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Old 02-04-2011, 09:30 AM   #61  
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Good Morning! Just a quick pop in this morning before I get going. I did my Body Check with Wii this morning and I'm down 2.2 pounds this week! YAY!! I also went back and added up the miles that I have done on the wii since I have started keeping track, I started the Wii on Jan. 7th but didn't start keeping track of the miles until Jan 13 on Fitday, Total miles through yesterday is 70.88! Gee Whiz--I never left the living room!!

Gayle be careful with all that ice! So far we have been lucky and haven't had to deal with a lot of ice here this year. Stay in and stay warm!!

Be back later.......
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:05 PM   #62  
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Good Morning, All.....
KarenMO, CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go... and you're going to be this tiny little sprite of a woman before you know it!

Karen thought I should post this... and it's dedicated to all the golden snow bunnies in the NE and wherever:

What To Do When It Snows In Minniesnowta

One winter morning in Minneapolis a husband-Ole and wife-Lena were
listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say,
"We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today.. You must park
your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can
get through." So the good Lena went out and moved her car.

A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the radio
announcer said, "We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You
must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the
snowplows can get through." Lena went out and moved her car again.

The next week they are again having breakfast, when the radio
announcer says, "We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You
must park...." Then the electric power went out. Lena was very upset,
and with a worried look on her face she said, "Honey, I don't know
what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the
snowplows can get through?"

With the love and understanding in his voice, that all men who are
married to a good woman, Ole replied,

"Why don't you just leave it in the garage this time?"

Nothing new to report! Hope you're all warm and dry. Be safe!
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:09 PM   #63  
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Still OP and the weight is beginning to fall again. My current goal is to match my sig again. LOL

After the Huny Wagon comes this morning, we plan on going to a local museum. Dh doesn't care for historic museums (although when he gets in them, he seems too...takes longer than I do to get through), so at this time he thinks he'll just wait outside for me. I love history so I enjoy them.

Very cold last night again. Supposedly the temps are going up though. I hope also for you that are back east.

A few months ago, my dh got an email from our retirement club saying some military retirees were cheated on their SS. I kept after my dh to check into it and finally on this trip we went to a SS office and we were told he would get $45 more a month...well every little bit helps! Well yesterday they deposited $2222 into our checking account, so I guess they made it retro-active. Seems like they did mention that but I had forgotten. We are not going to spend it but put it into savings until we can check the statement, just in case. I've heard of the SS making mistakes and giving people money and then demanding it back...anyway if it is real it will make a nice addition to our savings for a new car.That savings was hit hard when we had the work done on our truck. But my experience is that God always provides when something is needed.

Not sure if I'm keeping my new iPhone. Found out they charged me $56+ because I am getting it in CA!! I may cancel it and wait til I get home. I was told only CA and AZ base the tax on the original retail price even if you get the phone for less. I learn something new every day....

Someone said I made them hungry for hamburgers. Funny we seldom eat them at home but when we are in these resorts we do quite a lot and they are so good.

I can't keep up with all the posts but I read what I can and enjoy them.
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:18 PM   #64  
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Morning everyone. Today I was wandering through 3FC and read two very different posts regarding some significant weight loss. Both of the women have lost 100+ pounds, and both ate lower calorie, sensibly and moderate exercise by their descriptions. It took one woman 9 months to lose 100 pounds, the other lost 60 pounds in the same time frame. Both stuck to plan, both feel better. Both are excited and proud of their accomplishment, and I am proud for them.

The woman who lost more slowly is in her late 40s, the one who lost rapidly is in her early 30s. For me the comparison of the two helps me remember a) it can be done, and b)I am not doing anything wrong when the scale barely moves, as long as I am still on program.

I think that is why checking in is so important, even if we don't have time to post. It keeps us tied in. I know even if I have nothing to say I want to know how all are doing, and don't want to skip a day of checking on my Golden girls and Lower Carb thread. I am so glad y'all are here!!!
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Old 02-04-2011, 02:43 PM   #65  
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Mornin' everyone...........well, it's still morning here (BC-Canada). Cool & - no more snow today (Yay!) I know it is only Feb. but I want SPRING!! I'm having a bit of a "time" in the evenings for the past 3 nights now. I can't seem to snack on the right stuff. I don't want carrots, celery, etc etc. Last night it was Cheerios. And my weigh in day in Tues. I better smarten up I know........anyway everyone have a great day. All of you that are in the snow & cold, etc stay safe, warm & dry. TTYL
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:38 PM   #66  
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Hi all...Doing my happy dance again. We came in tied for 1st. Yeah! Love this new cool pack it gives just the right tilt to the keyboard.

