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Old 11-03-2011, 08:38 AM   #46  
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Good Morning, just time to post yesterday's menu then I'm off to eye doc for my field test. Later
Wednesday’s Keep me Accountable menu 610 calories + 39 grams fiber
Calories way too low but didn’t have time to eat today.
Breakfast - Fiber One and raspberry yogurt
Lunch- Veggie soup

Supper- Left-over Chicken Gnocchi soup
Mixed Berry Dessert with sf cool whip
Bedtime snack - Fiber One toasted with cinnamon and no calorie sugar
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:44 AM   #47  
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Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Karen MO ~ did you get your drain unclogged? We have used one of those home remedies with success ~ I can't find my little book right now that tells the exact directions, but it was baking soda, salt and vinegar (when I google it says equal amounts) pour that in the drain and let that work, then pour boiling water in the drain. Hope that helps. It also can be used on a regular basis to keep the drains from getting clogged.
I will have to remember that one. We have been having a lot of clogged drains lately. I think our house is getting to the age where the plumbing could stand to be updated. DH just keeps unclogging them. Maybe this tip would help keep them clear a little longer.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:59 AM   #48  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Just staying home & doing my course today.

Tomorrow, I am meeting my DF for lunch. After that, we are going to the Sugarloaf Crafts Festival - my favorite. Even though I don't want to buy stuff, the crafts at this show are so good it is like going to a museum.

Yesterday I spent my first paycheck for my course. I bought a new coat and replaced my favorite sandals (Spring Steps). Now I am having buyers' remorse. I am NOT a shopper, but I am an impulsive buyer.

I found a great website for authors of the kind of books I like to read - Cozy Mysteries -

Have a great day everyone,


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Old 11-03-2011, 11:22 AM   #49  
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It is very interesting to me to read about those of you who are having relationship problem with adult children, because I was the adult child in the problems with my mother. I am sure my mother felt that I was the problem the same way I felt that she was the problem. It is possible that my mother was bi-polar or something similar. She came from a family of 11 kids...2 boys and 9 girls. She and her sisters did not speak. I barely knew my aunts or cousins because we only saw them at family funerals. She told me that her sisters were all whores. It ended up with the brothers not speaking to her either because of the problems with the sisters. She never had any friends. I was not allowed to date before age 18 (So I snuck out). When I turned 18 she knew she could not tell me I could not date, so she just didn't permit me to have dates or friends over to the house. When a date showed up, I would be ready to leave and just open the door and walk out. Never brought them in. This went on for a very long time because I kept trying to work things out. Finally, I moved out in an effort to have a normal life. We did get along a little better while not living in the same house, but only if it didn't involve my friends. When holidays came, I had a choice to spend time with my family or spend time with my boyfriend. Eventually she started calling me a whore and the relationship slowly dwindled away. She is gone now, but I have always had feelings of guilt, thinking I did not try hard enough etc. I think the only way we would have gotten along would be if I lived at home and did nothing but go to work and stay home with her. The Bible says "Honor thy father and mother". She made it very difficult. I would have been very happy if she had wanted to sit down and come to an understanding like you ladies have done. It was not to be.

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Old 11-03-2011, 11:38 AM   #50  
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Morning all...Drove to Inverness for DH's preop stuff. Have to go back on 11/13 for type and cross match. Why??? Has to be done 3 days before surgery...okay, does blood type change? Duh...Need to go back to nursing school! The drive was a pain....directly into the rising sun. Still seeing spots.

A gujillion years ago I read in a scifi book this discription to what to do about your kids. "When they turn 13 lock them in the attic and feed them thru the keyhole. At 18 plug the keyhole." MyLord, I thought of that so many times and it would make me laugh enough to get past whatever they were doing to me.

The best thing in my family was that both MIL and DM were equally mean hearted. You can still get DD's attention by calling her either GM's name. Funny had a porkchop stuffed with apple dressing. Told Dh tasted like his GM's. He agreed but couldn't decide which GM. Since in the first 25 yrs of our marriage I was never had a meal at his one GM that made it easy to decide. Actually the only meal ever had there was a turkey dinner I cooked, brought to the house and served. All families have some degree of disfunction....guess how you deal with it makes up real life or tabloid stuff.

