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Old 11-07-2011, 09:37 AM   #106  
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Good Morning GG's

I worked this weekend. Missed a beautiul weekend. I saw the sun shining throught he windows the few times I had time to look outside. This time of year I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. The up side of 12 hour shifts is, I don't work again untill Friday. One of the nurses brought brownies to work. I had 1/2 of one. They were just ok. Not worth wasteing the calories on.

Karen3, Cardiac depression is pretty common, same with stroke. I think it's kind of like any depression. Most people that are going through it don't realize that they are depressed.

Rosie, I know the nieces have fun at your house. How could they not!

Gail, My legs always ache after I run on them for 12 hours. I don't have any support hose but I am going to go buy some and see if they help. Usually, after work I end up rubbing my legs with ben gay. and it doesn't help much.

Lynn, What movie did you see? You are my reviewer.

Chickadee, I was going to say that of course my husband knows my weight. But i'm not sure that he does. It's just not something that ever comes up. He doesn't care, and actually likes women with a little more weight. Kind of odd actually, since I weighed 98 pounds when we got married.

Carol Sue, My husband helps with house work, some any way. His cleaning standards are not mine. If I make him a list, he will do what I tell him needs done. Otherwise, he doesn't see the need. My brothers are great housekeepers, so I don't know if it's a male thing. as far as bailing SD out of money problems, I really don't think it helps. I've seen my sister do that for her son for years and he keeps making the same mistakes over and over.

Z, glad to see you back. Sounds like the trip was productive. Have fun with the "girls"

Donna, I hate, hate paper work. I would love my job if it didn't involve all the politics and paper work. I'm going to start the vinegar program today. You've gotten such good results I figure it's worth trying.

Rie, 90 min. of exercise is pretty impressibe. You would have done more without the knee pain? Glad you had fun at the tourmament. Just practice for next time.

Marie, snow? NO! Not ready. But I know it's comming soon, it is Nov. I just hope it stays nice through the weekend. My son is taking both of the grands to a football tourmament. It starts at 8 in the morning and lasts untill the kids lose 2 games. You could be there for 2 games or stay all day. I've been there when it was snowing and raining. It would be a nice change to see sunshine.

Everyone, have a good day,


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Old 11-07-2011, 10:49 AM   #107  
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Back at work <groan> but somewhat rested because I spent yesterday afternoon reading, dozing, and taking care of my personal hygiene needs with a lovely soak in the tub, some tweezing, pumicing, trimming and hydrating with some heavenly-smelling lotions. Dh, as some of you probably guessed, was away for the day visiting with some friends whom I would love to have seen, but frankly, needed the “me” time more. I STILL could’ve slept in this morning, even after a stress-free day yesterday, and a good long night’s sleep. Of course setting the clocks back yesterday morning helped a bit, as well.

The “hen party” evolved into something a little more inclusive, as my ds stopped by with his wife, dd3 brought the twins because her dh was at an end-of-season team dinner with their dd (he came and picked them up at 7:30), and then, dd2’s dh stopped over with lil’ IzzieBee, who was looking for her Momma to feed her. Anyway, we got Chinese food (I ate some; I cannot tell a lie) and chatted with everybody, and then we were going to all watch a movie together, but couldn’t stop talking long enough to put one on. Went to bed at @ 1:30 AM, and then got up a cooked a big breakfast for everybody – egg, cheese and bacon or sausage croissant sandwiches, blueberry pancakes, blueberry scones, regular pancakes, bagels, cream cheese, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple chunks, grapes, juice, coffee, etc., etc. (I ate some; I cannot tell a lie). They all left at @ 1:00, and I was going to run a few errands (didn’t) and finally get my summer clothes out of the closet and my winter ones put in (didn’t).

So, this morning, I’m doing a sort of self-directed cleanse – just drinking cranberry juice (diet version) and black coffee for brekkie (I miss my oatmeal & raisins) and lunch today. Water, too, of course. I’m making tacos for supper with ground chicken with taco seasoning and carmelized onions and peppers, FF sour cream and salsa. My mouth is watering just typing about it. I can wait. Of COURSE I can wait.

