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Old 02-09-2011, 04:39 PM   #136  
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Hi GG's!

Ladyinw - 2 HOURS on the treadmill - WOW - you inspire me!

Karen3 - you crack me up

NancyYoYo - Hey girl! Yes, Southerners do say "Hey". (At least some of them do.)

I'm determined to remove this weight one final time and keep it gone forever! PLUS, I'm going to get healthy and strong. I've just started reading "Body for Life for Women" and it's VERY inspiring. Here's the jist:

We only have one body, and it is ours for life. (Hence the name of the book) This book teaches women about our bodies (they are different from males - go figure!) and encourages self-love, plus proper eating and exercise to "remove" excess weight (since something lost is usually found) and keep a healthy mind and body for life. The "Challenge" in the book is a personal challenge to care for yourself - mind & body. Diet, exercise, be kind to yourself, make time for yourself, etc. One change at a time or the whole banana - you design your challenge for 12 weeks at a time.

Tonight I should get into the diet and exercise portion of the book. Can't wait!
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Old 02-09-2011, 06:51 PM   #137  
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Hello all,

Brrrrrr ~ it is cold here today. I should have worn a warmer coat when out and about today. For some reason I thought it was warmer than it was ~ but saw (on my car thermometer) after I had left home, that it was only 32* ~ wind made it feel even colder.

Thankfully my detour(s) food wize last week made me go up only 1.6 pounds at weigh in this week. Back on track now so far. I think my walk yesterday helped.

Yes ~ Freda ~ I have been out riding on my granny cycle ~ on a couple days when the weather was warmer ~ I thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward for warmer weather to return so I can enjoy again.

Gwen ~ the body for life for women book sounds good.

Donna ~ I like your disguised curse ~ bless your heart

Mary ~ good luck with the over cleaning

Bobbi ~ hope you can find some new walking CD's you like

Bunti ~ hope your hubby and grand daughter get to feeling better soon ~ hope they don't share what they have with you

Lyn ~ some potato chips wasn't too bad ~ you stopped at some and didn't do a whole bag

NC Nancy ~ where in NC are you again ~ I forget. The authors you mentioned on the book thread sound like good ones ~ gotta check them out

Lynn ~ hope you can get your camera fixed.

Laffalot ~ congrats on your ticker ~ go, go, go !!!

Tea Granny ~ congrats on your 3# loss

I'm probably missing someone ~ sorry ~ I'll check back later and finish if I did.

Take care
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Old 02-09-2011, 07:11 PM   #138  
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Hi Everyone - I just got a new DVD by Jane Fonda, called "Jane Fonda Prime Time-Walk Out" Haven't tried it as yet as I just got it & I also got "Jane Fonda-Prime Time Fit & Strong"; have to try it too. My knees give me grief & neither one of the DVD's have you getting down on the floor (so she said on a TV interview). I'll let you know what I think. Also the "red hat" poem was written by a Jenny Joseph. I really like it too. It's cool (about -4C ) & cloudy today with no snow in the forecast for a few days. Did some grocery shopping today, washed the floors, played with the dogs & went to the bank.. Nothing exciting as you can see. I'm working hard to stay on program so I'll have a good weigh in next Tues. I have to say again how much I enjoy this site & catching up with everyone each day or so. So many good ideas, etc. Thank you! TTYL
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Old 02-09-2011, 07:33 PM   #139  
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Hello everyone---Gosh I have missed posting a lot but I have been reading. Things are still going OK here and I am still working out with the Wii at least 6 days a week.

