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Old 11-05-2011, 08:55 PM   #91  
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howdy GGs...gathering my good stuff to pack for the tournament. We have found that dinner in the hotel is outragous price wise and only so so. Soooo we sleep in and go across the street to Ihop for brunch. After the first session sit on the balcony watching the ocean and have cheese, vegies etc. That and maybe another snack after the 2nd session. Room has microwave and coffee pot and refrig. Admit that coffee with brandy or even martiniis may show up if we get Margret's Gold points. She needs 4.

Dh has never ever known my weight Ever UNTIL this damn surgery/session of heart failure. When it would be annouced to the world! Gesh, they announce my weight, exposing me and basically treat me like a side of beef. It really changed me. Just reading up on post cardiac depression. it is common and now that it is passing I realize I had it. Finally am waking up in the mornings feeling peaceful. Mellow kinda...nice.

Dh has been a brick taking care of me and doing housework. But he decided that Nov was it. Has been cranky and irritable....worried about his shoulder surgery...and assisting I help do things like lug the terracotta tub full of lemon tree and soil across the lawn this morning. Ha, he quit before I did...his hand went numb. (80lbs). You have to know that for the first 52yrs he "allowed" me to be sick no more that 24 hours. Help at that point was he didn't complain if dinner was late. Hey 53 yrs of marriage and 71 yrs of friendship....we can fuss and gripe at each other, but we are a team.

Until we retired he didn't read much. After hip surgery x2 and now his shoulder he has jumped into books. He has trouble holding a hard cover so I found him paperbacks. Any war especially Marine Corps. Told him to keep a list of what he's read so I can shop for him without duplicating. He showed up this morning with his list 3 pages long. 180+ books and he's empty. Nothing left to read. I found 3 books used on Amazon with same seller and them are coming overnight. Turns out he tried my Kindle and can use it. So getting him a Kindle. No more postage after he gets that.

Time to curl up with my Kindle....hugs all, k3
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Old 11-05-2011, 10:43 PM   #92  
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Hi evryone. im babysitting for my neice this evening. she went to a race track banquet. her son races and shes the timer. she has custody of her brothers 2 girls(he was killed in a car accident 2 yrs ago) they are 6 and 9 very sweet girls and gave me a bit of company tonight. i have to admit the days are getting long and i miss ny dh. also i struggel with old habits of wanting to eat when im bored. im not eating the wrong things just to often. hope your evenings joyful ((hugs))) rosey PS the pictures of my nieces girls.

coffee vitamins

1/2 cup grapes
1 oz cheddar cheese
1 teriaki stick( its like a slim jim but made with moose)

coffee mocha blended with ice (sf)

baked chix breast with sf apricot jam
pickled beets and 1/4 c 3 bean salad
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Old 11-05-2011, 11:48 PM   #93  
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Hi all!

Back home because I didn't make the finals in the tourney. Oh, well, I had a few drinks, enjoyed my friends and actually stayed within calories today. We have some wet snow here and I am hoping that it will be there in the morning for snowman making.

Sorry, I am too tired for personals tonight. I will get them done in the morning.

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Old 11-06-2011, 08:34 AM   #94  
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Hi Everyone,

I ran into my first problem with the computer system used to teach my current course. Of course, it happened on a Sunday when I cannot contact my support person. I HATE using a system that I have not yet mastered.

Today I am meeting my sister for lunch and maybe (if we can find one we both want to see), a movie.

Have a great Sunday,

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Old 11-06-2011, 10:50 AM   #95  
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So I’ve missed a day and I’m far behind. As I need to get the puppies out on their walk before the snow is obnoxiously deep, I’m going to be quick. At least I will try. Twenty minutes and the clock starts now.

Chickadee, I love your new avatar. Bummer your vacation is over but at least we’re employed… Yes, my DH usually knows my weight. I did the happy dance when I finally weighed less than him. Since I’m on a kick not to weigh and just eat low cal and go by my clothes getting looser, even I don’t know my weight. He does, however, know my size.

Mary, yes, yes, yes on getting at least half of Oct. payment. I wish your son understood the damage he’s doing to his relationship with your and your DH. I know no matter how far my son and I come in repairing our relationship, I will never trust him money wise again. I’m guessing you’re in that boat as well. Also, Thursday for the check clearing is better than what you’d begun to expect. So Thursday is better than nothing.

Donna, are you using apple cider vinegar or regular? Pain free is amazing.

Donna Marie, WAY TO GO on the 30 pounds. The plateau won’t last and you’ll drop another before long.

Gayle, I chuckled at putting your finger through the support hose. I am notorious for that and now haven’t bought pantyhose/nylons in years. They’re too expensive for my impatience. I found tights are stronger and last me much longer. I hope the support socks help. My sister wears them even when it’s in the nineties. She wouldn’t survive as a nurse if she didn’t. Enjoy using that Y membership.

Bobbi, stay warm. Winter is on the way. Looking out my window, everything is white. I swore I moved south from Minnesota. Something went awry in my plans to desert winter.

