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Old 11-02-2011, 11:41 AM   #31  
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Gayle, its impossible to say no to the little grandkids when they look at you so adoringly. we all know they'll all become teenagers and ignore us so you made the right choice to go when Maddie wanted you to go with her. Glad you get to do the Y membership. During the week is hard to go for a bike ride when the sun thinks it should set so early. Next week it will be even worse. So we'll go after work in the summer. For now, tandem rides on the weekends.

Donna, my trick with the candy is to buy peanut something so I won't eat it. Like Gayle said, "pain in a bag" my case is "death in a bag". If I was allergic, there are candies I don't like so I'd buy those.

Lynn, you are so right about trying to mend the fences. I know I will not just pretend it didn't happen. I won't do that anymore (used up grace blanket forgiveness) but I will find a way to work it out.

Carol Sue, that is very sad about your mother and you. Tolerance is needed in all relationship. Doesn't sound like your mom had much. I hope your heart is strong enough for your December surgery. You have had a tough year!

Zoe, be safe on your trip. I can see you packing the closet for an adventure because you never know when something unexpected comes up.

KarenFL, I think the not calling back is a good plan with the cleaners. And what in the world would she put on the floor that turns feet orange? Very strange.

Bobbi, wow on your MIL! My son has been a liar since he learned to talk. Hence the ongoing problem. He's a born again Christian and says he can't stand lying. However, we know how true that is. If they won't be honest, they I will give up. I think there is hope though. BTW, love "fire those thieves".

KarenMO, interesting Sissy doesn't like kids or others after being a puppy mill baby for so long. Sasha was as well (saved her own life - some day I should write about her courage). Anyway, she is the sweetest of my dogs with others, especially with my granddaughter (baby). She adores DGD.

Wow Donna Marie, that is one AWESOME costume you and your son created.

Rosey, I bet the look on your friend's face was priceless when he brought your mail.

Rie, I totally hear you on not compromising for milk chocolate when dark chocolate exists. In my old days I'd eat whatever and really only treasuring the dark chocolate. Finally I have grown up and learned to say no.

Lynard, {{{hugs}}} to you. You are doing everything you can for a person that isn't ready to help herself. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Mary, glad you're safely home and that you had a good trip. Very cool about the collar bones. My only goal with DIL is to explain that I don't want my son between her and I. That if she's mad at me, to tell me so we can work it out. She brings it to my son and he comes to me. I can't defend myself and nothing is worked out. That's where I'm hoping we can get some honest communication going between us.

Darcy, glad to hear from you. Congratulations for breaking through a tough barrier with your weight. You're doing great.

Pam, welcome aboard. Both knees need to be replaced? OW!!! Water aerobics is fun. Definitely give it a try.

Freda, an adult 40 yo out trick or treating? I'd be ok with that if it was a Downs adult (or in that vain) but I'm thinking not so much with a "functional" adult. To funny that your sister thought you were deformed for having collarbones.

I finally made it to the ends of the posts. Yesterday I started and finally copied the personals into my email and mailed them to work so I could finish here. I'm not good at keeping my thoughts to myself so I always like to comment. Yesterday was not a grand day. Bambi with a death wish decided to run full speed in front of my Jeep. He did a bit of damage but DH is fixing it. So today I drove DH's Durango. The deductible is $500 and DH can do the work himself and their won't be a claim against our policy. I am going to look into a $0 deductible like my co-worker has. I'd rather pay monthly than have a kamikaze bambi keep taking on my Jeep. It is the second one this year. I think my no hunting attitude is starting to change. There's such an over population where I live that I'm starting to change my attitude. Where Bambi died, there are two others withing 25 yards. On the 3.5 miles of road there are 5 as of this morning. Good part is I didn't eat my way out of my frustration yesterday. Stayed on plan and exercised like normal. Today, no bambi sightings on the way to work so that was good. DH did suggest we buy the Jeep a monster bumper. BTW, if I hadn't slammed on the brake, I would have hit him more squarely and not damaged my vehicle. Stupid me hitting the brakes when something flies out in front of me. Anyway, the bumper is on my Christmas wish list. Other than damage to my Jeep yesterday, it was a good day. Now I need to work. The piles of work never stop.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:50 AM   #32  
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Hi Marie, be back later to tell you about my dream last night with you and two of your dogs in it.
Val...this was already posted in the recipe section. The Gar gum is very important in this recipe, it's what thickens it up. You can buy it at any health food store or if you have an organic section in your grocery store. If you look on the label of food items, you'll see it a lot to thicken things up.

