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Old 10-04-2007, 09:17 AM   #46  
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Gayle the baby is beautiful and lots of hair! What a proud big have a great looking family.

I got a call at midnight from my sister in Seattle, her husbands bone cancer is hasn't even been 2 yrs. I am just in shock. I pray he doesn't have to have the awful pain he had before, we won't know for several days what is the next step, chemo infusions I'm sure.

We have our family reunion Oct 20th at Disney World....knowing my BIL he will come if he is able.

If you all would add him to your prayers, his name is John, he is only 58.

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Old 10-04-2007, 10:14 AM   #47  
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Gayle...the baby is adorable....and so is big brother!!

Phyllis....will be keeping John in my prayers.

Bobbi.....getting rid of stuff is so hard to do....and you feel so good when you finally do it. I keep trying to downgrade, but I have tons of stuff that needs to go. Seems everytime I toss something...sure enough I need it again.

Good Day to all
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Old 10-04-2007, 12:23 PM   #48  
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Hello GG's:

It's a little overcast today but the sun should be peeking through shortly. Supposed to be in the low 80's today so I'm going to walk at the beach after work. I need a change of scenery. I usually walk on my treadmill but sometimes the same view into the garden gets old. So, I'm off for a new adventure.

Rosey: I'm happy your checkup went well. Wow, 20 pounds less than your scales....I wish my doctor's scale was off like that so he won't get so annoyed with my weight. Well, maybe the next time you go back to your doctor you will have really lost 20 pounds. That would be awesome wouldn't it.

Gayle: Madison is so beautiful and precious and your grandson is a doll. Great pictures.

Phyllis: I'm sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. I hope the chemo will help him go into remission. I will put John on my prayer list.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Last edited by LindaD; 10-04-2007 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 10-04-2007, 01:20 PM   #49  
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OMG . . . why does one thing always lead to another and another and another . . .

First, since I decided I'd try using my stability ball as a computer chair to help make room for Godzella, I had to move furniture around in the computer room. Only to discover, I don't like the ball-chair because it is too low (although I did like the feeling of extra activity in my abs). Now, I just discovered I managed to break a tiny little piece off the paper tray for my printer in the moving process and I can't get paper to feed correctly and the silly machine just keeps shutting itself down.

Next, just finished rearranging my entire sunroom/family room (and, of course, doing a good deep cleaning as well) to find a home for Godzella as well as my other toys and the cat toys, too. I haven't stopped since about 6:30 this morning. I'm definitely well exercised today.

But, I still haven't put the stupid Gazelle together. I did get it out of the box and the many, many, many pieces all laid out in order on the livingroom floor. Also got the packaging junk carted out to the garage. I've just run out of steam for today.

At this rate, it's going to take me longer to get it set up than it took the Shopping Channel to deliver it . . .

Did do the final clean-up in the Challenge Thread . . . since I still see the fact that the entries originally existed, it is a little distracting; would one of you be kind enough to take a look at let me know if I missed anything?

Have a great day, gang . . . talk to you later . . .
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Old 10-05-2007, 07:09 AM   #50  
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Hi Phyllis,

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's bone cancer. I will keep him in my prayers.

I'm on my way into NYC today. Picking up my cousins at the Newark airport & then on to the City to meet my sister.

I'll be back on Monday. My class ends Monday night - will be able to get back to some real interaction here after that.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy weekend,

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Old 10-05-2007, 07:29 AM   #51  
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Doing the quick little flying through thing this morning . . . back later . . .
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Old 10-05-2007, 07:34 AM   #52  
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Good Morning Ladies...It's me.."Miss day late and dollar short!" Never enough time to keep up with you all! Sounds like everyone is busy busy busy!!!!

I was swamped this week as usual. I am off of school today (parish fair day), so was able to catch up on some web work. Was planning on doing some scraping/painting in my kitchen, but the weather is hot, humid and icky after a few days of "fall" so painting is out. I put on an pot of red beans this morning in the slow cooker, so dinner is pretty much taken care of .

Nothing terribly exiting, news worthy happening here. I got an estimate on having my parent's (circa 1963) sofa set redone (it's a strange "L" shaped one with a marble table in the corner of the "L" has a gray wooden "railing" around the top of it) Upholstery Lady came yesterday and gave me the estimate (ouch!) But will be worth it when it's done. I chose an espresso colored buttery feeling "fake" leather...with 4 dogs I thought it would be the safest choice. It will take 8 weeks though. Hope it's done by Christmas.

Hugs to you all.

Last edited by femmecreole; 10-05-2007 at 07:38 AM.
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Old 10-05-2007, 04:09 PM   #53  
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Default Hi everyone!!! I'm back

It's been a few weeks. I'm still here. I haven't been keeping the WW program too well over the past few weeks. Yesterday, I excercised for the first time in 2 weeks---it felt good but tiring!!!

