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Old 10-14-2007, 07:31 AM   #151  
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Good Morning Everyone!
I actually have my "fuzzy robe" on...fall has finally hit. (at least for today) It may get warm again this week.

It's been a crazy week of work and family stuff. My cousin passed away and we had to go to New Orleans on Friday for the wake/funeral.
Of course we ended up having a great time seeing family we hadn't seen in a long time since everyone has scattered since the storm. My cousin would have loved his wake...everyone laughing and telling stories. After we left the funeral home (which is next to the cemetery where much of my family is) we decided to go drive around and "visit" them. The cemetery was flooded and even though most tombs have been cleaned up, some were still not. I never realized there were "iron" tombs in this old cemetery till I saw rusted ones, so of course I had my camera and had to take some shots while I was there.I know it's weird, but I just LOVE cemeteries.

After that we decided to go eat. Around the lakefront in N.O., there used to be tons of restaurants (some since the 1800's) but they were all wiped out. We decided to just go take a ride and found a new one had opened in May. It was fantastic. We went to the same restaurant in SW Louisiana years ago and it has been our favorite since then, so we were thrilled to find they had opened one here. I grew up (for a few years) in a boat house and we could see it from our seat in the restaurant. Last time we were out there, it was still a mess..the whole harbor full of piled up wrecked boats. Now it looks almost normal, except the yacht club is still a "prefab" building till they are able to build a new one. I've attached a picture of my lunch I got there. It was so yummy. Those "wrapped up" looking things are salmon wrapped around herbed cream cheese. I ended up taking most of the cream cheese out of them, but had an idea to do the same thing at home...only use laughing cow cheese instead and mash some fresh herbs in it.

For a day that started out so sad, it ended up being a great one. We have a family wedding in Mississippi in a couple of weeks, so we also went clothes shopping. First time I've enjoyed that in a long time. Even found a great dress on sale.

My Mom and sister will be coming in for the wedding and then my Mom will stay for the rest of the winter with us. I can't wait to see them and started deep cleaning the house yesterday and will do the same today.

Re: photo albums. There are tons of places to do that (I like kodakgallery) but each person would have to log in with a common user/pass. Probably easier to just post in a sticky or everyone get their own album space somewhere and link to it when they add new pictures. Yahoogroups also has a function for uploading pictures for group members.

Bobbi, so sorry you are having so much worry with your MIL and hope all goes well with that and selling your home etc. And hope the same for you, Karen. Selling a home can be so stressfull..keeping it perfect all the time for showing etc. ick.

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing Sunday!

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Old 10-14-2007, 07:43 AM   #152  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Linda (Meowee), glad to hear you're back on that wagon. I'll stick some photos on my Intro thread post.

Hi Phyllis, hope you are able to walk without hurting your foot. Maybe you should wait until after your reunion. Who will be at the reunion?

Hi Karen, how was the barbeque? You wrote, "If you noticed I had to move my ticker "UP" this week-- I gained a pound!! So if I don't get back on track you are definitely going to pass me up not just catch me!! But I had to move it --- I just can't leave it and hope I lose what I gained." I'm the same way. I weigh every day & change my ticker (signature and profile) accordingly.

Hi Rosey, sorry about the pancake fiasco. At least you have a sparkling kitchen.

Hi Barb, where are you going in PA? I live about a half hour from Philly - I could give you good tips for restaurants. About staying in hotels - I bring a stash of food with me when I travel - instant decaf coffee (w sf coffeemate & splenda), glucerna mini-bars, breadsticks, cheesesticks, lo-carb yogurt, sf peanutbutter. There is always a mini-refrig in the room & I can keep the yogurt & cheesesticks in there.

Today, I'm meeting my friend & we're going to the movies to see Elizabeth. I'll probably feel sick (after I take my pills), but I'm going anyway.

Hope we all have a nice Sunday,

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Old 10-14-2007, 07:55 AM   #153  
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Hi Cat,

We were posting at the same time. You sure do have an eye for photography. I love the cemetery photos. Who's the woman in front of the tomb - very attractive.

That appetizer plate looks great.

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Old 10-14-2007, 07:59 AM   #154  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Who's the woman in front of the tomb
Ah, that's me in my funerarial finery. Guess it's better to be the woman in front of the tomb than the ones in it!
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Old 10-14-2007, 09:10 AM   #155  
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Yep CAT . . . Definitely better . . . by at least 100%. Those cemetary photos are gorgeous; it's no wonder you like them. All my relatives are underground with nothing much except those little 'pillow' stones -- the cemetaries don't want big monuments cluttering up the view, or something.