I got so tickled when I read about "Bless Your Heart!" Most of you have been around and know of the story with my son and his (Umum EX GF) Well thought she was an ex but they still talk everyday!! Guess she is still planning on coming back to MO. next month-- hope she has a place to stay--cause it won't be here!! Anyway, let me begin this new little chapter with "Bless His Heart" He got the money saved up and got his car running and it is all legal now. That was last Thursday. Friday night was the first night he took it to work and he ended up closing that night, midnight. Ok, after paperwork and all he should have been back here by about 12:45am.. But that didn't happen, it was snowing and blowing and they are telling people to stay off the roads. He is driving a '94 Saturn with 214,000 miles on it with fair tires.... he isn't home and hasn't called(he has a cell with him all the time) so guess we just have to wait and see when he gets home. Ok bump it up to 3:00am (BLESS HIS HEART) I hear him pull up in the driveway which is on a slope. I PEAK out the window and he is swaying back and forth trying to find the key to the carport door, finally makes it. Gets back in his car and can't move forward at all(remember it is on a hill) He has to back back out in the street, over shoots it and is in the deep snow on the other side of the road--STUCK! Tries for about 2 minutes to get it out then our phone rings! He would like for Dad to get out and get his truck and get him unstuck!! Well, I in the background tell him to leave the car where it is and walk up the drive and go to bed! This made him really mad!!! BLESS HIS HEART!! He reved the engine so loud, yelled so loud that I thought that either the car was going to blow or the cops would show up. DH did get up and go outside but just to try to convince him to leave it and go to bed. More swearing and yelling....but finally did. Then he yells at me 'cause I won't go in the living room and argue with him.. I told him he was drunk and I wouldn't talk to him and just closed the door on our bedroom. OK this is where it gets good!!!! BLESS HIS HEART!! He said the reason he is the way he is, is because of me, his dad, Dr. Phil and Oprah!!! Yeah, I don't know where that came from either!! But got mad because I wouldn't call Dr. Phil right then!! He ranted and raved until 5:30am. OK Bless his heart one more time. Now he didn't speak to us or come upstairs until Monday night. When he asked his Dad for $150 because he was short on his storage that he has in Florida. Now his wife, soon to be ex, (that is a whole other story) is supposed to pay half. He got her on the phone and said that he was going to borrow the $150 but he needed her to wire it to her so he could pay his dad back. They owed $750 he had the $600 I was not a happy camper when the money was loaned, but he did pay it back. Last night he came and apologized to me for all the stuff he said. I just told him it was the booze talking and I wouldn't talk to him when he was like that. And he better think twice before he comes home like that again. I won't put up with it anymore. OK I'm done... feel better..... Bless his heart!!! LOL!!

I made some turkey chili today and it was really pretty good. I had never tried that before. DH doesn't like chili but I fixed him some baked beans and hot dogs.

I'm hoping to see another loss on Friday. I told Tim I don't want candy for my birthday/valentines day!! NOPE!! Not gonna do it!! I'd love to plan in a dinner out, if it clears up enough that it would be fun!!

Here are a couple pictures I took this afternoon. There must have been 100 Robins in the Holly Berry tree out front. About 45 minutes after I took these pictures the tree was stripped completely of all berries and there wasn't a bird in sight! But maybe this is a sign that spring is on its way!!

OK-- going to go and watch some TV and relax. I'll try to get caught up with everyone soon.
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Old 02-09-2011, 08:16 PM   #140  
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Evening all.....Another happy dance for a 2nd place. Had PT this morning and then winning so feeling fine tonight.

Donna....Bless your heart....ahhhh, The nicest sweetest ladies in the world live in Charleston, SC. And they can cuss you out so sweetly that you say thank you. During the War they called it Polite-ing you to death. Thats why the movie Steel Magnolias was so funny. Sweet dainty tea drinking stainless steel broads....and playing bridge against them is tough!

I scratched the inside of my lower lip 2 days ago and it is too tender. So had to cancel my dental cleaning...ahhh gee whiz. I think she would have ended up sticking an earring thru there. New fad granny piecing.....yuck

Karen...Sons! I hear you. Mine is back pedaling like mad. Seems that the book has a mother from ****. Told him that all my friends understand that the authors always use their own life to base things on. That for me to live down this book he owes me so much he will always be in my debt. If I don't kill him first.

Lynn...must be the moon. Came home this evening and Dash had striped my bed. Everything was thrown over the foot to the floor. I now have 6 stuff toys stuck between the rails of the footboard like a display case. Only dog I have ever seen who plays with at least 2 toys at once all the time. He lines up cookies on the window sill....speech is next.

Question...what is the tricolored italian ice cream called? I know Neopolatian but think there is another name???? Have company for dinner Sunday. have a recipe for angelhair pasta with eggplant, shrimp, feta cheese and 9 kalamari olives. Takes longer to gather the ingredients than to cook the meal. Looking for a dessert.

Think am gonna have laser facial treatment. For my wrinkles but also for sun damage. Calling for appt tomorrow. I'll let you know what is sounds like. i have so many spots that sooner or later need to be zapped. Been asking to be dipped like a puppy for years. Payback for years of sunbathing.

Time to get into jammies and read with tv mumbling....karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 02-09-2011 at 08:19 PM.
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Old 02-09-2011, 10:06 PM   #141  
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Hey G.G.s,
(I’m sticking with “hey”, cause I sure don’t want anyone doubting that I’m southern!)