Girls...Spring is coming. The bluebirds are checking out the new box we put up. Looked it up and the male finds the nesting site and then female either approves or sends him looking for another place. We seem to have several pairs and they are popping in and out of the nest box and yelling at each other....Put the nest box so I can sit at the table and watch it. One bird will be in the box and the other sticks a head in and they chrip wildly at each other. Good thing I can't lip read bird.

Karen....Did you do that challenge last year with Lynn and Bobbie where they converted their paces to a map? Girl you'd beat them all now Good job.

I love to hear from others about how important checking in and how it helps for staying on plan. I was on another website that disappeared and took months to find 3Fatchicks....I was like a lost puppy. Not easy doing it on your own.

Mary....Do hope you get to keep that windfall.

I have a great answer to US problems. Heard on the way home that the SEC is not sure where all their money is......they need to be organized....lets send Bobbie to Washington. Always said this country needs a house wife with common sense.

Sigh....I got up early yesterday and again today because my cleaning girl was coming.....never showed...called a few minutes ago and coming tomorrow. she just sweeps, vaccums and dusts. Since my back was so bad i can't push the vaccum at all. So up early for 3rd day. Won't be so bad but I usually read to 3am.

DS's book comes out february 20th. Getting close.

Back to my book...hugs,karen3
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Old 02-04-2011, 07:14 PM   #67  
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Hi G.G.s,
Wet & chilly & dreary here today, & it’s supposed to be like this all next week (except maybe sunny & 50’s on Sunday). I was so hoping it would be nice while Zoe is in NC. Darn!

Wow KarenMO, 2.2 more pounds lost! You & that Wii sure are doing great. I’ll second your Yay! for you!

Gayle, I’ve taken a lot of those food/diet detours, but as long as we get right back OP, I don’t think it really hurts anything! Milky’s doing good, thanks for asking. He’s sitting in my lap right now. I really missed him doing that when he was sick.

Bunti, you mentioned the women losing weight, one fast & one slow. Well, I’ve lost 90 lbs., mainly by eating much smaller amounts, & with very little exercise, but it’s taken me a little over a year and a half to do it. I’ve lost weight much faster in the past, but never kept it off for long. I think this time I’m eating in a way that I can live with the rest of my life. So, I think slower really is better.

Laffalot, does your evening snack HAVE to be something like carrots or celery? I have a snack every night, & it’s always something I REALLY want (like a piece of pie or cake, or even a regular size candy bar, etc.). That’s how I manage to resist those things during the day - I know, that come evening, I’m going to have that one yummy thing (whatever it might be), that I’ve been wanting. So far that’s been working for me. Of course I know that wouldn’t work for everyone. Hope you find what works for you! (And I want SPRING too!)

KarenFL, I know spring is coming, but you sure get it a lot sooner than most of the rest of us! Congratulations on your win, again! I'd like to see that happy dance! Hope your cleaning girl gets there tomorrow.

Hello & hello & hello to Everyone Else! Zoe, I hope you’re safe, & maybe at your destination?! Sorry about the weather.

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Old 02-04-2011, 07:18 PM   #68  
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Geeez, I've been so busy today, just checking my favorite thread now. Donna, that Ole and Lena joke is too funny. Yeah, you betsh ya!
Laffalot, why not make a low calorie dip for those carrots and celery? I make PB2 dipping sauce for raw vegies, makes them very tasty. true. But sometimes he takes his good old time. Maybe God is trying to teach me patience?
But my experience is that God always provides when something is needed.

Bunti...we're happy to have your here too. I agree about checking in.
I think that is why checking in is so important, even if we don't have time to post. It keeps us tied in. I know even if I have nothing to say I want to know how all are doing, and don't want to skip a day of checking on my Golden girls and Lower Carb thread. I am so glad y'all are here!!!