Peanut Butter Thai Sauce
8 servings of 1 oz @ 35 calories (one ounce serving of this is alot of dip)
48 grams of PB2 (dehydrated peanut butter)8 Tablespoons
Mix Pb2 with water according to jar directions.
3-4 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
3 servings Ginger (12 grams if using ginger in a tube)2 teaspoons fresh
1-3 teaspoon Splenda or whatever sweetener you use.
¼ cup Rice Vinegar
1 teaspoons Chili powder
Dash Cayenne
½ to 1 teaspoons Gar gum(thickener)
Add additional water to make 8 oz. when completed
Whisk together and store in covered jar in refrigerator.
Great snack with raw veggies!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 11-02-2011 at 11:51 AM.
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:46 PM   #33  
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Forgot to post my menu.

Tueday’s Keep me Accountable menu 953 calories + 39 grams fiber
Breakfast - Fiber One, dried cranberries, Flax seeds, Chia, Yogurt, molasses, vitamins
Lunch- Veggie soup
Snack - 2 Werther candies (16 calories total) big deal!
Supper- Chicken Gnocchi soup with ½ cheese biscuit, plain no butter
Sugar free Banana Cream pie less the crust , ff cool whip and sprinkled with ½ serving dry fiber one.

½ serving sunflower seeds
10:00 pm late night Snack- raw carrots and celery with peanut butter dip/sauce
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:47 PM   #34  
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Good Hola, All…

I hear my neighbor snow-blowing my driveway! We bought the snow blower together last year and didn’t use it once! This year, I think we’ll get our money’s worth. It is so wonderful to not have to take four hours to shovel that long driveway! My heart won't threaten to explode, my back won’t hurt, and life is grand! Simple pleasures…. We’ll probably get 4-5” today.

Marie – I had fun with the Halloween poopers. No one objected to my parsimonious offerings, and at least they won’t puke from eating too many pencils (I hope!). The little ones were really cute.

Glad you weren’t hurt in your confrontation with Bambi! Was Bambi hurt? I don’t know how you could just hit it straight on and not try to brake… it seems like reflexes (and compassion) would take over!

Lynn – has your class roster increased? Will they even continue the class, if just one signs up? Which topic, this time?

– I hope you have good weather for your trek to Vermont! I’ll be anxious to hear the nitty details. Drive safely!

KarenFL – I laughed at you hearing “squealing sounds” from up north and blaming it on CK’s keyboard! Since she’s already an accordion pro, she’ll probably be regaling us on FB in no time at all! Your cleaning people AREN’T! I agree with Bobbi: fire those thieves!

Bobbi – is your house all back together? Do you LOVE the floors? Did you get laminate or hardwoods? I’ve wondered how they hold up when there are animals in the household. Is Charlie marring them? Headaches?? Your flower pictures are lovely!

CK – at SamCat’s age, I don’t want him entertaining any thoughts of procreating with the visiting girl kitty!!! FIL still doing okay?

Gayle – no, the anti-inflammation book hasn’t arrived yet… maybe this week? I’m anxious to read it. I also have a voucher for acupuncture that I need to use, and I’m sure those folks are also versed in the anti-inflammation stuff. I’d be just fine if I never had to walk! Are your own booboos better?

Wow, CarolSue – you’ve been through the mill! Good luck with the upcoming surgery!

