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Old 11-08-2011, 09:14 AM   #136  
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Thoughts and prayers for you for your surgery today Chickadeee
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:00 AM   #137  
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Good Morning GG's

I finally gave in this morning and broke out the flannel sheets. I hate them but DH loves them, so we use them after it gets really cold. I have the heat closed in that room anyway, but I still get too warm. We were supposed to get the kids today, it's election day and DIL had to work, but her meetings were called off, so we're alone. I think I will take the time to go get a much needed hair cut.

Susann, Grab a cup of coffee and jump right in. You will get lots of support here. And you are right, we are a big family that really care about each other. Welcome to the family.

Chick, Prayers coming your way.

Donna Marie, Prayers for you too. I hope everything turns out ok.

Carol Sue, You are doing all you can to make sure that the surgery will go on as planned. We get lots of patients that get sent to us to get stronger so they can get their planned surgeries. The stronger and healthier you are, the better your chances are for a successful surgery and a faster recovery. Good diet and exercise makes such a differencce! Keep fighting!

Karen, I so agree with you on the Christmas gift ideas. I think it's up to us to help each other in these hard times. Last year we got our son a bed liner for his truck. I'm sure it will be something along those lines too. I, for one, am really sick of making China the #1 manufacturing country.

Karen, Good luck with the games. You are sounding more like the "old" Karen that was unstoppable. I have to tell you, I was a little worried about you for awhile there.

WebWoman, Health is what makes life worth living. You're right, We can never take it for granted.
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:15 AM   #138  
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Hi Everyone,

First - Karen and Chickadee - prayers, hugs, and good thoughts for both of you.

Today is my PRODUCTIVE day. Cleaning the oven (to get ready for Thanksgiving turkey), doing wash, pulling hairs off chin & upper lip, grading students' papers. Got Nair strips to remove facial hairs. Wasn't perfect, but was pretty good.

Have a great day everyone,

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Old 11-08-2011, 10:18 AM   #139  
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Hi Susanna,


You need to change your screen name to something more positive. MUCH better to tell yourself - Susanna is too beautiful!

If you can put up with our advice, you will LOVE it here.

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Old 11-08-2011, 10:44 AM   #140  
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Wow. Okay. Lots of health concerns today. Donna Marie, Carol Sue, Brian & Chick – thoughts and prayers.

Day 2 of my “back-to-basics” eating, or in other words, while I’m not exactly boot camping, I’m counting calories and fiber – striving to keep the former low and the latter high. I’m unlikely to keep my calories as low as yours, Bobbi – mine are more in the 1100/1200 range – but I think I can probably match the fiber intake. Thank goodness for Fiber One cereal! (I use ground Fiber One instead of flour in my homemade black bean patties for a double-fiber-whammy!)

Thanks, Susanna, for the reminder about keeping a weight graph. I used to do that, and it really WAS good motivation, so I think it’s time for me to use one again. Welcome to our friendly little thread – and I think you’re right. There’s definitely a great big table that we’re all seated at…..sipping our coffee or tea, or whatever…and gabbing up a storm!

Gayle, I have two words for you: PRESS BACK! Girl, I am SO ready to show up on your doorstep with a club in hand! Can anybody say “controlling”???? And yeah, it really is easy for those *old retired guys* (my dh included) to forget that those of us who are still out here working don’t have the kind of time that THEY do to sit around thinking about what SOMEBODY ELSE ought to be doing. Mine doesn’t bug me about exercise or diet or anything, but he’s always hot to trot on the weekends…wants to go here, there and everywhere…and “wishes” that I’d go along. Sometimes yes, sure…but sometimes, HE11, NO! I need a little rest and relaxation; you know – the kind of rest and relaxation HE gets to take every day, whenever he wants to. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I DO have to comment on the hunting and shooting….made me grin when I read about all you huntresses -

