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Old 02-26-2010, 06:50 PM   #286  
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Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Rosey, I googled "Wendy Affect", "Wendy Effect," "Weight Watcher Wendy Affect" and "Weight Watcher Wendy Effect"......nothing. So, what IS it?
Hi Donna,

On WW, you eat x points/day. Multiply the points x7 and you eat x times 7 points/week.

On the Wendy plan, you eat the same number of points/week, but you stagger them daily - one day eating more and one day eating less.

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Old 02-26-2010, 08:44 PM   #287  
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Hi that was a good article on the wendy plan Donna..i and my dd's follow wtwatchers..each food has a pt value..and according to your weight u get so many pts have to can print the journaling pages from a web site i use called has lots of info and also an extensive list of foods and their pt value..i like the system as u can pick and choose your foods and its easy to make adjustment for sp occasions and still stay on pts..i just follow a lower carb/fat and no sugar becuz im diabetic.also as with any plan u have to portion control..hope the info helps..rosey
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Old 02-27-2010, 07:39 AM   #288  
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Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Hi that was a good article on the wendy plan Donna..i and my dd's follow wtwatchers..each food has a pt value..and according to your weight u get so many pts have to can print the journaling pages from a web site i use called has lots of info and also an extensive list of foods and their pt value..i like the system as u can pick and choose your foods and its easy to make adjustment for sp occasions and still stay on pts..i just follow a lower carb/fat and no sugar becuz im diabetic.also as with any plan u have to portion control..hope the info helps..rosey
Hi Rosey,
I LOVE DWLZ site. Especially for finding nutritional information for different foods at restaurants.
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:24 AM   #289  
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Yipee,Monday it'll be March already! Whose ready for spring, getting rid of the snow, the below zero temps? I was thrilled to post the new March thread today.
Just one comment and I gotta run, never heard of the DWLZ before. I scanned the link briefly, is it just as good as the Fitday? I love fitday and it appears to be a like program. I'd love to hear some input on it but only if you have tried Fitday.
I can't wait to go down and hang my pictures, shower curtain, etc. The plumber was here yesterday, ran into another huge problem. The expensive toilet we installed two years ago wouldn't fit after they dry walled around a pipe! DH and plumber had to go to Home Depot and find one that would fit, more expense. If any of you take on a remodeling job, take out twice as much money as originaly planned.
Take care and have a fantastic week-end everyone.
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Old 02-27-2010, 10:29 AM   #290  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Yipee,Monday it'll be March already! Whose ready for spring, getting rid of the snow, the below zero temps? I was thrilled to post the new March thread today.
Just one comment and I gotta run, never heard of the DWLZ before. I scanned the link briefly, is it just as good as the Fitday? I love fitday and it appears to be a like program. I'd love to hear some input on it but only if you have tried Fitday.
I can't wait to go down and hang my pictures, shower curtain, etc. The plumber was here yesterday, ran into another huge problem. The expensive toilet we installed two years ago wouldn't fit after they dry walled around a pipe! DH and plumber had to go to Home Depot and find one that would fit, more expense. If any of you take on a remodeling job, take out twice as much money as originaly planned.
Take care and have a fantastic week-end everyone.
Hi Bobbi,

I don't use fitday, so I'm not sure how much overlap there is. However, I LOVE DWLZ to find restaurant info - see

DWLZ is a kind of "everything you want to know about losing weight" site.