Hope you enjoy the movie, LYNN . . . and feel better, too.

For me, it was a great morning . . . up at 6:30 with a BGL of 5.8 (104) which is the best morning reading I've seen in the better part of two weeks. I have been sleeping until almost 8 am lately, wonder if that has anything to do with it. Maybe I'll have to start setting the alarm -- major bummer for we retired types. Somehow I imagine it has more to do with my sensible eating yesterday.

It's raining off and on again around here and I just finished watching a documentary about Hurricane Hazel, the worst storm that ever hit Toronto. Usually they kind of fizzle out by the time they cross all the land areas before they make it to Southern Ontario. It was October 15, 1954 and I was 11. We lived in the suburbs (where things were comparatively calm compared to downtown areas) and the scariest part for me was the fact that my parents couldn't get home from work downtown and I spent a terrible night, in the dark all by myself thinking that the world was coming to an end.

I realize it was a mere hiccup compared to what New Orleans went through with Katrina and compared to a lot of the storms that hit other parts of the Southern US. Multi-millions in property damage and 82 lives lost was pretty severe for Toronto. Since I moved down here, we get a lot of hurricane tails, but nothing that I remember as vividly as Hazel.

Anyway Golden Girls, hope you all have a great Sunday. See you again soon . . .

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Old 10-14-2007, 09:13 AM   #156  
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Default The Mysterious Beautiful Woman in the Cemetery

Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
Ah, that's me in my funerarial finery. Guess it's better to be the woman in front of the tomb than the ones in it!

I love that photo. Any chance it can be your new Avatar?

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Old 10-14-2007, 10:22 AM   #157  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post

I love that photo. Any chance it can be your new Avatar?

Ask and ye shall recieve. I made it a tad creepier..
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Old 10-14-2007, 11:34 AM   #158  
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Default Irksome morning....

Had a nice evening with N.H. friends last night, slept not so well for some danged reason and woke up this morning feeling like I'd gotten up on the wrong side of the bed or something. DH is just getting on my LAST NERVE for no discernable reason. I mean, he's just being himself, and usually that doesn't bother me a bit (he's painting, drinking coffee, and watching the Ken Burns thousand-DVD set about WWII called "The War". He's had it playing on and off continuously for about three days now - a documentary with people talking about where they were when Pearl Harbor was bombed, when their family got notified that their brother/husband/cousin/nephew, etc. was MIA or KIA...a zillion shots of the concentration camps in Europe, the Japanese camps here in the US, people talking about their experiences, old newsreel clips...and on and on and on. I am interested, of course, as we probably all are to some extent since many or us were born shortly after the war ended and our parents & other family members lived through it, but three day's worth, with him saying just "ahuh" whenever I say anything, pausing the danged thing to go to the bathroom or to eat, racing back and starting it back up REALLY DRIVING ME NUTS! If I thought retirement would be like this, I wouldn't DO it! I'd work until I dropped dead, and that's the truth!
We DID have a nice evening last night, but this morning he was apparently up with the birds, playing that danged documentary again and standing there (or sitting, whatever...) paintbrush in hand, eyes riveted to the computer screen (Our computers are in the studio).
Okay. Enough ranting. I need to do SOMETHING to brighten up this mood...he just went to take a NAP. A NAP! Because he was up at something like 5:30 this morning, painting and watching his documentary!!!!! Auuuurrrgh!
My kids - well DD2 and DD3 and their DH's & two of my grandkids - the soon-to-be 7-year-old girl and the 6-year-old boy are coming over after church for dinner and I'm going to make some more chili since I have some sauce leftover from what I brought last night that wouldn't fit into the crock pot (I made it on the stove) and I'm going to just add to that and make a nice big batch of brown rice. They're bringing a big salad and some fresh bread from the bakery (none of that for me). So, DH will have his nap and be all fresh and chatty...and a good time will be had by all, except that I had BETTER get myself out of this crotchety mood of mine. AND, I'd better get started cooking except I don't feel like doing that, either! Yeah...this is the UGLY side of ole' Z. (Maybe October is bringing out my witchiness!)