Anyhoo, My dad was quite the hunter, as well. Had the red plaid hunting jacket (they didn’t have the orange vests back when I was a kid), had the shot gun, and had the hat with the ear flaps. My brother and sister were 14 and 12 years older than me, respectively, and far too old and “sophisticated” to enjoy hunting with Dad when I was 7 or 8 years old. SO, I was given a .22 rifle and taught to use it shooting targets and clay. I was a pretty good shot, as anyone might guess if they know anything about shooting clay with a .22. Soooooo, anyway, there came a time when my dad declared that I was ready to join him hunting in the real, actual woods. The most important lesson, he said, was to learn to sit quietly and wait for the game to cross our paths. SO, he would have me sitting on a log or a stump, or something, watching for game. And we saw plenty – deer leaping across the trail, rabbits, possums…even a wild fox or two from time to time. But we never did get a chance to shoot at anything, although I was just about dying to – because at the last minute, he would always say that I’d fidgeted, or moved or something, and scared off the game. I learned a lot on those “hunting trips” with my dad – how to identify edible mushrooms, what this, that and the other thing was called, and what it could be used for – but we never did kill us a deer or even a rabbit, or anything else, for that matter.

Every so often through the year – maybe twice or three times – I would come home from school to find that we were having rabbit stew for supper. Ostensibly, hunting was more successful without a kid along making noise and such.

It was 50 years later that my sister and I were gabbing away about old times, and I brought up the subject of hunting with dad, and how the only time he ever caught anything was when I wasn’t with him.

My sister laughed until the tears ran down her face. She said, “Oh, Zee…Daddy would never kill anything! Ma sent away in the mail for frozen rabbit meat a couple of times a year – that’s where the rabbit stews came from!”

I have since wished that my father was still alive, and that he hadn’t gone to his grave with that particular secret. I always thought of him as a big, strong, Marlboro-man type (although he never smoked) and this just goes to show how little we know about those we think we know so well! I would love to have told him that I was in on his little secret, and had a good laugh with him over it!

CaddyK, you stay safe with all that unsettled weather out your way, you hear? Can you believe that they’re saying it may hit 70 degrees here today? What kind of craziness is this? A Nor’Easter blizzard one week, and 70 degrees and sunshine the next? I’m wearing winter clothes! This makes no sense at all!
Oh – and I absolutely agree with buying local and in season. We might have a lot fewer folks out of work if everybody practiced that.

Good to see you, Lynn…glad you could catch a minute or two away from that course. Turkey! Thanksgiving! Already! And Christmas before we know it. Yikes!

Well, good day to all…I’m off and about.

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Old 11-08-2011, 10:45 AM   #141  
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Good morning, friends!

Just finished my morning stretching and it felt so good. I have a few errands to run this morning and then a bit of shopping for my son's 26th birthday tomorrow. I told my husband this morning "tonight I'll be going into labor", and he looked at me like I was nutty. He didn't get the reference.

Lynn, I'm not ready to have a screen name like SusannaIsTooBeautiful. I'm not there yet, mentally. My screen name gives me a whack every time I see it, and that little sting keeps me on track. But I'd like an honest answer---is my screen name offensive? I don't want to be a debbie downer to others with the word "fat" in my name. I would have no problem changing it if so. (If mods allow that).

chickadeee, my best wishes to you as you go into surgery today.

I'll be back later. Good good day to you all!
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Old 11-08-2011, 11:10 AM   #142  
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Good Morning Goldens!

Well, yesterday just got away from me so I didn't make it here. Too much chaos. My truck broke down and had to be towed! Grr. Apparently nothing serious and it us under warranty but GRRRRR. Then, kind of funny, and sort of irritating.... the tow truck driver was trying to be a little too friendly - if you know what I mean - including offering to pick me up today to go get the truck when it is repaired! WOW, that is SO me! Besides, I really think he liked my truck as much as me, LOL, he kept talking about it!

Susanna, your name is totally not offensive or a downer. Welcome to the table! This is an amazing group of women. We are all from such different places, lifestyles and backgrounds who have found a sisterhood here. Glad that you joined us.

Chickadee, Donna Marie, and Carol, my hopes and prayers are with you today.

Gayle, repeat after me..... I will go at my own pace and with moderation! Men simply don't understand the work that it takes us to get ready. You are right, most of them require a towel, comb, and toothbrush - and some will not even need that much. Set your own moderate goals and then go on your own....

Well, I have a labor hearing this morning, big board meeting, dealing with the truck, and loads to do! I will be back later this afternoon for personals...

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Old 11-08-2011, 11:18 AM   #143  
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Carol, Donna Marie, and Chickadee---you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Still raining here this morning. Has been all night and lots of lightening and thunder through the night. They are talking straight line winds this afternoon. I'm so looking forward to Spring!!!! LOL!!!

