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Old 11-08-2011, 10:58 PM   #151  
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Mary, the nasty long bank form is done. My fingers and toes are crossed you're approved for a short sale.

Nancy, I love you told your SO that women are superior on Sunday. You are a wise woman.

Rie, ah, you would probably hate what I do for smooth legs and underarms. I haven't shaved for 2.5 years. I use an Enjoi epilator. It has something like 72 tweezers that spin rapidly and pull the hair out. As I said, I don't shave. I have very sensitive skin and would get horrendous rashes and infections from shaving. Nair did nasty burns. So I read about the new epilators on the market 2.5 years ago. The article said they were nothing like the old epilady that I'd tried years ago and I still have scars. Anyway, it took some self-talk to get me to do it the first time and 1.5 years before I'd try the underarms. Scarily, the underarms hardly hurt at all. The legs aren't bad either. I think professional waxing is way more painful. But I've been told I have a high tolerance for pain. My daughter and DIL both can't do it. That, I don't get but maybe the drs are right that I don't feel much pain. Regardless, I think I've had 3 ingrown hairs in that time and I have no bikini hair showing with swimsuits. So I finally have a solution to a problem that started the day I first shaved. When it is beauty day, that's what I do and it last 2-3 weeks. This week I'll add the waxing eyebrows. Learning to do that has had sporadic interesting results but now I'm getting good at that. BTW, when I'm ready to start I tell DH "Time to rip the hairs out". He cringes. I offered to let him try it on his face. LOL he turned me down flat.
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Old 11-08-2011, 11:06 PM   #152  
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Good evening GG's,

Got out late by 2 hours ~ so my evening is real short tonight. Maddie and Sara were here when I got home ~ that is always a day brightener

Thank you all for your support and being protective of me. Don't worry ~ I am not being bullied. He can suggest all he wants, but I have to do what works for me. When I feel strongly enough about something ~ I plant my feet firmly and will not back down. Example: When I moved here to Houston, he wanted me to drive myself ~ all by myself, from North Carolina to here. I said no way was I gonna do that. Absolutely not!!!!! I didn't care how much eye rolling and head tossing I had to see ~ no way was I gonna do that. And I didn't. Yippee for me!!!! After all these years, I can fend for myself with him pretty well. Like I said a few posts back ~ he can be frustrating and irritating, but compared to what some poor women have to endure ~ I have it pretty good. He got me Purell ~ LOL. I asked him to watch for a sale on purell. When I came home from work the other night ~ he was all excited for me to come look in the bathroom. There had been a sale on purell, and he had gotten several bottles of it. So, you see ~ it's not all bad. Have to take the good with the bad. I'm ok Thank you for caring about me

Mary ~ hope this house thing gets worked out, so you will be able to enjoy things again without having to worry about that so much.

Nancy ~ glad you don’t have too many aches to speak of. Is the weather by you still so that you can get in a little swing time?

Chickadeee ~ hope your thumb surgery went well. Love your avatar pic ~ nice to finally have a face to go with the name.

Rie ~ sorry for your truck breakdown and having to endure that labor dispute thing ~ hope that is the end of it.

Susanna ~ the name you picked is not offensive. When I first saw it, I just felt sad ~ we are so much more than our weight. Just wanting for you to be kind to yourself. Did you get to put your new sneakers to use and get out for a walk with your pup ~ what is pup’s name? They’re part of us/our family.

Zoe ~ you sure are having some crazy kind of weather by you ~ snow one week, then sort of summerish the next week. It is hard to know how to dress when it is like that.

Donna ~ I’m so glad for you that the vinegar thing is working and helping with your pain.

You’ll have to forgive me ~ I wasn’t able to get to everyone tonight ~ running our of time ~ almost bed time.

One day down ~ two to go.

Have a good rest all.

Last edited by glynne; 11-08-2011 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:17 AM   #153  
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Hi everyone. a very late post. the day got away from me doing what i dont know but manage to stay busy. its below zero again tonite. brr i have extra socks on. you'd think becus i cant feel my feet i wouldnt notice the cold
but when they are cold my legs and feet ache. weird huh! hugs and well wishes for all rosey

1/2 baked chix breast
small salad
coffee mocha hot this time cuz its cold
rice cake
pork cutlet with apricot jam
brussell sprouts
3 bean salad 1/4 cup
1 sf russel stover chocolate strawberry cream filled Yummy

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Old 11-09-2011, 09:07 AM   #154  
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Good Morning GG's

Didn't get the hair cut yesterday, going to try again today. Not much else planned. Lots of stuff that need to be done though. DH and i went through our closets last night and got together a load of stuff for purple heart. Coats and winter things that are going to be needed. And we cleaned out some closet space.