Rosey – I was shocked that you had 4 treaters! I visualize you in an outback place, accessible only by airplane! Is it dark all day yet? When does DH return? Are the furbabies all doing well?

Rie – you sound fully recovered! SamCat thanks you for the compliment. He agrees that he is quite pleasant to peer upon!

Lyn – so good to hear from you! I’m sorry to read about your DD’s problems. Bi-polar seems to be such a difficult problem, since they don’t want to do meds when they feel well and then don’t have the ability to do meds when they aren’t feeling well. Stay in touch!

Darcy – how is your son doing in school?

Freda – how is your doctor treating the FX? Are you wearing a bandage or what?

I’m so looking forward to today. We had a lunch scheduled with the cousins and Aunty Ann at Granny’s, but the old ladies (me included) decided they didn’t want to venture outside. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow… I’ve been in a pissy, imposed upon mood the last couple of days, anyway, so it’s better to just hide out and snuggle with SamCat.

Everyone, good Wednesday! Newbies – welcome!

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Old 11-02-2011, 01:34 PM   #35  
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I didn't expect to lose weight this week and was just hoping not to gain but expected I might. I only gained .2#, I'm 152.8 today and I'm ok with that as long as I don't gain more. Lots to do today. I spent last night catching up on some things but today I have to call the bank and complete this several page form they sent me for a short-sale.

Donna - Staying in and warm sounds like a good plan!

Marie - That was exactly the way it was with my dil and son! I think you are right in confronting her. I made the mistake for way too many years of just pretending nothing was wrong.

Pam - Don't give've done it before and you can do it! Nice that your dh is so cooperative with the walking too. Walking is the very best exercise! I also like light weights. Both the walking and weights help me stay at least a little stronger. I'm 68 and never exercised much (except walking in my younger years), until I was at least mid-50s. Then started using exercise videos, then eventually started in a senior class at a gym. Now I love to exercise and miss it if I don't do it. Try different ways of eating to see what works for you...for me it seems to be low cal/low carb/high protein/high fiber mini meals throughout the day and one day when I eat only a large amount of veggies and 5-7 oz lean protein. For others it is different. I think if you go with your natural eating patterns you will stick to it better. When you start to see the weigh loss you will get more motivated. Post whenever you can so we can help support you. We all need encouragement, support.

Mom - So happy you have made it to the 150s! I finally did too and was so happy too because it seemed like I never would ...LOL about your mom and the fridge. My dh has had both eyes done and it worked out really well for him too. My vision has always been poor and I sure hate to lose more.

Rosey - I have a 20 year old gs (this month) and soon a 22 year old gd! I can't believe it. And the gd is now married! Life is passing entirely too quickly for me!

Well, better start my day before it's gone all have a good one!
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Old 11-02-2011, 02:50 PM   #36  
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This is a recipe I got in weight watchers many years ago. I lost the recipe and searched the internet and an old W.W. cookbook and couldn't find the original. This is what I put together that I can remember, it seems to work.
Last time I made it, I used two packages of lime jello instead of the knox and it was really delicious.
Pineapple Fluff (8 servings @ 80 calories each)
Put can of pineapple, and dry milk in refrigerator night before to chill. Put large bowl and beaters in frig or freezer night before. (If ingredients get too warm, they take forever to whip up.)
20 oz. can crushed pineapple
1 1/3 cup dry milk (92 grams)
2/3 cup bulk Splenda or whatever sweetener you use. (I put liquid stevia to taste in mine)
1 teaspoon coconut extract
2 packages unflavored Knox gelatin
Soften knox in ½ cup cold water, add ½ cup boiling water and mix until dissolved. Set aside
Drain pineapple, set pineapple aside. (pineapple is folded in last)
Reserve juice in measuring cup, add water to make one cup if necessary.
In a large bowl mix juice, sweetener and coconut extract on low 2 minute or until it stops splattering. Turn up mixer and beat until foamy, adding knox mixture a little at a time. Beat until doubled in size or top of bowl. Taste it at this stage to see if it‘s sweet enough. (5-7 minutes, can take longer if it’s not cold enough)
Remove bowl from mixer and fold in drained pineapple. Spread out in a covered cake pan and refrigerate.

