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Old 10-16-2007, 12:04 PM   #181  
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Hi! Fast fly by on my way to the gym.

Lyn I have my own theory about Trigger Foods. Those foods that make me abandon everything I understand about healthy eating & start my own slide for the day in front of the fridge. I got to thinking about it and there are foods that I can't just have one taste, it usually ends with something worse. So this month I'm trying to idenitify those culprits and flat out avoid them until I'm in a better frame of mind to observe moderation.

My triggers are terrible! Whipped cream & anything with the stuff is on top of the list. Also, sugar free cookies arn't my friends anymore as are mashed potatoes.

Maybe it's just me but now I'm trying to focus on which foods keep me full & which ones send me back for seconds. (Noticed I really don't overeat the tuna, imagine that). Anyway, forgive yourself, dust yourself off & have a great day!

Now, off to the gym to blow off steam (DH has worked his magic again) then it's on to my day. Have a great day everyone!


ps. Zoe! You'd make Zumba look GOOD! Really!
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:20 PM   #182  
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Thanks, Marylynn - I feel better now - I had a salad for lunch with an apple for snack. I have so far avoided the United Way fundraiser chocolate bars that are lurking around every corner. I walked for 35 minutes and plan to walk again at home. I think I was dismayed after the weekend of eating with abandonment. I was up a pound and could just see it continuing if I didn't stop it NOW! Yes I have trigger foods also...salty chips and sweets. So thanks again. You have a great day too!

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Old 10-16-2007, 07:41 PM   #183  
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Hi everyone, I won't be around for the next couple of for vacation and the family reunion.....

I'll miss everyone and try to catch up when I can....

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Old 10-16-2007, 07:42 PM   #184  
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Hello girls.
Hope everyone had a good start to their weeks. Wow! Tomorrow is Wednesday already! How time fly's.

I had a good first day back to work. I had more hugs coming back, than I did when I left.

And….They are giving me more hours. I was getting only 12 a week. (which sounds lovely, but doesn’t pay many bills.)
I will now be getting at least 20, plus I can work on a day off if I need to.
One of the ladies that lives there made me come over and hug her ( stroke victim, I had to go to her). She said she missed me and loves me. It was a good moment. Everyone was great.
My boss even hugged me! She is glad I am back too.

Alright enough about me.

Glad it went ok with your tooth. Yuk! Hate getting teeth pulled. Hope you feel better soon.
I am glad you Liked Jessie’s pics. She is something else. We are teaching her sign language. (and learning it as we go)
The school thinks that she will learn to communicate better this way. Not to many words coming from that little face. She still lets you know what she wants.
She should be getting a walker soon. They have to do some work on it… as she it too little for any walkers available.

You look so young in your pics with you and That really good looking guy. You don’t look your age, love can make one glow! Can’t wait to hear more on the engagement.

About the cake and ice cream. Sometimes one has to feed the soul. Hope you filled it well.

I did the same thing Sunday. Had a piece of apple pie with ice cream. Yummy. Now I feel like I can start all over again. Might even get loosing again. I hope.
Told hubby Sunday…I want to eat, just once, till I am really FULL!
I see others having cheat day. Well we had ours. Now I am done.

I admit it. I to am a choc-ahalic. Totally addicted. My one true addiction. Don’ smoke (5 yrs free) . Don’t hardly every drink. Gave up my Coke. What’s left. I just get those little bite size Dove bars. Satisfies most of my cravings.

Well, Its been fun. Back soon
Hope everyone is doing good today.

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Old 10-16-2007, 09:02 PM   #185  
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I finally caught up with the posts!! I can't possibly comment on everything. But I've got a few comments:

Zoe, Lyn, Karen I am so in a binge I was thinking that it was just me. But thanks, my friends, for letting me know that I'm not alone in this struggle to get healthier. I was beginning to give up. I'm not normally that type but....I've got so much to lose and have just gained a lot of what I lost back.

Lynn I hope you are recovering from your tooth extraction!!

To the person with the pancake disaster (I'm just too lazy and tired to go back and get the name---sorry We've got so much in common. I just finished the dishes, placed the frying pan on the stove and the sugar bowl went fell!!! Sugar was everywhere. At least the stove is now clean!