KarenFla...We have nesting Orioles every year and they do the same thing. Males pick out a site, females come 2 weeks later and lets the male know if she likes it or to move on. Kinda like women and men, huh?
Girls...Spring is coming. The bluebirds are checking out the new box we put up. Looked it up and the male finds the nesting site and then female either approves or sends him looking for another place

Glynne...I just saw a tv clip on your snowy airports, the football stadium and all the icy roads. There goes the tailgating parties for the game! You folks probably don't have heavy winter gear since you live in the land of sun and fruit. Speaking of fruit, hope the grapefruit crop doesn't get ruin, I love texas grapefruit.
Lynard...DH is probably getting sore from tumbling on the ice, good thing he didn't break anything.
Hi KarenMo and Teagranny. too. When Steph blows up/sets fire to his vehicles he just shakes his head. I haven't read her books for a year, what was his large companions name that was built like a refrigerator? Lula was arranging a marriage to him. I'm going to see if the library has any new books out yet.
I picture Ranger as well-muscled, but compact.'re doing a great job on the Red team, a steady pound loss a week. I'm so proud of you.
Have a great week-end everyone.
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Old 02-04-2011, 07:45 PM   #69  
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Wow, just read through today's posts...very inspiring.

Karen - another 2.2 pounds!!! great! And all those miles since you started the Wii. Impressive.

Nancy - you are amazing with your 90# loss in a year!!! I agree with your end-of-the-day treat as long as it's in moderation. My DH and I have not bought Ice Cream in a month and have been enjoying puddings with a little light whipped cream on top or those yummy 100 cal. fudge bars from Healthy Choices, (I think).

Karen2 - Ohhh I would love to see those blue birds...we need a little spring here on the Cape!

Jess - your parking story made me laugh - thanks!

Bunti - I agree, this checking in has kept my free hands off of the refrigerator for one thing.

Maryea - nice little windfall for you and your DH. Sorry about the i-phone charges.

Bobbi - as always your words of wisdom continue to inspire!

Laffalot - hang in there this weekend. We're cheering for your Tues weigh-in

As for me...had 2 cavities filled this am. But then dragged my DH into a furniture store to look at sectionals for our "new" house and low and behold we decided on a nice one. Very comfy - it will be in "herb green" with that new microfiber material. This is our first new house purchase and it's making me excited to continue thinking about decorating. (and more unpacking!)

Well, tomorrow they are predicting more snow! So what else is new.

Happy weekend GGs
PS the cat in my signature is Naomi, our adopted Sr cat.

Last edited by lynard21; 02-04-2011 at 07:48 PM.
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Old 02-04-2011, 08:13 PM   #70  
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Hi Everyone,

This morning was my digital photography course. I LOVE this course. The teacher is GREAT! Next week we will start modifying our photos using PhotoShop.

I am REALLY enjoying the work I am doing for LLS. I have gotten in touch with a bunch of my former students and it is great to see how they are doing.

Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Good Morning! Just a quick pop in this morning before I get going. I did my Body Check with Wii this morning and I'm down 2.2 pounds this week! YAY!! I also went back and added up the miles that I have done on the wii since I have started keeping track, I started the Wii on Jan. 7th but didn't start keeping track of the miles until Jan 13 on Fitday, Total miles through yesterday is 70.88! Gee Whiz--I never left the living room!!
Hi Karen,
CONGRATULATIONS! 2.2 pounds in 1 week is FANTASTIC!
Originally Posted by maryea View Post
After the Huny Wagon comes this morning, we plan on going to a local museum. Dh doesn't care for historic museums (although when he gets in them, he seems too...takes longer than I do to get through), so at this time he thinks he'll just wait outside for me. I love history so I enjoy them.
A few months ago, my dh got an email from our retirement club saying some military retirees were cheated on their SS. I kept after my dh to check into it and finally on this trip we went to a SS office and we were told he would get $45 more a month...well every little bit helps! Well yesterday they deposited $2222 into our checking account, so I guess they made it retro-active.
Hi Mary,
I am like you. I LOVE museums, but do NOT like to spend a lot of time. When my DD and my SIL and I go to one, my DD and I take about 1/5 the time that my SIL spends.
GREAT that you got your check. ENJOY!
Originally Posted by Bunti View Post
Morning everyone. Today I was wandering through 3FC and read two very different posts regarding some significant weight loss. Both of the women have lost 100+ pounds, and both ate lower calorie, sensibly and moderate exercise by their descriptions
For me the comparison of the two helps me remember a) it can be done, and b)I am not doing anything wrong when the scale barely moves, as long as I am still on program.
Hi Bunti,
For me, success = eating less, exercising more, staying away from white carbs. Although I generally weigh myself every day, I do NOT measure my success by weight loss. I can control and be responsible for my behavior – I can NOT control my scale.