Would you believe the cleaning girls showed up early. BBL k3
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Old 11-03-2011, 01:48 PM   #51  
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Well, I can't believe that teh drain is still plugged!! We used Liguid Drano, then the next day Liquid Plumber and then yesterday we used Super Duty stuff that is so strong that it is even wrapped in a plastic bag on the store shelves-- that worked the last time, but not this time. Guess he is going to go and rent a snake this afternoon and see if that gets it.. Getting pretty close to that shower in the kitchen sink!! LOL!!! I did wash my hair in the kitchen sink yesterday... just had to!!

I did buy the sustain pedal that goes with my Yamaha keyboard. I ordered it at the same time so I wouldn't have to be without it. I probably wouldn't have thought about it though if I hadn't read all the reviews and talked to my sister. Having fun with it but not ready for a GG's recital yet!!

Ok back to doing something-- even if it is wrong!!! LOL!!!
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Old 11-03-2011, 01:59 PM   #52  
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No time to chat right now. Just want to say I use vinegar and baking soda for drain problems. I pour in the baking soda, followed by the vinegar, give in a few seconds then do it again. Then I'd wait a while and go back and do it again as necessary. Might not always work if it's badly plugged up but it has worked for us. We are on septic and don't think we are suppose to use the commercial drain cleaners so I've always done this. Another tip with baking soda and vinegar..before we leave on a longer rip (more than just a few days)
I use them to make sure I leave the kitchen sink drain clean and good smelling and then I leave some more baking soda in the sink around the drain. I think it helps. We used to come home to a smelly kitchen until I started doing this.
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Old 11-03-2011, 04:18 PM   #53  
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Carol Sue, sorry to hear of your mom problems. Please don't get a guilt trip over it, you did everything you could. Why did she think everyone was a whore? I'm hoping you get along better with your aunts and uncles, what did they think your mom's problems were?
KarenFla...are you watching the cleaning girls? Hide the silverware!
KarenMo...The snake should clean out your drains in no time. We're looking into having a guy come out and have all the furnace vents and duct cleaned. I can dust under the bed everyday, windows are closed too. I think our vents are very dirty. Any of you had this done and how much did it cost you?
Lynn...thanks for the web site for cozy mysteries. Not sure what that mean, no blood, guts and gore?
Marie...I'll quickly tell you part of my dream, I can't remember it all. Should have written it down when I woke up. First I'll tell you why I was dreaming about organic butter. My neighbor places large orders of butter from a creamery and has delivered to her door. I started buying it from her, $4.00 a pound and worth it. I think the reason it taste so much better is because the butter you buy in the grocery stores might be old and it's stored in big coolers where it takes on the flavor of other foods stored there. Anyway, in my dream we were living back in town and all the Golden Girls lived on the same block. The order for butter had arrived and all the girls were over picking up their orders. The only person I recognized in the dream was you and it was your back side I saw. You also had two of your dogs with you on leases. I had slept late and my hair was a mess, no make-up on. I was mad at myself for missing out on the butter. There was more of the dream and the golden girls but I can't remember it. I'm not sure why I zeroed in on you, I think it's because I'm a dog lover and I see your dogs on here.
Now I have to pay some bills. DH is grilling steaks tonight, he leaves tomorrow for deer hunting. Yipee!
I won't be turning in calories tomorrow for today, we went to a luncheon and no way am I going to figure out the calories I had. I ate a peanut butter rice crispie bar with chocolate frosting, I wanted another one. Dang those sweets, I'll be good tomorrow.

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Old 11-03-2011, 04:53 PM   #54  
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YAY!!! The snake worked!! Tim just wnet ahead and bought a 25' snake to keep here! Of course, he had to go through the pipes under the bathroom sink to get to the tub drain, and the pipe under the bathroom sink was so old it was rotted. And it broke when he took it apart! So now after I get the tub cleaned out I can use the shower, bit now have to replace the pipes under the sink!!! Does it ever end?? At least because he can do these things --it isn't costing a fortune....maybe....
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Old 11-03-2011, 05:00 PM   #55  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Lynn...thanks for the web site for cozy mysteries. Not sure what that mean, no blood, guts and gore?
Definition of cozy mysteries from that site - a minimum of violence, sex, and social relevance; the solution is arrived at by ratiocination or intuition rather than forensics and police procedure (or beating a confession out of someone); the murderer is indeed exposed and order restored at the end; the hero/ine is honorable and the other characters (often including the murderer) are well mannered and well-bred (except, of course, the servants); the setting is a closed community of some sort, such as a village, university, stately home. Desirable, but not essential: a writing style graced by wit and literary allusion.
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Old 11-03-2011, 05:24 PM   #56  
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Nancy, I hope you got all the sale good stuff at the grocery store.