Carol Sue, I’m giggling at the housework for casino trips by your DH. Many husbands would skip the housework help and just go to the casinos. You are blessed. Do not feel guilty about letting your daughter and her husband work through their mess on their own. As a person that is not careful with money, there is a righteousness when you get through the problem on your own. Let her learn to reach that feeling. It does bring self pride. And, when she signed up for her cell phone plan, there is no way the data plan and limits weren’t explained. She really needs to learn that lesson.

Zoe, a “hen” party. Love it!

Rosey, you really have your head on straight on what matter and what doesn’t. I hope your DH is having fun hunting in MN. I told my hubby your husband, an Alaskan, traveled to MN to hunt. He didn’t understand why. As I must have missed that, if you could let me know, I’ll finish the story for my DH. Alaska is where all hunters want to go. Northern MN hunting has skinny, starved deer.

KarenFL, I loved your post about your DH and the long friendship. My DH and I aren’t in the same longevity but we’re working on it. 28 years and he is my best friend. A team. I like that description. Did you see that Kindle owners with prime membership will be able to borrow books from Kindle? $80 a year if you both own Kindles is very worth it. I love Amazon Prime even without a Kindle since I like my toys delivered with 2 day shipping. One day for $3.99 if I’m really impatient (like I was this morning).

Rie, bummer on not reaching the finals but you sound like you had a good time and stayed on track. That’s darn great!

Lynn, enjoy the movie.

My 20 minutes are up and were up about 4 minutes ago. Doggies need to go walking and the snow is just getting deeper. So off I go.

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Old 11-06-2011, 11:19 AM   #96  
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Gayle - I wore those compression knee highs when I worked because I was on my feet a lot and I really liked them.

Are you and Donna the ones drinking the vinegar? Mixed with water? How much and how often. I'm interested in trying that.
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:19 AM   #97  
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Good Morning Ladies,

Thanks for your replies on if your SO knows your weight. I have been with my DH for 26 yrs, and he know I am going through the big M and changes are abound. But he has always told me he will love me no matter what, he knows the person on the inside never changes. I have never not told him or never lied to him about my weight, it was a topic that just never came up, probably because he doesn't care about it. When he did see my number, he was surprised and just said, well, that explains why you are doing the SB thing. (I am over it now, because I carry my weight well (can a person do that!!!).

I feel so much better having started this adventure with SB and joining this forum has really helped me, just a thank you to you guys. A big part of ones self is how you feel about yourself. And wanting to get rid of some pounds is for me first, then others can enjoy the changes as well.

Here's too a wonderful Sunday for everyone. I am actually looking forward to going back to work on Monday, but not my thumb surgery on Tuesday!
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:49 AM   #98  
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Here's an interesting article I read in the paper this week.
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:50 AM   #99  
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Morning everyone nothing new going on here. i really enjoyed my babysitting. i love how little kids minds work. i still had a huge bag of stuffed animals that i had got from e-bay for my dogs and i let the girls choose one. they wanted to know about them so i showed them how i made them dog friendly, their new toys now have squeakers in their ears lol it was fun to see their happy faces. sadie was so obnoxious while they where here i finally threw a cookie in here kennel and she followed, i could not catch her and she wasnt minding jumping on the girls and being wild, i think she needs prozac or oops maybe i do shes a handful for sure. gizm and daisy where hiding behind my chair while she went besrk.marie it made me chuckel about the hunting. my dh lives for hunting. i have stuffed animal heads and horns all over my house(his trophies) he was raised in minn and loves to deer hunt. but hasnt hunted there in 15 yrs or more. he has memorys of hunting with his dad and his cronies and brothers. my gs is graduatung this yr and his present from his folks was a trip to his uncles in mn to deer hunt. he wanted his grandpa steve to go too so they bought my dh ticket, you would have thought someone had given my dh a shoebox full of 100 $ bills. lol i had a better day eating wise. no snacking. i kept busy on my projects instead. well here i am rambling so ttfn (((hugs) rosey
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Old 11-06-2011, 11:55 AM   #100  
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Karen3 - My DH never knew my weight either, until he overheard it at the doctor's. He was shocked! I always told him I weighed 135. LOL At the time, we weighed about the same. One day, he accidently wore a pair of my jeans to work. They fit him, but the legs were a little wider than his, and he wondered why they were so baggy in the legs. They were Lee jeans, so I doubt if anyone noticed that he had women's jeans on, but it made him realize we were the same size. I've lost 35 lbs since then, so I don't think he would fit in my jeans anymore.
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Old 11-06-2011, 01:50 PM   #101  
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Hi Goldens!

I was up early this morning, Ugh. Whatever happened to enjoying that extra hour of sleep? I did a little over 90 minutes on Walkitout. I had to stop sooner than I planned because I have a lot of knee pain today. That often happens after a tournament. When I am playing, I stand with all my weight (or most of it) on my left leg and that is the worn out knee. All in all, though, I think it is better.

