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Old 10-12-2007, 07:49 AM   #121  
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Good Morning GOLDEN GIRLS . . .

OMG BOBBI . . . so sorry to hear that things are in such a mess for you again. Hope things settle down soon. Really sorry to hear you will be going missing from our happy group again. You will be very, very much missed. Please hurry back to us as quickly as you possibly can.

Wow THERESA . . . things have certainly been changing for you, too. Sorry the new job didn't work out, but nice to hear that you are back to the old one where you enjoyed everybody so much anyway.

Okay gang . . . now for me . . . Sorry I was missing yesterday, but here's the story . . . I have good news and bad news . . . let's start with the good . . .

Had a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning yesterday. Went in expecting to be yelled at for cancelling my hysterectomy and for stopping my insulin. Amazingly enough, HE AGREED WITH BOTH. He wants to do more regular pap tests (oh joy) to keep an eye on Fibbie McGee, mind you. And he is not terribly happy with my most recent BGL numbers -- neither am I, of course. We've increased my Metformin back to maximum dose again and will see how that works out. For the moment, I'm free of insulin needles (at least for the next quarter) Soooo, I'm not afraid to go to sleep anymore. Can't get too excited though, because now I've really got to be more careful of how I'm eating.

And that brings us to the bad news . . .

Bumped into a couple of old friends at the doctor's office and they kidnapped me and tied me up and force fed me both lunch and dinner before releasing me again . . . I stopped counting when I got to 2500 calories. This is not the way to get good BGL control. Definitely climbing back on the wagon today.

Hope everybody has a great day planned. See you all later . . .
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:13 AM   #122  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Cat, I'm going to try that eggplant lasagna today. Made my mouth water when I read your recipe.

Hi Lyn, When I was up in the finger lakes district this summer, we kept passing all those wineries - there sure are a lot of them! I couldn't talk my friend into partaking. Looked like fun.

Hi Theresa, I'm glad to hear you are going back to your old job. That other one didn't sound good. How's Jessie doing?

Hi Joanne, You are just full of wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear about your biopsy results. Now you just need to get that pinched nerve "unpinched" and we'll never get you down from that cloud of happiness!

Hi LindaD, I'm sure I told you, but Bon Jovi's daughter stayed at my dd's B&B. She was with a group of her classmates (she goes to the school my dd used to go to) during the week he was on American Idol. She was supposed to fly out to see his show, but decided to stay with her friends at the B&B and watch him on TV.

Hi Bobbi, So sorry to hear you're having to deal with all this again. I know from what you told us that she doesn't appreciate all you do for her - I'm sure that makes everything even harder for you. Take care of yourself & drop by when you can.

Hi Karen, Sounds like this is just not a good time for the challenge for you. I hope having the realtor will get that house sold quickly.

Hi Linda (Meowee), I don't guess I'm old enough to be your mama, but I'm going to give you some "motherly advice" anyway. You need to stop playing around with this diabetes & either eat right or take the insulin. I'm sure you know all the risks as well as I do. Get on that "wagon" and stay there!

Since I've been pretty much stuck in my house - feeling sickish from the antibiotics & not having my car (I hate the rental I have) - I've been doing a lot of genealogy. Turns out my great, great, great grandfather (who lived in Sullivan County, NY) was in the Civil War and died from typhoid fever in Raleigh, NC. This stuff is really interesting. My grandfather on my mother's side kept telling census takers that his parents were from Germany & then, he told them they were from Scotland!

As soon as I have the dental surgery (and recover from it), I'll be back to my exercise. Right now, I'm tired just doing nothing. I don't do well with antibiotics.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:20 AM   #123  
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Oh Bobbi - Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way - Can't believe that you have to actually go out and buy furniture now. I'm sure this seems never-ending. Please come back when you can.

Joanne - Great news about the biopsy. Now, on with the wedding plans!!

Theresa, I agree that new job sounded like too much slave labor. Glad you're back to your old job. Nice to know they appreciate you there.

I've attached a photo of our young cat, Bianca, as she takes over the TV remote. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:33 AM   #124  
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Theresa, sorry the job didn't work out for you but it sounded like they were working you too many hours and not enough pay. You know that the people love you back at your old place and I hope this will work for you and not so much stress.

