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Old 02-06-2011, 03:45 PM   #91  
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Hola, All...
First, TeaGranny and NCNancy, what is NSV? I looked it up and the best acronym I could find was "no-scalpel vasectomy"... and that didn't QUITE fit with weight stuff! It might be a good idea, though.......

Lyn, LOVELY Naomi kitty picture!

NCNancy, I really like your new picture! I'm glad you're trusting us with your photos, because you're looking GOOD, girlie!

Rosey, 7#... wonderful! I think I'd keep the old scale, because it's a nice scale!

Nothing much going on. We're finally catching up on the snowfall. We're still about 15' below the NE, but MamaNature seems to have figured out that, in her Alzheimeric stupor, she'd forgotten us. I was out mucking with the heavy, heavy stuff this a.m., and the neighbor's hired SnowblowerGod offered to do MY driveway, too. It's so worth it for $15 a snow. My other neighbor, with whom I was going to go 1/2 on a blower, apparently forgot or something... So, life is good.

Nothing to report. I've been thinking of PT/Zoe and am hoping her drive went well, that her nephew is improving, and that the trip isn't terrible.

Everyone, have a good time watching the SuperBowl commercials! Be warm, dry, and safe...........
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Old 02-06-2011, 03:58 PM   #92  
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Hi Donna---NSV---Non-scale victory. It took me a long time to figure that one out too!!

I went and got my "biggest small" jeans out of the box they have been packed away in for, mmmm a long time! I washed them and have them ready to try on probably next week! Don't want to push too fast then I would get disappointed! But I feel pretty good.

Hello to everyone else --- I still have some more cleaning to do today and we didn't make it to church today. First time in quite awhile. Most churches were cancelled but I didn't see if ours was or not. But it felt good to sleep until 9:00am!! Now need to get busy!!
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Old 02-06-2011, 05:51 PM   #93  
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Quiet showery day down here....House is clean and dusted. Pot of vegies in refrig, made bqq spare ribs for dinner. It is amazing how much fat you can get drained off those ribs. 8 small ribs got a cup when I precooked them. Guess whats for dinner tomorrow night.

That is as close as I came to doing anything super bowlish. Just don't like either team....shhh don't tell my bridge partner she's from Racine Wis.

Rosey...Seven Pounds....7 lbs....112 ounces....Thats as big as an Easter Ham! Let me teach you my happy dance!

Have a stupid week coming up with one appointment every day. What did Lyn call it a good girl week....but I don't wanna do it....

Lynn....If I had guts I'd go that beautiful kinda cranberry color. Admired the girl at the drugstore. I'd do an unreal sharp color. Even 2 colors.

Am coming down with big case of cabin fever. As it gets closer to time we were supposed to go to that tournament. Feeling real cranky.

Did I read right more snow coming for the NE? Hope Zoe is okay. Speak just started thundering here. weather gods were reading the internet...hmmmmm

Shipped some honeybells to the kids. Got 3 for us. They are so sweet. I peel one and eat 3 slices and give the rest to Dh. I found mini ones to send to DD. That should help keep her OP. Take care all...karen3

Nancy...good job with 12's!


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Old 02-06-2011, 06:30 PM   #94  
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I saw this in the newspaper this morning and can so relate...and I laughed so hard. So to all my Nieces and Nepews read on:: 'YOUR GREAT AUNT GOT CABIN FEVER DURING THAT HORRENDOUS SNOWSTORM AND STARTED E-MAILING COMPLETE STRANGERS. SHE HOOKED UP WITH A MINIATURE DONKEY RANCHER IN OKLAHOMA CITY AND HEADED WEST AS SOON AS I-44 WAS PLOWED"!! California here I come!!! Glad for some humor in all of this!!

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Old 02-06-2011, 07:02 PM   #95  
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Ha ha, Karen.

nancy - congrats on your NSV - you look fantastic!

We had a spring-like day here on the the 40s!! Took a nice walk, then helped DH put our dining table back together...we took it apart for the move. It's a hand-made oak table we had made when we got married. As we were re-attaching the legs i though of all of those family meals we had over the past 32 and a half years... Yikes!!

DH is watching the big game. Because I went to Allegheny College north of Pittsburgh I am sort of routing (or is it rooting?) (neither looks right) for the steelers.

Bye foir now chickies..