Cat Are you really over 50 with grown children? GOLDEN GIRLS I THINK WE HAVE AN IMPOSTOR HERE!! [Sincerely, Cat, I just think I'm jealous] If I ever lose this weight....oh well!

Theresa It is really a blessing to enjoy where you work and to be appreciated. Sorry the other job didn't work out---but it sounds like you are really loved at your current job.

I'm tired. I didn't work out today. I'll just have to work a little tomorrow and then REALLY work out at the gym on Thursday.

Good night, everyone!!!

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Old 10-17-2007, 06:23 AM   #186  
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Good Morning Everyone!...A quick hello and a new recipe I "made up" yesteday.

Lynn, so sorry you are having sleepless nights with that tooth! Mouth pain is so debilitating. The bad thing is that only time will make it better.
well, time and REALLY GOOD pain killers. Hope it is better very soon.

Lyn et al, I'm a chocolate freak also. But find I don't have the craving for it as much as I used to. (after the first 2 weeks of detox from sugar with South Beach, I just didn't want it as much any more) I can have a tad of dark chocolate occasionally, but I don't like it at all...never have...but I adore milk chocolate. For the chocolate cravings, take a no sugar added fudgesicle, take it off the stick and add a little all natural peanut butter and a little lite cool whip and smush it all up..then either eat it then or put it back in the freezer to harden up again. Tastes like a peanut butter cup and is really yummy.

My trigger foods are rice, bread etc, so I only have them occasionally.(brown rice and multigrain bread only). I find that when I have a BIG breakfast of protein and lots of veggies, then it really sets me up for a good day. Sometimes I fix eggs and turkey bacon (then I put fresh herbs and cheese on my over easy eggs) and have a v-8 with it. Sometimes I just have big turkey sandwich stuffed with veggies on a whole wheat tortilla and very often, I just save leftovers from dinner the day before and have that.

I usually have a snack around ten o'clock of fruit and cheese and then we have our main meal around 2 when my husband gets home from work which is usually a huge salad, a vegetable and either fish, or chicken. Since we eat so early, the evening is just kind of "everyone fend for yourself". That's when I'll have that fudgesicle thing and maybe some "simply naked" chips and bruchetta with laughing cow cheese or some other "snacky" thing.

I have to go run and get some work done before getting ready for school, so will post this recipe quickly and wish you all a wonderful (and in Lynn's case, pain free) day

.................................................. ......

I pounded 3 chicken breasts between plastic wrap till they were very thin.

I took 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese and mixed up some fresh garden
herbs with it...I used basil, tarragon and parsley, a little salt and
some fresh ground pepper, but you could use whatever herbs/seasonings you like.

I divided the cheese mixture between the 3 chicken breasts and put a
blob on one end of the chicken, then folded the other half of the
chicken over the cheese (kind of like a turnover) then sprinkled some
creole seaoning over the top.

I put it in an oven proof skillet and browned it in a little olive
oil on the stove, then added a little bit of wine to deglaze the pan, then
put it in the oven for about 20 more minutes till it was brown.

It was wonderful and my husband and son loved it too. I served it
with a big spinach salad with tomatoes, mushrooms, olives,
artichokes, avocado and red onions and fresh parm cheese with
balsamic/olive oil dressing,

.................................................. .............

Oh, and Trish, thanks so much for the compliment, but you'll notice those pictures are not close ups! I have to dye my hair very often (it's about 3/4 gray)...and I use Green Cream on my face for the wrinkles. Wish I could bathe in the stuff.

Last edited by femmecreole; 10-17-2007 at 06:29 AM.
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Old 10-17-2007, 07:29 AM   #187  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I'm in too much pain to hang out. Debating over whether coffee will make it worse. Check back later when this quiets down.

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Old 10-17-2007, 09:52 AM   #188  
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G'morning! Another fast stop then the day races forward.

Lynn for some reason dental/mouth pain can be worse than so many other types because you just can't ignore it. For some, the caffeine in the coffee will act as an accelerant in your pain medicine (which explains why it's in Excedrin). If there has been an extraction, might not be the answer though. Bottom line is find what works for you and we hope you feel better soon.

Cat.... Green Cream? Tell me more please. There are days I'm convinced my DH has tourettes. He casually mentioned to me a couple of years ago that I look really good & if he just ignores the wrinkles it's not bad at all. Sheesh! Not for him but for myself I'd be interested in the stuff. Meantime I've discovered huge sunglasses & understand why older women wear them.

