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Old 10-14-2008, 04:08 PM   #76  
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hi all....Didn't go play bridge today. Figured DH and I'd hang out and spend some time remembering the past 50 years. Well, Got that done by 8am and have been putzing around since....Went to the post office to restart mail. The line was out into the lobby. They were closed yesterday and double busy today. Oh well stood in line to get a week's worth of junk mail.

2 weeks until I go to Daytona Beach tournament. We have just a blast there. The hotel is the oldest hotel on the beach and is Art Deco style and has so many neat things. Even Eyptian cotton sheets and 42"flat screen tv. The rate is half price for the tournament and then we divided in half again. Have late breakfast at IHop and split a sandwich around vegies snacks so stay well within plan.

Found another friend who hasn't gone to the denist in years! (scared?) When they go the news is so bad. I can't miss a 6 month check up without worrying self to death. Spent my whole life saving my teeth. DF now has to have 3 pulled and root canal on others. Plus a plate. UGH! I have fought so hard with my soft teeth. Gosh, my first electric tooth brush was a sunbeam on you plugged into the wall. Wonder I wasn't electrocuted!

Speaking of electrocuted...they did the guy who claimed he was too fat to be excuted. Now ladies I have used my stoutness for alot of excuses but that one blew my mind.

Going to our favorite restaurant tonight. It is way out in the marsh on the Gulf. The road wanders around and usually see a couple of gators. They have the best seafood in the world. Debating on almond grouper,soft crabs or broiled seafood platter....Only thing beachy about to night will be everything could have washed up on a beach. ToMoRrOw ToMoRrOw sighssssssssssssss

Well, off to wash my hair and get gussed up.....Hugs, Karen3
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Old 10-14-2008, 05:28 PM   #77  
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Bobbi, the way I do the sweet potatofries is to use a vegetable "curler" thingy..a "spirooli" and then I put them on a sheet pan, spray them with olive oil pam and sprinkle them with some sea salt and run them in a the oven for a can also cut them thin..

Retired..yep there is another lady in the class with me in the mornings..she is a resource teacher..she's there because I have all the "inclusion" kids in my room...another reason I really just needed a break today for no reason at all!...

I got the house cleaned this morning, then spent 2 hours at the least 20 minutes in the steam room! Met a friend for lunch and we spent the afternoon together. Wonderful relaxing day...just the medicine I needed.
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Old 10-15-2008, 07:26 AM   #78  
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Good morning Golden Girls. Just popping by to say a quick hi before I hit the exercise mats and then go shopping with mom. I think I'll buy more sweet potatoes and try them "fried" in the oven. Will report back on the results.

I'm gone.....................
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:09 AM   #79  
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Hi there . . .
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:42 AM   #80  
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Just a little chuckle to start your day:


The family wheeled Grandma out on the lawn, in her wheelchair,
where the activities for her 100th birthday were taking place.
Grandma couldn't speak very well, but she would write
notes when she needed to communicate.

After a short time out on the lawn, Grandma started
leaning. to the right, so some family members grabbed her,
straightened her up, and stuffed pillows on her right.

A short time later, she started leaning to her left,
So again the family grabbed her and stuffed pillows on her left.

Soon she started leaning forward, so the family members again
grabbed her, and then tied a pillowcase around her waist to hold her up.

A nephew who arrived late came up to Grandma and said, 'Hi,
Grandma, you're looking good!
How are they treating you?'

Grandma took out her little notepad and slowly wrote a
note to the nephew......

'Buzzards won't let me fart.'
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Old 10-15-2008, 12:43 PM   #81  
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Hi Everyone,

Bobbi, I have a question for you. When I review your Accountability post, I see that you are eating around 1000 calories/day & losing really steadily.

Would you be willing to post a sample of a day's menu? I think I remember you saying that you don't eat meat. I'd be interested in seeing what you eat in a typical day.