Carol Sue, good luck with getting a tummy tuck on the side. BTW, I will be the first to admit I'm not innocent in the problem with my adult child. It does take two (or three) to cause the problem, at least in my case. Personality conflicts aren't immune even when it's your children (or parent). I am sorry your mother realized that compromise is important in any relationship.

Lynn, yes - I love your decision. I'm not a shopper but I'm an impulsive buyer. I've never had it so well described!

KArneFL, LOL at plugging the keyhole.

CK, what in the world did you stuff down that drain??? Good thing the snake worked. No more kitchen showers.

Bobbi, LOL at the dream. I love the idea of the organic butter but since you dreamed of seeing me from the rear, I probably should skip the butter or the rear would be bigger. I love that we all lived on the same block. Think we'd all love each other as much if we were neighbors? I'm thinking so. We have so much in common. But I'd hate to go to work even more than now because you retired GGs would be having all the fun.

What a quiet day on the GG board. Took no time to read and post. So I suppose you're all going to make me work some more. It snowed her for a little while. Nothing stuck but it is supposed to over the next two of three systems to hit us over the weekend. Yippee. I admit I went to Starbucks and had a Nonfat Decaf Peppermint Mocha. I was cold and it wasn't. And it was delicious. But I should have been better and bought a tall (S) instead of the grande (M) that I did buy. Too late now as it is long gone. Usually I order the tall but.. and I almost bought the last blueberry scone. I so had the munchies but I didn't. And I almost ordered the Venti (L) so I guess I was ok in relativity to what had almost come out of my mouth at the order counter.
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Old 11-03-2011, 06:03 PM   #57  
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Hello Goldens!

I missed you yesterday! I had a crazy busy day and then I have been having trouble with my internet service so I couldn’t say Hi. Starting tomorrow, I will be playing in the Mt State BCA 8 ball tournament, so, with any luck, I won’t be around to post much. On the other hand, the way that I have been playing,,,,,,, I will probably be out right away and I will be reporting back here.

A little misadventure today, little gs was playing with his Poppa, (my dad) and a little accident caused him to bang a tooth on the front bottom of his mouth. A quick trip to the dentist to discover that his permanent teeth are rapidly coming in early and they just pulled the tooth the rest of the way. The dentist anticipates that he will only be without that tooth for a couple months. Poppa is devastated – not taking any consoling now. I think they both will recover…. Tee Hee.

I am touched and saddened by the stories of family conflict. As you may remember, my abusive brother refuses to let us see their three little girls. It is heartbreaking but also, most times, a relief to be free of his hostility. Hang in there, everyone!

Karen, what? Will they forget the blood type if they do it too soon? Or are they testing hematocrit and other stuff? Mom had to go in 48 hours for blood work too. No sense….

Marie, good job on resisting the scone! I love them. I always get the grande. But lately, I have been on a kick to only have quad soy latte with no flavoring. Yum. Last night I ate my square of dark chocolate with a little peanut butter. I have been waiting since Halloween. It was so lovely! Yup, there we would be…. Getting in trouble for playing hookey so we could hang out at the crone cirle! The darn bambis! The last mile or so to my house I only drive like 25 miles per hour because there are so many at night!

Lynn, sounds great! Except….. I pick books for sex, violence and a lack of social relevance…. Tee Hee. Ok, not ALWAYS. I bought 7 tops yesterday while shopping with my mom. She was so excited. They were having this great sale and I tend to just buy a bunch at the same time. I found a couple sweaters that I really loved and so I just bought them in multiple colors.
Karen, we have the same problems with our plumbing. Is there any chance that it is complicated by tree roots? We have used this stuff that we get a Lowes in the past. The snake is a good idea.

Bobbi, LOL on the dream. Organic butter is great if you are not the one churning it…. I liked the pineapple fluff recipe but too many carbs for this diabetic girl. However, the peanut sauce will be in our fridge soon.

Hi Mary. Yup, baking soda down the drain is great. I was raised to use it for all kinds of things. The drain is also where we would dispose of the soda box from the fridge when it was time. So, I was just wondering, forgive me, if there is simply an option to let the other house go into forclosure? If you bought a new vehicle now, then didn’t need to finance anything for a while….. your credit would probably just come back in a short time. I know that it goes against all of our nature, but is it an option? Years ago, when I was left in really bad debt after my divorce, I spent almost 10 years paying off every penny. I was repeatedly told later that I should have declared bankruptsy because my credit would have recovered more quickly. I must admit, I don’t know much about it.