I think I’m going to have to jump on the vinegar bandwagon, as I’m having a lot of achiness in my shoulders and hips these days. Of course what I need along with the vinegar is some exercise, no doubt. I’m going to start easy – with the Qi Gong for seniors – and hopefully move from there to more strenuous things. Hopefully.

Wow, Carol Sue. If I won like that, I might even GO to the casino occasionally. I went once, to Foxwoods out in Connecticut, about an hour from my house. My kids were all hounding me to go with them; said I’d love it. I didn’t. AND, to add insult to injury, I lost about $100. No fun!

Rosey, looking at your eating record makes me realize, even MORE, that my issue isn’t so much with WHAT I eat, but how MUCH I eat, which is to say, TOO MUCH. Back to my little plates and pickle fork this week.

PT, I am definitely going to start with the apple cider vinegar! I don’t know if it’s the changes in the weather, or what, but I’m SO achey and creaky lately!

Rie, yup. Guys are definitely handicapped when it comes to knowing how to clean. Frankly, I get tired of going around behind dh, and get even tireder of trying to gently *teach* him how to clean, and how to pick up behind himself. I’m afraid that I’m becoming less and less gentle in my approach. It really ticks me off that I’m working a full time job, PLUS consulting, and he does a little consulting work from time to time, but is mostly home, and can’t keep it clean while I AM WORKING. Well, I won’t start whining and complaining here, but I tell you, I am a tad (?) frustrated, here.

Chickadeee, sounds like your dh is very understanding. What’s the thumb surgery for?

Marie….snow, you say? Snow that (was) getting deeper? Oh, my goodness. How I hate hearing about snow. Our Hallowe’en storm broke a few records, I guess. It’s all melted away now, and the next few days will be in the high 50’s, maybe 60’s. Such crazy weather. Some people hereabouts still don’t have their electricity back from getting it knocked out during the storm over a week ago. We didn’t lose ours for once, and I am glad about that, at least.

Did you find a movie to go to with your sis, Lynn?

K3, it’s nice hearing about your long term relationship with your dh. Nice knowing that it works for some of us. I’m beginning to think that I should’ve entered a convent, or maybe become a hermit(ess?) when I was young. I hate sharing, especially my time, and really enjoy my moments alone. Who asked if our dh’s knew our weight? Hah! My opinion in that regard is that my weight is NOBODY’S business, not even my doctor’s!

Nancy, I sure wish I could manage to do a weekly pig-out, and then eat sparsely the rest of the time. I have to do something before I gain back every pound that I lost!

Mary, that’s amazing – that your dh weighs the same as you! I don’t know how well I would handle that. (Of course I know that you and your dh are life partners, and weight is the least of your concerns for each other). MY dh weighs 80 pounds more than me, and I STILL would never tell him how much I weigh.

Bobbi, I had to chuckle about your “not having time to eat”. Hah! There are very few occasions when I don’t have “time” to eat, and on those rare times when it happens, I more than make up for it at first opportunity.

Gayle, nothing makes me angrier than pulling a new pair of panty hose on, and having my finger go through them, or have a run come zipping up them as I’m putting them on. You’re right – they’re much too expensive for that to happen! Once cold weather settles in up here, I’ll be wearing my heavy tights – I have them in argyle, in plaids, in stripes, in checks….plus they last from one season to the next; all you have to do is keep washing them the same way you do with socks. They hardly ever run. I love them!

That plateau will go away in no time, Donna Marie…just keep on keeping on.

Freda, I sure can identify with sitting around not accomplishing much…in fact, it’s probably one of my favorite things to do! I just wish I could do it more often! (Sorry you had to work all weekend; it really was nice around here…I saw it out the window while I was “gorking” all of Sunday afternoon”).