So, never mind the above. I really don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I'm coming down with something (like schizoprenia, maybe??? )
The photo album idea sounds like fun, but if it's easier to just post pictures on our intros, I guess that's okay, too. It would be fun to have them all in the same place, though, wouldn't it? Like a rogue's gallery...

Cat, those pictures of the cemetery in N.O. are SO interesting! And yes, you do look quite mysterious standing by that mausoleum - that's what it is, right? PERFECT avatar, considering what month it is and all!

Ahhh, Phyl...many's the time I've had that same thing happen with a perm! I have fine, soft hair, too - a lot of it, but very fine and straight as a stick. I've been letting it grow out over the past couple of years, and just a little of my old perm has stuck with me so that it has a little bit of shape. Looks great when I have it trimmed at the hairdresser's and he blow-dries it, but I can't do that myself. I just wash and wear it. I'm a real klutz with the blow dryer. I DID like that last perm I had, though, and I'd kind of like to do that again, but I'm not quite ready to do it, yet. Oh, have loads of fun bathing-suit shopping! Wish I could come with you - that way, we could keep each other giggling, right?

Hope you're not feeling too sick to enjoy the movie, Lynn - I guess on the plus side, you're dropping a few extra pounds, but not in a really enjoyable way, eh?

Hey, Tee! Hope all is well with you, my dear friend - drop in when you can!

And we KNOW you're having a happy weekend, Jo-annie...floating about on that cloud of yours! I'm so happy for you!

Hiya Lyn...I'm waiting to hear about your wine-tasting tour...sounds like great fun! (Just hoping you don't have a headache this morning...)

Bobbi, Oh please post whenever you have a chance! It's been so good having you back with us!

Hugs to you all , and hope you're enjoying your weekend(s), Karen, LindaDAli, Moxie, Rosey, Gayle, Gail, MaryLynn, Barb....and whomever I have inadvertently left out....PLEASE don't take it personally, I'm just OLD...


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Old 10-14-2007, 11:52 AM   #159  
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Happy Weekend GG’s!

Here’s hoping everyone has such a bright day as we do over here. Finally, it’s cool enough to wear a light jacket in the mornings without a complete meltdown! On the brighter side all of this suffering with Jillian Michaels is starting to encourage me, finally dropped my ticker by 3 pounds. Woohoo!

This time every adult in our house (five of ‘em at last count) attended Zumba with me yesterday morning. Now they’re hardly speaking to me and calling me names… like the Fitness ****. Geez…. Touchy!

For the first time in years every adult in our home has decided they need to eat healthy for one reason or another. Of the most notable reasons other than scale shock includes my DD is now preparing for her first official Muay Thai fight match in a few months and has now gone into training mode. My DS has discovered his caution to the wind approach to smoking & fast food eating have resulted in Reactive Airway Disease (fancy term for asthma symptoms) & is now committed to dropping some weight. To top it all off my DH finally saw his doc & got hard core information regarding his diabetes, it’s far from controlled & the Triglycerides are up to 1200. Last year they hit 1900 & he promptly did a stent in the hospital with Pancreatitis.
So…… I’ve been elected to be the family nutritionist/cook. Yippee.

Hope they all like tuna, oatmeal & lots of simple simple foods.

Now I’ll be seriously looking for good recipes to keep this wild bunch interested in eating right. Picked up a new Weight Watchers cookbook which looks pretty good. Any suggestions would be welcomed!

Zoe! You look fantastic! Yup I’m still doing Zumba, much to the chagrin of my family. If your age wasn’t posted, I would have guessed you to be younger. Don’t worry about being crabby. I have a Dear Dear DH that can make me psychotic with his videos which he turns on full blast & watches all day. Actually I enjoy all of my moods. At my age it’s kind of fun.

Phyllis thank you for the funny about Belinda! That was priceless.

Lynn sorry to hear about you not feeling well. Coupled with dealing with car repairs that can’t be good. Get to feeling better soon! Enjoy the movie!

Cat I’m sorry to hear of your loss & you look wonderful. We had an opportunity to wander through those graveyards a few years ago (pre Katrina… I was wondering how they held up through the flooding) and they were fascinating! You look wonderful & apparently you have a gift for making food look good.

