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Old 02-02-2011, 09:44 PM   #46  
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Tea--have you checked into the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVD's? They are really pretty good and help to motivate you without being to stressful. I have several of them. But 1 to 2 pounds a week is really good. That is what I am hoping for too. That way I don't get too disappointed and anything that might be over that is WONDERFUL!!!
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Old 02-03-2011, 05:41 AM   #47  
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Thanks everybody, for all of your support - and your prayers and good wishes. We will be off in another half hour or so, and no computer access for a while. I'll do my best to check in while down in NC.
Ian Murray! That's right! So much happens in those darned books that it's hard keeping track.
Have a good day, everybody - and a good week or so, if I don't get a chance to check in. (I'll try my best).
Love to all,

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Old 02-03-2011, 07:18 AM   #48  
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Safe travels Zoe
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:51 AM   #49  
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TeaGranny, on exercising. It's hard to maintain interest if we're not seeing results. But remember, every time you exercise you're making your body stronger and healthier. Your heart is getting stronger, you are making muscle, your legs are making more veins so that they get better blood flow. Soooo many benefits. Try to think of the health reasons. In fact, I don't diet any more. I eat healthy. It makes such a difference for me.
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:23 AM   #50  
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I have 4 of the Leslie Sansone DVD's that were on sale for $5 each in January. I do like them alot - I find her encouraging and pleasant - not like some of the psychos you see on tape! I know that I am making a life change - in my head anyway - but like most people I am reward driven and I wanted to see those rewards, not just know about them. Oh well - onward and upward Have a safe day everyone
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:37 AM   #51  
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Donna, I had to re-look at the photo to figure out your "third cat" comment. I had to laugh - that is a sculpture that sits under my window. It is pretty realistic. Often folks in my living room mistake it for a real cat.

Lyn, here is a "gooder" photo of Harry. Your Bianca's expression reminds me of him.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Beautiful Harry Little.jpg (26.4 KB, 13 views)

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Old 02-03-2011, 11:22 AM   #52  
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Good Chilly Morning, All...
It's +18, a veritable heatwave!! So far, so good on the pipes...

Freda, thanks... I found the list on page 4 of the 50s+ thread, and then I saw that Bobbi had reposted it here. So, I'm good to go! Bunti, the last Gabaldon is hard going, unless you're a devoted history buff... just skim it. The main saga story is still good to read. TeaGranny, Ian! Right... Thanks...

Lynn, I was feeling sorry for your third cat. When I had three, one was always the odd man out. The other two would cuddle and play... and SamCat just looked sad. Now he's the only child and is the happiest cat ever... is was worth it for him to put up with their shenanigans all those years!

PT/Zoe, good thoughts for a safe trip and a relatively angst-free visit. I'll be anxious to hear.

KarenMOFLO, Rosey, Mary, everyone......... nothing to report. I'm hunkered down, staying warm. I hope you're all doing the same... warm, dry, and safe! Later!
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:51 PM   #53  
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Morning everyone..another snowy day..can u here my dh throwing a fit he hates to shovel snow..he worked yesterday and got it all cleared then it rained and last nite more snow..hes not a happy camper..i spent a good couple of hrs printing pictures.. till i ran out of ink..i love to scrapbook..i ordered a new bathrm scale..i cont to follow the program and i feel like im loosing hope the new scale shows it.. i have been exercising about 1/2 fr every am..dont like it tho i should be doing dishes and house work sigh wish i had a housework fairy,another thing i dont like..if i was wealthy id hire someone to do it..well i can dream cant i hoping u all have a great day rosey
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:08 PM   #54  
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I did well as far as calories yesterday again but did go over in carb servings. I shared a cinnamon roll with my dh (I had about 1/3) and after that I had no more carbs left, but still plenty calories....felt cheated so I ate more. Then I was ok on calories but over on carbs...grr...I really need to grow up! If I'd stopped after the cinnamon roll I'd been lower on calories and just right on carbs and probably would have dropped more weight. Why can't I keep that in mind?!!

Today so far I've done well and we walk altogether about 40 min although it was not all in one walk. We walked a little faster today too. Dh said on the way back, I have to walk slower this time as as it wore me out walking so fast but I told him he doesn't realize it but we were still walking faster than usual (since his accident) even when we "slowed down." So he's doing really well.

I ordered an iPhone early this am. As an exsisting Verizon customer, we could order them early. So excited as I like my dd's and sil's and I'm so tired of my sluggish Blackberry. I had it shipped to our next destination and should get it by the 10th. I got a good discount on the phone but the tax on it was sure expensive and was almost as much as my discount.

We shared a hamburger lunch at the clubhouse. It was good and sharing kept me still ok with calories and carbs. Now we are about to go out to buy groceries, but my dh got to talking to someone so waiting for him.

It's sunny but there's a very cool breeze today so need a light jacket.

Have a good day, everyone!
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:13 PM   #55  
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Hi all...another quiet day down here. Had to get a new cool pad for my laptop. Complained to clerk about needing one a year and he reminded me that it is still cheaper than replacing the laptop. damn I hate it when somebody is that right!

Rosey....your body has decided you are in a stravation mode and shutting down wieght loss. Thats a hard plateau to hit. But with time and sticking to the proper diet it was all come about. Keep eating as they instructed you. Be sure to get in all your nasty vitamins and drink the full amount of water they recommend. Like Spring it will happen. Plus midwinter yuck and cabin fever and no have alot to contend scrap away lov!

Should have put my pedometer on. I have had a pot of vegies simmering in the kitchen and the frying pan of turkey thighs on the lania. Back and forth a dozen trips. The thighs were just done and dash started begging. He ate one cut up so hot i burned my finger getting the bone out. Have figured out with microwave defrost they can been frozen to cooked in 3 hrs. I have literally worn out that fry pan.