You can make all kinds of flavors:
Cup of left-over coffee and unsweetened cocoa
Almond extract and unsweetened cocoa
Lemon extract
Applesauce and maple extract/cinnamon
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:27 PM   #37  
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Hi Everyone,

The students in this course are MUCH LESS “talkative” than my students at Univ of Phoenix. VERY few posts to answer today.

I went to the Dr. about the esophageal spasms (had a pretty severe bout in the middle of the night on Friday). He recommends that I get the head of my bed raised a little. When my SIL’s back gets better, I will ask him about that.

I am VERY HAPPY about my gym workout today. Before the half-marathon, I was up to 3.8 mph. After all the illnesses, I was doing between 3 and 3.5 mph. Today I held 3.6 mph for 45 minutes!

Have a great rest of your Wednesday,


Originally Posted by Riemontana View Post
I didn't have any candy yesterday because I found out that I am all out of my dark rich chocolate and I didn't want to compromise. I must get to the store!
Marie, good luck darlin and I hope that things go well. Sometimes I am facinated by the fact that adult children can be so hard to deal with. I always tell people who are frustrated with their recalcitrant toddlers that they will look back fondly on this time....
Hi Rie,

I LOVE dark chocolate. However, I buy it ONLY when I can get a single little square. If I buy a whole bar, I will eat it in one day! I have absolutely NO will power.

When I was pregnant (almost 50 years ago), a woman who worked with me said that parenting could be summed up in one phrase – “little children little problems; big children big problems.” At the time, I thought she was VERY cynical. I now agree.

Originally Posted by lynard21 View Post
Have been having some stressful family issues. Youngest DD has severe bi-polar condition and is not doing well. She moved out of NYC, (which is actually a relief), and we have set her up in an apt house we still own near Rochester. Went to help her settle in Columbus weekend (an 8 hour trip one-way), and she would not even speak to us. Ended up in an emergency psych ward for 3 days. we went back home, and 2 weeks later she's back in the hospital. (A different one). Though she was originally diagnosed when she was 17 (11 years ago), she is now refusing to believe she has this condition and will not take the medication that is being recommended. We are sad and frustrated, but really can not do much more to help her until she agrees to help herself. So sad as she is a very talented writer and actress, but the illness makes her delusional and psychotic.
Hi Lyn,

I am SO SORRY to read about your DD. The more we get to know each other, the more we realize that each of us has her own problems to cope with. I have always pictured your life as idyllic with you and your DH madly in love and spending most of your time enjoying the beauty and peace of nature. Hopefully, your DD will get better and take her meds and you can get back to more peaceful times.

Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
well today was certainly was very windy and i just knew we would have a power outage. and we did. thankfully it only lasted 2 hrs. in the past its has been several days. i was abit un-nerved as im alone and when the powers off,no phone. what did folks do in bygone yrs? persevered and rolled with it i suppose.
Hi Rosey,

Glad your power outage was short-lived. My DD and SIL have made their plane reservations for Alaska in February. They are planning to go to something called “fur rondy. “ This will be their 3rd trip to your state. They LOVE it.

Originally Posted by maryea View Post
We arrived home today from a couple nights at the WA coast. It was quiet and relaxing ...all we did is walk the beach, and go out to eat (lunch), otherwise just stayed in the condo relaxing. We almost cancelled and I am glad we didn't. I love the ocean. I didn't really watch my eating that closely
I'm looking forward to the gym tomorrow.
Hi Mary,

Glad to hear you had a nice time in WA. Don’t worry about the eating – you will lose that in no time when you start at the gym.

