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Old 11-12-2011, 09:13 AM   #196  
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Hi redballoon, do you have a shorter name we can call you? Thanks for translating kg to pounds, otherwise I wouldn't know what that means.
1.8 kg, about 4 lbs and
Val, what are you doing up at 2:44 this morning? BTW, I don't remember seeing your post about losing 3 pounds, congrats!
I'm going to have a lazy day today, our Antelope roast was big enough to have again tonight for supper. I did find a new recipe for cranberry meatballs I'll make today to freeze for Thanksgiving appetizers if I like them. If not, we'll just eat them ourselves. Anyone used jellied cranberry sauce for a base of meatballs?
Tomorrow in church the youth group is fixing breakfast for the congregation and you know what that means? High calories egg and cheese dishes, muffins with lots of sugar, bacon or sausages, blah, blah, blah. I'll probably have to have plain vegetable soup for supper to counteract all those greasy dishes.
DH just informed me about the nice day we're going to have, I'll get the washed bedding out on the line for one last shot of wind blown sheets and pillow cases. Oh, I love the smell of line dried sheets.
Yesterday's menu, I'm almost afraid to post it because of low calories again. problem is all the veggies I eat, then I'm too full for the higher calorie foods.
Friday’s Keep me Accountable menu 979 calories + 40 grams fiber

Breakfast - Fiber One, apple cinnamon yogurt , Flax, Chia (homemade yogurt with real apple in it)
Lunch- Veggie Soup
Snack - raw carrots with PB2 dip
Supper- Antelope Roast, Carrots, (lots of them)Orange cranberry sauce, gnocchi

Snack - Vanilla pudding, sf cool whip, topped with Pineapple/Rhubarb sauce

dry Fiber One toasted with cinnamon and sugar substitute.
You all have a great week-end.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 11-12-2011 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 11-12-2011, 10:20 AM   #197  
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Welcome Redballon!! You are most Welcome to join in here! WE just love to add another chair to this BIG table that we have! I just love the mental picture of us all sitting around that table and gabbing up a storm!

I got up kind of late this morning and need to get in and make breakfast and then I think we are going to go and look at a couple houses this afternoon. T

Take care and Have a great day!!
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:08 AM   #198  
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Welcome RedBalloon! This is a great bunch here, I'm sure you will like it and find the support you need.

Bobbi - We also had an inversion table, which we also sold. LOL DH wanted it in the worse way. I don't know why, because he gets sick on rides that go up and down or around etc. When we first got it I read the directions that said to start slowly and increase the tilt gradually. He was not going to do that. He got on it and went all the way over. He didn't have it set right for his height and weight and he couldn't get back up. He was hollaring for me and I had to raise him back up. He got off, sick as a dog, and wouldn't get on it again. He kept wanting me to get on it. I did it once with it set to tilt gradually, and he pushed me all the way over. He thought it was funny. For months he nagged me to get back on it and I wouldn't. I wasn't the one who wanted it in the first place. We tried several times to sell it and finally got a buyer. He was the one who wanted the elliptical, too, and only used it once. Luckily, I really got into it so we kept that. The same thing with the Total Gym. We had a hard time selling that one. He is no longer allowed to buy any more exercise equipment! LOL

I saw that your calories were rather low a day or two, but I don't think there's any harm in that occasionally. Overall, I think your calories are in a good range. You are making healthy choices, too.
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Old 11-12-2011, 11:40 AM   #199  
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I haven't tried this first recipe, only the second one and I used Stevia instead of sugar. Sure beats the grocery store pudding.