Easy dinner tonight. I'll bake pork chops. Dh will have a stack of egg plant and me a cup of vegies. Bet i have a 2nd cup. I had run out and put off making some. Found myself being tempted by everything.....good thing pantry was bare. Back to my beans....this batch had chickpeas, butter beans, limas, great northern and green beans. Plus diced tomatoes mixed vegies, onions and peppers and mushrooms...garlic...and anything that I can catch in my kitchen....nooooo not the gecko that is living behind the stove. I keep chasing him between the stove and dishwasher. Have to throw a towel on him. If you try with just hands his tail falls off. That so grosses me out. You end up with a lizard in hand with a tail wiggling off in a distance. brrrrrrrrr

Finished up the last library book. Glad I didn't buy it. I hate when an author uses a book to make a political statement. I buy a novel to be entertained and lost in the story. I'll buy a news paper or nonfiction if I want to be informed. Only other novels that get me ticked off are the ones they are tossed together to foreful a contract. grumble grumble

Haven't looked at the weather, but stay warm and safe you all.....karen3
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Old 02-03-2011, 04:25 PM   #56  
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Hi G.G.s,

I was busy yesterday, & didn’t have time to check in here (Boy did I miss a lot!). SO & I went and opened new accounts at a local credit union. Our old c.u. was taken over by a larger one last year, & we haven’t been happy with it since, so I figured now was a good time to get started with a different one (while SO is not working & could go with me). SO has really been wanting a “footlong” from Subway, so we went there afterwards. But….., the Subway is out in front of Walmart, so we went there first, & since there’s a nice sidewalk, we walked all the way around the parking lot. Then we went inside & I got salad fixings & some chicken patties (for a sandwich) for my dinner. For some reason, that’s what I wanted instead of “Subway”! Of course then we walked over & got SO’s “footlong” so he was happy. After we ate, I decided it was time to do SO’s taxes (so we could get his refund). I always fill out the forms myself first, just to double-check, then do it on TurboTax online (for free). It ended up taking until after 1AM! I’m slow, my internet connection is slow, & I triple-check all the info I type in! Anyway, that’s done (whew!), but I didn’t have time to read my book, or come here & find out what everyone was doing!

I’m not even going to try to do personals to everyone, because I’d still be sitting here typing tomorrow morning! But, there are a few things I have to chime in on! First of all, Gwen, Freda, & Donna, The Rock as Ranger??!!! I can see it, he is a “stud muffin” like Bobbi (Bobbi?!!) said Ranger is, but not what I was picturing - Ranger is just under 6’ tall, The Rock is 6’4” (I googled him), & The Rock is so “pumped”! I picture Ranger as well-muscled, but compact. OK!OK! I’m being an “Anal Annie” (see Donna, I ‘m borrowing your term) about this! When I get back to my book, soon I hope, I’m going to try to imagine Ranger looking like The Rock. And, of course, now I keep trying to figure out who I’d like to play the rest of the characters. Who started all this? Freda, was it you?

Bobbi, thanks for the book list. You are just soooo organized! I see several of my favorite authors on it, & several I want to check out.

Lyn & Lynn, cute kitties! They both remind me of my Milky.

KarenFL, “hairy guy”? Did you mean Fabio??!!!

Zoe, hope you’re having a good trip! Our weather’s still pretty good, not too cold & partly sunny. I really hope it’s nice while you’re here.

Gotta go, SO’s hollering he’s hungry (it is our dinner time). Mary, you've got me wanting a burger, & KarenFL, you've got me wanting beans & veggies. I've got both in the freezer, hmmm..... Well, food, & then, BOOK! Bye, y’all.
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Old 02-03-2011, 07:33 PM   #57  
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A new VERY good mystery writer from Dublin - Tana French. I am reading In The Woods & really enjoying it.

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Old 02-03-2011, 10:29 PM   #58  
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Not too much to report here. I did manage to get to the fitness center and did about 50 minutes of exercise and my yoga at the end. I really look forward to that part.

Our driveway is pure ice and my poor dh took a couple of tumbles this afternoon trying to break it up. Tomorrow should be in the mid thirties with SUN so that should help.

Karen - Oh my, I can't image chasing lizards in my kitchen!

Lynn - that's funny about people thinksing you have a third cat...he does look real.

Rosie - I agree with the consensus of the group...don't despair...I bet next week will show a big loss!

Zoe - Please drive safe!

I weighed in on the Wii and stayed the same this week. I'll take it.


Last edited by lynard21; 02-03-2011 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 02-04-2011, 08:28 AM   #59  
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Good morning all,

Houston is an icy mess this morning. Accidents all over the place. Schools are closed thank goodness. One of my coworkers tried to get to work (at the hospital) this am and after going only 5 miles in 1 hour, she went back home. The people that were there yesterday and last night had to pack clothes etc and stay there. That would be an awful feeling to have worked a whole shift and be so tired and the next shift not coming to relieve you. I hope the roads are better by the time I am supposed to go tomorrow at 6am.

Lyn ~ I thought the third cat in Lynn's picture was real too Hope your hubby is ok after his tumbles yesterday.

NC Nancy ~ how is Milky doing?

I took a detour (food/diet wize) Wed and part of yesterday. Weight is up this morning ~ that's no suprise. At the time it seemed worth it ~ not so sure now, but what is done is done. Back OP today.

More later. Hope you all are doing well.

Take care
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Old 02-04-2011, 09:29 AM   #60  
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Good Morning Everyone! Here's hoping that you all have a safe and productive day
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