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Old 10-15-2008, 01:57 PM   #82  
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Lynn...I'd be happy to post a few days menu. I'll work on it tonight, fortunately everything is listed on Fitday so it'll be very accurate. I think I tried to copy/paste Fitday before and it didn't work so I'll try to figure out something else. Big mistake about me not eating meat, I try to stay at 54 grams/ 20% protein and I always go way, way over. We have tons of Elk/Venison in the freezer and red meat is 90% of our meals. I'm in the process of taping/painting my kitchen so I'll work on this tonight or in the morning. My progress has slowed way down since I'm so close to goal but the first couple of months it came off very fast. I have had so much energy running on 1000-1100 calories and never hungry. Later................
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Old 10-15-2008, 03:17 PM   #83  
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Bobbi. Kinda saw the punchline coming (since I've had the urge to "lean" a little on occasion myself ) but still gave me a quite the good giggle. OMG! Bobbi! I just noticed, you are only 1 measley little pound from being at goal!!! That is so incredible!!

So, Karen3, you skipped bridge and didn't go through withdrawals? However did you manage?

Had my second interview this morning. Went rather well with the exception of one little hiccup - this particular position actually reports to two directors and one of them (the one I haven't met yet) was out sick today. So we still haven't talked money and looks like I'll end up going back for a 3rd interview. Well, drat, I'll need another new suit

Got the folks from the new facility in this week trying to learn everything so been busy, busy cramming info into their poor heads. I can see it now - they are going to get home, take one look at their notes, and have no clue what it was they wrote down. Sure hope at least some of us are still here to answer questions for them......

Hope you all have a glorious day!

Last edited by yoyonomoreinvegas; 10-15-2008 at 03:21 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 12:17 AM   #84  
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Daily: Vitamins & salmon oil 20 calories
I averaged out this months % so far:
Fat goal 25% - I averaged 19.8%
Carbs goal 55% - I averaged 53.7%
Fiber goal 50g - I averaged 50.8 grams
Protein goal 20% - I averaged 24% (I always go over but don’t worry about it since I keep losing)
I don’t like to spend too much time making breakfast or lunch so I don’t vary much for these two meals.
Breakfast is always 1 serving Fiber One (14 grams of fiber)topped with fresh fruit (peach, raspberries, banana, apricots, etc). I add 1 tablespoon flaxseed to this and 4 oz. skim milk or 4 oz. light vanilla soy milk. I never get hungry until lunch time because of all the fiber I eat for breakfast.