Homemade Pudding

2 3/4 cups nonfat dry milk powder
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt

2 1/4 cups milk or water
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Combine pudding mix ingredients; store in an airtight container. For pudding, combine 1-1/4 cups mix and milk in a 2-qt. saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally; boil for 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount into egg; return to pan. Cook and stir over medium heat for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat; add butter and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into dishes; cover and chill 2-3 hours.
Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 1/2 cup instant dry milk solids
1 cup sugar or sugar substitute
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon salt
In food processor, combine all ingredients and store in container with tight-fitting lid. Makes 3 cups mix. sufficient for 24 individual servings. I just divided this into 4 packets and used 2 cups of milk to cook it. was too thick, next time I'm going to put at least 2.5 cups of milk in to cook. I'll have to experiment, also one lady said you don't need to add milk while cooking it, use water for less calories. I haven't tried that yet.
update on the 2nd pudding recipe. I cooked up another packet but used plain water instead of 2 cups of milk, added 1 tsp. coconut extract and a drizzle of vanilla extract. In the bottom of 5 containers I put in about 1 tablespoon of dried coconut and the pudding. Very good and 63 calories per dessert.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 11-12-2011 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 11-12-2011, 01:01 PM   #200  
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Hello Goldens!

Just a couple notes. I did 2 hours of walkitout this morning. Fun. Had a good and light breakfast and I am going to do a little work until I have to go to my cousin's Lia Sophia party. Not looking forward to it but I feel that I have to go.

Bobbi, I had a tourney last night until about 1230. I stopped by my work to say hi on the way home because I feel like the overnight staff are a little neglected in terms of attention. So, I checked in here and dropped a note. I slept about 5 1/2 hours and then got up and worked out. I feel rested -

Gotta go.

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Old 11-12-2011, 03:30 PM   #201  
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Hey I'm home.....We did it and our teammate got her Life Master on 11/11/11. Her husband went to the casino the same day and won $800. Need i say that watching an 87yr old lady happy dance is funny.

I am exhausted. I have been working to do this tournament since the surgery. Like sleeping in a bed instead on loungechair, walking distances, getting brain function back, did not restart antibiotics "cause of fuzzy jucky feelings.....And hit the Wall Day 1. I forgot that the hotel which is oldest one in Daytona(1909) is built with lobbey 3 stories Up a ramp. The ramp killed me. I did it to get us regristered 3-4 times. Then we went for lunch across the street(down the freakin ramp). Getting back in the hotel I would have sat on the wall at the bottom of the ramp for the week, but Craig a friend decided to stay with me and I could Not show my weakness to a man. I walked that Damn ramp again. Needles to say, I never left the hotel until again until this am. Then came a week of walking....wonderful room on the ocean on 6th floor...but on the far north end of the hotel with the elevators at the far south end....and then the ballrooms for the games again at the far north end. I was careful and didn't let anyone talking me into anything I wasn't up to. did stuff at my own pace.

Big problem now is Dh has labwork in am and surgery appt at 6am Monday. Don't see at lot of downtime for me.

Have gotten 2 days of backposts read BBL after I read what mischief you all have been doing. k3
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Old 11-12-2011, 03:52 PM   #202  
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Hola, Lovelies!
KarenFL - sounds like you're doing SO well! Good thoughts for your DH on Monday!!

Bobbi - headaches?

Lovelies - I am WITHOUT words. Life is serene (see: boring/blah, blah, blah) and I have nothing at all to report. I'm still doing the vinegar and am mostly pleased. Some days, the hip just gives me fits, but other days (like today), it's just fine. I was given a book by a friend... Pain Free or Living Pain Free or some such, and he says the problems are due to misalignment. He has some easy do-at-home exercises, and those have been helping tremendously, too. I don't know whether it would be better to cut off my head or my leg...!

Pretty day, but windy! Hope you're all well and healthy and happy... any newbies, welcome!

Hiya, PT/Zoe!

Last edited by jess1; 11-12-2011 at 03:55 PM.
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Old 11-12-2011, 04:56 PM   #203  
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Hi Everyone,

I had a VERY stressful day today & ALMOST turned to food. This morning I received an email from the Director of the program I just started teaching for. He was complaining about the fact that 3 of 9 students have dropped my class.

I was driving home from seeing my DF and SERIOUSLY considered stopping at store to buy a LOT of ice cream. I turned away and drove home. It was a close call.

I got home and got into my class and spent the last 3 hours working with my students. A MUCH BETTER CHOICE than the ice cream.