Rie, One thing you have to admit, that tow-truck driver had good taste!

Nancy, Howdey to you too. I think it's a southern thang (yes I spelled that right). I envy you your pain free body. How wonderful.

Mary, crossing my fingers for you for the quick sale. That will be one less thing to have to worry about.

Marie, ohh, yuck, phooey. I can't even think about your hair removal without cringing. It just sounds too painful. You must really have a high pain tollerance.

We were talking about hunting yesterday, and I got an e-mail that my 8 year old nephue got his first deer. That's a little young for me, but he was thrilled.

Z, I love your dad! Obviously, he loved nature and going out into the woods and watching was fun for him. My kind of hunter. I do believe in hunting for food, just not so much for sport.

Rie, my back is much better. It's about a 3-4 (pain scale) all the time too, but I can tollerate that. I started with the vinegar yesterday (yucky, but it just takes a second). How long did it take for you to see results? I'm not a gambler either. I work too hard for my money to give it away.

Rosie, just heard about the storms coming your way. Stay warm.

Have a good day,


Last edited by the slim me; 11-09-2011 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:00 AM   #155  
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Be back later maybe...I have to move all the squash in the wheelbarrow into the's getting cold out. (We missed the snow storm)
I didn't have time to feed all my ingredients into Fitday yesterday so don't know my total calories. Then again maybe I don't want to know them since DH has been asking for sour cream raisin pie. I made him one with real sugar because I WASN'T GOING TO EAT ANY OF IT. As you can tell by my large letters, I did. I see on the Hungry Girl site they are promoting Bulk Stevia in the raw, anyone ordered that yet? You use it like regular sugar and no calories, all natural. Gotta go...
Monday’s Keep me Accountable menu ? calories + ? grams fiber

Breakfast - Fiber One, raspberry yogurt , dried cranberries, Flax, Chia
Lunch- Squash Soup
Snack -
Supper- Bar-Q venison on low calories bun and my all time favorite Napa Cabbage slaw with sauted in butter Ramen noodles, almonds and sesame seeds/peanut oil and vinegar dressing. See why I didn't bother putting all the ingredients into fitday?
Snack - Raisin Cream pie/Graham cracker crust.

Late nite Snack -

Last edited by Bobbolink; 11-09-2011 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:54 AM   #156  
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ok, frist of all I want to know, who sent the snow to Wisconsin????? We woke up to it, and are due to get 5-6 inches. Yuck!

Sitting here with my thumb bandaged, and typing with one hand. I stayed home today, don't know how i can work, with one hand? I have throbbing pain, that makes me edgey! Putting it mildly! They removed a small mass, don't know what it was yet.

Thank you for all the good wishes.

Hope everyone has good Wednesday.
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Old 11-09-2011, 12:43 PM   #157  
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IMO my stress test went well. I had no symptoms before or during the test, but I know they have to read it and call me with the official results.

Chickadee, I hope your mass is benign.

Mary - I hope all goes well with your short sale.

Rie - Even redneck hicks know a good looking woman when they see one!

All - My husband started doing housework after he retired because he wanted me free to run around with him on weekends. He said once I retired the job would revert back to me. Now it's a combination of my convelescing from illnesses and habit that keeps him doing it. He is not perfect and we don't see eye to eye on everything, but it pretty much balances out. I could have done a lot worse.
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Old 11-09-2011, 02:59 PM   #158  
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Feeling a little less wiped out today, last night I was so tired I didn't go to a potluck and meeting I was planning to attend, probably just as well I missed the potluck as today was my weekly weigh-in day. I lost 1.4# this week and I'm ok with that. I'm eating a little more calories so don't expect to lose so fast now. Had to laugh...Monday I felt so good leaving the gym...think I mentioned that either here or on the Holiday thread..just realized that was because I had drank a little sample I had of an energy drink! That's the second time I've had the same sample...I'm going to have to go through the recycling and see what the name of it is as it does help! Just got back from the gym and the store where I got some fresh produce. Also picked up some diet soda to help me eat some of the MF salty (not very) meals I don't really care for.

The realtor visited the house today but she hasn't called me yet. A bank agent called this morning though to say she is handling our account...she called really early, I missed the call but she left a message and I returned her call but also had to leave a message. I remembered her name as one I had spoken with in the past and she seemed pretty nice. It feels better knowing that we have taken some action at least and I am optimistic. I know things will work out and whatever happens we will be able to handle it. Today I plan to work on the forms for the realtor. It's a lot too but at least I already have a lot of the stuff scanned into my computer now. I also badly need a hair cut so might get to that too.