If any of you get Fit TV give some thought to tuning in this afternoon at 3 Eastern (2 Central… right?) for The National Body Challenge/The Skinny on Fat. I saw this program the other day & it was fascinating! For the first time in my career I heard fat being referred to as one more organ in the Endocrine system because it actually secretes hormones all by itself. Creepy but interesting. It tackles the national weight problem without beating us up further. I’m tired of being guilted myself. Just want to fix it.

Hugs to all of you & if I missed you it was not intentional. All take care & have a great day!
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Old 10-14-2007, 05:24 PM   #160  
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I'm flying by again. I was in the process of reading all of the posts that I missed , when a revelation came to me that my house needed a few things tidied up!! So, I'm off to preform some quick intervention!!!

At weigh in last week, I found most of the pounds that I had lost. But I also joined a gym. I've been working out since last Monday. Maybe some of the pounds that I found were because of my body's reacation to weight training. Anyway, I'm trying to do better this week....This Thursday, I hope to report that I have lost weight again.

Here's for this week


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Old 10-14-2007, 06:05 PM   #161  
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Default Frizzledy Perm...

DH made this pic small enough to post here....just HAD to show you how I looked a couple of years back with MY frizzledy perm! This was taken with DD's 2 & 3.

The kids said those glasses were so OUT, too, but guess what...they're back in style! See what happens when you hold onto things long enough???

I think I'm going to do the cut & perm thing again before too long, tho. My hair definitely needs SOMETHING!

Hope everybody's having a terrific day!


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Old 10-14-2007, 08:34 PM   #162  
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Hi Lynn - My hotel is in Willow Grove which I know isn't far from Philly but I have no idea which direction.

Thanks for some good ideas! I do bring protein bars and will usually keep low fat yogurt for breakfast. I may try some munchies too this time. The biggest battle is that when I'm traveling for business, there are usually other people with me so I can't necessarily go where I would prefer, then, when I'm in NY, I always have to feed family too. My mother refuses to eat anything even remotely healthy and my daughter isn't much better. We usually have to do takeout because my mother and daughter are both disabled and it's difficult to transport them both at the same time. Guess I'll hope for the best and try to fit in some exercise while I'm gone.

Hope you enjoyed the movie!
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Old 10-14-2007, 11:23 PM   #163  
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Hi GGs,
I am back at least for occasional posts. Hello to everyone, so nice to hear of the successes and important events.
Working on our cabin every other weekend and keeping up to a 7-year-old GD the alternate weekend has kept me active and busy. My job has become more than full time since the bridge collapsed with no let up in sight.
All of this activity does keep me active but it's also easy to slip into old eating habits when I'm too busy to shop for the right foods or take time out to eat lunch.
I decided to get back to eating the way I was earlier in the summer since I haven't lost anything since August. I guess I should be thankful that I haven't gained. It's odd that my clothes continue to get bigger on me, so there must be something going on with my body. I am sure the fall weather has helped because I am walking more - parking several blocks from my office and walking briskly every day has got to be helping. My goal is to lose at least another 10 lbs. by the end of December, so I am publicly stating that this will happen and I want everyone to hold me to it!
Hope everyone has a good week.

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Old 10-15-2007, 06:22 AM   #164  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
just HAD to show you how I looked a couple of years back with MY frizzledy perm!

Zoe, I like the perm on you! Tres avant garde! (but I also like your "now" hair!)
I have no hair is always curly and frizzly. I use a flat iron on it a few times a year when it is cold and no humidity (and that's not often in S. LA!) So, I usually have it glued down in a twist on the back of my head. I'm beginning to think I'm getting too old to have long hair, but don't know what else to do with it...If I cut it short and quit dyeing it, I'll look like a deranged dandelion!!

Have a great Monday, Everyone!
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Old 10-15-2007, 09:05 AM   #165  
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Good Morning Girls!
I've been keeping up with all the post, just haven't taken the time to respond. We're on our way into town again today (like we've been doing all summer) to finish buying the necessary items for MIL assistant living apartment. We got some great buys at a local furniture department, they had a third floor with discontinued items, close-out and used. We found a 5-piece cherry wood bedroom set for MIL, they also had the same set in Oak. I actually bought the Oak 5 piece bedroom set for myself, $750.00 and free delivery. I also purchased a new Oak computer desk so everything will look new and fresh when we move into our new home. I'm pretty optimistic, aren't I. Gotta run, have to go to post office and get another change of address for MIL and get her phone lined up. We'll be moving her on Wednesday so will have a full week.
Have a great day all you Golden Girls, Bobbi
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