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Old 05-05-2007, 02:28 AM   #46  
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Default Whew

I don't know exactly why, but I couldn't seem to find my way back to this thread! Silly me, now I've got it *marked* as I probably should have done in the first place.

I envy you all with your exercise! I'm just now easing into my routine again after a low back strain. Ouch! Thankfully it's just a strain and is nearly healed now, doc said to proceed with caution and I'm oh-so-ready.

Thanks Cheryl, for the information about night snacking. I have some bad habits to break when it comes to evening eating -- interesting what you said about getting enough protein and fiber during the day, I'll give that a try.

Welcome Rose, you'll love it here...these gals are sweeties!
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Old 05-05-2007, 04:02 AM   #47  
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Saturday again so I weighed myself, no change, a bit disappointing but at least it is the same and I have not gained anything so that is a good thing.
I have done loads in the garden and watched my portions, had loads of salad stuff and still not lost anything, maybe next week I will register a loss. Fingers crossed.

I need to get some salad leaves thinned out today I have lots of lovely lettuce growing and some salad leaves as well and the spinach is ready to be used as well.Then I need to get the Asters planted they are getting too big for the pots they are in. So guess what I will be doing today LOL next week I want to get on top of the housework all this gardening is fine but the flat needs attention as well.

here is my garden.
May 2006

May 2007

We have done a lot this year and have one more project to do and all is finished then we concentrate on growing the veg.
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Old 05-05-2007, 08:06 AM   #48  
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Welcome Rowal

nice yard. We call that an english garden here. So funny. you living there. Really is a nice garden. My yard is so plain! lots of grass and a few flowers here and there.

I use Norton Internet security. It came with my pc. I love it. Never had any problems with this version either. Good luck fixing it. I wish I could help from here. I did uninstall some of the software to use my anti virus. It does not like SPYBOT. I am still using ad-daware with no problems.

If you can copy any info and pics to a cd... You could do a complete restore to your original.
I had to do that recently. The automatic updates can cause their own problems. Some of them cause havoc. but I still get them weekly. The following updates usually fix the problems.
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Old 05-05-2007, 08:25 AM   #49  
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pics of my house. plain, but we like it.
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Old 05-05-2007, 09:08 AM   #50  
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Hi Theresa,
Your house looks so nice! I think that you have it looking great! Thanks for reminding me to post pictures of our house. I've been intending to for a long time and since I'm up and not doing anthing just yet thought I would do it before I forget about it again.
In the picture of the outside of the house the other building that you can barely see is a 4 car garage/storage building. Tim loves that!! He has plans of making at least one bay a workshop.
In the living room where the rocking chair is--- there is now a fireplace that we put in last year. We still have a little bit left on the finish work but we have used the fireplace like crazy this past year. We are hoping to convert it over to gas logs this year.
OK, I hope all you "Golden Girls" have a wonderful day!! I need to get a grocery list made out and get in to the store before out nasty thunderstorms hit this afternoon.
Have a good day and I'll chat more later with everyone. Karen

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Old 05-05-2007, 09:43 AM   #51  
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Good Morning Ladies and happy Cinco De Mayo. Boy would I like a Margarita. Hey wait, it's only 8:45 in the morning. Oh well, I won't be getting one later in the day either

Yesterday went OK. I got some much needed yard work done. We have A LOT of Rose of Sharon bushes around the fence in the back yard. I really don't like them and they look more like trees because they are so tall. The leaves and flowers are too high and they don't really do much good to help with the privacy. I cut them off to about my height so they could hopefully bush out at the bottom. They multiply like rabbits so I cut off the babies too. I'm going to the nursery today to get some plants to put in the flower boxes and in the pots that hang on the fence. I think I'll also get some seed to plant in the garden. I'm going to plant carrots and lettuce and onions soon and then I'll go back later when it get warmer and get the tomato and pepper plants. I still have to dig up the raised beds and divide them into sq. ft. so I can try the sq. ft gardening this year. I'll plant the second raised bed with green beans like I did last year. They did very well and we love fresh picked beans in the summer.