Hiya CaddyK….glad you got the drain problems solved! Nothing worse than that. Well, not much worse, anyway. The pictures of the church were so pretty – thanks for sharing.

Sorry about any folks I've missed...seems like there's always somebody that I remember after the fact. Old neurons, people, old neurons.

Have a terrific Monday (if that's possible) everybody!

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Old 11-07-2011, 01:08 PM   #108  
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I only had Friday nite and all day Saturday off before DH got home from deer hunting. If he didn't get one by sunday nite, he was staying over Monday. I love when he goes and get mad when he comes home too early, or I used to. Sometimes it's nice just to have some quiet time home alone. Anyway, no time to read any of the post, we're cutting up and packaging the deer. I just took a break to record my breakfast and lunch on Fitday, then back to work.
Rosey...have you heard from Steve yet? They're probably sweating to death up there, I have 3 loads of clean clothes out on the line today.

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Old 11-07-2011, 02:59 PM   #109  
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Morning everyone from snowy alaska. steve called last nite and he got his deer. he was sooo excited hes having fun. i had a really busy day, friends came and plowed my yard and shoveled snow,another buddy of my dh came by at the same time and brought my mail.the phone rang all day with friends checking on me and my bril and his so came by for a visit. im truly blessed. nothing new to report,ive been doing crafts keeping my hands busy so im not over eating. hoping your day is awsome and snow free. ((hugs))) rosey
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Old 11-07-2011, 03:25 PM   #110  
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Hey GG's....For you that knew me a few years ago. I am back Back! Baccck! Just in a slower gear. In the past 2 days I have made egg salad, ham salad, tray of eggplant parm, and a big meatloaf. Salads going to Daytona, rest is for Dh and friends. I shopped for the week, packed clothes and stuff. Paid all the bills and cleaned the house. I just rested between chores. Found I can walk quite aways with rest stops. So new policy: Charge ahead and rest!

Now if I can remember were I stored the extra glass cases???? I am so good at putting stuff away where i can never find it again. I stored Dh's electric razor for 19 years. We found it when we moved again.

I will be gone at least until Thurs...want stay until Sat, but that won't happen. We took this same lady 3years ago for her same gold and she whined the whole time and we came home on Thurs. Even her Dh yelled at her on the speaker phone that the rest of us were spending money for her! Should pack big ole suspenders to give her to hold her her big ole girlie pants! I am not only the team captain and have the most experience but usually am the team cheerleader. Smiling partners make for winning! Guess you know why I am on the National Goodwill Committee. It's a lifetime appointment and I can't resign. The Ocean at night will be beautiful with a full moon.

Can't believe it is snow weather time. We just turned of the a/c. Have the windows wide open for Dash to call for his GF Jazz....His vocab is getting bigger...says jerky pleeease. Follwed by gum snacking. Rosey, most big dogs like labs and our pointer go thru a long childhood. Cowboy was in the terrible
2's when we moved to Fl and for another year when we finally figured out he was 4!

Freda...Just made me laugh at myself as an old psych nurse not to recognize my own depression. Thank you about the H&H. That makes more sense then what the volunteer was saying about type/cross! My bridge partner who is retired school teacher now is now a gray lady and wants me to try it because it is so wonderful helping patients....I kinda shiver and never tell her she is reafirming my profession.

Marie....Good job talking and listening to Dil. That wasn't easy.

Nancy....I just read about an electric snuggie. I instantly pictured you curled up with a book under one. fuzzy slippers would drive Dash bonkers. Most of his toys are fuzzys.

Lynn....Did you go to the movies?

Gayle...You can wear tights under your pants. Why pay for hose! Get heavy duty off or winterwhite. If they insist on white. Knee hi support work great, but don't sit long with knees bent....

Donna...Dh's buddy is in Fl. Guess the snow drove him South.

Zoe...Sounds like your plans for retirement are jelling sweetly.

Carol Sue....2 WINS! WOW!

Boobie...How big a deer did he bring home?

Karen....Though i heard an organ playing this morning. Hope it was you!