I have some stuff to get done this morning and I will get back here later.

Thanks for all the prayers for Brian. Haven't heard anymore today. Hoping and praying that he continues to improve.

Last edited by Karen31; 11-08-2011 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 11-08-2011, 11:37 AM   #144  
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Rie, Don't sell yourself short chickie. I think the tow-truck driver was looking at YOU, a hot truck driving lady!
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Old 11-08-2011, 02:01 PM   #145  
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Good Hola, All…

Mary – are you still following the MF diet? Did you stop buying their products? I’m very proud of you!! And I’m wondering if you’d like the GoldenGirlsBrigade to go and smack your son for you? The boy needs some focus, I think!

Rosey – are you in the dark up there??? I loved the picture of your two little nieces… cuties!

KarenFL – when does your DH have his shoulder surgery?

Chickadee – good luck with the thumb surgery today… hope it goes well.

Rie – what a good granny you are that you’re willing to have a snowball fight with the little guy! The weather’s really nice here. We were supposed (sigh) to have snow this a.m., but you know about our local WeatherFools… need I say more? Booga-booga with the tow truck driver!

Wow, CarolSue – you did well at the casinos! I think I’d sock away part of it and then buy myself something shiny with a couple of dollars! What did you decide about bailing out your daughter? I can imagine that it’s hard to know what to do, since your heart is making more noise than your head. About the cider vinegar, I’ve been taking a capful in the morning and then another capful when I start feeling twingy. If I move the wrong way, my hip screams; walking isn’t as bad now, but I really have to be careful. Once it get wonky, it takes hours and hours to be tolerable again. I was running 7-8 on the pain scale at any given point in the day, but now it’s at about 2-3, which is a HUGE improvement!

Freda – how’s your back?

PT/Zoe – your mixed company “hen” party sounded like so much fun! And your breakfast offerings REALLY sounded good! I’m glad you were able to take some time for yourself, too. BTW, it just occurred to me that my neck and shoulders don’t hurt. Hmmm, I hadn’t noticed that, since I was so focused on the lessening of the hip pain! Eureka! If this is all in my head, who cares??? I laughed, too, about your feelings about casinos. I don’t even bother to go anymore; I just mail them a check periodically.

Thanks for saying what I was trying NOT to say to Gayle! I know I get a little rabid about these controlling, know-it-all, arrogant men! Of course, Gayle, I certainly don’t mean that about YOUR DH!

Gayle – did your DH bully you into getting up at 4 a.m. (or some other nonsense?) to go to the Y before you go to work, after all??

Susanna – welcome! Is that your given name, because I REFUSE to say SusannaIsTooFat!

CK – how’s your nephew? And how’s your FIL? I hope they’re both doing okay!

DonnaMarie – good thoughts.

Lynn – did you find a movie to see on Sunday? How’s your online group coming along?

Everything is status quo here, no complaints. Weather is pretty... life is calm. Hope you're all doing well! Moderator Jane, you and Chickadee could be twins! Any newbies, welcome!
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Old 11-08-2011, 02:46 PM   #146  
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Originally Posted by SusannaIsTooFat View Post
Good morning, friends!

Just finished my morning stretching and it felt so good. I have a few errands to run this morning and then a bit of shopping for my son's 26th birthday tomorrow. I told my husband this morning "tonight I'll be going into labor", and he looked at me like I was nutty. He didn't get the reference.

Lynn, I'm not ready to have a screen name like SusannaIsTooBeautiful. I'm not there yet, mentally. My screen name gives me a whack every time I see it, and that little sting keeps me on track. But I'd like an honest answer---is my screen name offensive? I don't want to be a debbie downer to others with the word "fat" in my name. I would have no problem changing it if so. (If mods allow that).

chickadeee, my best wishes to you as you go into surgery today.

I'll be back later. Good good day to you all!

Your screen name is NOT offensive to me. I just REALLY believe that we need to hold positive images in our heads in order to achieve positive goals. Getting "whacks" is NOT an effective way to change behavior. You ARE beautiful and you deserve hugs - not whacks.

Every year on my DD's birthday, I think about the night I left for the hospital (my water broke) and the first days of her life. Happy BIRTH Day to you!