Bobbi, I can understand your dropping out for awhile. We are just very happy that my MIL likes the assisted living she is in, you never know. What a pain having to get her all new furniture too. I reached the end of my rope 2 weeks ago and my stomach hasn't felt right since......we had several different dramas going on here and then the added stress of trying to always keep this condo ready to show.............I wish you well and a speedy sale.

Karen, I didn't join the challenge for the same reasons your leaving it plus I have company for almost 2 wks. I'll try the next one. That would be great selling your place by Dec., my dh thinks we will sell in the next 3 wks., don't have a clue why he thinks

Linda, I'm so sorry that you had to experience being force fed!!! How terrible... So glad you had a good Dr. report, watch those "friends".

Lynn, hope your feeling better. I need to go to the dentist, I always put it off. Hope your not having serious work done. Take care.

Cat, I might try your recipe, eggplant is not my dh favorite but I love it.

Lyn, I wish I had to put on a jacket! A cold front is coming thru and it might get down in the low 80's... I did drop one lb. of the two I keep playing goal is to drop the other lb. before my sis gets here next Weds. She won't notice but it will make me feel better.

Joanne, so happy about your test results Waiting for test results is the worst isn't it. Sounds like your making fast progress in wedding plans....keep us in the loop.

Linda D., I'm in the I hate my scales club but I can't seem to stay off them. Maybe I could try putting them away for awhile....don't know if I could handle the withdrawal!1

Hi Barb, guess your weather is about the same as ours. We are near the east coast (7 miles from the ocean) so we almost always have a nice breeze.
Hope it cools off before our trip to Orlando/Disney Oct. 20.

Hi, Gayle.....kiss that Maddie for me. Sounds like your busy lately too.

Hi to everyone I missed......

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:33 AM   #125  
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Good morning everybody! Friday! <sigh of relief> And then a couple more days off. I need 'em, trust me. All that running around trying to keep up with my sister has caught up with me. Last night I ate supper, took a nice hot bath, and was in bed by 9:00. I didn't even wash my hair, which needed washing badly - just tied it back with a scarf today in a miserable little low-lying pony tail. I managed to pick up a little tan (or maybe windburn) at the coast, so my face at least isn't pasty white, all sticking out for everyone to see. I have to take advantage of this little bit of color while I can...It's the last I'll have for this year. Trouble is, whenever I pick up a little color, I know danged well that I'm probably picking up a few wrinkles as well. Old age can be annoying. Or should I say "early" old age? Not old enough to need a walker or feel okay about "letting it all hang out", but not YOUNG enough to lose weight without a struggle or stay up late partying and not have it kicking your butt in the morning. And I don't even drink alcohol! Just being overtired gives me a hangover!
Well, I still haven't weighed myself, and won't, of course, until I'm feeling a little more optimistic, but I'm back to counting WW points and did okay yesterday. We'll be heading up to our friend's in New Hampshire tomorrow, so I'm going to pack WW-friendly snacks and make a crock pot full of my high fiber, low calorie, low fat chili and a pot of brown rice to share.
I can't get updated with everybody, so please forgive me if I don't acknowledge you personally, but there are a few things I need to comment on..
First, thanx for the encouraging remarks about my vacay pics. I have eighteen pounds (plus whatever I may have gained back eating like a pure fool while my sis was visiting) more to lose, and I am determined to do it. I'm not overly concerned about how long it takes, just so long as I get it off and keep it off. I think a few of those pictures were a bit more flattering than usual, but most were pretty on target, and you can tell that I'm not exactly slim and svelte. The "girls" have always been large, and when I gain weight, I start looking like a force-fed Thanksgiving turkey - all breast, and a pouchy little tummy beneath. When I'm at a good weight for me, my various attributes are better proportioned.
Bobbi, I can't believe what you go through with that MIL of yours! You must be a saint! I swear I would've fed her some arsenic in her porridge by now! Well, please do stay in touch when you're able to, and you'll stay on the email list of course, so you'll know what we're up to, as well. And come back soon! We'll miss you (again)!!!
Phyl, that fitness story was soooooo on target! At least speaking for myself, I tend to start out all gung-ho, and then gradually lose interest in exercising. Now I'm thinking of my bike as "the enemy". I have to get back aboard and do some riding before it snows hereabouts. I was thinking, actually, that for the winter, I might want to join a fitness center where they have a pool. I'm starting to really feel the urge to do some swimming, after hearing about your "mornings in the pool"...<sigh> And it really IS such good exercise without being too demanding, reight? (I'd like to just float about on an inner tube...would that have any slimming effect, I wonder? )
SO glad to see you pop back in TEE...I really miss you when you're not around for a while. I sure am glad you'll be working less hours again.
Still floating on that cloud, Jo-annie? My DH & I got engaged when we were in Newport a few years after we'd started seeing each other. We were traipsing about on all those winding little streets and happened by a jeweler's window with some really unique designs in white gold. I was saying that I like "this one", but liked the detail on "that one" if it was just a little thicker, etc., etc. So, DH says, "Well, let's go in and see if they can design what you want because we NEED for you to have an engagement ring, don't we?" Um. I guess? Then we laughed, both nodded our heads "yes" and went in and ordered me a ring. Sort of spur of the moment, I guess you'd say, but it was fun all the same.
Still Zumba-ing, MaryLynn?
Lyn, I'm so proud of you! Omigawd! You & LindaD are just moving right along, aren't you? I'm loving it!
And Lynn, where are YOU? Get those papers graded and get on back here! The GG's just aren't the same without you!
Okay, gotta do some work, here. Hugs to all...

