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Old 10-26-2007, 02:22 PM   #271  
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So, when I was raising my kids – I suppose because when I was a kid, I was essentially an only child because both of my siblings were so much older than I – I liked to have fun with them. We would do things like chase each other around the house with a gelatinous rubber frog, or jump out at each other unexpectedly from thoroughly unlikely places. We were great tricksters and practical jokers – something that continues to this day, in retaliation, they claim, for my having “traumatized them” at an early age. (uh-huh., Sure I did. They had a GREAT childhood! Seriously. REALLY! )
ANYWAY they never miss an opportunity to shock and really surprise me. Never. Last night, I stopped at the market on my way home from work, picked up a few things, and went on home. Now, I had left the front door key under the mat, because my DD3 said she needed to pick something up during the day. Strangely, my DD2’s car was out front – not DD3’s. I get in the front door & DD2 says that “just coincidentally”, her computer has gone down, she needs a computer to use for some work-related, deadlined project material, so she is there using mine. Oh, so no problem! Should I make a pot of coffee? Why, yes – she’d LOVE a cup of coffee. So, I put the pot on, and sit at the kitchen table . She goes into the studio (which is off the kitchen). I look up, and there is this VERY TALL individual of the male persuasion dressed in suit and tie standing in the kitchen doorway with a Halloween mask covering his head. I at first think it’s DD2’s husband. I say, “Oh, cut it out, Court!” (His name is Courtland, like the apple.) Then, he rips the mask off, and it’s my SON, from L.A.!!!! I let out a big whoop and jump up out of my chair and jump over and give him a great, huge bear hug , and he is hugging me back, and I am laughing and crying (and whooping ). Okay. So now my DD2 comes in out of the studio and says “What’s WRONG, Mum?” (Voice very concerned). And I turn to her with great incredulousness….”What Do you MEAN, what’s WRONG?” (I’m laughing, not quite “getting” what she means.) I look back at my DS, only he’s not there! I look back at DD2, and she’s still looking very concerned. “Mum, are you alright? What are you saying about Richie? (DS) “I say, “Okay, WHERE’S your brother? Come on OUT, Rich!” And of course DD2 says, “But Mum. Rich isn’t here. You KNOW he’s in Los Angeles. Mum…maybe you’d better lie down? Are you okay? You’re seeming a little stressed. Maybe you should lie down for a bit?” And for a split second, she’s got me!
Only for a split second, mind you, but within that split second was great confusion and self-doubt, and wondering if I was dreaming all of this – which is, of course, what they were aiming for. They LIVE for this stuff, I tell you. Okay, WE live for it. I’m as guilty as they are, but they got me good. (But only for a split second).
DS grabbed a last-minute flight (very reasonable price) and flew up for the weekend with his GF. Tonight they’ll be in New York with GF’s sister who is turning 21, and then back to us for Saturday night and all day Sunday. They fly back out Monday morning. And then, of course, I’ll be flying out to visit THEM in a week. Can’t wait!
We had Chinese food last night (DS's favorite) and it sure was good! Yes, I blew my diet entirely, and I'm ashamed.
Oh, and LYNN! Note quick subject change....
I got my gas this morning at $1.00 off per gallon! Filled my tank (I had about an eighth of a tank already) for $15.88!!!! How long has it been since that was even remotely possible? Now I get to start building my discount all over again by food shopping, which I can’t avoid, anyway, so this is a nice added little bonus.
Marylynn, there is absolutely NO WAY I could be alone in a kitchen with all those sweets piling up around me without eating at least half of everything I baked! You are a strong woman! I suspect you enjoy a challenge, eh? In my case, I'm weak, I know it, and the only way to avoid eating stuff I shouldn't be eating is to NOT have it available to me. I mean, if I hadn't been exposed to Chinese food, and been practically force-fed it, I would've had exactly what I had on my menu, which was appropriately high fiber, low fat, low calorie, etc., etc.
Trish, I've got to tell you, there are just SOME things in life that are WORTH gaining two pounds for! We can ALWAYS take 'em off again anytime we want, right?
Oh, Karen, what absolutely adorable pictures of the poms!!!! They are the cutest darned little things! Oh, how I wish I was home enough to be able to take care of a little doggie of my own!
LindaD, I'm so glad that you're safe - and your family & friends! Those pictures are downright frightening. It's so sad. My son is closer to Malibu, but says that where he is, there's no foliage to burn - they have a little strip of manicured grass and palms lining their street, but their condo is in an urban area, I guess. He says it's safe, anyway, which I was glad to hear.
Welcome, Pat! It's always nice to see a new face....hope you stay involved and become a part of the "crew".
Cat, I've dabbled a bit in geneaology as well - actually can trace my dad's family back into the 1500's before information starts to dry up, but I've had virtually no luck at all with my mother's family. My sister brought some pictures that she found in my mother's belongings after she died, and they were of our maternal grandmother & garndfather - and some other family members - when they were in their early 20's back at the turn of the 20th century. Very interesting pictures, but in very poor condition. My DH scanned and did some work on them in photoshop, and they're quite amazing. I'll post them here if I can. I think he's got to make them smaller first.
Meowee-Linda - I love hearing about your khats...mine do some pretty strange things, too. My DD2 & her DH have a khat that her DH got when he was 17. The Khat is 21 years old now! And she's in great shape, too. She's wiry and on the small side - black, like my Yoko, but lighter and more fragile. But she's great around people, and still plays with little furry toy mice when she's in the mood. I'm amazed at how well she's done, considering her great age.
Okay, enough from me for now. Hugs to Phyl, Jo-annie, Tee and Lyn... and Hugs to all the GG's
wherever you may be! Have a wonderful weekend!