I missed weigh-in yesterday. I just have to do better for next week!!

After I catchup on the posts,. I'll write a longer post.!!!! Everyone has been sooooooo busy. I see we've also got some new Golden Girls


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Old 10-05-2007, 07:39 PM   #54  
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Default Happy Friday!

Hi All & Happy Friday!

Phyllis I'm so very sorry to hear about John. We're keeping him in our thoughts & prayers. They've made so many good advances in chemotherapy, we're hopeful that he will go into remission soon.

Gayle Madison is what my grandmother would have called a perfect baby girl. She's beautiful. Thank you for the updated pic of Corbin! It's easy to see how you could be close to such a wonderful child! Enjoy your DD's visit, I hope she enjoys Texas as much as we always have.

Meowee Linda I love your commentary on the pieces & pieces of the Gazelle in your house. Made me laugh! Keep us posted on the progress. I love humor.

Rosey isn't it wonderful to find out that you're actually twenty pounds lighter than you thought you were! That's never happened to me, somehow I doubt it ever will. Enjoy the moment!

Margaret over the past few years I've really gotten into the declutter mode. Probably as a result of two cross country moves... who wants to pay to haul something they'll never use again? Stuff is still a problem but I'm trying to declutter on a regular basis. I still use for direction. It's campy, but hey so am I!

Still trying to do myself in with the Jillian Michaels workouts, Zumba & the treadmill. The Zumba is downright fun. I think I'm losing inches but the scales arn't showing much action. Learning to ignore the scales & push forward.

Tomorrow DH & I are headed to Lepanto (site of The Painted House) to watch the Terrapin Derby! Now my life will be complete.

Take care everyone, think hugs!
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Old 10-05-2007, 07:53 PM   #55  
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Yipee . . . My toys are functional.

Went shoping today, got two new area rugs, came home and moved furniture again.

Then with the help of my friend LouLou's 18 year old grandson, finally got Gadzella together. The newest addition -- the Urban Rebounder -- also arrived today and it is also together. Spent about 1 minute on each of them. Think I'll be fine with the Rebounder (as yet unnamed); but the minute on Gadzella was really scarey stuff. Hopefully I'll get better and soon.

Also, I resolved the problem of using Buddy Ball as a computer chair. He just needed a little more air. Even though he looked fine by himself, he was just too squishy when I added my not insignificant weight to the mix. Now he works fine.

Anyway, I am absolutely exhausted and I ache everywhere after three days of doing lots of extra activity each day. It's only 9 PM and I'm going to bed. Hopefully things will feel a little better in the morning. See you tomorrow.
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:17 AM   #56  
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Good Saturday morning girls!
It's going to be very warm again today, 25-30 degrees warmer than normal. DH and I will be getting in lots of exercise today, will help move my brother and SIL to a new home. As some of you know, I signed up for the Oct. Challenge and don't do a regular set of exercises daily. Living out on an acreage with over an acre of lawn to mow, garden and flower beds to take care of uses up all my energy. Last night I read an article in my Prevention magazine that was interesting. It's called "THE HEAVY HEALTHY HEART"
I'll copy parts of the article as it's too long to print here.
Fitter in 10 minutes
Are you surprised to learn that you can be fit and, to put it indelicately, fat? The latest research shows that overweight women can improve their heart health by adding just 10 minutes of activity a day.(They tested 400 sedentary women with high or borderline-high blood pressure for 6 months) The women as a group neither lost weight nor lowered their blood pressure, but they did end up fitter, their waistlines got smaller. That's significant because belly fat is linked to insulin resistance, a contributor to heart disease.
DH and I decided to start a brisk 10 minute walk every morning with our dog. I have bad feet and hope my plantar fasciitis doesn't flare up again. (That's why I quit walking last year) I say good for all of you that have a regular exercise routine, you'll certainly lose the weight faster!
I was bored this morning and checked in on the food tip thread. I ran across this question and I used to have the same problem with peeling eggs. Ours were especially hard to peel because we have 6 Orpintgon laying hens and the eggs are super fresh.
I need to know if there is an easy way to peel eggs. We are doing adkins and I have been making my hubby and me deviled eggs, but I have to mash alot of white because I ruin it peeling it. Any ideals? Thanks
I read somewhere to put 1 Tablespoon of white vinegar in the water with the eggs, it works! And the eggs do not taste of vinegar.
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:23 AM   #57  
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What's up with all the green double underlines under certain words? I've noticed it with some of your messages, how does 3FC know which words to underline? I noticed they underlined the word fat, I wouldn't have done that!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 10-06-2007 at 08:25 AM.
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Old 10-06-2007, 08:47 AM   #58  
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Good Morning Golden Girls

Here's an explanation for those green underlinings . . . . . . have to agree, I wouldn't have picked "fat", but I think the word choice is totally random. If it all works out, it will be a lot easier to avoid than all the current pop-ups.