Rie....Sorry you lost at the tournament. But you must be like me the playing/competition is such fun. Heck shuffle a deck of cards and I'm there.

NOW Donna....I will be off line and away most of this week. No search parties. seeya....hugs k3
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:11 PM   #111  
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I'm back.....deer all packaged up and in the freezer. I caught up on all the old post, had thoughts and comments that blew right through my head and gone forever. I should have taken notes but I am too busy, the clothes are dry outside and I need to get out there. I have a hard cover book on all the benefits of vinegar, it seems to cure all. I purchase some real, organic apple cider vinegar at our local food coop and tried sipping it, yuk! My mouth is puckering up just thinking about it.
My dh could care less of what I weigh, I take the weight off for me only. For a couple of years, we could wear the same size levi's, but he's always been trim and has really pretty girl legs.
Marie...after reading your comment about going to Alaska (Rosey's DH)hunting instead of Minnesota made me laugh. We have plump corn fed deer around our area, never heard of starved deer in Northern Minnesota. Maybe some years we had lots of snow and they were starving. I see that on the news sometimes in Wyoming, they feed them with helicopters. Val...I'm guessing they do that sometimes in Montana too when you get too much snow. We're going to have venison tenderloins on the grill tonight and I have some venison scraps in the crock pot for BarQ on a bun tomorrow night.
Alaska is where all hunters want to go. Northern MN hunting has skinny, starved deer.
I'm beating my brain up trying to remember everyone's comment past this page? KarenFla...back to all that baking/cooking again, don't over do it. Now that I think about it, I do miss hearing of all the yummy foods you put together for the card games.
Zoe...I'm surprised you haven't switched your closets with your early snow storm.
Gail? Glynne and Freda...I wore the support stocking when I was working and loved them. They made my legs feel like dancing. Quite spendy too.
I'll have to catch up tomorrow, I'm burning sunlight.

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Old 11-07-2011, 04:16 PM   #112  
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Ellabella - You are better off that you don't like gambling. Overall, I am lucky compared to a lot of people. I have won $6000 twice. I have won $1000 about 7 times and lesser amounts now and then. But I lose more often than I win. My husband has never won a jackpot, but he will win enough that we break even. I either win big or lose it all. I go with $200 and come home when that's gone and I have never gambled when my bills were not paid first. DH would keep going to the ATM until it wouldn't give him any more money, if I would let him.
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:24 PM   #113  
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Freda - We have been going through this with my SD since she got married in '92. I know she is never going to change her ways and that's why I'm reluctant to help her. But if it gets to the point that she's going to lose her home or something else similar, I will help her. Mainly because if it gets bad enough they might have to move in with me. That would be a deal breaker.
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:32 PM   #114  
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Good Afternoon Ladies,

Well, I made it through Monday. Not all caught up yet at work, but I like to ease into it after a vacation. My surgery is at 11:00 tomorrow, they are removing a lump from the last joint on my left thumb, nobody has told me what it is, they think it is bone and it is growing in the joint, causing my thumb to stiffen up and I can't bend it at all now, so something has to be done. I will be off tomorrow maybe Wednesday, have to see how I can type and use my hand.

Rosey, I love the pics you posted, cute doggie and the snow is lovely, but please keep it by you!

Bobbi, I am looking forward to deer hunting too, can't go here until the 19th. Hopefully my thumb healing up won't interfer with hunting. I just love being out in the woods.

Z you are one busy lady, I love all you adventures and taking the time to smell the roses for yourself.

Hope everyone has a great evening. I am going to be awfully hungry, can't eat after midnight tonight and my surgery isn't til after noon tomorrow. That is like forever!
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Old 11-07-2011, 05:07 PM   #115  
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Rosey, Kodiak was on a version of doogie prozac for anger issues for a couple years. Basically he didn't like Sasha and took two years to warm up to her. It took us 9 months to wean him off the drug. Better to get your DH to train Sadie when he returns. Oh, my hubby dreams of going back to MN to hunt since that's where he grew up hunting. Me? I don't get it. He can sit in a LazyBoy and get bambi out our front door. Of course... He'd be evicted from the house if he killed my little friends. Love the pics but TOO snowy.