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Old 11-12-2011, 05:45 PM   #204  
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Donna...pretty much headache free, thanks for asking.
Lynn...tell your director to go suck an egg.
Director was complaining about the fact that 3 of 9 students have dropped my class.
My menu for today, will not have time to post tomorrow. I'm guessing my calories are a tad over 1200, we ate all left-overs and I didn't bother to weigh anything...too tired. sure did get your exercise in, did you actually play bridge or just hostess it?
Saturday’s Keep me Accountable menu 1200 at least calories + ? grams fiber I was up to 30 grams before supper
Breakfast - Fiber One, apple cinnamon yogurt , Flax, Chia
Lunch- Veggie Soup
Snack - ½ Banana muffin (new recipe, had to try before I shared it for church coffee hour)
Supper- Left-overs...Antelope Roast, Carrots, gnocchi , Mexican Couscous, Napa slaw with buttered almonds and peanut sauce. Geeezz, forgot about the peanut oil in the dressing, maybe I'm at 1300 calories.?

Snack Coconut pudding, sf cool whip,
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Old 11-12-2011, 06:02 PM   #205  
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Wow, this place is jumping. I just got up. It's late already Sunday morning and have to run off soon. But I can see that if I don't keep up I'll fall hopelessly behind and out of sight.

Yesterday, I spent in a total mope. It wasn't till dark that I got out for a 90-min fast work that got me going (along with the music on my iPod).
Until 40 minutes in I was thinking I would cut things short on my usual "circuit walk" but I kept going knowing I would feel good about myself for having done so. Today, I will get to the gym!


chickadeee, thanks for the welcome. I live alone and although my cats are there to greet me (and ask for breakfast) it's good having someone to report the days deeds (or misdeeds) to.

glynee, Glad to hear I'm not the only "pity partyer." I had to laugh when I read about your moment. It really sounds silly when you hear someone else doing it! Glad you got back on track!

Bobbi, wow, thanks for the great welcome! Please just call me "red." I never like it when people use their real names unless, like you, it's right there under their avatars because I can't remember who is who. Don't mean to be secretive or anything (my name is Barbara) but "Red" is easier. Actually, you can call me whatever you want, just as long as I know who you're talking to.
Yes, a kilo is 2.2 lbs. Kilos are easier for me because my scale is in kilos. I had a pound thingamig from Mary Lou Retton, a platform or something. It was cool but the batteries leaked and I had to throw it away. I'll try to remember to convert for all you unfamiliar with metric. At least I don't have to deal in stones!
I was going to say, wow, you're not eating much, are you? Well, then I looked at your weight ticker. You're so light! Hoping to get there myself. Congrats on the weight loss!

Karen -- Thanks too! Yes, I can see the picture of us all around a big table gabbing. You're doing great on your weight loss too! You are a tiny thing too! And I'm only a tad taller. With us shorties, every pound really shows so it is an incentive, don't you think?

simn -- What's this? A Steeler fan?! Hurrah! I too am a Steeler fan, a displaced (misplaced) Steeler fan from afar. Grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh but am over in Japan now. I don't follow American sports until one of MY teams is in the championships. What are the Steelers doing now? I would so love to be able to go to a Super Bowl victory celebration in the Burg. Haven't been back in like six years.

Rie -- I forgot to congratulate you on your weight loss. From the looks of your ticker, you have done a super job!! What kind of tourney are you talking about in your post? Sounds you have a handle on the workouts.
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Old 11-12-2011, 06:38 PM   #206  
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Wow, SO many posts!!! I may not be able to keep up. I see now that there are also multiple Karens....


Karen3 -- I'm new to the thread. Welcome home!

jess -- thanks for the welcome! I'm the newbie.

lady -- To h ell with the students who drop out! It's most likely not your fault! Great going on NOT giving in and eating junk because you were stressed. Excellent, excellent work!

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Old 11-12-2011, 08:25 PM   #207  
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Hello Goldens!