Everyone take care. I've been allowed a rest day today but might slip in a Zumba class tonight (it's REALLY fun).

If I havent mentioned you I'm still thinking of you. All of you.

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Old 10-17-2007, 10:10 AM   #189  
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Good Morning . . .

I slept in this morning and now I'm behind in everything. The sun slept in today too and now it is trying hard to decide if it will be shining much today. One thing for sure -- it's mighty cool -- high predicted to be 10C/50F.

Not too much in my plans except laundry -- such a thrilling life I live.

Have a great day everybody . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 10-17-2007, 10:43 AM   #190  
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Yeah - I want to know the green cream secret too, Cat. I will try your recipe this week...maybe tonite in fact. Love those big aslads too. I usually have one at lunch with balsamic and a little olive oil.

Lynn - hope you're feeling better soon. Didn't the dentist give you a prescription for pain reliever?

Supposed to be pretty warm here again today and then thunderstorms later. Guess I'll do my fitness workout inside today.

I made sugar-free crustless pumpkin pie for dessert last night. Used the brown sugar Splenda, 4 eggs, 2 cans of evaporated milk, 1 can pumpkin and spices. Cooked it in 2 lightly greased pie plates for about an hour at 325. Yummm. You could also use egg substitue for even less calories.

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Old 10-17-2007, 10:58 AM   #191  
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Well, here I am at work. Yay, huh? I did SOME writing this AM…been writing (work stuff) since 8:30. I need a break. So what do writers do when they want a break? Why write, of course! It’s Wednesday. We’re (almost) half-way through the week. It’s better than a Monday. Luke-warm enthusiasm, to be sure, but there it is. I may have (or may not – one forgets) mentioned that the WWII documentary that DH was watching so obsessively (his father was a glider-pilot who flew in the war) gave me horrendous nightmares. I have always been affected rather strongly by the Holocaust and by all the extremes of inhumanity that we have, throughout history, been capable of. I say “we” in terms of our responsibilities to each other as human beings; we seem to repeatedly fall short, don’t we? Three hundred years of slavery here in the United States was no picnic, either. Anyway, this isn’t the place to wax philosophical, so suffice it to say that I awoke screaming Monday night, and still had some weirdness going on last night although DH didn’t play the danged thing yesterday evening. I should’ve told him to turn it off – or only play it when I wasn’t around – much sooner than I did.
So, alas, I’m a little tired, more than a little cranky, and would make a better “Wicked Witch of the West” than dear, heroic Scarlett.
Finally, YESTERDAY, I climbed back on the proverbial wagon (with difficulty; climbing wagons requires a little energy, eh? Haven’t had much of that lately.) I counted my points, stayed within my allotted boundaries, and even “earned” my two-point WW ice cream sammidge before bed. Today is going okay so far. Now, if I could only get myself back into exercising regularly. <sigh>
It feels better, of course, knowing that I’m not alone in fighting – and even occasionally giving in to – these cravings of mine. Let’s just keep supporting and encouraging each other, eh? If we fall, we’ve just gotta get right back up.
Oh, Barbpoor you! I can’t even imagine leaving Florida and coming to the northeast this time of year! It’s been so danged chilly! Be sure to bring a few warm sweaters and jackets, hear? Of course this weekend will be lovely for viewing the foliage, so I hope you enjoy that! (Bring a camera, chickie!)
Sorry you’re having such a rough time with pain, Lynn. I suppose you’re already taking some sort of pain med? Don’t suppose there’s anything else your dentist could order?
Ah, Lyn…you’ve done well, you get plenty of exercise – I’m sure the occasional lapse isn’t going to do you any lasting damage. It sure is hard, though, isn’t it? It’ll be okay; we’ll just muddle through this together, eh?
That drug database is very helpful, Meowee-Linda. Thanks for posting it. I’ve noticed that WalMart is advertising $4 generic prescriptions. Is that for just anybody? With my health coverage, I currently pay $7 for a prescript. Not that it’s a huge difference, but I’m just wondering?
Marylynn, I think you’re right on target about “trigger foods”. I know that I definitely have them. Mostly sweets and starches. A chocolate bar can set me off, but so can a fresh-baked loaf of just about any kind of bread – or even a glob of mashed potatoes & gravy. And I think you’re also on target about just having to avoid them altogether. That’s the only thing that seems to work for me, for sure.
Oh, I’m gonna miss Phyl! (Hope she has a great time, tho!)
Tee, I think I’m going to probably do Curves at the first of the year. Right now, I have my trip to L.A. coming up, then Thanksgiving, a granddaughter & grandson birthday & Christmas…I’m not so concerned about having enough time, but I will be spending a lot of money over and above my normal “budget”, so I think joining a fitness center will have to just stay down a few notches on my list of priorities for right now. I try not to do ANY credit card charges for Christmas at all – so in January, I’m usually pretty okay.
Hey, Trish…nope you’re not alone, Chickie. Just hang in with us, and we’ll ALL get past our nasty cravings together…
Hiya Cat – I think it’s probably in your favor that you have your “big meal” in the early afternoon. That way, you’re still moving around some before it’s time to go to bed. Well, that’s a help, but also the way you’ve embraced the SB lifestyle and done all sorts of menu adaptations to support it. Hmmmm, maybe with your web design skills, you could create some sort of menu/diet/Creole cooking site, eh? The low-carb Rachel Ray, maybe? Actually, with your photographing skills, you could have a whole lifestyle thing going – southern hospitality; beautiful home décor and gardens, a healthy and gracious way of living & eating….something like that?
Jo-annie? (She’s still up there, floating around on her cloud, no doubt). Good work with the exercising/climbing stuff, though. Makes me exhausted just reading about it …
Hope all is well with you, Bobbi…and Karen? Is everything okay? You’re not on vacay or something, are you? Ali, LindaD, Gayle, Rosey….everybody, all you lovely GG’s everywhere…Hugs and cheers! Hang in there! We’ll beat these bodies into submission yet! (Or coddle them, jolly them along, create a reward system…whatever it takes!)