Donna & Freda, your “bless your heart” comments remind me of that country music song “I’ll Pray for You”. In it the preacher tells the singer to pray for his enemies, so he does - he prays for really bad things to happen to them! It’s so funny!

Donna, I have to defend SO (of course I do). He’s really not a bad guy, just a bit insensitive. And he loves to tease! And he grew up with 3 older half-sisters! I’ve always been one to get my feelings hurt pretty easily. All the men I’ve previously been involved with (& yes there were quite a few), were protective of my feelings, but they were pretty rotten in other ways. Except for the teasing, SO is really a good guy. I’ve had to “toughen-up” a lot since being with him, but that was, at least in part, his intention. He truly believes there is something wrong with people who are overly sensitive, because he’s not (& I believe there’s something wrong with people who aren’t - so who’s right?). Anyway, after being with SO for over 14 years, his teasing hardly ever bothers me. (And I know he doesn’t think of me as old, but I also don’t think being old is a bad thing!)

All this talk about teasing reminds me of my great-grandfather. He was also a big teaser. Until I was about 8 yrs. old, I actually thought my great-granny’s first name was Boss, because that’s what Great Granddad always called her. Looking back, I’m pretty sure he started it as a way to annoy her (& she was pretty bossy), but they’d been married over 50 yrs. when I was born, so of course she no longer paid any attention to it.

OK, I just used up almost 2 hours typing in defense of SO, & reminiscing, so a couple of quick comments & I’m off to my next book. Gayle, I live right outside of Hickory NC, which is about 70 miles west of Winston-Salem. And I’m really surprised you haven’t read any books by those authors, since you like cozy mysteries. Freda, Carolyn Hart has written a lot of cozy mysteries, & my local library has a lot of them. Gwen, that sounds like a good book, & I love the idea of “removing” excess weight instead of “losing” it! I’ll have to remember that! Everyone Else, hey! & gotta go, book is calling me.

PS. Karens, I almost missed your posts, I was busy typing. Just had to say, KarenMO, I'm really sorry you're having to deal with all that. It's great that you're not letting stress get you off plan. And, KarenFL, congratulations again! Now, BOOK!
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Old 02-10-2011, 08:46 AM   #142  
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Today is the day I become a redhead again.

If I can get my camera to work, I will let you know what it looks like.

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Old 02-10-2011, 09:29 AM   #143  
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Lady - Can't wait to see you in red! My DH LOVES red hair, but I haven't got the complexion for it (believe me I've tried.)

Karen 3 - Spumoni? Try Olay Regenerist and Loreal Age Perfect Serum for your skin, and use Olay Complete 30 spf moisturizer. Takes a few weeks to show improvement, but they really work!

Nancy - Hey!! Ok - so I'm a New Jersey transplant to High Point NC, via California. I've worked the "Hey" into my daily speech, and after reading these posts will work on "Bless their Heart!" What a very nice way to cuss someone out (which I only do in my head - well usually..)

Karen31 - BLESS HIS HEART !! I'm glad he appologized, and that he paid back the $150. There may be hope for him yet!

Laffalot - I LOVED the original Jane Fonda - back in the 80's her video helped me lose my "baby weight" twice. Let me know if you like the new ones.

My Challenge: Working out at least every other day with weights and 5 times a week on elliptical. Working hard enough to glisten a lot! (Another Southern term that I really like.)

Well, gotta go get ready for my appt. Bye for now!
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:21 AM   #144  
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Good Morning, All...
Very quick check in...
Lynn, do take a picture!!

It made my day that you liked the "bless your heart" posting! I think it's fine, fine! This is from KarenMO, and you'll enjoy it:

Have to get rolling! Chilly (9 here, 30 in Anchorage!, but supposed to be 52 by Saturday!!)... Things to do, places to go, people to see...... later! Everyone, be warm, dry, and SAFE!

Last edited by jess1; 02-10-2011 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:47 AM   #145  
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Thanks for the morning laugh, Jess!! Now off to the gym.
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Old 02-10-2011, 02:28 PM   #146  
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LOL I could write a Bless His Heart story about one of my sons too!

I did well with my eating again yesterday and I thought my carbs but my bs is sure high today! Twice and that's unusual as it's often high in the mornings but then usualy comes down later. My weight however is dropping but I still have several pounds to go to get down to my sig again.

No walking today. Very very windy plus my dh is helping a neighbor get his satelite TV up. Also waiting for my iPhone to arrive by Fedex. When it comes we will go into town (if not too late) and return it as I don't want to pay so much tax. I know I can get it at home cheaper. Also need to pickup a few groceries.

