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Old 10-07-2007, 07:27 AM   #61  
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Hey! Good morning!

meowee, I've decided that the TV is what it is. I sent an email to Vizio Tech Support, and I'll see whether they answer. But, my thought is that all that high resolution, etc., is mostly for playing DVDs and not necessarily for viewing broadcasts anyway.

The A/C got fixed quickly because there was one circuit breaker that evidently I hadn't checked... Expensive lesson.

Today I'm starting another round of weight loss. I've been at my goal weight for 3 months, and it's time. The interesting thing is that I'm going to need to burn a couple hundred extra calories a day so that I can keep my intake generally over 1200 cals, and still have enough deficit to reach my goal. Pretty tough! But I think I can do it. We have a pool in my community, so I'm going to add some swimming to my other exercise for variety.

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Old 10-07-2007, 08:19 AM   #62  
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Wow JAY . . . was the breaker for the A/C in a different location? I love circuit breakers because they are so uch easier to cope with than good old fashioned fuses.

Good luck on your efforts, Chickie . . . I know you can do it. Remember that siggie that belonged to somebody at 3FC -- Being Fat is Hard; Losing Weight is Hard; Maintenance is Hard . . . Pick your Hard.

See you later . . .
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Old 10-08-2007, 06:57 AM   #63  
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Good morning!

meowee, the A/C circuit breakers--there are four of them--are all in the same box. I guess I must have tried three of them and not the fourth. But you can bet in the future I'll be flipping each and every one of them, should it happen again.

Yesterday was my first day of restricting calories again (I'm a calorie counter), and by gosh, it is indeed HARD. I felt like I was starving all day! Whew! I must have gotten used to eating more.

I did 20 minutes on the bike instead of 15, and that felt harder, too.

Are any of our posters football fans?

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Old 10-08-2007, 09:14 AM   #64  
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Anyone doing WATP? Until the band broke, we were trying the Express. I found replacement bands yesterday. So....2 miles here I come!!

It's my day off. I'm also going to relax. Everyone have a great day!!

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Old 10-08-2007, 09:32 AM   #65  
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Good Morning everybody . . .

JAY . . . Of course 20 minutes on the bike felt harder than 15 . . . it was. Never fear you'll get used to things again soon, I'm sure.

TRISH . . . I have a couple of her DVDs and, although I definitely think her programmes are great, she drives me nuts, nuts, I tell you. She is just so "chirpy". Maybe I'll try her again with the sound off. Good Luck . . .

Nothing too 'fun' in my plans . . . upset a 16 oz glass of water across my desk this morning and now my printer (it was closest) is going all strange again. Stupid of me - can't even blame it on the cats.

Later, gang . . .
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Old 10-08-2007, 09:35 AM   #66  
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Originally Posted by JayEll View Post
Good morning!

Are any of our posters football fans?

I don't like football at all except for one aspect of it:
It keeps me out of the bar on Monday evening!!!! Which is a good thing!

Football noise is different than any other kind of noise. People who are normally about 10-decibel people turn into 100-decibel people when there's football. I don't get it. Can't they just watch it peacefully???
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Old 10-08-2007, 09:38 AM   #67  
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Hey Spinymouse,

Think "rock concert" rather than "symphony concert." It is certainly an interesting phenomenon.

Glad to hear you are kept out of the bars on Monday night...

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Old 10-08-2007, 09:45 AM   #68  
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Yeah, I don't get the Rock Concert behavior either! Why do people have to screech? And why do they even bother to call them "seats" when no one is sitting?
I recently "saw" Dylan although there was not much "seeing" of him, as I chose to sit during most of the concert.
but I don't like the symphony; what's a mouse to do?
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Old 10-09-2007, 03:34 AM   #69  
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We are San Diego Chargers fans. I like the sound of a football game for background noise. Wierd, I know. I would much rather watch football than a lot of the other junk on TV.
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Old 10-09-2007, 07:18 AM   #70  
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Unfortunately we got too tired and went to bed last night before the miracle happened for the Dallas Cowboys! Darn! Oh well, we'll probably get to see recaps.