Carol, sorry about your mom. Your point is well taken that the view is different from everyone’s perspective. As you know, though, sometimes the people in our lives are so damaged that they are destructive and unable to be there to be in a relationship. Then, we must take steps to protect ourselves. BTW, I picked your Steelers this week!

Pam, nice to meet you! I am awaiting (trying to delay) a total knee replacement, also. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Lynard, I was so saddened to hear that your dd is having problems again. I remember that this happened a while ago. One of the worse things about bipolar disorder is that the sufferers repeatedly decide that they don’t need their meds. I am so sorry.

Rosey, hows it going and how is the weather up there? Is Lynn (fur rondy) talking about a fur rendesvoux? How is dh enjoying his hunting trip?

Freda, I hope that the adult trick or treat person was developmentally challenged or something. You just never know about people. How are they treating your fracture and do they know what caused it?

Zoe, I hope that your trip is going very well. I am sure that you are Wowing them…..

Donna, I think you better watch out for Samcat and Kai…… They might be enjoying themselves in ways that we humans can’t possibly understand!

Sorry for anyone that I missed. I feel like a lot happened while I was not on here yesterday. I will try to check back in later….

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Old 11-03-2011, 07:22 PM   #58  
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Rie, I'm sure that the plumbing is a mixture of old pipes, and tree roots. Just not really ready to go fork out all the money to redo plumbing yet. I'm sure that would help a lot. Maybe after another time of this happening (this is twice in the almost 3 years we've been here) we may go ahead and redo. I don't look forward to that mess either. YUCK!! I'm glad that it is finally done for this time though.
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:55 PM   #59  
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Finally got here...been busy all day working on the forms again. Every time I think I'm done I realize I didn't fill in something and sometimes it entails a call to the bank or potential realtor to ask a question. Thought I was going to get it all scanned into my computer and emailed to the bank but then found out I have to have the realtor send in a listing agreement with an estimate market value. Since he (realtor) was waiting for a pre-approval from the bank I had to call him and asked him if he wants to be our realtor now. So he is going to talk to the people in his office that handle a lot of the short sales and get back to me tomorrow. Last time he did get back to me so hopefully he will again..he seems very nice. With this new wrinkle though I'm wondering if it is the agency to do the job but I like what I perceive as his honesty and I'd rather have that than someone who says they can do what they really can't do. So I've put it on hold until tomorrow.

Rie - On foreclosure...first of all, I don't feel right about doing it as long as we can make the payment. Second, I don't know how to go about you just stop paying? What do you do when they start calling? My dh would be a nervous wreak if they kept calling!! I wouldn't be in such good shape either probably. And third, that would hurt our credit even worse than a short sale or deed in lieu (where you sign the house over to the bank). But #1 is really my most compelling reason. If I couldn't possibly make the payment I'd feel differently. We can, it just means we can't do much else, will have to live very tight. We've done so much of that in the past it is hard to go back to but we did sign the loan forms. and we believe in keeping our promises if we possibly can. Meantime we are praying for it to work out the best way possible and taking it one day at a time. On a car loan, I hate debt SO much (after having a lot in the past and finally getting out of debt!) that I hate the thought of having any ever again! Must admit one of my concerns though is that the money we have saved for a car might end up going toward this house in time. I sure hope not but I have to trust it will all work out in the right way.

Karen31 - Glad you finally got the drain unplugged! My dh has always been very good about that sort of thing, although it hasn't happened often thank Goodness!

Carol - So sorry you had to live with such a situation growing up! Sounds like your mom had mental problems. It is a very difficult thing to live with and you were a child. I agree with others who said you are not at fault. This happened to you and there was nothing you could do except get out when you could. We are to honor/respect the position (of mother, father, other leaders etc) but there is only so much one can do for the person if they persist in their behaviors and will not accept help or compromise. Parents are to teach these things to their children not the other way around. And they are to encourage their children to live their own lives once they are old enough not make it difficult for them. It sounds like to me you had to get out away from her to survive and I'm glad you did. I'm glad you joined our group, Carol. Sounds like all of us have had our heartache and maybe that's why we have gained weight but also maybe that's why we have all been brought together in a place where we can support one another. Life goes on and we can make it better...our past does not have to define us.