Lunch: I purchased some of the dehydrated peanut butter2 that you mix with water, it’s really delicious and 2 Tablespoons is only 53 calories. I smear that on a light Flat Out, add gobs of lettuce and roll it up. If I’m still hungry I’ll eat a bowl of zucchini soup with it. I made loads of garlic zucchini , curry zucchini and tomato soup this summer. These are all fat free and very few calories. I froze it in 24 oz. zip bags so it’s very easy to thaw in the microwave. The Flat Out has 9 grams of fiber, this keeps me full until supper time.
Supper: I love potatoes but have eaten them only twice that I can remember since I started losing. Between the calories and the carbs, it’s not worth it. I eat 4 - 6 oz of meat at night, I use boneless chicken breast, Elk roast or steaks, try to get fish in one night a week. I don’t use oil when cooking, spray Pam and cast iron pans or we grill it. Tonight I had a 1 egg + 2 egg white omelet with turkey bacon, green pepper, onion, & tomato, 2 slices low calorie toast. (I painted all day and didn’t have time to cook)I made a yummy chicken vegetable stir fry a couple of nights ago, DH eats it on brown rice and chow mein noodles on top. I eat mine plain, no rice or noodles. Very filling and yes, I pile my plate up very high. We are still eating fresh tomatoes , beets and tons of squash from our garden so we totally pig out on veggies with our evening meals. I usually give DH spuds or rice with all his meals. The rice I make in big batches and freeze in individual portions for him. We have a big percentage of our Elk ground up in elkburger and you can make
most anything with ground meat. I do not use canned cream soups or any packaged foods. For stroganoff I use fat free sour cream. I usually end up at the end of the night with too few calories and not enough fat since I don’t cook with it. For dessert I’ll eat a homemade pudding with sf/ff cool whip and top with nuts. I keep walnuts, pistachios, almonds, sunflower seeds in the freezer in jars and adding these is a great way to add good fat in my menu. I eat a big bowl of applesauce topped with cool whip and walnuts most nights before bed.
I tried to copy/paste some of my Fitday menu’s but it doesn’t work, sorry. The biggest key to my weight loss is lots of fiber (this can backfire on you if you don’t drink lots of water during the day, constipation big time) And you have to gradually add it, don’t try to eat 50 grams right away. This month is the first month I’ve added exercise, mainly to keep off plateau’s and get the last couple of pounds off. I use two dumbbells that weigh 5 pounds each and that’s plenty for a granny like me. The powdered peanut butter 2 is great mixed into homemade chocolate pudding, you should try it.
It’s pass my bedtime and I ache all over from climbing up and down the ladder painting the kitchen. I have to put a second coat on tomorrow, ugh! Good night!
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:07 AM   #85  
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Good Morning Girls!
These old bones could hardly get out of bed this morning, I am really stiff and sore. I got to thinking about some of the things I forgot to post that was crucial to my fast weight loss, I was too tired to think straight last night.
I think one thing I have going for me is my "All or Nothing" type personality. I'm either totally gung ho or I do nothing. My # 1 rule is don't cheat. That means no sweets with real sugar, no white flour (whole wheat is best), no candy. I've read countless theory about eating a tiny bite of candy/cake if you have the urge for something sweet. That doesn't work for me, it's all or nothing. I play little mind games about how hard I've worked to get this far and I'm not going to blow it now. Nothing feels as good as going to bed feeling proud of myself for not indulging in something forbidden on my food list. #2 I weigh everything, my Fiber One is exactly 30 grams, the milk is measured in 1/2 cup. All my fruit I take the pit/seeds and core out then measure on the food scale. If we have meat that has a bone in it, I weigh my portion and write it down. After eating, I weigh the bones and substract the weight from the original for an exact weight/count in calories. I realize this is a pain in the butt but it pays off in the long run.
If my fiber isn't high enough at the end of the day, I sprinkle it on dry on top of homemade sf pudding or stewed cinnamon apples/applesauce. I love this, the Fiber One is sort of like upside-down pie crust.
I need to start painting again, have a good one. I dropped 1/2 pound overnight, probably from all the ladder climbing yesterday.
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:26 AM   #86  
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Good Morning all, I know I've been MIA for awhile. Just so busy. I've popped in a few times to read the posts and keep up with you but just no time to post. My DIL changed jobs and is in orientation this week so we've been helping out. She and DS just bought a Curves and are busy with that and i've been working there some too, in addition to working my own job and babysitting with the grands. So no time to get anything done.

Lynn, so good to see you back. I really missed you. This is almost like a little family and I know I am concerned when something happens. Sorry to hear about your DD cat. We are really animal lovers too. When my last dog died we mourned for months. We still keep his picture around. When anything comes into this house, they're family. I hope your DD decides to give another kitty a wonderful home soon.

Bobbi, Congratulations on losing the weight. You do so well when you "set your mind" to it. I'm not sure I could go so low on the calories, but I do try to add lots of fiber to my diet too. It does help keep you feeling full longer.

YoYo, Good luck on that last interview! And a girl can always use another suit!

Cat, Hope that R&R day is just what you need to feel revitalized. Sounds like you're really enjoying that new gym membership. What's up with the kids destroying things in school. Isn't there something they can do with him? Sounds like he might be dangerous for the other kids there too.

Karen3, How was your dinner last night? What did you end up ordering?

Isabella, I love sweet potatoes and have them often. Usually I just bake them and eat them like that, but when I roast vegetables I roast some of them in with the other mixture too. I haen't tried the fries, waiting for your critique.