Hey! I did ab crunches and some leg raises while watching the game! Seemed like a good opportunity since I didn't go to the fitness center yesterday.

Has anyone here read novels by a Japanese writer named Murakami? In another thread, someone said they were very good. I think I tried to read one of his books but at the time didn't finish it.

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Old 10-09-2007, 09:53 AM   #71  
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Hate to tell you gang . . . my favourite stuff on TV is CARTOONS . . . that's me . . . 64 going on "toddler".
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Old 10-09-2007, 11:23 AM   #72  
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We listened to the Dallas game in the car yesterday. My DH does not like the Cowboys for some reason, so he was all bent out of shape by their win. To each his own. I like Seattle, and the 49ers,too. I'm kind of a west coast kind of gal, I guess, since this is where I have lived all my life. Although no too much into the Raiders - too much "Rock Concert".

I did some ab crunches while sitting in the car, both coming and going on the trip.

Among the stand-outs in the eating department: French apple pie - not a lot because it wasn't really that good. Monterey Jack cheese - too much for snacks and sandwiches. I am a cheese addict. Otherwise, I did watch my portions and choose as healthily as I could. I got some exercise because we took the kids various places that involved walking and carrying the baby. I can really feel the baby carrying in my back and legs. The baby weighs a lot less than the 33 lbs I have lost, so I don't know how I managed to carry all that fat with me all the time.

My DIL has a co-worker on a diet. She said to me that this friend had a kind of sad, boring existance. I am thinking Slim-fast or something like that. So I ask DIL what is her co-worker eating. She says salads, veggies, chicken, whole grains, lots of water and she won't eat any candy or stuff that people bring to work. I was .

One night we got Arby's take-out. I really dislike Arby's so I didn't get any. When we got home I fixed myself a whole plate-full of stuff from the fridge. Asparagus, Apple, Jack cheese (of course), salad. If they had choosen Burger King, I would have had some because I love their burgers.

We bought pears, honey crisp apples, grapes, mineolas at various places we stopped. Hit Costco in Bakersfield as a last stop before heading home to the boonies.

Anyway, the bottom line is that I gained no weight, I did get in some exercise and we had a good time.
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Old 10-09-2007, 08:10 PM   #73  
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I just got back from my walk. 5217 aerobic steps, 2.02 miles and 47 minutes. W00t!!!
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Old 10-09-2007, 09:20 PM   #74  
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Default Yay, Jay!!!

Thanks, JayEll, for another great thread! Count me in, for a # of reasons!

1. It seems the forums are predominently younger..I suppose the demography of the net, and that is fine; I enjoy all the posts. It is just that that "younger metabolism" is a FACT--a fact of nature.. Watch Biggest Loser or any of those, and they are, for the most part, younger...

2. The current over -50 forum is not a fit for me. No disrespect, but I am a YOUNG, ACTIVE 50 something.

3. Gail, bless you, for bringing forward The Omnivore's Dilemma...Isn't Micheal Pollan just so SMART??? Nothing is black and white; everything in the world today is GRAY...or GREY.........whatever.......but just really look forward to some meaningful discussion.

4. It has occurred to me, just in the last few weeks, that I am in the best physical shape of my life!!! Yes! It occurred to me as I walked up the high, high hill next to me that I do every fal(l....and then I dance on top....I went up it for the first time last week and it was so easy, I went back down and walked up it again, and danced some more! Great joy!) And though I have regained 15 to 20 #s of my initial life-changing 80-#- wt. loss, I am in better condition than ever!! At my 50 (frozen there.......I absolutely refuse to claim any years beyond 50) years of age...comes from a summer of dedicated exercise program, just fun--- fun digging, walking, lifting. etc. I will soon be driven inside by the brutal MN winters (hate them, but have lived through 50 -something of them!)

I am really trying to psych myself up for another MN is something we all dread.....all active, over- 50- cold -weather -gals, give me your secret!!
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Old 10-09-2007, 09:20 PM   #75  
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Two miles??? Did you say TWO miles?? And this from someone who, as I recall, didn't think she could do it? Whoa baby!

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