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Old 02-27-2010, 10:44 AM   #291  
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Okay, Bobbi, who are these chimpanzees doing your remodeling? Haven't they ever heard of a measuring tape fahgoodness' sake? I'm afraid that I'd be pretty miffed by now if I were you. But, evidently, you're WAY more good humored than I am, because if I was paying somebody to do remodeling, I definitely wouldn't expect all the "oopses - this won't fit, and that won't work" that you've been getting. DH does all of our in-home carpentry, and I'm not even very tolerant of any measuring errors HE makes! And all those cost me is an extra few hours while he corrects it. Maybe I need to talk to these contractors of yours???? Oh - about spring - you BETCHA I'm going to be glad to see it hereabouts, too! I'm not quite ready to get excited - not with all the snow and crazy weather we've had this week - but I'll be happy to jump on that March thread right along with you!
As for the Wendie Plan, you can also do it with the calorie equivalents of the WW points, and it's just as effective. By alternating high and low days, your metabolism doesn't have a chance to re-adjust downwards because you're eating less. It doesn't drop into "conservation" mode. That's what gives the the renewed losses once you've hit a plateau. I think it's a great plan, and have used it on and off myself for a long time now. (Keyword: on and off. If I stuck with it, I have no doubts that I'd weigh about 135 pounds now). Anyway, I definitely recommend it highly, PT, if it sounds like something you'd want to try. It's not really that drastic, but the results are pretty decent.
I'm with you, Isabella, on the breadmaking without a "breadmaker". I know that I would never invest in one, because if I had the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through my house on a regular basis, I could kiss any chance at getting this last bit of weight off goodbye. I simply cannot resist freshly baked bread, and absolutely LOVE artisan breads with hard, crusty exteriors and soft, delicious interiors. Omigawd. I can't even THINK about it without wanting some!
I'm still envying you those sunny days, Rosey. Hopefully, we'll get some of our own hereabouts before too much longer.
Freda, are you cleaned out yet? We didn't get as much snow as they predicted - not locally, anyway - but we had some super-high winds - up to 80mph in some places hereabouts, and a lot of electric outages. We lost ours overnight Thursday night, but got it back in mid-morning on Friday. There are a lot of folks - about a quarter million, from what I hear - up New Hampshire way who are still without it, and they're not expecting to get it restored until next week.
Linda, congrats on losing! It sure does keep you motivated when those pounds continue to drop off, doesn't it?
I hope your neck is better, Georgia?
Cindy, I can tell you that when DH & I take care of our little twinnies, I do enough bending and lifting and squatting and running about to keep me sore for a couple of days time. I suspect that it quslifies as a good work out.
Lynn, I've gone to the DWLZ site now and again, and you're right about the restaurant listings, but I think that you probably eat out a lot more than I do, so I'm better off looking up my ingredients in CalorieKing and/or Fitday, and then keeping track of what I am eating on my Fitday pages. That seems to work well for me. (Now if I could only curb these hunger pangs I've been having lately! I could swear that I'm starving myself to death, but know perfectly well that I've had ample calories to get me through the day.)
Have a great weekend, y'all...

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Old 02-27-2010, 11:27 AM   #292  
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Good Morning, All...

Isabella, thank you! That link was fantastic... now, I just need to figure out their point system! And there the info is from Rosey! All of you, thanks for the help, and I'll go peruse some sites! It's pretty way cool how you all jump on the bandwagon for one with a wall-banging dented head!

Bobbi, I'd be spitting nails at the "building contractors", and I use the term VERY LOOSELY. As my friend says, do they OWN a tape measure??? I admire your calmness, and I'm sure you're a teeming mass of plotted painful revenge inside that facade!

Hope your day is good, Everyone! Be safe and warm... I'm off to check on some good informational sites! Thank you again!
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Old 02-27-2010, 01:39 PM   #293  
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Good Morning! I stepped outside yesterday -- still hacking and coughing and blowing the nose but what did I see?????? I see this little Daffodil standing straight and tall and that is a sure sign of Spring!! It was 56 degrees here yesterday so that makes me pretty happy. Of course, I would feel much better if I could get rid of this cold---but now Tim has it so we will probably pass it back and forth for awhile!

Bobbi-- so sorry about all the trouble that you are having. It has got to be so frustrating. I'm glad Tim does most of our stuff but I have learned to just not watch and it all comes out good. He did the fireplace in our house in Colorado and you couldn't tell it hadn't always been there. Glad for that.

I will try to get back and say more Hellos later. Just don't have much energy with this "GUNK" I did make a beef stew last night and put it in the crock pot so at least we will have something decent to eat today...tired of lean cuisines and pot pies!!!

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 02-27-2010, 03:42 PM   #294  
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I'll be so glad when February is behind me. It hasn't been a stellar month as far as weight loss is concerned. I was up by 2 pounds this morning so I guess I'll take a fresh page for March.

My back is at it again. I reached to pick a piece of paper off a chair this morning and bingo, I'm bent over again. I didn't even over extend as I was standing right next to the chair and as I'm on the short side I hardly bent over at all. It doesn't seem to be as severe as last time but a nuisance, nevertheless. So, no intense exercise for me for a few days.

Karen, I love daffodils. I think they are my favorite flower. Dad always had them in the house during winter as he forced them to bloom. I have a lovely little clump of them but they aren't anywhere near to even surfacing. I must have a quick look next time I'm out.

Donna, glad that site was useful. I didn't read through but scanned it and thought it would be good.

Zoe, I've been feeling hungry lately as well and I know I shouldn't be. I've been caving in and it showed on the scales this morning and you know what they say, "the scale doesn't lie."

Lynn, I've never heard of DWLZ before today. That'll give me something to do while I'm "laid up." I hardly ever eat out but I like to read the menus and see how many calories I'm not eating by staying home.