Well, better go get dinner. We are having Tuna Salad tonight. I will eat mine on lettuce and Joe will likely make a sandwich. Talking about supporting one another, my dear dh and I have been experiencing a lot of emotions during this house minute we are irritable and the next we are holding one another and crying and expressing gratitude that at least we are together in it. This is truly what marriage is about...getting through all kinds of things together..both the easy and the not so easy. I am truly blessed!

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Old 11-03-2011, 09:29 PM   #60  
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Hey GGs,
Well, I got my bargains, plus about $30 of groceries I hadn’t planned on getting (really good prices!). The grocery store was in the same shopping center as the store where I got my 2 pairs of boot house shoes last Friday, so I went in & got 2 more pairs. Same 2 styles, only in different colors. I really like them, looks & comfort (& they’re super easy to pull on), & they were only $7.99 & $9.99 a pair. I figured it wasn’t likely I’d ever again find any I like as much, at those prices. And, I plan on putting the 2 new pairs up for next year (well, maybe).

Lynn, cozy mysteries are my favorites too, I’m sure I’ve mentioned that here before. I think I like Bobbi’s definition of them better than the website’s. And, Bobbi, when I read Darcy’s kindergarten sayings (so cute, keep sending them, Darcy!), I immediately thought of Art Linkletter’s “Kids Say the Darnedest Things!” Was that a whole TV show or just part of “The Art Linkletter Show” (he did have a show called that, didn’t he?)? My SO says he (Art Linkletter) had a really big, nice house in this area, years ago (SO’s father & uncle worked on the construction of it, & took him to see it when he was a little boy).

Carol Sue, that’s really rough that you never had a decent relationship with your mother, but I don’t see how you can feel any guilt about that. And, like Mary said, it sounds like she was mentally ill, & can’t really be blamed for it either. It just seems like everyone has some kind of “dysfunctional family” issue. It makes me really glad that my mother & I have managed to become pretty good friends, in spite of some issues we had in the past.

KarenFL, hope your cleaning girls did a better job this time, but not good enough to change your mind about this being their last time. Surely you can find someone honest & reliable, that would do a good job for you. I know several ladies like that, but I don’t think they could make the commute. And about that driving with the sun in your eyes, I know how awful, & dangerous, that can be. My very first trip to FL from NC, driving on my own after just getting my license, I missed the I-95 bypass around Jacksonville. And it was just after 5PM on a weekday. So, I was stuck on the interstate, driving right through town, in going home traffic, with the setting sun right in my eyes! I was scared out of my mind & praying like crazy! I survived, no idea how - guess God was listening. And, I’ve never again missed that bypass, or gone near Jacksonville during peak traffic time!

Darcy, I’m confused. In a recent post you mentioned your children are 9, 11, & 16 yrs. old, but in some of my older notes (I’ve been trying to keep track of all the new people), I wrote down that you had a 13 yr. old son. Did I get you mixed up with someone else?

Gayle, I use the baking soda & vinegar & hot water thing (& a plunger) in my kitchen drain when it gets really slow. Seems to help, but I don’t think it would work on a really bad clog. KarenMO, I am glad you finally got your drain unclogged, but sorry about the broken pipe. I hope your DH can get it fixed pretty easily. That’s not usually too difficult, my SO & I have fixed a lot of them (well, I hand him the tools, & drive to the store to get parts when the ones he bought don’t fit).

Marie, I think you’re right, all the GG’s living on the same block would be great (good dream, Bobbi), but maybe dangerous. No telling what we’d be getting up to. One thing’s for sure though - we’d be a force to be reckoned with!!! That’s got me thinking - if all of us got together & put our minds to it, we could probably solve all the world‘s problems. Naw, we’d be too busy having fun & laughing our heads off.

Hi Rie. Sorry about your DGS’s & Poppa’s mishap. Good luck with the tournament! Didn’t you say your game was improving, now that you’re getting more used to your new size? So I'm sure you'll do great!

Mary, I told you you’re getting tiny. I’m glad you’re finally starting to see it. And sorry about all you're dealing with, with your son's house. It is wonderful that you & DH have each other for support. It's good to see a relationship like yours - one that has lasted so long, & is still so loving & supportive!

Well, I've stayed much longer tonight, & got to chat a lot. Yay! But, once again it's getting late, so...... gotta go. Hi! to all I missed.
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