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Old 11-08-2011, 02:56 PM   #147  
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Mary, great news that you found a realtor that is excited about getting that ball and chain house off your back. I hope she's quick and very successful! Ditto on the thoughts about DH's ease in losing weight and the devilish side that doesn't want to share our glory when losing. But, we both are deep down happy as can be they're taking care of their health.

Chickadee, keeping you in my thoughts for your thumb surgery. I hope you heal quickly!

Lynn, computer problems are always solved when you call tech support. Just let me tell you it is frustrating from the tech end as well because you're nearly sure the person calling isn't nuts.

Bobbi, you are more supportive of your DH hunting than I am. You're willing to eat the meat. I won't. Not when I walk my pups and look into Bambi's beautiful brown eyes on a daily basis. Thank goodness the cattle are a bit off the road or I wouldn't have my very occasional burger in the summer. Turkey and chickens I don't seem to have a problem with but I don't eat them often. Definitely not a meat person. I did, however, grab your Chicken Lemon Garlic recipe and dumped the ingreidents in the mini crock pot this morning. I didn't saute the chicken first and the such,just dump and run. But I bet it will be yummy.

KarenFL, I can so see you out their hunting. You are not a meek and subdue woman. BTW, I'm all for bow hunting. I cheer for DH when he bow hunts. That makes it a true sport. OK, you can probably guess I don't think killing an animal with a high powered scoped gun is a sport. But bow hunting, that is work. Loads of work. My left arm by the elbow was always black and blue since my arm bends funky when DH was teaching the bow and arrow. I can't hit the side of a barn with it so you amaze me on what you can hit.

Freda, without a doubt I agree that women can do anything better than a man. I just like that men are willing to do the heavy nasty stuff because I don't like that type of work. I LOVE flannel sheets. I use them year round and cringe when I go to a hotel and have to use those cotton things.

Gayle, I'm thinking Zoe and KarenFL need to give your DH advice about harping on the Y. If he makes it a bone of contention, doesn't he get you'll not like it and not go?

Susanna, welcome and take your time getting to know us. As I'm dog obsessive, what kind of pup do you have? I bet your pup will LOVE your new shoes going for a walk. And your name did take me by surprise but not offensive in the least. I just felt bad that you thought fat made a difference on who you are. Does that make sense? It's easy to see from you couple posts you're not negative and how Lynn put it, positive images is what I want for you. How about SusannaIsntGonnaBeFat? I requested my name changed a few years ago. They're fine with it.

KarenMO, why are you having tornadoes this time of year. And why are you having earthquakes. Something is just wrong with this picture. I watched half of DTWS last night and will watch the other half this evening. I can't stay up until 10:00 when I get up at 4:30 to walk my doggies. Your family is in my prayers. I'm glad he is improving!

Donna Marie, you are in my prayers and I hope that the cyst is removed without complication. Please be healthy.

Carol Sue, I hope the stress test went well.

Lyn, ROFL on the pulling of hairs. My beauty day will be Thursday since I'm going to take a four day weekend. BTW, I bought a honey bee waxer for my brows and it more than paid for itself since I don't have it done every 3 weeks by a professional. The waxer cost 45 at amazon and the amount of wax will last forever.

Zoe, I want to go with you to explain life to Gayle's DH as well. (And Gayle, I do understand he has his excellent point - we're just mad on your behalf).

Rie, glad the truck repair is under warranty. Still irritating but at least your purse won't be lightened.

Donna, I'm still happy your vinegar solution is giving your hip relief. Here's to a long term solution.

No time for things in my life as the personals took forever. We sure are chatty around the kitchen table (susanna I love that).
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Old 11-08-2011, 04:33 PM   #148  
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Hello Goldens!

I am finally back here for personals.... BTW, I won the labor dispute hearing this morning and I hope that is the last appeal. The employee that I fired a while ago has been dragging me into hearings to try to get unemployment benefits. Grr.

Marie, I would be terrified to use a home waxer! One time I tried home waxing kit for my legs. I didn't get the whole "rip it quick" idea and got the strip halfway off my shin. I was jumping around in pain and too chicken to take it off. I ended up using a hair dryer to soften it. Nair for me and the occasional tweezing of my too sparce brows. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one with chin wiskers..... Tee Hee

Lynn, what a lovely idea! Happy Birthday Day! I love it.