We are having hamburgers tonight but I will probably have to fix them inside due to the wind. Will serve them with green beans and carrots.

Had trouble with my internet last night and today...finally called the tech and (after even deleting and reinstalling the program! Grrr) and all he had me do was remove my phone battery and put it back in again! Sure wish I'd thought of that! LOL I tether my blackberry to my network and use it's modem when traveling.

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Old 02-10-2011, 02:43 PM   #147  
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Morning everyone..i have been enjoying my "me time" but the dh will be home this afternoon..i put the makings for chili in the crock pot as he always "starving" when he walks in the door..i spent part of the time going thru my pictures..i have an 18 gal plastic tote full of pics..the ones i wanted were from my moms albums that we took back after she passed..its taken me 2 yrs to be able to look at all those memories without i have wonderful memories in the form of my pics..its actually my history as they span from when i was a baby,thru the years,my marriage and my kids and grandkids..theres so many that they will fill several albums..i sorted them all chronologicaly (sp?)..i tried a new recipe yesterday..since im suppose to eat protein 1st and i wanted to use some of my canned salmon,i made salmon patties using eggs and instant mashed potatoes as a binder..they were really yummy i'll post the recipe..nothing new going on i luv the gentle way of cussing someone altho i dont have a problem using stronger language my parents said i was using bad words at a young age( i was parroting my dad lol) hope everyone has a stupendous low cal day rosey

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Old 02-10-2011, 11:45 PM   #148  
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Hello all,

It has been a nice day. Dr's appointment ~ check up and med renewal and lab work. Ran some errands. Back home. Son Jason stopped by on his way to work and visited for a few minutes. He shared that he had quit smoking and that I could thank his new girlfriend who helped him quit. I hope he has met someone nice this time. He hasn't seemed to make very good choices in that area of his life up to this point.

Grandson Corbin came over to finish his science project. He is such an enjoyable kid to be around. After, I took him home and got to visit Granddaughter Maddie and daughter Sara for a little bit. Maddie was singing and preforming Corbin started singing that "Pants on the Ground" song that some guy sang on American Idol last year. So, then Maddie took a turn at that ~ she kind of made her own version/wording of it. It is funny to watch her jump around and sing and all. I just love it when I get to spend time with my kids and grandkids.

It has been another cold day here today. I'll be glad when it warms up again.

Well, I'd better get heading to bed. Have to finish up the getting ready to go back to work stuff tomorrow.

Take care
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Old 02-11-2011, 10:03 AM   #149  
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Good Morning! I weighed in and the scale shows 172.8 so I marked it as 173 on my ticker. Which believe it or not is what I weighed 36 years ago!! Of course I was checking in to the hospital to give birth to my son!! Just thought that was kind of funny! I haven't done my workout yet but wanted to come in and check in. Need to get the workout done and then showered so I can get Sissy to her vet. appointment this afternoon. That will be a fast $100!!

I'll be back later.
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:56 PM   #150  
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Afternoon all....Gotten chilly again. Poor Dash just gave him a bath in the driveway. Have one of those hoses supposed to water plants which attaches to the ultility sink so he had hot water. The drama queen shivered more before any water touched his body.

Had my free consulation this morning with the doctor and am going to do the laser treatments. Start first one Wednesday afternoon. One a month for 5 months. Will remove age spots, fine wrinkles and tighten up my skin. Suppose to last about 10 yrs. My biggest real problem is that so many of these spots turn into precancer spots and why not zap them all away at once instead of waiting for one to get nasty. Am so excited that even cancelled next Wed. bridge for this 1st treatment. Told me that spots wold get darker before they fall off, well thats what the dermalogist always says. With freezing takes about a week have see how long laser takes. Am not doing the vanity botox or even an eye lift and tightening will be just an extra effect. He said that he could see the 20lbs I had loss and 30 more will do it. Now if I could do the 30 by the time I was done treatments....double wow?????

It is 3 different types of lasers. Thought at first each treatment was different but no during my appointment he will use 3 different lasers. So it works all the phases of regeneration. Suppose see mega change after first. OMG am so excited. Except for caract surgery this is the first time I've had something done for me.

I will not show the before pictures...attempted to bribe the tech to destroy them. Look like some one in the line up on most wanted list.

They tell me this is almost painless. like a sunburn which is kind of ironic since sunbathing/suntan got me to this place. Won't get rid of all my wrinkles which is ok cause I consider them badges I earned.

Be back later ....karen3
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