Latest update . . . had a good night's sleep last night, but my BGL is horrible this morning? I still ache in too many places and think I'm going to take it pretty easy today. Besides, I'd have to disturb the cats too much to use the urban "tramp" . . . . . . they've adopted it as a find new bed. Buddy Ball and I are working out fine with the computer since he got 'aired'. And, I managed to get the printer working again The weather is looking sunny and mild for the weekend -- this is Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada. No big plans for me, and that's probably just as well.

Anyway, hope everybody has a great day . . . see you later . . .
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Old 10-06-2007, 09:42 AM   #59  
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Hi everyone,

I finally got to talk to my BIL and he has calmed us all down now. He is prepared to do whatever plan of action the Dr. wants. They are still coming from Seattle down here to Florida in 1 1/2 wks. before his new treatment will be good for him to relax and be with most of his family at the reunion because the last treatment plan lasted 6mths.

My eating has been a little worse this past week and my foot is still bothering me but I got in 3 miles this week. Got some pain med from my Dr. in case I have a problem walking the theme parks at Disney.

Oh, my son that is being promoted by his company and moving to So. Carolina found out he may have to move up there by Dec. 1, that is only 6 wks. away.........he hopes it put it off until after I'm beginning to really realize how much I will miss him living 2 miles from us, then he will be about 7 hrs away.

Going to settle down and get my eating back on track, the water has been pretty good.

Have a great week-end ladies.

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Old 10-06-2007, 11:09 AM   #60  
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Hello Everyone! Gosh it seems like it has been quite awhile since I’ve really posted anything other than the challenge! I have been reading and thinking about everyone though.

Rosie, I think I’m in LOVE with your Dr.s scales!! That has never happened to me! I’ve always tried to come home from the Dr. and then make sure my scales are registering the same as theirs. So far it has only been off by a pound or two. But with the digital scales I’m not sure how to reset them anyway. Congrats On the loss!!

Marylynn, isn’t it funny how the Advil and Ben Gay have become such good friends??? Hey, Ginger & Sissy say HELLO to Rocky and Furby!! How are they doing? I looked at the Zumba video and was out of breath just watching!! WOW!

Margaret, glad to hear that you are feeling better. We found out that they are giving the flu shots now so I will be checking on them next week. We always get them since Tim is so prone to pneumonia whenever he catches cold now. He has had the pneumonia shot too but it is probably tie for another one.

Gayle, Madison is so cute and Corbin is so Handsome!! I imagine he will be a lot of help with Madison. Have you posted any pictures on myspace?

Phyllis, I’m glad that John has such a good attitude. That will help him and all the family in the days to come. Still have him and all the family in our prayers. Don’t push too hard with your foot right now. You need to take it easy and enjoy your reunion. I’ve never been to any of the Disney theme parks but hope to one of these days. I can just imagine how much fun they would be.

LindaD, you are getting so close to ONEderland!! We’re all waiting for the party! You’re doing a great job.

Meowee-- So how are you and “Godzella” getting along? And are you liking the urban “Tramps” company? You’ll have to keep us posted on how you like these new “friends”!

Lynn, I hope you are enjoying your trip to NYC. Have a good time and let us hear from you when you get back. Hope things slow down for you soon.

Hi Cat! Good to hear from you. My Mom had picked out a couch that sounds like the one you are describing. We always called it the “squirrelly couch” It is also floral. Now that Mom isn’t with us anymore Dad still has it but then he hasn’t (and doesn’t want to) update anything in his house since he bought it back in the 70’s! Going to be lots of work there to update when the time comes. But I’m not ready for that anytime!

Trish, good to hear from you. After reading your post I just realized that I forgot to put in my weight too. Although it stayed the same. I have got to get busy on the exercise routine!

Hi Bobbi, I’ll bet you will feel good when you start that walk in the morning. And even the activities you do around your home all counts towards exercise. Have you looked at the fit day activities chart to see about what it says? We have some nice weather today but a little windy. Tomorrow they are telling us a “possibility” of snow showers! I’m so not ready for Winter and snow! How is Charlie? Does he like the colder weather?

Well, I guess I need to get busy and get the house cleaned up a bit in case someone wants to come and look at it. But I wanted to say hello to everyone before I got busy so if I missed you-- I didn’t mean to!

Have a Great Day!!
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