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:40 AM   #126  
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Ooops! Looks like I missed a WHOLE BUNCH of posts while I was writing mine! Sorry about threatening you with the rolling pin, Lynn...and sorry those antibiotics are so debilitating.

Bye for now...

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Old 10-12-2007, 11:01 AM   #127  
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Bobbi, I can't believe what you go through with that MIL of yours! You must be a saint! I swear I would've fed her some arsenic in her porridge by now!
Ella, are you for hire?

Thank you all for your "best wishes" and DH and I swore an oath not to move her again. I think we are Saints, because we'll be moving her again. This time everything will be delivered by the furniture company and I told her yesterday that this was it. She will stay here until she croaks. Well, I didn't say croak to her but she got the message.
Yes, I'll check in once in awhile. I love this thread and so do many of you, just look at the number of people that check in everyday. What I love the most about it is we're all over 50, have so much in common.
Maybe we should do a over 50's picture gallery site with just photo's of us so we can better visualize who we're talking to. What's ya all tink? Oooops, a little Danish coming out of me. My boss used to tease me about saying Yaaa.
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:58 PM   #128  
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Hello GG's:

I can tell Fall is almost here. It's dark in the mornings and getting darker in the evenings sooner. I don't like it when it's dark when I leave work. I always feel like I need to go home and put on my pajamas because I don't feel like doing anything. I will continue to exercise though (in my pj's).

Bobbi: All the best to you. I hope you get things worked out and come back real soon. Take care. I'll miss you. The picture idea sounds like a winner.

Theresa: Sorry about the job but at least you can go back to your last employer. They must like you a lot. Good luck!

Lynn: I didn't know about Bon Jovi. How exciting. I really enjoy his music and he's not bad to look at either.

Lyn: Bianca is so cute. What a darling picture. Looks like she is flipping channels. Very cute!

Zoe: You're too hard on yourself. You are a beautiful woman and so what if you gained a few pounds. They will come off in time. Be good to yourself. You're worth it.

I'll be very busy this weekend so I won't be able to post again until Monday. I'll catch up with everyone then. Have a terrific weekend.

Last edited by LindaD; 10-12-2007 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 10-12-2007, 04:15 PM   #129  
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Morning oooops I mean afternoonGOLDEN GIRLS I think I might be back on track. I am heading out (hopefully) tomorrow to try our Coquitlam Crunch and see how far up the mountain I get. My goal is to do it to the top in 6 months -- just getting my starting point this week and try it again in a month. I should be back to doing three classes a week. I feel so good doing the classes I want and need to be regular with them.

Theresa -- so sorry the job didn't work out but glad you were able to get back to the other -- I figure things happen for a reason.

Bobbi -- I am so sorry for all the crap you are being handed by your MIL. We will be here when you return.

Karen -- wishing you luck with the realtor. I just found out yesterday my house that I had trouble selling sold again (three years later) in three days for a huge sum. I can't look back and play should have could have would have.

