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Old 10-13-2007, 01:12 PM   #16  
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I'm grumpy because I didn't get my walk in this morning. Oh well, there's still this afternoon.

Yesterday we went to a local county park--the site had been an Indian village at one time, up until the Spanish came to Florida. They certainly had a lovely place to live. They built a mound on which it's thought their chief had a house, or perhaps it was a ceremonial structure. The view from up there is really nice.

In Florida, a lot of the scenery is about water and clouds.

Meowee, I like your description of your walk!

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Old 10-13-2007, 01:44 PM   #17  
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One of the most breathtaking views right around this area is the last couple of miles of the section of the Transcanada Highway that leads to the Pictou traffic circle. Not exactly a good walking area, however since it is a major highway.

Anyway . . . after about four or five miles of gorgeous forested areas on both sides of the highway, you come over a hill and the causeway and the harbour are suddenly spread out before you. Whenever I bring old (Ontario) friends from the Halifax airport to visit with me; they never fail to gasp at that point.

It (the Causeway) is also where our Cormorants (black water birds related to, but smaller than, pelicans) hang out on some old brige pilings. Except when the Bald Eagles are fishing -- then the Cormorants all stay in the air -- nobody argues with those Eagles. The Cormorants (and the Eagles) tend to add to the charm. Good thing the shoulders of the road are wide over the causeway because the tourists always pull over and take pictures even though the signs say not to. Unless the weather is really bad or traffic exceptionally heavy, the RCMP basically ignore them.

Last edited by meowee; 10-13-2007 at 01:46 PM.
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Old 10-15-2007, 10:57 AM   #18  
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Hey! What did y'all do for fun this weekend?

Other than watch football.. Heh!

Mostly my weekend consisted of trying to get the last few boxes unpacked from our recent move... before it becomes too far in the past and we start treating the boxes like furniture.

It's a good thing that people forget how bad moving is... or nobody would!

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Old 10-15-2007, 11:23 AM   #19  
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Question Like childbirth ?

Jay - It's a good thing that people forget how bad moving is... or nobody would!

Moving is sorta like childbirth then ?

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Old 10-15-2007, 03:42 PM   #20  
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Well, for me, child birth was easier. It is over quicker.

I went to Ventura for my grandson's sixth birthday. I ate a couple of slices of pizza and a small piece of b'day cake. Otherwise, the eating was very modest. While I was there, I made a pilgrimage to Trader Joe's.
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Old 10-15-2007, 07:34 PM   #21  
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Ha! Good point, Gail!

I'm hoping this week or next, we'll be able to go to the Salvador Dali Museum, which is in downtown St. Petersburg. I've been trying to get there for seven years! But now that we're closer, there's no excuse.

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Old 10-15-2007, 10:14 PM   #22  
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The Dali museum should be very interesting. They always have some works that you don't see in books that seem to really contribute to one's knowledge/understanding of the artist. I am not crazy about Dali, but I sure would go see the museum if I were there.
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Old 10-16-2007, 10:07 AM   #23  
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Hi everybody . . .

Nothing too exciting in my plans today -- already spent a bunch of time cleaning up after the "zoo inhabitants" -- never a dull moment with all these felines.

Hope everybody has a great day. Keep it moving and shaking, gang . . . :crrot:
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:28 PM   #24  
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Jay, I just re-read your weight loss story over in the goals section. You mentioned joining Curves. What was that like? We actually have one here. I think, ultimately, that I will do better if I find something to do at home, but I am willing to consider Curves.
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:07 PM   #25  
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Hi Pals-
I had a very interesting weekend - a women's retreat near Yosemite. It was kind of a new-agey-spiritual-woo-woo thing. I was able to get something out of it, but it was way out of my normal comfort zone!
Yoga, meditation, relaxation, music....
It was also very interesting to see the great differences in what participants ate! (both in choices and in quantities!) I am pretty much a loner so don't see a lot of what others do. Very interesting.
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Old 10-16-2007, 05:52 PM   #26  
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Hey Spinymouse,

It sounds great to me! I used to be into all that woo-woo stuff... Some people might say I still am...

So tell us more about the food choices and quantities--this could be enlightening.

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Old 10-16-2007, 06:33 PM   #27  
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Originally Posted by JayEll View Post

So tell us more about the food choices and quantities--this could be enlightening.

Meals were provided, (meat, vegetarain and vegan choices) and other foods and drinks were available at additional cost (beer, wine, desserts were extra.) Some people brought additional snacks (bags of candy, chips, and sometimes nut/seed snacks.) There were people who were mindlessly munching chips before bed and there were others for whom a meal would be a leaf of romaine lettuce wrapped around some other vegetables and maybe a thin slice of chicken.

You know how we keep hearing about people comparing themselves to some friend they know who can eat all the time, and all the fattening foods, and still be thin and how it isn't fair that the comparing person can't do that? Well I was watching and I didn't see any evidence of this. The volume of food seemed to be pretty well correlated with the volume of the person involved, as far as I could tell!

Also since the meals were included, there were people who thought that meant they had to take advantage of this as much as possible. I did not eat two of the meals because I wasn't feeling in need of eating. (I don't really like to use the word "hungry" because I think that applies to people in third world countries who are impovershed that I donate money to help, not someone like me, an overweight person with all kinds of food available.) "But you paid for it!" someone said. Ha. That doesn't mean I have to eat it.
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Old 10-16-2007, 07:53 PM   #28  
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I always think that people eat less in public than the do in the privacy of their own homes. And I agree, that folks' volume is roughly proportional to food volume consumed. Lucky you went this week-end and not last. It was snowing up there and along US 395.

Those people who eat a lettuce leaf and a green bean for dinner irritate the heck out of me. Now you have my opinion on everything.

How did you come to attend the retreat if it was out of your normal comfort zone? Exercising your comfort zone a bit, maybe?
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Old 10-16-2007, 08:17 PM   #29  
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I am new to the posts; am 55 and just started walking today for a mile. I am retired and having a hard time finding something to do other than eat. I am living from meal to meal right now and boy is it hard. How do you all fight the temptations?
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Old 10-16-2007, 09:48 PM   #30  
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Basically . . . we have all arrived at totally . . . and that does seem to help - a little.

GOINGCRAZY . . . Once you actually reach that same final destination (like the rest of us) you will find it gets a teeny bit easier. In the meantime, take advantage of the fact that you have found us to chat with. Wander around the whole community and feel free to pop in and start posting whenever something catches your eye.

You've come to the right place for lots of support, Chickie -- and posting keeps your hands busy and out of the pantry.

Have a good evening . . . hope we'll be seeing you again soon . . .
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