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Old 02-06-2011, 07:13 PM   #96  
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The BBQ was great and we met lots of nice people. Really like this church...everyone is so nice and friendly. I feel like I have made a bunch of new friends. I ate a whole hamburger (didn't share like usual), no mayo or cheese and I did have a few potato chips. It was very good. My weakness was the cookies of course, and I had 3 small ones. I am sure I will be over my calories and carb limits today but between the BBQ and the football game, it's very difficult not to.

After we got home, I sat outside and read for a while, then it got too breezy. Feeling like a nap now....

ETA: Forgot to say...I decided Sundays will be my official weigh-in day. After dipping down more than 2 lbs during the week, I ended up with only a 1/4 lb loss for the week! LOL That's because I had 5 days being on-plan and 2 days not so much. ;-)

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Old 02-06-2011, 09:17 PM   #97  
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Evening All - Well it's snowing here again & it's coming down like there is no tomorrow! I'll be shoveling again in the morning for sure. Might as well laugh about it, eh? Keeping close track today - so far so good. I have to do one day at a time. Congrats to all that have had successful weeks, days, etc. I'm wondering about weighing in daily or if that would be not so good with the fluctuations (or however you spell it). What do you thinki? Anyway I'll check in tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!
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Old 02-06-2011, 09:44 PM   #98  
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Hi G.G.s,
Beautiful day here today, clear, Carolina blue sky, & temp. around 50! I think the weather was about the same where Zoe is, if she's still with her sister, so maybe she's getting to enjoy a little sun! (Hi Zoe, hope everything's ok!) SO & I went for a walk at a boat landing at a lake near here. It has a really big parking lot, & a paved path along a small peninsula, with a couple of floating piers at the tip. Really pretty out there. We needed pavement to walk on, since the ground’s still pretty soggy. It was just so nice getting out of the house.

Thanks girls, for your kind comments about my NSV. Donna, I’m afraid you’re going to want to take back that comment about being glad I’m trusting you all with my photos. This is a pic of my size 12 “backside”, that I posted on my Facebook page. I’m just so happy I finally like the way I look from the rear.

Mary, good for you on the 1/4 lb. loss. That's pretty darn good with all the temptations you have to deal with. Yay!

Hi there slimmercindy. You'll get plenty of support around here. And lots of friends!

Laffalot, I weigh daily, because I just have to KNOW, & do my "official" weigh-in once a week. That's just me. Some people hate doing that because of all the ups & downs. I guess you just have to do what feels right for you.

Well, I’ve got another library book I want to start. Back tomorrow.
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Old 02-07-2011, 09:40 AM   #99  
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Good Morning!
Laffalot, I have to agree with Nancy on this, I weigh every morning too. When I see a gain, I don't think anything of it since I probably ate something salty the night before. If it went up because I cheated, then I earned the weight gain and just work harder that day to take it off.
Laffalot, I weigh daily, because I just have to KNOW, & do my "official" weigh-in once a week. That's just me. Some people hate doing that because of all the ups & downs. I guess you just have to do what feels right for you.
I have to go get ready for Dr. Bones appointmet plus this GG's site is starting to tick me off. I can't type fast anymore? The keys are not transmitting to the post? It misses so I have to wait a mini second between each letter, sometimes repeating the same key. What's up with that? Anyone else experiencing this. I'll type a line and show you:
Thisis wwhat it loks like when tye normal.
Later Gator
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Old 02-07-2011, 10:11 AM   #100  
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I don't in weigh daily because the fluctuations would drive me batsh!t. It doesn't matter what the cause of a gain, I just know I would be too discouraged and over. I know alot of people find that it works for them, keeping them on track and accountable, but I find that I'm still too easily crushed...Good Luck
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Old 02-07-2011, 11:08 AM   #101  
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Good Morning Golden Girls,

Football last night, anyone? We're big football fans and enjoyed the game. DS and family were here. WAY too much food. I tried to find something not too bad, but it's hard to plan anything healthy. So I just had small portions. Nothing really too much out of line. I had chili and just a normal portion and that was dinner. Didn't touch the chocolate chip cookies or brownies or cheese cake. Yeah me!

Rosie, Way to go!!! The scales are finally cooperating!

Nancy, I think Salvation Army and consignment shops are a great way to supplemnt your wardrobe while you're losing. You want to find clothes that fit and not wear the "droopy drawers". I've found lots of nice things there. Save your money and when you're at goal weight you can have a real shopping spree.

Tea granny, I don't weight every day either. Weight fluctulates too much. But what ever works. I know if i'm eating right or off plan.

Bobbi, Sorry you're having problems with the site. Mine seems to be ok. Wonder what's happening. Maybe I type so slow it doesn't matter?