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Old 10-27-2007, 09:10 AM   #272  
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A really quick fly-by on my broom!
The next week is going to be crazy. Trying to get this house ready for my Mom and Sister's arrival tomorrow, need to get to the grocery etc and of course a client wants to meet with me today of all days....

So..I just took last night off to relax, sit on the patio and had a couple of rum and (diet) cokes. The moon was just too gorgeous, so I grabbed the camera and took a few shots Click on the picture of the pots. It was just beautiful out there..weird and creepy and tres Louisiana. Wish the pictures showed the moon clearer.

I will probably be very scarce over the next week or so, but wanted to wish everyone a great weekend!
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:49 AM   #273  
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Hello everyone,

The friend I walk with has returned and we've been walking this past week. We missed yesterday, so made it up this morning.

My in-laws are on their way to FL. They should arrive sometime tomorrow, they're driving. They winter in Ft Myers and they'll be stopping in here on their way to their condo rental. We haven't seen them since last May.

Pat, This a great group of people and you'll enjoy it here. You will find the right plan for you. Whatever you decide, it should be something you can do for life.

Rosey,on the 5 lbs.

Karen, I loved the photo of your dogs. They look so adorable in their little sweaters. What a great view you have from your house.

Cat, have a great time with your Mom & Sister.

Zoe, what a great surprise to find your son there. That was a neat trick your DD & DS played on you. I would've loved to have seen your face when you discovered your DS standing there.

Marylynn, I got a chuckle out of you mentioning duct taping your mouth. Good luck with your baking.

Linda D., glad that you and everyone else are safe. My heart goes out to all the people the fire touched.

A hello to all the Golden Girls I missed.

Everybody, have a wonderful weekend.
BFN, Ali
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Old 10-27-2007, 04:00 PM   #274  
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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was WONDERFUL! - I treated my df (and myself) to a massage at the spa at my gym - best massage I ever had.
This evening, I'm going to a new Casino near me with my neighbor. I'm not much of a gambler, but I think she is. I'll play a few dollars in the slots & then, watch her.

Hi Marylynn, I agree with you about that guy on the Biggest Loser. I think they should have kicked him out.

Hi Linda (Meowee), hope those kitties are behaving today.

Hi LindaD, When I get annoyed at a plateau, I reduce my calories for a week. I'm about to do that now.

Hi Zoe, I grew up with two older siblings also. I was the family baby. Enjoy your son's visit - I know you will.

Hi Ali, glad to hear you're back to walking. This is what I need to do. I am doing TERRIBLE with my exercise this month.

Hope we all have a nice Saturday evening.

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Old 10-27-2007, 09:16 PM   #275  
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This morning I went to the gym. I'm finding myself making better food choices. I haven't heard from my Dr. as of yet. I'm taking that as good news.

Hubby and I went on a "date" today.


I read someone lost 5 pounds last week. I think I found most of those. This WW session has been a donation---not much progress on the scales. But some mental changes for the better.

Where's Phyliss and Paula? I guess Paula is "costuming" [sp]

Karen---How's the sale of your house going?

Zoe---Your ds is a wonderful surprise. I'm sure you will pay them all back for the fun they had at your expense!!!

Marylyn---I can only imagine what I would do with all of those cupcakes in my kitchen..... Currently, I have 0 will power.