Linda -- I hope the eating right helps the BGL

Lynn -- I sure empathize with the not exercising but it feels so good to start again. Very cool about the ancestors.

Lyn -- thanks for the Bianca pics -- soooo cute.

Phyllis -- hi to you my friend -- how is the tan???

Zoe -- my elegant dear friend -- I am sure you could pull off the scarf no problem. And don't forget you should get some sunshine next month when you visit your darling son.
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Old 10-12-2007, 06:51 PM   #130  
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Here are a couple of pictures from our vacation.

1- up close and personal with a grizzly bear

2- we got ENGAGED!!!

3- gorgeous bald eagle for my American Friends.
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:52 PM   #131  
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Hi everyone.. sry for the late post.. i took my dd out to lunch and shopping for her b-day..lots of fun..and we did this in a snow storm.. yikes it was snowing like crazy when we left but had melted alot and was slushy on the way home.. im so not ready for winter..sry that some of the GG"s are leaving just as im getting to know you.. i understand tho as my mil drives be nuts at times and she lives alone at 86 with alot of help and she,s ornery and crusty and i must remember her elevator dos'nt go to the top floor anymore but she still here so i just take a deep breath and deal or let my dh dealanyawys i understand anyways its been a busy fun day and i need a cup of tea so ttfn rosey ps im including a picture so you can put the name to a face(by the way my real name is Gale)
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Old 10-12-2007, 11:06 PM   #132  
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Hello Everyone. It seems like everyone is dealing with some tough times right now which makes it so nice to have our “little happy group” to come to. I hope things get much better for everyone real soon. We got the For Sale sign up now and the ad should be on the MLS later this evening.

We are going to my sons down in the Springs tomorrow. It is our granddaughters 12 birthday on Sunday but they decided to do a bar-b-que tomorrow since we may just have snow here on Sunday.

Linda (meowee) Good news from the Dr.!! So Happy for you! I was so sorry to hear about you being kidnapped though!! But everybody should have friends that do that once in awhile! Glad you enjoyed your day with them.

Lynn, I really did feel bad about dropping out of the challenge for the rest of this month but just felt that it was all I could do right now. The more frustrated I got the more I felt bad and it just wasn’t working. Hopefully next month will be so much better. I already had a better day of eating today with just 959 calories. So I will continue to try to improve and get back on track!

Lyn, your cat is beautiful!! It looks as if she is saying, “Don’t Touch That Channel!” We had a white cat like that years ago and my son named him “Nothin” He was a stray and ended up being a great cat.

Phyllis, I’m keeping my fingers crossed and sending lots of good vibes your way! Hope your dh is right and you get yours sold and then you can start to think of getting settled again! I’m so anxious to get to that point. I think I’m going to maybe start packing some non- essential things just to make me feel better!!

Zoe, Good to hear from you. I loved your pictures and you look really Fantastic! Looks like you had a really good time and even if you put on a pound or two it will be gone before you know it and you’ll still have all the happy times to remember.

Joanne, I loved looking at the pictures on the website. I think I am truly a picture nut! Whenever we get together with the family my son always says, “Hide, here comes Mom with the camera!!” The thing is now with digital I’m not afraid of wasting film so I take lots of pictures all the time! I sure wish our house would sell in 3 days!! I’d love it--- I don’t think it would take me much longer than that to get it packed up ‘cause I would be so happy!!

Bobbi, I think a picture gallery is kind of a neat idea. What does everybody else think?? I hope to see you post every chance you get because we would all miss you so much! I hope things gets better real soon for you.

Theresa, sorry about the job but I know how happy you were at the old one so I’m hoping things all work out for the best for you. I know when I worked in a nursing home I just loved it-- I was in the laundry though. I still find days when I think of some of the clients that were there and always get a smile.

Gail, (akrosey) Nice to have a picture and a name! That is such a nice picture of you. The puppy is adorable too! You might have guessed that most of us around here love our “fur babies” My brother and his family lived over there several years ago on Kodiak Island. I think that is what it was called. I never got to go over and visit but my parents did. They have lots of pictures from when they were there. It looks beautiful.

Paula, Gayle, Cat, Tricia, Marylynn, and Ali -- A big Hello to you and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Guess I’d better go for now. Take care everyone!
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Old 10-13-2007, 08:04 AM   #133  
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Joanne, thanks for sharing your pictures, loved looking at them. Best wishes to you~handsome guy!