Donna, I am so glad that your pain is better! I don't even care what makes it go, as long as it goes....

Freda, LOL, except..... the guy was in a dirty ball cap, with a missing front tooth, and the kind of grunge that was more than one day old. I have an unfortunate worst-of-the-rednecks magnet. Don't get me wrong, a good looking, clean, redneck type would be ok, but alas..... my magnet is why I am single. In my younger years, I seemed to always be on the lookout for a "fixer-upper", seeing the potential instead of the practice. Oh well, it was a good laugh yesterday...

Donna Marie and Chickadee, you are in my thoughts and prayers...

Karen, prayers for Brian. Weird weather in your neck of the woods!

Karenfl, yup, you understand the competition. And yes, I have a long history of hunting. I only stopped when I kind of lost my taste for wild game. I like the woods in the fall, though.

Zoe, I loved the story about your dad. Very nice! Sounds like you put on a big old country breakfast at your house. Except, of course, we only ever had fruit that was in season (in Montana)

Gayle, again, moderation.... moderation. ENJOY the water.

OK, well, sorry for missing anyone. I am going back to work to try and finish a project....

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Old 11-08-2011, 09:22 PM   #149  
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Hey GGs,
Just wanted to pop in & say howdy! (Howdy??!! Don’t know where that came from?!) Reading about Donna’s “vinegar cure”, I was thinking “I want to try that!”, then I realized I don’t really have any aches & pains to cure (nothing really bothersome, anyway). I feel sort of guilty about that, especially after reading the recent posts about the health problems a lot of you are dealing with! But, that’s silly, isn’t it? Actually, I think I “retired” my aches when I “retired” myself from the work force. I sure wish all of you were able to do that! Of course that also made me very, very poor (by monetary standards), but I’m really, really good at it (being poor)! And, I know a lot of the health problems you all are experiencing have nothing to do with work. So, I’ll just try to think good thoughts for you all!

Rie, sorry your redneck “suitor” is so unsuitable! I think we were foreseeing a romance (I was, anyway). I too wasted a lot of years on those “fixer-uppers”. With my SO, I finally lucked up on a redneck guy who didn’t need fixing (& he bathes!).

Gayle, I’m pretty sure you’re just too nice! Been there, done that! That was part of my “problem” that SO wanted to fix, by “toughening me up”. He likes that I now fight back with him, & I don’t let him tell me what to do. But, I must admit, I still like the idea of having a guy that’s gentle with me & is protective of my feelings (sigh! fairy tale, right?). And, I never wanted to be “tough”. But, I guess it’s not such a bad thing, & I don’t get my feelings hurt as much as I used too. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m afraid your DH hurts you (hopefully unintentionally), by trying to push you, when you really just need support. And of course I don’t like that! (We don’t like that!!) So, try to “toughen up” a little, & it might not hurt to threaten DH with the GG’s “whack-em smack-em line”, because I think it helped straighten out SO!

Oh Susanna (just had to say that), hi! there. Like Lynn & Marie, I don't think the name you picked is at all offensive. But, I too like the idea of positive reinforcement rather than negative.

Gotta weigh in on the women being better than men thing. Of course I agree! In fact, I was just telling SO that, this past Sunday! (I wanted him to do something the easy way, but he had to do it the hard way - go figure!) Anyway, he pretended to disagree, but I think that, deep down, they know we’re the superior sex! But we love them anyway! (And somebody has to do the heavy lifting!)

Hate to leave, but, my stomach is growling, & my snack is calling, so…… I’m outta here. ‘Night y’all.
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:46 PM   #150  
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Just a quick check in.

Donna - I'm not really on MF exactly but I am trying to eat the products I have on hand. I like the pancakes and can eat the puddings, but don't care so much for the shakes or soups. What I just can't eat I'll try to trade or sell on Craiglist probably. I can't afford to buy any more but hope I can trade for some brownies and chili cheese balls as I miss those.

I'm very tired from working on all the forms. I finally got 12 pages sent to the bank today but I still have all the ones for the realtor. I'm anxious to hear what the realtor has to say after seeing the house tomorrow. I think it is a nice house and is in a nice family neighborhood just down the street from an elementary school. The whole issue is whether the bank will approve us for a short-sale.

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