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Old 10-01-2007, 12:29 PM   #16  
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Those worked this time! I really like that and I'll bet you will too. Let me know what you think of the gazelle. I bought a "cheapie" mini-tramp at Wal-mart but I wish I would have held out and bought the rebounder. I like the idea of having the bar to hold on to!! But I'm getting the hang of jumping without it. Sure was scarey to begin with!!
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Old 10-01-2007, 01:09 PM   #17  
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Morning everyone.. we are back home and the proud owners of a subaru forrester.. we are really happy with the deal and got what we wanted.. we looked at lots of cuz its alaskan's permanent dividend fund time every dealers hip was trying to get your but exhausting..the weather was rainy and i forgot my camera(sry) ill try and get some fall pictures this weight stayed the same even tho we ate out alot and i got to see my oldest dd and glad to be home and hope to stay put for awhile.. the swimsuit story cracked me up..ttfn rosey
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Old 10-01-2007, 04:18 PM   #18  
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Good grief Linda, looks like I'd hurt myself real bad on that Gazelle thing!

Bobbi that is really funny about the bathing suit Thanks.....that will be me next week! Love your new picture.

Zoe, you look great....I don't see any wrinkles. Hey next summer is our year to strut on the beach....we won't give up.

Karen, we have only had one couple go thru our condo and waiting to hear comments. I hate this so much already. Those people that keep putting you off can't be serious buyers, they would push anyones patience.

Lyn, I'm sure you still walking, I finally got to do 1 mile yesterday and my foot seems OK. I really do miss it...I never thought walking would be part of my lifestyle. Keep up the good work and send any cool air down this way....we can use it.

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Old 10-01-2007, 05:05 PM   #19  
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Happy New Month to the Golden Girls. Here I am would think I would be tired of re-introducing myself each month!!! Hello to everyone, New & Old.....Bobby...hope this month treats you've earned it.

Weight good news to report, and that is the good news....because there isn't any real bad news to report either. Hope to lose about 5 pounds this month....but if I only hang onto what I have already lost and not regain any more I will allow myself to rejoice.

Spent yesterday being really sick. I guess it was the 24 hour bug, but it was a doozy.

I was in Wyoming for the past week, got home Satuday evening, and by Sunday evening I was sure it was the death sentence. However my two kittens decided to be nice. I am thinking they liked the heat of the fever, because they cuddled on top and remained with me for the night. Usually they don't stick around. One cat loves to hide in the plants, I haven't discovered where the other cats' favorite sleeping spot is.

Greetings to all....and wishes for a successful month to everyone!!
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Old 10-01-2007, 10:20 PM   #20  
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Hi Everyone & Happy Monday!

Bobbi I love the pic! Wrinkles? Give me a break! You look terrific. Loved the bathing suit story. Unfortunately I can relate.

For those who asked about Zumba, I'm tossing in a youtube link that gives a great example. Beyond that if you google Zumba, you'll find a ton of information. It's a series of latin based dance steps set to fun music. I couldnt believe that DH was willing to try (if it resembles sweaty aerobics, he's outta there) but now our plan is to use the videos that we've ordered online to wake up the rest of the family at six in the morning. I loved the workout (it didn't feel like exercise!) and sometimes enjoy waking my adult kids up early with MY noise. Payback is all I have to say about that.

Meanwhile the Jillian Michaels workouts are going to be the end of me. Can anyone out there do a proper pushup? How about jumping rope? I tried and it's not looking very pretty. Her workouts come with a fair amount of ab work to boot. After the Sumo Squats, One legged knee squats & waving my dumbells in the air I'm looking for the ibuprofen at bedtime to dull the aches. Forward I go I suppose. Going backwards is not an option since I donate all of the clothes once I shrink out of them.

Cat! Congratulations on your size ten!!!! That's fantastic. Looks like you are going to make your goals without any problems at all at the rate you're going.

Congratulations Lynn & Karen on the challenge! Wonderful work that reflects diligence.

Now Zoe.... if I recalled you sterilized your home for someone who was a no show not that long ago. STOP! Your house is probably just fine. You're making me tired just reading about this cleaning frenzy. This particular model is two years younger than I am but he's got enough ego not to let me outdistance him in public. He's kinda fun, I think I'll keep him.

Gayle if you could just draw us a picture we'd go for that, anything of Maddie would be nice.

Hi to all that I've missed or have missed us, something like that.

Oh, I have to stand up to go take a bath. That's going to take a while since it involves using legs. Everyone take care & have a wonderful evening!

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Old 10-02-2007, 07:38 AM   #21  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Today is "work on papers from course" day. Hopefully, I'll get to the gym sometime. Tomorrow is scrapping, Thursday is getting ready for my weekend in NYC with my sister and cousins. The weekend is Open House NYC - it's GREAT! My sister and I did it last year. You can get into hundreds of buildings free. It's all over NYC - not just Manhattan.