Carol, you are funny! I don't think that my ex dh ever knew how much I weighed. Of course, his mom was always a really large woman so maybe he wouldn't have cared.... I liked the article about excercise. My grandparents all lived to their mid 90's. Everyone of them was very active. Grandma was still taking care of a huge rose garden and lots of flowers and her house at 97. She was really spry.

Rosey, is Sadie part lab? They rarely mature until about 2. I think that you are right in the middle of puppy adolescence with her. Glad that you had fun with the girls. It must be so fun to come to Aunt Rosey's house and do all that fun stuff! Bless you I totally understand the hunting in MN thing... Tradition, history, and they always want to hunt somewhere else! LOL

Chickadee, so nice to meet you! I love your picture and you TOTALLY look like a chickadee! What surgery on your thumb?

Mary, I am glad that your son at least helped with the payment. I am hoping that this resolves itself soon, and for the better. Some folks are children long after they should have matured.

Marie, Sorry that you are getting snow! I was all excited to make a snowman with little dgs but the snow here is too powdery and cold. So, we made snow angels and I learned that he knows how to have a snow fight. We came in covered. I am glad that your visit with dil went ok and that you got to see that little dgd. You are right, trust is never completely recovered...

Zoe, I am glad that your trip went well and I look forward to hearing about your time with the girls. You are right, I think the Y chromasome prevents most of them from cleaning. Ugh. I am resigned to the fact that I simply need to tell ds what to do in that area and then sometimes still polish things up when it bugs me.

Donna Marie, amazing progress!

Donna, I am so glad that you are feeling better. I remember my relatives taking a little cider vinegar daily. Is it cold there?

Lynn, enjoy your Sunday. BTW, I am only a couple days from my Bronze medal! Wahoo! Thanks so much for letting me know about that! How did you do at the gym this week?

Karen, I loved your description of you and dh. My folks are like that. They bicker and jab at each other but they are such a TEAM! I wish I would have found that. Enjoy the trip and good luck.

Bobbi, you sure eat a FEW calories! No wonder the weight drops off!

Gayle, I hope the support hose makes your legs feel better. And I can't wait to hear about how much you like the gym! I wish I had access to a pool but I know that I just won't use the gym enough to make it worth while.

Nancy, how is your weekend? It is nice to have you back here with us again.

Freda, I think you are working this weekend?? I laughed when I read your description of laying about and then having to get two days done in one day. Boy, do I know that one!

CaddyKaren, did you get together with the fam today? How's the keyboard?

Well, I am sure that I missed people here. Not on purpose. I am off to watch football and maybe read a book today. Hugs to all. Have a great day!


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Old 11-06-2011, 02:45 PM   #102  
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Quick hola...
I'm doing some long overdue paperwork, ugh, ptuiii, ick! But, I'm finished!!!! Yea! SamCat is screaming in my ear, so I think he must be weak (except for the voice) with hunger!

CarolSue, if you go back a few days, I posted a link on a post to Bobbi about the purported benefits of apple cider vinegar. I read it only until it was something I cared about (arthritis), and I tried it. It seems to work for me!! Yes, Marie, apple cider vinegar (kitty kisses to Kai!). Nancy, I don't know if pickle juice would have the same benefit, because I'm pretty sure there's sugar in pickle juice. The true test for me will be when I have to walk a distance, which usually cripples me. But I did, what?, two days at work without pain and this weekend has also been pain free.

The company I work for supplies medical equipment such as the compression stockings. I've been wearing them and haven't really noticed much difference; however, I think if I were actually standing on my feet all day, they'd really help.

Pretty day today, chilly but not cold. Most of the snow is melted, and the WeatherFools are talking about some more this week. We'll see. I don't care, since I got everything turned off and unhooked!

Hope you're all having a good Sunday! Onward.......
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Old 11-06-2011, 02:58 PM   #103  
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Rei Sadie is 100% black lab with papers. we have had labs befor and i know it takes till there 2 or 3 befor i even like them lol. shes my dh dog and hes been gone alot,shes to strong for me and i cant catch her ,she is smart enuff to use that to her advantage,when she calms down she is the sweetest dog. rosey

coffee and vitamins
sm steak cukecumber salad
iced mocha 1 rice cake (carmel yum)
1 cup bean soup
4 fat free ritz crackers
1 slice cheese
sf manderin orange fruit cup

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Old 11-07-2011, 08:37 AM   #104  
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Yesterday we went to the casino. There is a casino on the way to the casino we like. We stop there once in a while when they offer us free play. Usually we spend the free play then go on to the casino we like. Occasionally, we stay at the first casino. Yesterday we had free play so we stopped. We were only there for 1/2 hour and I won $500. I took that as a sign and decided to help my step-daughter with the phone bill if she needs it. She didn't deliberately do this...she thought it was included in her phone plan. I am going to wait a little while to see how they do with it before I step in. I found out that she didn't tell her husband about it. We went on to our favorite casino and I won another $400, so there's some for us, too!
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Old 11-07-2011, 08:47 AM   #105  
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Donna - I looked back and found the link about the vinegar. It says 2 tablespoons for allergies and 1 tablespoon for pain. Since I have both, I'm going to try the 2 tablespoons. Thanks!

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