I know I've missed sooo many GGs. Have a Great Weekend!!!! to you!!


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Old 10-28-2007, 07:05 AM   #276  
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Originally Posted by Piano51 View Post

Where's Phyliss and Paula? I guess Paula is "costuming" [sp]

Hi Trish,

Phylis is at a family reunion around DisneyWorld & Paula is working on costumes.

Hang in there,

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Old 10-28-2007, 09:50 AM   #277  
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Good Morning everyone. i have been looking for a group of people to join and i think maybe this is the one. I have been reading some of the posts and think maybe we have a few things in common (besides age) which is also a big factor. I hope to get to know all of you in the weeks to come
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Old 10-28-2007, 11:47 AM   #278  
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Hi SLIM . . . to the group

Hi EVERYBODY . . . just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking . . . just happen to be working on my second day of feeling sort of crummy . . . . . . Hopefully things will be back to whatever passed for normal in my life really soon . . .

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Old 10-28-2007, 03:51 PM   #279  
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Afraid my day is going downhill. While I was up here on the computer earlier today, Freckle died with his head caught in a plastic bag (empty bag from Fibre One cereal I had had for breakfast) . . . I'm now playing the 'if only' game . . . if only I hadn't been on the computer . . . if only I had thrown the empty bag in the garbage this morning. Poor baby, he was only 7 and a half months old and such a little cuddle-bunny.
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Old 10-28-2007, 04:07 PM   #280  
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Oh Linda-- I am so sorry! Please try not to play that What If game--- we all know how much you love your kitties.

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Old 10-28-2007, 04:36 PM   #281  
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Hello Everyone! I thought that I would pop in for a few minutes here. I just took this picture about 20 minutes ago and can you believe that is “smoke” from the California fires!! We usually have such a good clear view of Pikes Peak but not today!

I’m still getting laundry done and hoping that things move on the house but still waiting and TRYING to be patient!

Cat-- I loved the pictures of the moon--I’m always trying to get neat pictures like that too. Sometimes it works and sometimes not!

Ali, Ginger and Sissy probably have about 6 different sweaters each! They probably have a better wardrobe than I do!! I’ve spoiled them terribly! But love it!

Zoe, What a WONDERFUL surprise for you! But I’ll bet you get them all back when they least expect it! Sounds like too much fun! My family is always doing things like that and I can hardly wait to get back there with them to join in!

Welcome slim! I know you will like it here so come back often and let us get to know you.

Well, laundry is calling------

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Old 10-28-2007, 04:43 PM   #282  
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Oh Linda,

I'm so sorry about Freckle. Like Karen said ~ please don't play the what if game.
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Old 10-28-2007, 08:19 PM   #283  
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Hi all, we are home from the family reunion and had a wonderful time. The week went so fast. We did 2 theme parks with the kids but they all did an extra one....the older folks were worn out but the kids were going strong.

At Disney World, temp 92, I got dehydrated and had to go to First Aid and get some gatorade and water, rest for a bit in the air conditioning and then they drove us back to the car.....sooooooooooo I found the fast way to exit Disney!!!! Ha

BAD NEWS.....we had to come home half a day early and have our Doberman put to sleep. He had congestive heart failure. Rusty was almost 14 yrs. old which is old for a Doberman. I am still in shock and what a terrible way to end a wonderful vacation.

He was 75 lbs. of love, loyalty and protectiveness.......this is going to take a while to get over.

Linda, I am so sorry about your kitten.........try not to blame yourself it can't bring him back. It's such a terrible loss, they are like our children. Please be kind to yourself.

I'm not in a good place to be posting right now but I'll get back here soon.

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Old 10-29-2007, 06:22 AM   #284  
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Phyllis, I am so sorry about Rusty. I hope you'll take comfort in knowing he had a long life.

Linda-meowee, I am so sorry about Freckle. I'm with everyone else, don't play the "what-if" game.

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Old 10-29-2007, 08:54 AM   #285  
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Good morning all,
Meowee, Please don't blame yourself or play the "if" game. You loved your "baby".

And Phyllis, i know it's hard to lose a part of the family like that. And they are a part of our families. We just love them as much as we can and give them the best life we can while they are with us. I had a "rusty". too. A little poodle mix that we just adored. He was with us for 13 years, the most loving thing. It was hard on me to let him go, but doubly hard on my husband. he had such a hard time with it. But we have another "baby" now. A little Shih Tzu that we adopted at 15 months. He is adorable too. Aren't they all? so much unconditional love.
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