Phyllis- Have a nice time on your getaway this weekend. Keep up the . Getting into smaller clothing is so much fun!

Cheryl- Thanks for sharing the neck exercises. I will definitely give them a try.

Rose- I look forward to getting to know you better. This is a very friendly group of Golden Girls!!
I'm not sure what to tell you about your night time snacking. Maybe you should have a good meal before you go to work to help fill you up. Depending on what time you go to bed, 10 seems a little late to be eating a large amount. Perhaps you could try having a yogurt or some fresh fruit when you get home. They key is to have only healthy stuff in the house to eat so even if you do splurge it's not as bad as if you are eating a cake. When you feel like eating come here and post about it. Maybe writing it down will remind you that you shouldn't be doing it. Drink your water. Sometimes you think you're hungry and you are really only thirsty. Of course you don't want to be up all night going to the bathroom either.
I admire you for waiting tables. That really seems like a hard job. I don't think I could do it. And the pay doesn't sound that great unless you can get some good tippers.

Joanne- Take it easy. You're arms will get more used to the exercises and you will be able to do your exercises all day long.

Lynn- Your day yesterday sounds nice. I've been to NYC 2 times and enjoyed it. We always make fun of the taxi drivers. BEEP, BEEP, I MEAN BUSINESS!!!
Riding lessons? I'm not a horse person so there will never be riding lessons for me. Good Luck!!

Bobbi- My SIL is a computer tech so he does all my computer maintenance. All I have to do is make sure I have a beer or 2 for him when he's done. He installed Avira AntiVir around January I think. I am such a computer dummy I really can't help you on this one. I do know he downloaded it from the computer and I didn't have to pay for it. It does daily updates.

Vicky- back.

Wulfcwen- You yard looks so nice. That is what I want. Lots of green stuff growing that's not weeds. I always tell my Hubby I want it to look like an English Garden. When we finally get things growing I'll have to post some photos.

Theresa- Your house looks very nice. All your really need is a couple flowers here and there and you will be set. You can change it every year to fit your mood.

Karen- My hubby would kill for a 4 car garage. Our little 2 car just isn't working out. We do have plans on building anew one maybe this summer.
You make me so jealous. I want a fireplace so bad. The way or living room is laid out we can't have one in there at all. I really want to add on to the house and have a family room with a fireplace and then put a master suite upstairs. Heck we could even put a fireplace in it. Wouldn't that be romantic??? BTW, you have a lovely home.

OH MY! I've been sitting here for almost an hour reading and writing. It's getting closer and closer to Margarita time!!! Time to get my shower. When Ron's gone I just don't stay on a schedule. He should go on motorcycle trips more often.
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Old 05-05-2007, 09:58 AM   #52  
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Default Red Hat Group

I thought I would post a photo of my red hat group. This group has changed a little. This picture was taken a couple years ago. Some have gone and some have joined since this photo. I am the one on the far right with the white Capri's on sitting in the chair. My oldest daughter is the one in the front row center pink sun visor on. She has her eyes closed. My youngest daughter is in the back row. She's the second from the right with the pink hat on. She's the skinny one of the family.

Our group had red hatters, 50 and older and pink hatters, under 50.
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Old 05-05-2007, 04:03 PM   #53  
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Happy Saturday to all the GOLDEN GIRLS!!!! We are off to see George Carlin tonight (my fun part of the challenge for today!!) Glad to see everyone is doing well and I love all the pictures that you guys are posting - its so nice to see glimpses into our lives -- of course I am too lazy to get my act together and post something -- someday soon though.

Rose -

Cheryl - luckily I only live with my sweetie and he is one of those horrid people that only eats to live ( ), but the few treats he does indulge in he keeps down in Manland out of my sight -- in fact he even keeps a couple of my treats down there and I have to request them. For me out of sight out of mind.

Lynn - that is so cool about the riding lessons -- now I am definitely jealous!!!

Bobbi - blech on dealing with anti-virus. We have a fairly straight forward one that came with our cable subscriber -- they guarantee it and its pretty user friendly. I personally am not a fan of Norton.