Originally Posted by Laffalot View Post
I'm having a bit of a "time" in the evenings for the past 3 nights now. I can't seem to snack on the right stuff. I don't want carrots, celery, etc etc. Last night it was Cheerios. TTYL
Cereal isn’t a horrible nighttime snack. I try to make it a VERY high-fiber cereal & use a small bowl & have it with skim milk and Splenda. My favorite snack is SF pudding w SF Cool Whip or low-carb yogurt w SF peanutbutter & Splenda.

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
DS's book comes out february 20th. Getting close.
Hi Karen,
What kind of book? What is the title? How exciting!

Originally Posted by Nancyoyo View Post
Milky’s doing good, thanks for asking. He’s sitting in my lap right now. I really missed him doing that when he was sick.
I’ve lost 90 lbs., mainly by eating much smaller amounts, & with very little exercise, but it’s taken me a little over a year and a half to do it. I’ve lost weight much faster in the past, but never kept it off for long. I think this time I’m eating in a way that I can live with the rest of my life. So, I think slower really is better. [/COLOR]
Hi Nancy,
I am happy to hear that Milky is doing good. Cats are interesting. When they get sick, they just lie down and stay quiet. I have always thought that people could take a lesson from them.
I agree totally – this is a lifelong process. After we lose the weight, we need to do the same things to maintain that we did to lose. I got down to 160 (from 185) in the Fall of 2007. Since then, I stayed between 160 and 150. Recently, I am moving downward – heading to 145.
I began dieting about 40 years ago. This is the first time I have ever managed to maintain a weight loss for more than a few months.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post're doing a great job on the Red team, a steady pound loss a week. I'm so proud of you.
Hi Bobbi,
Not sure I will lose this week. I skipped 4 days at the gym bc of the weather and did not reduce my calories accordingly. I am hoping I at least do not gain.
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Old 02-04-2011, 09:15 PM   #71  
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Hi G.G.s,
Lyn, thanks, & you’re right about the moderation. My nightly snack is usually 100-200 calories, but if it’s something I really, really want (like Edward’s Key Lime Pie!), I allow myself to have a piece. But, I cut it into 8 pieces (if it’s the pie), & only eat 1 piece a night. Once it’s gone (still talking about the pie here), usually after 4 nights, because my SO always has to have a piece too, I don’t really want it again for months. Then it’s back to my 100 or 200 calorie snacks. If I didn’t do that, when I REALLY want something, I’d be thinking about it constantly, & who knows what might happen??!! Might lead to eating a whole pie (or whatever)! I think that just the idea that I can have ANYTHING I want to eat, if I really, really want it, usually keeps me from really, really wanting it. Does that make any sense?! Anyway, it seems to be working, so far.

Lynn, I sure hope that I'll be able to maintain this weight loss for over 3 years like you have. I've also been dieting for about 40 years, & this is the first time maintaining for me too. And, of course I'm still trying to lose. Good luck to both of us! You're sure doing great, & I hope I am (my weigh-in day's tomorrow!).

Bobbi, that was Tank that Lula was arranging the marriage to. That was in book “fourteen”). Books “fifteen” & “sixteen” are also out. And, now I’m off to read “sixteen” (finished “fifteen" last night”).
'Night All,
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Old 02-04-2011, 09:17 PM   #72  
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Good evening all

Trying to get a post in ~ will be working Sat and Sun and no time to post then. Can read them during my break, but have to catch up on Monday.

Lynn ~ glad you are enjoying your photography class, and your volunteer experience.

Karen MO ~ congrats on the 2.2# loss ~ you're doing great ~ and all the miles you've racked up walking. I need to follow in your footsteps.

Mary ~ museums are fun. Happy for you with your unexpected extra income.

Laffalot ~ I like the carrots and other raw vegies, but am having a hard time wanting those for a snack when it is cold. I want something warm. I've been playing around with some vegetables I can make warm.

Karen FL ~ congratulations to your son on his book. Was it the title you mentioned in an earlier post that had Tutu in the title (sorry ~ can't remember the rest of it)

NC Nancy ~ I wish I could be like you and have a treat like that. I think the answer for me is not to do it at home, but in a more controlled situation ~ like that party at work ~ where people are watching, and so it is easier for me to limit the quantity.