Originally Posted by Mom2TCS View Post
I've maintained my very slow but consistent weight loss trend and broke into the 150s last week!
Starting this past Saturday, I decided to start walking again -- I've wanted to, just haven't figured out how time-wise. I didn't have to work this weekend, so I went out Saturday and again on Sunday for 3.5 miles each time.
One of my jobs is working at the school at lunchtime and watching over the kindergarteners, who say the cutest things! I thought I'd share a few -
Hi Mom,

CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss and the exercise! I aM dOiNg ThE hApPy DaNcE for you!

I LOVE the kid quotes – keep em coming.

Originally Posted by Pamb View Post
I joined here quite a while ago, used to post in the other 50+ thread. I am getting started over at my weight loss journey, tired of being sick and tired!
I am committing to checking in here at least every other day.
Hi Pam,

I am so GLAD you decided to join us. Let us know how we can help you. This is thread has a bunch of wonderful women who support each other. You will love it here.

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Lynn, we gets lots of patients sent to rehab my their doctors to get them stronger for surgery. Another good reason to exercise.
Hi Freda,

Before my hip surgery, the Dr. gave me exercises. I did them religiously and after the surgery, I knew why he had given them to me. I really needed those stomach muscle exercises. I am convinced that bc of the exercises, I recovered so quickly from the surgery.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Lynn...stop having so much fun! The last movie I went to was "The Passion" (of Christ). Before that was Pretty Woman and that was eons ago.
Hi Bobbi,

You are such a bundle of contradictions! The Passion of Christ and Pretty Woman! When I worked at the local college (a college of agriculture), Mel Gibson and company came to our college to film the sci fi film he did about the UFO aliens. He was so NASTY to our students that I have never watched another movie that he is in.

Originally Posted by Marie View Post
Lynn, you are so right about trying to mend the fences. I know I will not just pretend it didn't happen. I won't do that anymore (used up grace blanket forgiveness) but I will find a way to work it out.
Yesterday was not a grand day. Bambi with a death wish decided to run full speed in front of my Jeep.
Hi Marie,

I will keep my fingers crossed for you to work out the issues with your DIL. Sorry about the brush with Bambi. We also have MANY suicidal deer here in PA.

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post

Lynn – has your class roster increased? Will they even continue the class, if just one signs up? Which topic, this time?
The anti-inflammation book hasn’t arrived yet… maybe this week? I’m anxious to read it.
Hi Donna,

I have 9 students in this course. I think that this college has a minimum of 5 students and a maximum of 15 for their Graduate courses. This one is Human Development Theory and Application to Educational Leadership.

When you get the book, I want to hear about the diet. I am still cut back to 1 celebrex a day and am feeling MUCH more achey.
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:28 PM   #38  
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Hello---things are goofy around here today! The bathtub drain is clogged and nothing seems to be working on it right now! Not good!! Hopefully, this last stuff that he put down the drain will work.

Donna, Tim's Dad is doing really good and I went ahead and posted a pic on the FB for you. I can look at him and see what Tim will look like when he is 94!!

OK, got to get back to doing stuff... Got bread in the breadmaker and I need to get the kitchen cleaned up....hope I don't have to take a shower in the kitchen sink!!! Not a pretty picture is it?????
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Old 11-02-2011, 04:57 PM   #39  
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Bobbi - I just saw this, and "allergies" is the first thing:
I'm interested in the second thing!

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Old 11-02-2011, 06:30 PM   #40  
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Bobbi, my father worked in the chemical engineering business and guar gum paid at least in part for my education. It definitely thickens stuff up. I notice that its in loads of stuff. Definitely you must share your dream. When my FIL passed away and we drove straight through to MN, I thought of you as we passed by your town. Next time we're meeting for mochas.

Donna, Bambi wasn't on the road and I hit him on the driver side. But there are so many dead deer laying on the stretch of road, I don't know if one way by my Jeep. I'm happy to believe he trotted of giggling. Enjoy your snow. We bought a plow for DH's durango several years ago. It wasn't used the first two years and now it has paid for itself.