Yes, Bobbi, I'm so ready for spring. I vote for abolishing winter forever. I'm all for turning all the snowmobiles into seadoos. So sorry about all your remodeling troubles. DH often has measuring problems. I don't take them well.

, I think February was my high month of calories. March will be my low month. I'll bet that doesn't work! Hahahaha.

It's a gray, miserable kind of day today. No sun so it's dreary. I dozed off in the chair when I had on the massage/vibrator/heater thingy and dreamed it was June. I even felt the heat from the sun shining in on me. What a disappointment when I woke up. I thought the sun had maybe broken through the clouds but not a chance today. Anyway you look at this day it's a write-off. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. It's a long list of small annoying things but suffice it to say I'm glad it's all behind me. Murphy's Law has been well documented at my house today.

Anyhoo, have a wonderful disasterless day.
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Old 02-27-2010, 06:25 PM   #295  
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Hello sweet friends,

Goodbye February, Hello March! I woke up to a rainy, gray day today, but now the sun is shining and the sky is a robin's egg blue. My mood is so influenced by the weather it's scary. DH was on an overnight run last night and I never sleep well when he is gone overnight. It has been two years since he started the trucking business and I still can't get used to it. I tend to fall asleep with the T.V. on which is horrible, I know. All I can think of is home invasion, LOL. I watch too much True TV. It's crazy. We have an alarm system. But we have a lot of glass windows and some I don't cover. I NEVER worry about this when he's home. So, just me and Pandora the cat in bed keeping each other company. I did manage to drag my butt out of bed for my workout though. Popped in The Firm's Total Body Time Crunch, which I love. I'm a Firm fan from way back. Things got better from there. Weather started clearing up and DH called to say he is on his way back. My Dad popped in for a visit unexpectedly He recently had the most horrible experience with shingles and is having to go to a pain center for various treatments, none of which seem to be working for him. I'm rocking right along with being OP and loving the changes I am seeing.

Izzy: Take care of that back. Crazy that you just bent over and had an issue. Have you ever seen a chiropractor? That has helped me in the past.
I love the idea of the massage chair. I had the opportunity to use one on a trip to DH's brother. I loved it!

Hi Karen: Sorry to hear about your horrible cold! Take care of yourself and get well soon. Your doggies are just precious. Many thanks for sending the pics of promise of spring. Take care.
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Old 02-28-2010, 01:48 AM   #296  
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Reading through the recent posts, I see we're all ready to shake off the winter blues with a good dose of sunshine and warmer temps. Wish I could wave a magic weather wand and make it so for everyone of you!

I caved to the doctor's advice and took an Aleve last night and felt so much relief from the neck pain that I took another one this morning. I don't think I need one tonight, so if I'm feeling good in the morning, I'm giving myself permission to get back on my rowing machine.

I have decided to take on the March Madness Basic Challenge through the Concept2 website. They offer monthly challenges for rowing machine users, and prizes too! I can log my distance and time through the website as well. I'm shooting for 5000 m/day or just over 3 miles. I'm going to start first thing in the morning. I can do this!

But first, a good night's sleep...
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:51 AM   #297  
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Good morning, Everyone,

Today I’m meeting my sister in Millburn, NJ (about 2 hours north) to see a play at the Papermill Playhouse. She has had a subscription for many years and used to attend with her son-in-law’s mother. Unfortunately, the lady is suffering from altzheimer’s and has been institutionalized. I know my sister loved these plays, so I agreed to go with her.

Looking out the window at the falling snow & hoping it’s just a shower. Guess I’ll have to check on the weather report before I set out for north Jersey.

Have a good day, Everyone,


Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Yipee,Monday it'll be March already! Whose ready for spring, getting rid of the snow, the below zero temps? I was thrilled to post the new March thread today. Take care and have a fantastic week-end everyone.
Hi Bobbi, I am SO READY for Spring!!!! Partially because of the weather, but also because Jan/Feb have been REALLY tough for me. Eye surgeries, flu, daughter’s cancer treatment, hospitalization, knee injury!!!! I am READY for a change!

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Lynn, I've gone to the DWLZ site now and again, and you're right about the restaurant listings, but I think that you probably eat out a lot more than I do, so I'm better off looking up my ingredients in CalorieKing and/or Fitday, and then keeping track of what I am eating on my Fitday pages. That seems to work well for me. (Now if I could only curb these hunger pangs I've been having lately! I could swear that I'm starving myself to death, but know perfectly well that I've had ample calories to get me through the day.)Z
Hi Zoe,

Hopefully, our HUNGER will melt away – along with the snow. Would you believe it is snowing here AGAIN today?

Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Good Morning! I stepped outside yesterday -- still hacking and coughing and blowing the nose but what did I see?????? I see this little Daffodil standing straight and tall and that is a sure sign of Spring!! It was 56 degrees here yesterday so that makes me pretty happy. Of course, I would feel much better if I could get rid of this cold---but now Tim has it so we will probably pass it back and forth for awhile!
I will try to get back and say more Hellos later. Just don't have much energy with this "GUNK" I did make a beef stew last night and put it in the crock pot so at least we will have something decent to eat today...tired of lean cuisines and pot pies!!!
Hi Karen,

I hope you and Tim feel better soon.

Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
I'll be so glad when February is behind me. It hasn't been a stellar month as far as weight loss is concerned. I was up by 2 pounds this morning so I guess I'll take a fresh page for March.

My back is at it again. I reached to pick a piece of paper off a chair this morning and bingo, I'm bent over again. I didn't even over extend as I was standing right next to the chair and as I'm on the short side I hardly bent over at all. It doesn't seem to be as severe as last time but a nuisance, nevertheless. So, no intense exercise for me for a few days.
Yes, Bobbi, I'm so ready for spring. I vote for abolishing winter forever. I'm all for turning all the snowmobiles into seadoos.
It's a gray, miserable kind of day today. No sun so it's dreary. I dozed off in the chair when I had on the massage/vibrator/heater thingy and dreamed it was June. I even felt the heat from the sun shining in on me. What a disappointment when I woke up. I thought the sun had maybe broken through the clouds but not a chance today. Anyway you look at this day it's a write-off. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. It's a long list of small annoying things but suffice it to say I'm glad it's all behind me. Murphy's Law has been well documented at my house today. .
Hi Isabella,

February has been a TOUGH month for most of us. Illnesses, injuries, renovation disasters, and MISERABLE weather! Let’s all look forward to a FANTASTIC Spring season!

Originally Posted by Releve View Post
Hello sweet friends,
Goodbye February, Hello March! I woke up to a rainy, gray day today, but now the sun is shining and the sky is a robin's egg blue. My mood is so influenced by the weather it's scary.
My Dad popped in for a visit unexpectedly He recently had the most horrible experience with shingles and is having to go to a pain center for various treatments, none of which seem to be working for him. I'm rocking right along with being OP and loving the changes I am seeing.
Hi Cindy,

My DH had shingles following a heart attack. He said the shingles were MUCH more painful than the heart attack. Because of his problems and those of a neighbor, I got the shingles shot. I hope your father finds something that will work for him.

Originally Posted by geoblewis View Post
Reading through the recent posts, I see we're all ready to shake off the winter blues with a good dose of sunshine and warmer temps. Wish I could wave a magic weather wand and make it so for everyone of you!
Hi Georgia,
Please, Please, Please – get that magic wand waving!
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Old 02-28-2010, 11:45 AM   #298  
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Good Morning, All...
Sounds like we're all SO ready for March... and, maybe, a wee bit of Spring? We all sound very tired, mostly...

Lynn, is there any thought of canceling your trip? How IS that knee? I hope all is well; you need that trip!

Enjoy the day, and I'll see you next month!
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:28 PM   #299  
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I'm confined to sitting on my bum. The pain is worse today but I was expecting that as the muscles are still quite tight and spasmy. If this doesn't clear up in a day or two I'll seek medical help. I think I have partial insurance coverage for physiotherapy. Must check that out. I could be having soothing back massages and deep muscle therapy instead of sitting or lying here.

I'm also watching the US/Canada Olympic Hockey game and Canada is ahead 2/0 at this point in the game. DH is happy. All Canada is happy. Lots of time left in the second period and all of the third left yet, though so it's any teams game yet.

You know I'm truly confined when I start talking hockey. I never watch, play or care how any of the teams are doing. (That's not typically Canadian.)

I managed to get lunch ready today with DH's help. I made roasted vegetables but I couldn't get the vegetables out of the frig so he rooted around and found everything and helped to peel a few sweet potatoes, carrots and white potatoes. I did the turnip and onions and cut up everything. Now I'm hungry again but I think I'll stick with a sandwich with that raisin bread I made earlier last week.

Ah, as I type US just scored their first goal. This post is too strange. Me commenting on hockey.

See you all in March. Take care until then.
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:41 PM   #300  
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Originally Posted by jess1 View Post

Lynn, is there any thought of canceling your trip? How IS that knee? I hope all is well; you need that trip!

Not a chance!!!!!!!!!!!
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