Lyn ~ exciting and fun to get to pick out new stuff for your house

Bobbi ~ suprisingly a lot of people still/or do have winter coats and stuff. The tailgating may still be on ~ it is supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow and in the 60's on Superbowl Sunday. That is maybe a little chilly, but way better than in the 20's

Bunti ~ I think it does help checking in here often. Keeps me inspired and lots of help, support and all.

Donna ~ enjoyed the Minnesota parking story It made me think of the TV Golden Girl Rose ~ wasn't she from Minnesota and maybe would have done something like that.

Hello Freda, Zoe, Rosey, Tea Granny and anyone else I missed.

Off to bed in a bit here. Hope the roads are ok tomorrow when I head to work.

Take care
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Old 02-05-2011, 10:07 AM   #73  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I started out to the gym this morning & my car skidded a couple of times – I turned around came home & walked on the treadmill downstairs. It was early, so I managed to avoid having to talk with my neighbors. I know I sound awful, but when I exercise, I do NOT want to have conversations.

Anyone doing anything special for the Super Bowl? My DD & SIL will probably come here to watch on my big TV. I watch only 1 football game/year – the Super Bowl. I don’t really know anything about either team, but I will cheer for the Steelers bc I remember Franco Harris.

Check back later.

Originally Posted by lynard21 View Post
Nancy - you are amazing with your 90# loss in a year!!! I agree with your end-of-the-day treat as long as it's in moderation. My DH and I have not bought Ice Cream in a month and have been enjoying puddings with a little light whipped cream on top or those yummy 100 cal. fudge bars from Healthy Choices, (I think).
PS the cat in my signature is Naomi, our adopted Sr cat.
Hi Lyn,
Those are the same kind of evening snacks that I have. I am NOT one of those people who can eat a small piece of a high-calorie/carb food & save the rest for another day. My snacks need to be semi-tasty and not too high in calories/carbs. This way, they do not tempt me to eat a lot.

Naomi looks like my DD’s cat, Sydney. They adopted her bc she is calm, peaceful, and quiet – VERY unlike my two.

Originally Posted by Nancyoyo View Post
Lynn, I sure hope that I'll be able to maintain this weight loss for over 3 years like you have. I've also been dieting for about 40 years, & this is the first time maintaining for me too. And, of course I'm still trying to lose. Good luck to both of us! You're sure doing great, & I hope I am (my weigh-in day's tomorrow!).
Hi Nancy,
Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Even after 3 years, I know that if I am not vigilant, I could gain that 30 lbs back in the blink of an eye.

Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Lynn ~ glad you are enjoying your photography class, and your volunteer experience.
Hi Gayle,
These two activities are REALLY making a positive difference in my life. Since my DH died, I have been doing my best to stay busy and find things to make me feel happy. Although I was enjoying many of my activities, I did not feel passion. Somehow the combination of the volunteer work (gives me a “purpose”) and the course (gives me something new to learn) is helping me to feel younger again.

NOTE: I have decided that now that I feel younger, it is time to get the red back into my hair. This gray hair needs to go!

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-05-2011 at 10:09 AM.
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Old 02-05-2011, 11:31 AM   #74  
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hi...Fast fly by...Lynn check out his facebook page has tons of albums with his pictures plus sports shots...k
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Old 02-05-2011, 11:36 AM   #75  
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Good Morning, nothing to report here other than the fog. DH and Charlie just walked over to the woods to check out a red fox he saw a few days ago. He just got back and told me we were going to be grandparents. He found the den in the snow where she's holed up, waiting to give birth. He thinks we can see the den with binoculars once the fog lifts., we're not football fans and we're NOT watching the game. I'm not weighing in until tomorrow on the BL since I had really salty left-over Chipole meatloaf last night. It shows on the scale this am, I've not gained but didn't lose either.

Anyone doing anything special for the Super Bowl? My DD & SIL will probably come here to watch on my big TV. I watch only 1 football game/year – the Super Bowl. I don’t really know anything about either team, but I will cheer for the Steelers bc I remember Franco Harris.
Tomorrow I'm going to catch up on my Stephanie Plum books, I love that series. Library isn't open today plus I wouldn't drive into just for that, not with the price of gas rising again.
I'm pretty silent on Sundays, my day off so I'll see ya all on Monday. Have a skinny week-end everyone.
P.S. Lynn...we'll have to start calling you the Red Fox with your new tint job.

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