- welcome back - glad you found us again

Wulfcwen - I would love to do more containers like you have -- and getting rid of the grass is so much easier. I paved over my grassed area last year after my dog passed away -- I only had it for her and this will keep me from replacing her (method to my madness LOL)

Theresa & Karen - love seeing the house pictures.

Paula - Thanks I hope you are right about getting used to the weights -- actually I know you are but it always helps to see encouragement. You are so energetic with all your gardening and sewing you deserve a margarita Love the picture of the Red Hats - you have a lot of pink hats don't you? I guess because my mom's group meets during the day most of the ladies are retired.

Happy weekend everyone
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Old 05-05-2007, 05:23 PM   #54  
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Hello All!
I couldn't believe that I didn't post a picture of my kitchen! I was so happy to finally get a kitchen that you can move around in!! Thanks Jayjay and Paula for the compliments on the house. We really fell in love with it when we looked at it 2 years ago--- we just didn't figure on Tim losing his job. BUT I know things will all work out for the best.

Can you believe it??? My hummingbirds are back and it is snowing like crazy right now!! I went ahead and put some food out for them so they can have something to eat and hopefully stay warm. Crazy Colorado weather!!

Well, just wanted to pop in and say Hello! Sure hope everyone is having a good weekend. Karen

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Old 05-05-2007, 06:17 PM   #55  
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I'm back from buying my flowers and plants. I still have a lot to get, but I just couldn't decide what I wanted. I got most of the stuff for around the tree. They didn't have the one plant so I guess I'll have to order it from Spring Hill. I'll post a picture that is in the catalog of what it will look like when everything gets growing. Hopefully it will look like this anyway. I got a lot of veggies and seeds to plant. I have to get my raised beds read to plant. I think that will be tomorrow. I should have had the lettuce, catrrot and onions in already. Oh well, It shold be OK. I think I'll go to WalMart and KMart and see what kind of plants they have for the window boxes. I would like to get them all planted before Ron gets home from his trip tomorrow.

Joanne- I don't really lift weights unless it's on the exercise show on TV. I have a pair of small weights. I'm not even sure what weight they are. I don't really think I'm all that energitic. I won't be getting a Margarita today. We ate at an Italian restaurant that doesn't even serve beer so no alcohol for me today unless I break out a wine cooler later this evening.

Karen- I love your kitchen. We built a home about 10 years ago before everyone left home. Your kitchen reminds me of that home. We had light pine cupboards. Our floor tine was a dark gfreen with gold accents. I loved that house. It was a 4 bedroom home on 2 acres. When it was just 2 of us we decided to move to a much smaller 2 bedroom home. I really miss my fireplace. I said I wouldn't buy a house without a fireplace, but we fell in love with this house so we bought it.

Well, I think I'll run to Walmart and kmart to see what they have. See everyone later.
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:38 PM   #56  
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Hi Wulfcwen - thanks for sharing the great photos

Hi Theresa - my problem is that Internet Explorer has some kind of security setting that is not allowing me to download stuff. I just need to buy the software & do it the "old fashioned" way. Thank you for sharing your photos with us.

Hi Karen - are you on trip? Back from trip? Thanks for sharing your photos. SNOWING!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!

Hi Paula - How were those Margaritas? I enjoyed the Red Hat ladies photo.

Hi Joanne - I LOVE George Carlin - was he funny?

Hi Everyone Else

Last night was my Little Sister's First Communion - I was her "padrina." (I think I'm spelling that correctly.) I think it's kind of like a "godmother" for first communion. At any rate, I got to buy the outfit and the accessories. She looked really cute. If I can find the directions for posting photos, I'll post a photo of her.

Today was my "grading papers" day - I'm almost finished.

Tomorrow is the gym & then a doctor's appointment. I'm pretty sure he's going to put me on meds for the diabetes. Despite my eating much better, my average blood sugar number went up. Plus, my daily numbers are REALLY high 150-300.