Mary, cool you changed your avatar to that gorgeous picture. I love it. You look awesome. Good luck on the bank process. Just take one form at a time and eventually you will reach the finish line.

Lynn, I'm glad you have enough students to continue. Those 9 students are lucky to have you. And I'm thinking Bambi is genetically suicidal.

CK, glad to hear your FIL is doing great. Good luck with the drain... kitchen showers could be interesting though

So I clicked on Donna's link and thought the cider vinegar cures sound interesting. But what does it taste like? I'm not sure I could choke down vinegar every day.

I'm at a stand still at work. Both of my computers are working hard processing files and I'm too tired to come up with something in the mean time, so I wandered back to 3FC.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:01 PM   #41  
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Hey GGs,
Y’all keep moving far too fast for me to keep up! By the time I get through reading all the new posts, I don’t have time to write anything. And then I feel guilty, because here I am, doing diddly squat, & lots of you hold down full-time jobs & lead very busy lives, & still find time to write long, interesting, chatty posts. How do you do it?!!! Anyway, here I am, & it’s getting late again. But, there are a few things I have to chime in on, even though they’re almost ancient history by now.

Bobbi, I think it was you that mentioned those old chord organs that you played by number. We had one when I was a kid, & I would memorize the numbers to the tune of the song. I still remember “5-5-3-6-5-3,5-5-3-6-5-3,5-3-5-3,3-5-5-1”. That was “Ring Around the Rosie”. Amazing what sticks in your head!

Gayle, I like what you said about our partners & making peace with how they are, & deciding what we will & won’t put up with. That’s exactly the way I feel about it (& you said it so well!). Whenever my SO says or does something that really annoys me, I ask myself “would I rather put up with ______, or live without him?” and, I always choose to keep him (so far anyway LOL!).

I have 2 pages of notes of things I wanted to comment on, but I just don’t have time! As usual, I have to get up at 4AM in the morning, but I won’t get to go back to sleep after SO leaves for work. My mom & I are going to a grocery store tomorrow, that’s having a one-day-only sale, & we want to get there early, before they sell out of the good stuff (no rain checks). So, I need to make sure I get to bed early tonight. ‘Night y’all.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:20 PM   #42  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Carol Sue,

What an awful experience. It is difficult enough when you know you are going to have surgery and can prepare for it. Terrible when it comes as a surprise.

Is there anything that your doctors want you to do prior to the next surgery? My cousin has LOTS of heart problems and last time they put in new stents, she had to go to physical therapy before the surgery to prepare.

Lynn, sometimes I think that it's better to have emergency don't sit around thinking about it before hand. When they told me I had to go right up for surgery I didn't even think to ask them what was wrong with me or what kind of surgery! What a shock when I woke up! The surgeon just tells me to walk, walk, walk, eat lots of fruits and vegetables and stay healthy. I would like to get as much weight off as I can before that time. I keep asking the doctor if he can do a tummy tuck while he's in there! LOL
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:23 PM   #43  
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Maryea - I agree with Marie.....Nice picture. You look great!
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Old 11-03-2011, 02:00 AM   #44  
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Thanks for the nice compliments on my picture. I guess I can't really believe that I've changed much but looking at this pic I can see it. My face esp is definitely thinner. My tummy is flatter too but still have a long way to go there. My legs will get very thin long before my tummy changes much. At least that's the way it was in the past. I'm hoping exercise will help me this time.

Just saw this and thought might be a good deal for some of you who exercise wit your wii. Please note that one of the reviewer says it is not for those who have exercise restrictions or are out of shape. Just one reviewer said that though I think.

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Old 11-03-2011, 08:15 AM   #45  
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Karen MO ~ did you get your drain unclogged? We have used one of those home remedies with success ~ I can't find my little book right now that tells the exact directions, but it was baking soda, salt and vinegar (when I google it says equal amounts) pour that in the drain and let that work, then pour boiling water in the drain. Hope that helps. It also can be used on a regular basis to keep the drains from getting clogged.

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