Carol Sue, isn't it awesome when our DH's can fit into our clothes anymore - that is of course more a hypothetical question since I'm thinking my DH wouldn't want to wear my clothes. And double wow on your double casino win yesterday!

Our snow was normal Cascades light and powdery. I had no problem walkign through it. Surprisingly, I could make a snowball so I lobbed them at Kai, Kody and Sasha. Kody used to love jumping up and catching them in his mouth. Yesterday he looked at me like it was a dumb game. Kai played and played. I lobbed one to Sasha to get her to play and she looked at me like "Why'd you hit me in the face with a snowball?" I guess Kai is my only snow player this season. Of course when Kody is a derriere-head, I'll probably throw a few at him.

Kai sends sloppy kisses to SamCat, Donna. I figured SamCat wasn't feeling well yesterday evening because out of the blue Kai refused to eat. Yes, she did eat a couple bites of ice cream. She's definitely my baby. Couple hours later she ate her dinner and no seizure. But I didn't think of SamCat as I sat on the floor with Kai as she finally, slooowwwwllllyyy ate her food.

Freda, I hope the support hose works when you give them a try. 12 hour shifts sound painful.

Zoe, I love the "I cannot tell a lie". Without lying, I cannot say I wouldn't have loved to eat at your breakfast post-hen party. YUMMY! And I just can't picture you with "gentle teachings" for your DH on how to clean. That seems so not like you. "There are very few occasions when I don’t have “time” to eat, and on those rare times when it happens, I more than make up for it at first opportunity." YES!!!!!!! I adore you. You described me to a tee.

Karen, will you take a picture of your friend after she tries on your gift. Suspenders howling the big gift panties up would be delightful. Have a great time at the tourney. Daytona is beautiful.

Bobbi, southern MN has loads of corn fed deer. DH would have loved hunting there. He was always in northern MN and they had a pine taste. Aroudn my house, I've heard they have a sagebush taste.

Back at work today and am counting the days until Friday since it's Veteran's Day. I'm thinking if it keeps snowing, DH and I will go to Crater Lake to snowshoe. We did it last year and then went to Applebees for a late lunch because they have a promotion for Veterans to eat free that day. If not, I'm going to have a lazy 3 day weekend. Maybe 4 day since there's no school on Thursday. Just not sure I want to use a vacation day. I believe my webex meeting is going to start now. Yucky but necessary.
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Old 11-07-2011, 05:19 PM   #116  
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Today I finally found a realtor who is happy to take our house situation and seems very positive about it! Can't tell you how good it was to hear some encouraging words from another person but I had already woke up with positive words in my mind so was even more ok than usual. Having the realtor speak positively just added to it! Right now I am printing off another huge form that I have to complete for the her. I feel like I'm drowning in paperwork! But I just want to get this so done with that I'm certainly willing to do it. She seems to be ready to go to work too as she has already set up an appt with our son to look at the house! I'm taking that as a good sign.

Got to the gym finally today and it felt really good! I came out feeling very tired but energized! That does not always happen.

Chick - Good luck with your surgery! My dh has a hard thing that occasionally pops out on the side of his hand too...wonder if the same thing could be forming? But his does not always stick out...comes and goes...strange..

Slmn - You are lucky! I rarely win anything when I gamble. Once I won about $250, that was fun but the only time. My dh has won the lottery a few times..$300+, $800 and once he put my name on a ticket and it won $2000. We had car problems at the time and it went to fix the car, but we were thankful for it. When I went to pick up the check, I told the lady that I thanked God for it and she said that was a first time she'd heard anyone thank God for a gambling win! LOL I had to laugh at your story about your dh wearing your jeans. My youngest son used to wear my jeans sometimes to school when his were in the wash or something. I was surprised he would do that because they are so style conscious and concerned about what their peers think at that age usually but it didn't seem to bother him and apparently no one else noticed.