Chick - Hope your hand heals quickly? Do you take meds for the pain?
Brrr - all the talk of snow is making me cold! It's chilly enough here...esp in the evenings, glad we don't have snow.

Rosey - Your chocolate sounds so are more disciplined than would be hard for me to stop with just one.
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Old 11-09-2011, 03:35 PM   #159  
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The cardiologist office just called to report that the stress test was good. Thank God! I then called the surgeons office to inform them. They are going to contact the cardiologist to get documentation stating that I am cleared for surgery. I sure hope this gets done before the end of the year. I have already met my deductible for this year.
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Old 11-09-2011, 04:50 PM   #160  
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Hey GGs,
Well, apparently I’m getting better. “From what?” you might ask. Good question. I think I mentioned I’ve been avoiding all things “internet”, but actually I’ve been avoiding more than that. I’ve put off making important calls, like to the bank & insurance company (on matters that really needed to be dealt with), & I haven’t been checking our bank balance until I absolutely have to. I haven’t been planning meals, or even cooking much - just throwing together whatever’s quick & easy at the last minute. And I’ve been doing only the most essential household chores, like washing clothes & doing the dishes (wait a minute that’s pretty much all I ever do!). Anyway, I’ve just felt like something’s not quite right with me. But, the last few days, I’ve been feeling more like “me”, & actually getting things accomplished, & it made me realize how different I was feeling before. I think I’m feeling like KarenFL did - like I’m coming out of a depression that I didn’t realize I was in. Only there was no reason for mine. And I’ve been taking my St. John’s Wort! But, hopefully I’m coming out of whatever it was I was in.

While I was busy getting things accomplished today, I noticed another thing that’s been bothering me - I talk to myself, & inanimate objects, out loud! Now I’ve always talked to the cats, but I figure that’s normal. Everyone does it, right? But this talking out loud to things like the potatoes “there, you’re all nice & washed & ready to go in the microwave” or to myself “Nancy, what are you doing, are you crazy?!”, well, I’m afraid people are going to start looking at me funny! Do any of y’all do that? Is it just a getting older thing, or am I really starting to lose it?!

And another thing! All this “getting things accomplished” took about 4 hours, & it was just your everyday normal stuff that needs doing. And I was remembering, when I “worked”, I would get home about 4PM, start fixing dinner, & doing the basic household things that have to get done, & it would be about 8PM (or later) before I could actually sit down & rest. How did I do it?! How do you all (the ones still “working”) do it???!!! Women truly are amazing! I don’t think very many men do that! (Though I must admit, SO sometimes works out in the yard 2 or 3 hours after he gets off work, but not every day!) And, I’m pretty sure that’s at least part of the reason I was never successful at keeping weight off (though I could lose it) when I was “working”. Just too stressed & too tired, & food was always an easy “fix”. I’ve been thinking that might be what makes it so hard for some of you! And what’s the solution to that?!

Haven’t read any of the posts yet, but it’s time to get dinner on the table. So, I’ll be back later, I hope.
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Old 11-09-2011, 09:42 PM   #161  
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Gayle, hopefully you got out of work on time tonight. Your job sounds difficult.

Rosey, it sounds like you’re enjoying your “me” time if the days are getting away from you. It is nice occasionally, isn’t it?

Freda, I wish my DH would clean out his closets. He hates to get rid of stuff (not a hoarder, just very attached). He uses more closet space than I do now. How did you get your DH to join you on the quest?

Chickadee, I think your snow is the Packers laying out the welcome mat for the MN Vikings. Go Pack Go!!!! I hope you hear soon what the mass is and that it is nothing. I hope your thumb feels better soon.

Carol Sue, I think that your DH balancing is good. I know that some days I think a wonder-man would be fabulous but my DH is kind and generous. That’s all that matters. And Double Yay on the good stress test results!

Mary, I hope you hear good news from the bank and realtor. You are making steps forward to eradicate yourself from your son’s mess.

Nancy, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Very glad.