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with each kid,
And bring so much happiness...just as they did.
I want to pay back all the joy they've provided.
Returning each deed! Oh, they'll be so excited!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,
And I'll bounce on the furniture...wearing my shoes.
I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I'll stuff all the toilets and oh, how they'll shout!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

When they're on the phone and just out of reach,
I'll get into things like sugar and bleach.
Oh, they'll snap their fingers and then shake their head,
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

When they cook dinner and call me to eat,
I'll not eat my green beans or salad or meat,
I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,
And when they get angry...I'll run...if I'm able!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

I'll sit close to the TV, through the channels I'll click, I'll cross both eyes just to see if they stick.
I'll take off my socks and throw one away,
And play in the mud 'til the end of the day!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.)

And later in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,
I'll thank God in prayer and then close my eyes.
My kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
And say with a groan, 'She's so sweet when she's sleeping!'

God Bless All Moms and Grandmas Everywhere!
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Old 10-13-2007, 08:50 AM   #134  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Lyn, I LOVE the photo of Bianca with the remote. How cute is she?

Hi Phyllis, Monday's dental surgery is for a past root canal that's been sensitive to pressure. He can't see anything with x-rays so he has to go in & dig around. He's really good only thing I ever feel is the pressure. I'm just anxious to get off these antibiotics.

Hi Zoe, I laughed at your "not YOUNG enough to lose weight without a struggle or stay up late partying and not have it kicking your butt in the morning. And I don't even drink alcohol! Just being overtired gives me a hangover!" I know EXACTLY how you feel!

Hi Bobbi, I like the photo gallery idea. Where would we post it?

Hi LindaD, I agree about looking at Bon Jovi! Before his dd stayed at my dd's B&B, I had confused him with Bono. Was I pleasantly surprised when I checked him out on American Idol!

Hi Joanne, I LOVE the photos (especially the one of you & your love. Thanks for sharing. BTW - what's his name?

Hi Gale (akrosey), I LOVE your photo. So nice to put a face with a voice. I'm sure I told you, but my dd & sil are in love with your state in the winter. They vacationed there last winter & plan to do it again this winter.

Hi Karen, hope you enjoy the barbeque and your gd's birthday. Please don't feel bad about the challenge. It's there ONLY to help. When it becomes a chore, you need to forget it.
BTW - notice that I'm closing in on you. I'm down to 156 this morning! But I'm sure most of this recent loss is bc I've been feeling sick & not eating much. However, I probably won't feel much like eating next week after the dental surgery. Maybe it will stay gone!

Cat, I made that eggplant lasagna yesterday.
I haven't felt like eating - these antibiotics make me feel sick.
However, I ate a square of that & it was DELICIOUS!
I used a medium eggplant, lots of olive oil (smeared each slice with olive oil before I baked it), 6 oz of lean ground beef, 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese, 5 oz of mozzarella, and a whole jar of Marilla's spaghetti sauce (6 cups).
It made 7 portions. Each portion = 299 calories, 22.7 fat, 9 carbs, 15 protein.
You can suggest recipes to me ANYTIME!

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 10-13-2007 at 08:53 AM.
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Old 10-13-2007, 08:53 AM   #135  
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Hi everybody . . .

There's a little sunshine peeking through around here, but it is pretty cool. Listening to GALE and KAREN talk about snow reminds me that we usually get at least one snowfall by Halloween. Never sticks, of course. Maybe this year will be different.

So glad to see you still with us BOBBI. Hope you keep popping in, Chickie. Love that little poem.

If you guys want to start a PHOTO GALLERY go for it and I'll turn it into a sticky. BTW . . . LYNN . . . are you going to put together the thread for the Winners of the monthly challenges so I can get that sticky going, too?

Nothing too exciting going on for me today. Still trying to get my body back together after that eating frenzy of a couple of days ago. For some reason, I've been craving chocolate. Oh yeah, I know exactly why. Always takes a few days to get the sugar-high flushed through the system again. So far I'm still planning to hang in with the challenge. Posting those embarrasing numbers helps me get heading in the right direction again (hopefully).

Have a great day everybody. See you all later . . .
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