I'm looking forward to Tuesday - my riding lesson. I dug out my riding boots - first time I will have worn them in around 5 years! One boot was in one closet & one in the other. I went on E-Bay and put a bid on boots for my Little Sister. As soon as she gets out of school, she can accompany me on this adventure.

Hope we all have a happy and healthy Sunday,

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Old 05-06-2007, 06:14 PM   #57  
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Default Luz's First Communion

OK - I found the directions Karen sent me a while ago. Thank you again, Karen.

Below are photos of the First Communion.
The 2nd photo is of the both of us.

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Old 05-06-2007, 06:21 PM   #58  
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Hello everyone.
No we haven't left yet to go back East. We are still getting things ready.. It is like packing up a 1 bedroom apartment to go with you. We did have a couple come and look at the 5th. wheel last week but they never called or came back. We have been waiting to load everything into it in case someone did buy it before we left. But this was the last week that we ran the ad so we will just use it this year again and then advertise again when we get back home.

I don't know of many men that wouldn't love that BIG garage.. I know Tim loves having it for all his "toys" We have 5 acres here and he bought a small Kubota tractor to help with snow removal and also when things get settled again some more excavating. We also bought a small boat several years ago at a garage sale. It was needing some work but we got a good deal on it. So he has been restoring that too. So nice to be able to work inside and not move vehicles around to get to what he wants. We have the 2 car attached garage on the house so that is where we keep our car and truck.

Thanks all of you for the nice comments about our house. I'm just hoping that things work out good and we won't have to sell it!!

Paula the picture of your red hats looks so nice.. I really do think I will try to check in on some chapters here when we get back. We're still hoping to go here before the end of the month.. I just hope the tornado's slow down before we have to cross Kansas~~ We go right through Greensburg on our way to my Dad's in MO.

It's still been snowing off and on all day here today... It is melting as soon as hits the ground but I'm still tired of it!!! This morning when we got up it was 22 degrees!! BRRRRR!!!

Hi Rose--- my oldest son is also handicapped.. He had 5 grand-mall seizures in 5 hours when he was 16 months old. He is now 34. He doesn't talk at all and when he was about 12 he had a stroke that left his left side partially paralyzed and he is in a wheel chair now. After he got so big that I wasn't able to really take care of him as he deserved we decided to place him in a group home. At that time it was called the Martin Luther Homes, now they are Mosaic. But he lives about an hour from here in a duplex with 2 other guys and on the other side there are 3 women. They have people there with them 24 hours a day and it is wonderful. They do so much with him that I would be scared to do!!! Like swimming twice a week and they have a day program through Goodwill that he attends everyday. We bring him home whenever we want and always at Christmas and Thanksgiving. I wasn't to sure about placing him in a home but it was really a good thing for him and for us.
Anyway--- Welcome to our group and I know you will love it here!!

Hey where is everyone?? Must be a busy weekend for those who aren't having snow!!!

I'd better get busy and get some stuff done here-- I was lazy and watched the NASCAR race this afternoon so now it is catch up time!! Karen
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Old 05-06-2007, 06:24 PM   #59  
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Hey Lynn!! We must have been posting at the same time!!! The pictures are great!! You look very proud and her dress was BEAUTIFUL!!!! Karen
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Old 05-06-2007, 06:34 PM   #60  
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I've been busy digging and weeding. I got the flower boxes planted. They look nice. I can't wait for them to fill in. I went again today to a different nursery to see what they had. I bought more stuff today to finish the flower boxes and to put around the tree in the front yard.

Since Ron wasn't home yet my skinny daughter and I went to Olive Garden. Have any of you tried the new potato crusted chicken and Pasta? It was YUMMY! I ate half and brought half home. I 2 helpings of the salad and since I didn't get to have a Margarita last night I got a very berry margarita tonight. It was sooooo good.

Lynn- Good luck at the Dr. tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.
I love the photos. You and you little sister look so happy.

Karen- You are sitting watching the snow fall and I'm out getting sunburn. I sure hope it doesn't get cold here again for a long time.
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