Everyone, make it a good day. Freda
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Old 10-16-2008, 11:55 AM   #87  
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I tried the baked sweet potato fries and they were good. Not like white potato French fries at all. I added about 2 tablespoons oil to 4 medium potatoes cut in wedges and baked them in the oven. I did a few for myself with about a half teaspoon oil. We just added salt and no one complained when I served them for dinner. They didn't go crisp but I didn't bake them until they were soggy soft so they held up quite nicely. I'll make them again. They were even good cold.

I ate like a demented dieter yesterday. Derailed my whole day and I ate everything that got in my way until about 9 o'clock and then I went on my bike for nearly an hour and a half. Didn't come near to burning off what I ate but I felt a bit better but I'm angry with myself today.

I'm going to go bike again for about 40 minutes and then finish my 5k I never got done before lunch.

I'm going away for the weekend so I might not get back til Sunday night.
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Old 10-16-2008, 01:35 PM   #88  
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Hi Everyone,

Happy to be back "home" again. I missed you all too.

Next problem we've been dealing with - my great nephew (graduated from HS last June) - was working on his truck with an electric sander/saw and it hit something and bounced up and into his face. Luckily there was a plastic surgeon nearby when he got to the ER. So far, things look good. No damage to teeth or eye. May have problems with nerve/muscle/sinus cavity.

Bobbi, Thank you so much for posting your food info. You reminded me of several things - veggie soup, need to keep track of protein/carbs/fiber/fat, need to get more protein and fewer carbs into my diet. I have printed your post and plan to make some changes based on this.

I'm going online today to look for the peanutbutter.

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Old 10-17-2008, 08:33 AM   #89  
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Hi there . . .

Sorry I was totally missing yesterday. Woke up yesterday with a nasty pinched-nerve kind of back ache and spent most of the day flat out in bed. It's still with me, but a little less so this morning so I thought I'd try sitting and typing for a little while anyway.

Now on my good news; bad news front -- I decided to bite the bullet and put myself back on insulin. The first 6 months I was off insulin held together fine because I was still taking Actos. The past 6 months without the Actos have been getting consistently worse and worse. So, it was time to do something (past time, actually, but I kept hoping for a miracle) and I know the doctor will not let me go back to Actos (all those nasty long-term side-effects that are possible) so it's back to being a human pin-cushion for me.

Other than that, it's another rainy day around here and that is not helping with the back ache either and I won't be doing too much of anything today.

Have a good one everybody . . . think this little guy is about all the moving and shaking that will be seen around my house today . . . . . . well, other than the cats; they never sit still for too long (when they are awake).

See you later . . .
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Old 10-17-2008, 08:57 AM   #90  
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Morning all....Boy I'm lovin this celebration thing! We went to our favorite restaurant Tuesday night.(had grouper). Friends took us to The Supper Club Wednesday night and Andrea sang all the old songs for us....awwwwwwwwwwwww! And more friends are taking us out to dinner tonight. Gone from complaining about planning and cooking every meal to having cooked 2 meals in 2 weeks. That is so Nice! I will be back on plan soon....Haven't gone hog wild and calories etc are within plan, but just feel like am cheating...

Before I started on South Beach I had been searching for a bra that fit. Finally found the perfect one. Bought 6 and then started my diet. Well 5 sizes later and 1 cup smaller they sure don't fit and have spent another 6 months trying more bras. Found a new perfect bra. The first underwire I have ever worn. I hope that is an omen that am gonna loss a whole bunch of weight again...soon.

Having a lovely cool morning and just opened the house up. Had to wash the dining room curtains as Dash uses them as an napkin. Decided to see if washing and partly drying them would hang out the wrinkles without ironing. Surprisingly they look good. When I retired I retired the iron!

Been reading around 3chicks and everyone is making soups. Yummy. But been so hot here it just didn't seem right time. But with this cooler temp I must get a pot of vegies started tomorrow. That is my filler upper. Saw one soup that was black bean and pumpkin that sounds wonderful. I'll let you know. It is South Beach diet so should be very diet friendly. after we do one more dinner out!

Take care of yourselves, Hugs, Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 10-17-2008 at 08:58 AM.
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