I have the rest of the week off. Today DIL stopped by my office and I played with DGD and DIL and I had a nice conversation. This evening I invited her to go to coffee tomorrow since I’m going into town to Ross. My co-worker said they had Not Your Daughter Jeans for $35. Since I was wearing a $110 pair when she said it, I decided it was worth a trip into town. DH and I plan to tandem bike tomorrow after he gets home from work. The weather is supposed to be ~50 degrees. Sort of brrrr but since we still have snow on the ground, I will not be picky. Have a great night all my GG friends.
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:17 PM   #162  
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Hi everyone. nothing new here. i must say im a bit stir crazy. i love the "me time" but since i cant go anywhere without the dh to drive me its been a bit to long. steve will be home saturday the big alaskan storm thats been on the news was up by nome. top of the state and western coast. however our weather reports that we will get some of that bad weather here. hoping your day was great (((hugs))) rosey

atkins protein bar
6 trisquit wheat crackers
1/4 cup egg salad for dip
1 small apple
iced coffee mocha
1 cup veg beef soup
sliced cukecumbers
1 oz cheddar cheese

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Old 11-10-2011, 04:36 AM   #163  
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Hi there! It's long-lost little me. :-)

It's late and while I had plans to do the treadmill (an hour ago) and then spend my cool down catching up, my high schooler wandered out to chat on a homework break and now I'm foregoing the treadmill and heading to bed -- way too many very late nights due to work and computer woes since last week. Ugh...there's always another chance tomorrow. :-)

Anyway, wanted to "drop by" before I shut down the computer to say hello.

Yesterday and today I have felt so strange. I've had my follow-up appointment scheduled and rescheduled (their issues, not mine) several times, since my last visit in July. At that visit, my hemoglobin A1c and fasting glucose were both elevated a little over the time before (which the first time was in "prediabetic" range -- if I didn't have it I could be classified as having it, but if I was diabetic it would be a range where they wouldn't treat it yet, so the gray area gave me a slight reprieve -- then 3 months later in July numbers were slightly higher). My doctor didn't want to label me as diabetic permanently without a concentrated effort on my part first, so he gave me 3 months to see what I could do on my own with diet and exercise with follow-up blood work as a comparison. Nancy, I saw your post about working and trying to fit it all in -- that was exactly my problem. I pretty much knew what I needed to do, but honestly it was finding the time to start walking, planning better meals, shopping more consistently, etc. I'm sure it sounded like a cop out to the doctor when I told him that, but it was oh-so-true. I really WANTED to do it, and frustrated that I hadn't been able to.

Anyway, this has given me the extra boost to keep going this time (that, and seeing results on the scale for a change!). While I'm doing it for me, long term, I'm also doing it for my doctor. I'm down 13 pounds, so I'm hoping he'll be pleased when I see him next week. Today (Wednesday -- it's after midnight but I haven't gone to bed yet LOL) I had the blood work done and found myself stressed over it the last couple of days -- just like the scale is a number, it seems the blood work has become all-important numbers too. My diet is better, and deep down I keep thinking that has to be reflected, but the big "what if" that it isn't enough is feeding into my thoughts. I hate how just a number (or 2) could change things for me with a permanent diagnosis, more meds, and a "label." I tell myself that if it happens, I know I did what I could and my body just wasn't able to compensate enough with insulin requirements -- but that little voice of failure I can't keep quiet.

I know I need to keep chanting that in my head, that I did what I could and it's not failure on my part, and that maybe it will finally overtake the doubts --just wondering if any of you have been through this and let lab work dictate your life so much (if even for a couple of days). It's frustrating! We can do so well and then one little thing can change it all (much like seeing the scale go back up can change our whole mental outlook on how we feel!).

Thanks for allowing me a late night rambling vent -- I'll be back after some sleep to hopefully catch up with all of you! :-)
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Old 11-10-2011, 06:45 AM   #164  
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Bobbi - I also track my food on Fitday. I have a little notebook on my desk and each day I enter my blood pressure, FBS, and weight, exercise minutes, and food. Then I enter it all in Fitday every few days. Well, that was the plan, but since September I haven't entered anything in Fitday. Yesterday I decided to catch up and it sure was an eye-opener! I have gradually increased my calories to a number waaaaay above what it should be. I have not plateaued, I am off-program! I should have realized this because I have not been having any hunger pains. I guess deep down I knew it, but didn't want to face it. I was enjoying this over-eating a little too much. I looked over my eating pattern to see where the calories are sneaking in, and I will be back to entering my data every day.
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Old 11-10-2011, 06:58 AM   #165  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I had a strange experience at the gym. Typically, I do 30 - 120 min on the treadmill. This morning, I got to about 10 min & felt like I was going to pass out. Just got off & came home.

Only thing I can think of is that I didn't sleep very soundly last night.

Maybe I will try again later today.

Have a great day,

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