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Old 10-17-2007, 11:53 AM   #192  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
That drug database is very helpful, Meowee-Linda. Thanks for posting it. I’ve noticed that WalMart is advertising $4 generic prescriptions. Is that for just anybody? With my health coverage, I currently pay $7 for a prescript. Not that it’s a huge difference, but I’m just wondering?
Wow ZOE . . . I have absolutely no idea (especially since everything is so different up here in Canada). As a guess, I would think it would be available to everybody; but your insurance carrier might make a difference. My best suggestion would be to give your local WalMart Pharmacy a call.
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Old 10-17-2007, 12:20 PM   #193  
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Hello Everyone,
Yeah, I'm still alive and kickin'!! Just been busy trying to keep this house in "Show & Sell" condition right now. Plus, I am really trying to get some exercise in each day too. Tomorrow we will be going in to town to get our flu shots and then groceries. So I will have to have this house all ready in case someone wants to come while we are gone.
Lynn, so sorry about the pain that you are having right now. I hope it goes away very soon and you feel much better.
Well, I will try to get back later this afternoon to answer more posts. Just wanted to touch base. Take care....
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Old 10-17-2007, 05:22 PM   #194  
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Hi everyone.. im here.. just been sharing the puter with my dh.. sheesh but retirement can be a trial at times..he hasnt learned to shareso im postin later.. retirement is gettin better tho as the first several months it was like two cats thrown in a burlap sack.. grrrr hiss spitt lol..its cold and rainy here today and im having stay in your jammies be lazy all day sorta day.. Lynn hope u are feeling better soon ttfn rosey

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Old 10-17-2007, 05:37 PM   #195  
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Hi everyone -- this is the fourth time in the last two days I have signed on here to check up and say hi. Finally they are leaving me alone -- geesh. Anyway I am sure once they realize its quiet and I have all my paperwork sorted they will come out of the woodwork asking for this that or the other thing.

I will say I have put together a couple of good days eating and my exercise is getting back on track. We have some lunch time seminars coming up and I would dearly love to attend a couple of them but they are at the same time as my class and I won't fall back on that. I promised the Bocce team if they make it to the finals I will be their spare player -- that is also during one of my classes so bad friend that I am I am hoping they don't make the finals - bad Joanne.

I hope to catch up tomorrow.
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