Zoe - About my dh's weight - there are two sides to me...the not-so-nice part of me is jealous of how easily he can lose and a little mad because he seems to always try and lose when I am finally doing well on a diet! The more nice, loving me is happy that he is doing a positive thing for his own health and to make himself feel better about his appearance. In my own opinion he didn't need to do it but it's his choice. I overate yesterday so my weight was up to 151.4 and of course, he maintained at 147. He eats very very little but doesn't seem to get very hungry! I worry about him sometimes because he eats so little and his bs drops quite low sometimes...yesterday it dropped to 45!! That's the lowest it's ever been! Most of the time it is normal, diabetic normal or a little high in ams but occasionally it drops to slightly below normal. Sometimes he forgets to eat...can you imagine forgetting to eat?!! Very rarely I can get very busy and forget for a while but then I more than make it up.

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Old 11-07-2011, 06:05 PM   #117  
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I got the problem with my course software fixed. Tech Support claimed it was OK from the beginning??? At any rate, it worked today.

Spent most of the day dealing with the course. Tomorrow is paper-grading day.

Hi Marie & Freda & Zoe & Karen, we saw Tower Heist. Pretty good entertainment.

Hi Rie, CONGRATUATIONS on your medal! Mine hangs with my marathon medals.

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Old 11-07-2011, 06:22 PM   #118  
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Chickie, you hunt yourself? You go girl! My hubby would love for me to hunt with him but I'm like Marie and wouldn't shoot Bambi. I like animals, dogs and critters better than I like people. Oh and Marie, DH has hunted Antelope and mule deer in Wyoming for years and years, they too taste like sage but in a good way.
I forget who asked how big DH's deer was this year, Donna? Anyway it was a young doe so the meat will be really good. We had some of the venison tenderloins for supper tonight, you could cut it with a butter knife and so mild tasting. One year he shot a huge mule deer in Wyoming that was in full rut.....I had to marinate the wild gamey taste out of all the meat before I cooked it. He shot a Antelope in South Dakota early fall so we're all set meat this winter.
Lynn...when are you going to retire? Maybe you can retire with Zoe and we'll celebrate that too.
Mary...I'm not a gambler but was amused at the Baptist Church I used to go to. They were so against gambling/casino/lottery tickets. I was talking to the pastor's wife once about people that buy lottery tickets and she said if I won the lottery and donated the money to the church, they wouldn't take it. duh! I purchased maybe two tickets at the grocery store once just for the heck of it, I think I won a dollar.
It's getting dark out and the news is predicting 3 - 4 inches snow, then back up to the 50's by the week-end. Zoe, you're not the only one with weird weather. Later Gator
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Old 11-07-2011, 06:51 PM   #119  
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hey...what's wrong will ladies hunting. I've white tail deer, mule deer, moose, bear, and elk hunted with a bow. Nothing sweeter than sitting in a tree stand reading on a warm sunny afternoon. I used to love upland game hunting esp on a snowy day with my 410 loaded with birdshot. Dh and I set up the archery safty progam for the state. I taught achery when not traveling on the pro tour. I can still put 4 arrows in a foam cup at 80yds! Don't like Fl hunting to many critters from ticks, chijjers, snakes and gators! And hogs. My new policy: Charge ahead and rest would be called sneak and peek in hunting terms. I field dress my own kill and bait my own hook. Just like Dh around to show off to......sometimes I clean up pretty good, too, k3

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Old 11-07-2011, 07:27 PM   #120  
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I don't hunt. I don't think I could kill anything. But I have lots of girl cousins that hunt. I do shoot, and i'm pretty good. My sister is awsome. They have contests all the time and she just takes her old gun and wins, doesn't practice, doesn't have the 2000.00 guns like the guys. She is not popular with the men those days. I believe a woman can do anything, and usually better than a man.
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