Lafalot, It's snowing here too. We got a pretty big snow yesterday too. Just seems to keep coming down. Enough already!

Mary, at least the scale was pointing in the right direction. And, like you, I know if i'm eating the way I should. Play and you pay.

Karen, that wasn't your great aunt that ran away, it was me! I'll call you from some place warm. And congrats on sticking with the exercise. I'm so glad you found something that you really enjoyed. Did I tell you i'm going to buy the zoomba for WII? I've heard it was really good.

Lyn, I've got to say I'm a little jealous of your weather. Spring like? In my dreams!

Karen3, You would color your hair if you had the guts? Girl, you're one of the most gutsy people around! And if you don't like it (but i bt you will) hair does grow ya know! Gorfor it!!! Live dangeriously!!! I can just see you as a firey redhead.

Donna, I'm still laughing about the Non-scapel vasectomy! I'm trying to picture it in my mind........

Z, know that our prayers are there with you. I hope you can feel them. Let us know how things are when you can.

SlimmerCindy, Welcome. You will find the support you need here! Check in often. It really does help. Not only do you get support, you get lots of great information.

Lynn, Training for another 1/2 marathon? You are going to be so fit! I am so proud of you. and inspired.


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Old 02-07-2011, 11:39 AM   #102  
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Good Morning, All...
Quick check in... nothing much to report.

I taped the GAME, just so I could zip through and watch the commercials. I wasn't impressed by any of them, to be honest! And I flat didn't give a whit about any stinkin' football game!

Bobbi, my computer does that weird hesitancy thing when I'm emailing on Juno, and I can see some background stuff loading (down at the bottom of the page). Once it's finished, the typing goes smoothly again. Have you done your spyware update lately?

NCNancy, I think your pictures are just fine! And Lynn, I can't find where you said you're becoming a hussy with red hair! Do you have a purple hat, too? KarenFL, DO IT! I'd love to see you with pink and green hair! I'm sure your DH would be properly impressed, too!

Freda, I like you!

Hope you're all warm... and dry. We're supposed to get another hit this evening and tomorrow, which we surely do deserve! Be safe, everyone!

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Old 02-07-2011, 12:31 PM   #103  
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One of the commercials was with emem (not spelled right) but it had some really good scenes of Detroit in it. Beautiful pictures of the Old Fox theatre. If anyone is interested in seeing it again and just looking at the site, it's on my facebook page.

Last edited by the slim me; 02-07-2011 at 12:32 PM.
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Old 02-07-2011, 01:47 PM   #104  
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Donna, I'm running the spyware as we speak. DH just got done typing out something on my computer and he complained about the same thing. It's not just the 3FF's site. I'm going to clean everything, might take awhile. I didn't have any trouble writing this?
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Old 02-07-2011, 07:01 PM   #105  
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Evening all....Dancing a littler dance tonight....came in 3rd. Not shabby but not 1st. Monday is WI and I lost #1. Was surprised because I feel puffy. Have not cheated or had anything salty.....beany yeah....but if I was younger would know what was due. Besides admit to feeling grumpy.

Just shoot me...go ahead....sighhhh....I have bought DH about 100 books mainly about marines etc in the past year and by darn today I duplicated the 2nd one. Gee I have bought the same paperback more than once because they changed the title picture....he was shocked.

Another warm rainy day down here....well not warm unless you compare with the rest of the county. We've had enough rain that the grass is greening up.

Freda....Never been red. Born blonde white than blonde and gray at 18 and back to white by 30's. So always colorless.....Just love that deep cranberry wine color. It would turn my eyes into black sunken pits, but I'd feel hot. DH does not like redheads and I always said if he came home with a long red hair on his collar I'd know it was an Irish setter! I love wash and wear hair.

Am so bored with meals right now.....Need to find some big bright vegie dishes. So easy to get in a rut.

Have any of you tried WW Latte bars? Taste just like coffee ice cream. 1 point. which is about 50 cals. OMG so good. I went to get a box yesterday and a lady asked me if they were good. Said she'd met me at the freezer next Sunday with a report....laughed all the way home. Never saw her before in my life. Fun to share a joke with a stranger.

Zoe....saying my prayers for you and your family that they find peace.

Rosie....Think you are about to start melting away like the winter snow. Hip bones are a coming!

Bobbie.... I had to run my cleaner twice last week. Like pc had a winter sniffle. Did Doc Bones make you feel better?

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