BTW - had an accident yesterday. I was stopped at a red light in my little Prius & a BIG SUV hit into the back. There was no "right on red" at this particular light - she thought there was & because I had my blinker on figured I was turning. She was on a cell phone & in a hurry to pick up her dd from school.

I don't think I'm hurt - was pretty shaken up - she gave me a good BANG.

Check back later - I hope.

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Old 10-02-2007, 07:51 AM   #22  
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Well I essentially stayed the same this week - down 0.2# is all.

Lynn, Sorry about the car accident - glad you're ok. Cell phone use in the car is outlawed in NY. My DH and DD will be in NYC this weekend as well...I'll tell them about the open house in the city. I'm staying home as they are leaving Thursday night and I'm saving my last 3 vacation days.

Marylynn - I liked seeing the Zhuma video. Looks like fun. Hope you legs recover.

Bobbi - I second that about your photo...I don't see a lot of wrinkles either! Nice to see your face

Margaret, Welcome back..hope you're feeling better. Yes, I too would love to lose 5# this month. We can do it.

I handed in my TOPs summer walking sheet last night and was the winner at our chapter with 378 miles from May 15th - Sept. Woopie!

Have a great day.

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Old 10-02-2007, 09:17 AM   #23  
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Lyn, that is a LOT of walking....glad you won, you deserve it.

Lynn, so sorry to hear about the accident, glad your alright. How is the car?
Sounds like such a fun time in NYC, I have never been there but I bet October would be a nice month to visit. Take care of yourself. They should make talking on cellphones illegal in all the states.

Marylynn, that Zumba looks like fun....we love to dance and if I had a body like the dancers on that video it would even be more fun! Glad you and dh are enjoying it.

Hi again Margaret, hope your feeling better. That is funny about your cats, that is one of the reasons I love them. Mine always loved to get in paper or plastic bags, they had great fun.

We have had much damage done to our beaches, tons of sand washed out to sea. We didn't go over yesterday because of the 40 mile an hour wind but will probably go take a look today. It will cost millions to replace all that sand, don't know how the homes on the beaches held up, hopefully OK. Sure sounded like a hurricane last night but just the big wind and downpour of rain.

Today is house cleaning day to freshen up in case of a mid week looker.

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Old 10-02-2007, 09:40 AM   #24  
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Good Morning Golden Girls . . .

I'm running a little late today . . . Had to take Jazz to the Vet first thing. It's his regular blood work since I cannot bring myself to stick lancets in his ear-vein to test his BGL myself, although I have no problem giving him his insulin shots. Guess it's because I know from personal experience that the lancets are more painful than the really fine gauge insulin needles.

Did manage to do a little pretend bicycle pedalling this morning while I was drinking my coffee -- enough to get the heart beating a bit faster and to remind me that I have calf muscles. Once the new toys arrive, think I'm going to move 'buddy ball' up here and use him as a computer chair. The beauty of those balls is that they force you to tighten your abdominals to stay balanced without your really even knowing it, so I figure a little extra ab workout certainly can't hurt.

Sorry to hear about the damage to the beaches, Phyllis. Hope the rest of the season is kind to you guys. BTW, the Gazelle is supposed to be fairly easy on the old bodies - time will tell, I guess.

That is a lot of walking Lyn. Fantastic job, girl.

Gee Lynn . . . maybe you should get things checked out anyway. Whiplash (so common in rear-enders) can be pretty sneaky sometimes and show up a while after the fact.

Oh wow, Marylynn . . . if the Jillian Michaels stuff is harder on you than that Zoomba . . . I don't think I want to see a video of it.

Glad to see you back again, Margaret, and hope you are soon feeling better.

Well, guess I'd better get on about my business and do something constructive with this nice sunny - but cool - day. See yopu soon.
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Old 10-02-2007, 10:49 AM   #25  
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Hello all ~

About those pictures ~ ~ I don't know how to get them on here. Sara has put a couple on her my space page. I wish she would have put one of Corbin and Maddie ~ maybe she is still working on it. As soon as I can get either Jason or Sara to help me, I will get a picture on here. Thank you all for asking.

Headed to bed ~ off tonight ~ yippee!! Gotta sleep fast so I can have some of the day to enjoy.

More later. Take care everyone
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:34 AM   #26  
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Margaret I think we were posting at the same time. I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. Right now focus on rest & fluids. Routines can come back together after you are well.

After she found out that she was terminal, Erma Bombeck mentioned in a list of how she would have done it differently that she would have just gone to bed when she was sick instead of being everything for everyone. Isn't that the truth about women! We baby everyone around us when they're sick but when it's our turn we get out the stiff upper lip & silently push forward, feeling even worse.

I know what you mean about the cats staying close when you're sick. Sometimes I thought some of my cats were nurses in a different life the way they'd stay right there if I went back to bed, and stare at me. They're wonderful little spirits. Personally I can't imagine life without any of my pets.