Well, I got a little out of order at my cousins party this afternoon. Luckily most of the offerings were low carb - except the lovely little chocolate/coffee cupcake that I ate. Good thing I worked out hard this morning! I also asked ds to make sure the calories and carbs for supper are really low.

Ds and I also went over to the folks and spent some time helping with their christmas display. It has several animated raindeer and of course, a couple had burned out bulbs. Dad and I spent quite a little time methodically testing each bulb until we found the one that was bad. It's all done now. You'd think they would come up with a better system!

Red, wow, that is really cool that you are in Japan! We have an aussie member and we really enjoy her posts. I am thinking that we will enjoy yours, also! My tournaments are pool tourneys. I am a competitive pool player and often bore my friend here with my chatter about pool.

Karen, welcome home and good job on taking care of yourself. You are right - never let a guy think that you are weaker. I get it. You did a great job preparing and I am so happy for your friend!

Bobbi, as I said, above, I am joining you on a high calorie day. We are supposed to cycle, right??

Donna, glad that you are finding some relief. I wish I could join you in a boring day...

Lynn, I think it is a shame when universities focus on class counts and other things rather than a rigorous educational process. You are an accomplished instructor and you will get a following. Congrats on the good decision!

I had a little break here for supper. Ds made lemon chicken with a boneless skinless thigh braised in freshly squeezed lemon juice. He just let the juice reduce and then seared it off. Wow, it was really good and so low calorie. A little bit of roasted potato cubes, cucumbers and green beans and I had a satisfying low calorie meal.

Well, I am going to go relax and read. I am a little tired. "see" you tomorrow!


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Old 11-12-2011, 08:29 PM   #208  
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I don't know how I keep so busy doing mostly nothing but I seem to do it very well. Realized more than half way through the day I hadn't accomplish anything so I quickly made the bed, put a load of laundry in, cleaned the kitchen counter tops and mopped the kitchen floor. Think how much I could have gotten done if I'd started earlier?!! We did go to the store. I had a $20 voucher for Whole Foods that I paid $10 for and we used it to buy some meat, milk and eggs. I thought i did petty well! It came to $20.06 and I was prepared to pay the 6 cents but after putting in the voucher, the cashier said no, it all cleared! That's the cheapest I ever walked out of there! It's been rainy and cold here so we were glad to come home and dh has had a fire going in the fireplace and mostly stayed in front of it all day.

I received the second package I'd ordered for Christmas. Those are for the kids that live just a couple hours away. Mostly I'm waiting to shop online so I can just send the gifts from the website. Then as the day gets closer I'll send out the cash/gift card gifts. We were hoping to visit our dd for Christmas but not sure now whether we will be able to travel now so just waiting to see how it goes.

Red - Welcome! GFY on the walking!

Bobbi - You're doing well with your menus. You are very disciplined.

Lynn - I'm glad you didn't allow that stress to drive you to food!!

Rie - You amaze me with all the exercise you do! And it shows in your pictures.

Donna - Sorry our hip is still hurting you! Glad the vinegar and exercise help but I hope you can get some more relief somehow soon. Pain is so wearing.

Hope you all have a good evening..I've got a MF approved meatloaf in the oven and rice in the rice cooker. Now I need to get the veggies ready. I won't eat rice of course.
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Old 11-12-2011, 09:42 PM   #209  
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Hi everyone welcome red,you will love it here. the predicted storm wasnt bad at all no winds but about 10 inches of new snow. im excitedly waiting for my dh return didnt do alot today but alot of gorking. hoping that your weekends chugging along.(((hugs))) rosey

Lunch/small apple with pb2 dip
snack?coffee mocha,terraky stick(like a slimim but moose)
Dinner/small taco salad made with gr turkey
snack/yogurt and sf pudding(mock cheese cake)

snow pics
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:49 AM   #210  
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Good Morning Goldens:

I had my weigh in today, no lbs loss, but did lose an inch. Can I blame it on my thumb! I am disappointed, but this will pass.

Sounds like everyone is doing good. I really need to read about you guys and how you keep at it, it helps me. As someone mentioned 'disciplined' rings true.

Have a great Sunday.
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