. We love you and want for you to be treated nicely that’s all. We’re protective of each other of our GG’s. I think that perhaps Donna feels kind of the same about my DH. That is my own fault though ~ because of having vented here sometimes. I feel that even though some of what we deal with from them may not sound so lovely to others, we have kind of made peace with it. No partner is perfect and we each have kind of decided what we will put up with and what we won’t. For me ~ DH can be frustrating and irritating sometimes, but when I think of the awful fix that some other women are in ~ I can deal with the irritations.

Koala ~ have been missing you ~ look forward to hearing from you again.

Somehow ~ I feel like I am missing someone. If I have ~ please forgive me.

Well, the dryer is buzzing. Better get going and get some stuff done.

Hope you all are having a nice day.

Take care

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Old 11-01-2011, 12:37 PM   #14  
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Gayle, Tims Dad is doing great and is back at home. He was in the hospital just a couple days and seems to be doing fine now! Tim talked to him the other night and he sounded good, was waiting on fresh cookies that they were making to come out of the oven! He is pretty tough. Thanks for asking.
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Old 11-01-2011, 12:41 PM   #15  
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Just wanted to add my temps here for the first of November! Love it!!
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