Lynn I'm sorry about your accident! Glad you're okay but it's still rattling all the same. Damage to the care? Any postbang pains this morning? Thanks for the link to the open house in NY. We went there from Boston for a weekend last year for the first time and loved it. Believe it or not we found the people there to be warm & courtious. It was great. Now I have to mark the calendar so we can do this next year. I'm thinking other than in the Christmas season, it could well be the best time to visit NYC.

Gayle, sounds like life has sped up for you. You're the essential nurse, taking care of everyone in sight. Try not to forget the lady in the mirror.

Phyllis I really should turn on the television & catch up with the weather! Florida certainly gets her share of the weather drama. Duck & stay safe!

Go Lyn go! Are you tracking those miles across a map? It would be fun to see how far you've gone in terms of geography. From time to time I've used Healthwalkers to track my walking miles. It's free & they have recognition for various distances, including walking across America. Believe it or not there's people older than any of us out there theoretically walking across North America. Makes me look wimpy.

Meowee-Linda I've used an exercise ball off & on for my desk & it's true that it does work your core while you're seated. Finally I got tired & dragged the old chair back in. Maybe I should go switch em out again. There is no video of the Michaels workout, I don't think they want to scare anyone. On the bright side the time certainly goes fast while I'm busy trying to get in fifteen of something then rush on to the next exercise. Ugly ugly ugly. Save yourself.

Get well & take care. Happy Tuesday to all! A little housework then off to try to cripple myself again with these workouts!


Last edited by Dulaneycat; 10-02-2007 at 11:50 AM. Reason: Read more posts..... more comments!
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Old 10-02-2007, 12:26 PM   #27  
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Good afternoon,

I just have a few touch ups to do around the house to get it ready for my company tomorrow. I went out earlier to get some food in.

Linda-Meowee, I had Tony Little's gazelle and I loved it. It was when we lived up north. I had it set up in the part of the basement that was finished and used to watch TV while I was gazelling. There is no room down here in FL for it, so I had to get rid of it. I think you'll really like it.

Zoe, I think we were posting at the same time yesterday. It sounds like you really surprised your DD and that you all had a wonderful time. Fried clams are one of my favorite foods. Your sister sounds like a girl after my own heart. You can't get decent fried clams down here, which is probably a good thing.

Lyn, congratulations for walking all those miles and winning.

Lynn, sorry you were in a car accident. I'm glad that you're ok.

Marylynn, the Zumba looks like it would be great exercise. I love the beat of the music.

Margaret, welcome back and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Phyllis, it sounds like you're getting quite a lot of rain. We've been very fortunate, as we only had rain overnight, but it had cleared up by early this morning. They said that we're in for some thunderstorms later this afternoon. It is awfully humid here today though. Yesterday was a glorious day, it was in the 80's with no humidity. Stay safe.

Bobbi, that is a great photo of you. I really like your haircut. I don't see any wrinkles. That was a funny bathingsuit story and how true.

Rosey, congratulations on your Subaru Forrester. I wish you many happy years with it.

Hope all of you enjoy your day!
BFN, Ali
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Old 10-02-2007, 01:36 PM   #28  
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Good morning Golden Girls

Thought I would get things done today!! (Oh well, I did try....still weak...still have things I must accomplish today.)

Marylynn...gotta love the cats!!!

Meowee....I had the ball and liked it a lot....I even got another one after the cats decided to put a claw through the old one....haven't had the courage to take it out of the box yet....but would be helpful to do so!

Lyn..Congratulations on the walk!! You have just made it across all of South Dakota!

Phyllis....How can the Floridians keep their sanity through the hurricane seasons. (I know, I know, snow in the winter in Dakota isn't nice either. But apparently we still love the state.)

Hi to Zoe, Rosey, and the rest of the Golden Girls!
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Old 10-02-2007, 01:39 PM   #29  
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It's officially Fall in my mind and I'm looking forward to see how lean and mean I can get by Spring. I wish all you GG's much success in your endeavors.

I lost 10 pounds in the September Challenge which has motivated me to keep giving it my all.

Congratulations to Lynn and Karen for winning the September Challenge!

Missed you Bobbi. Your picture is beautiful. You are a very pretty lady.

Cat: Yippee on the pants....size 10, awesome!

Zoe: It sounds like you and your daughter had a lovely time celebrating her birthday.

Karen: So sorry about the house. I know it must be so frustrating.

Rosey: I'm glad you found a car.

Margaret: I'm sending you

Lynn: I'm hoping you're okay. Take care of yourself. My biggest pet peave is people using cell phones while they drive. So dangerous!

Have a good day.

Last edited by LindaD; 10-02-2007 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 10-02-2007, 02:26 PM   #30  
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Morning everyone..its suppose to be sunny today but so far i havent seen it..we had a heavy frost last night..winter is coming brrrrr im not ready for snow and ice..Lynn am glad u are ok.. i hate drivers who use cell phones its dangerous..dont know whats on my agenda today..lots i could be doing but i feel lazy hope u all have agreat day give your smiles away as it might be that person's one ray of sunshine today ttfn rosey
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